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feat: port GroupTheory.Divisible (#2149)
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Ruben-VandeVelde committed Feb 8, 2023
1 parent b2590af commit 9ec2a6f
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -639,6 +639,7 @@ import Mathlib.Dynamics.PeriodicPts
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Archimedean
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Congruence
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Coset
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Divisible
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.DoubleCoset
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.EckmannHilton
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.FreeGroup
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287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Divisible.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module group_theory.divisible
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 0a0ec35061ed9960bf0e7ffb0335f44447b58977
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Pointwise
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.QuotientGroup
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Pi

# Divisible Group and rootable group
In this file, we define a divisible add monoid and a rootable monoid with some basic properties.
## Main definition
* `DivisibleBy A α`: An additive monoid `A` is said to be divisible by `α` iff for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α`
and `y ∈ A`, there is an `x ∈ A` such that `n • x = y`. In this file, we adopt a constructive
approach, i.e. we ask for an explicit `div : A → α → A` function such that `div a 0 = 0` and
`n • div a n = a` for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α`.
* `RootableBy A α`: A monoid `A` is said to be rootable by `α` iff for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α` and `y ∈ A`,
there is an `x ∈ A` such that `x^n = y`. In this file, we adopt a constructive approach, i.e. we
ask for an explicit `root : A → α → A` function such that `root a 0 = 1` and `(root a n)ⁿ = a` for
all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α`.
## Main results
For additive monoids and groups:
* `divisibleByOfSMulRightSurj` : the constructive definition of divisiblity is implied by
the condition that `n • x = a` has solutions for all `n ≠ 0` and `a ∈ A`.
* `smul_right_surj_of_divisibleBy` : the constructive definition of divisiblity implies
the condition that `n • x = a` has solutions for all `n ≠ 0` and `a ∈ A`.
* `Prod.divisibleBy` : `A × B` is divisible for any two divisible additive monoids.
* `Pi.divisibleBy` : any product of divisble additive monoids is divisible.
* `AddGroup.divisibleByIntOfDivisibleByNat` : for additive groups, int divisiblity is implied
by nat divisiblity.
* `AddGroup.divisibleByNatOfDivisibleByInt` : for additive groups, nat divisiblity is implied
by int divisiblity.
* `AddCommGroup.divisibleByIntOfSmulTopEqTop`: the constructive definition of divisiblity
is implied by the condition that `n • A = A` for all `n ≠ 0`.
* `AddCommGroup.smul_top_eq_top_of_divisibleBy_int`: the constructive definition of divisiblity
implies the condition that `n • A = A` for all `n ≠ 0`.
* `divisibleByIntOfCharZero` : any field of characteristic zero is divisible.
* `QuotientAddGroup.divisibleBy` : quotient group of divisible group is divisible.
* `Function.Surjective.divisibleBy` : if `A` is divisible and `A →+ B` is surjective, then `B`
is divisible.
and their multiplicative counterparts:
* `rootableByOfPowLeftSurj` : the constructive definition of rootablity is implied by the
condition that `xⁿ = y` has solutions for all `n ≠ 0` and `a ∈ A`.
* `pow_left_surj_of_rootableBy` : the constructive definition of rootablity implies the
condition that `xⁿ = y` has solutions for all `n ≠ 0` and `a ∈ A`.
* `Prod.rootableBy` : any product of two rootable monoids is rootable.
* `Pi.rootableBy` : any product of rootable monoids is rootable.
* `Group.rootableByIntOfRootableByNat` : in groups, int rootablity is implied by nat
* `Group.rootableByNatOfRootableByInt` : in groups, nat rootablity is implied by int
* `QuotientGroup.rootableBy` : quotient group of rootable group is rootable.
* `Function.Surjective.rootableBy` : if `A` is rootable and `A →* B` is surjective, then `B` is
TODO: Show that divisibility implies injectivity in the category of `AddCommGroup`.

open Pointwise

section AddMonoid

variable (A α : Type _) [AddMonoid A] [SMul α A] [Zero α]

An `AddMonoid A` is `α`-divisible iff `n • x = a` has a solution for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α` and `a ∈ A`.
Here we adopt a constructive approach where we ask an explicit `div : A → α → A` function such that
* `div a 0 = 0` for all `a ∈ A`
* `n • div a n = a` for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α` and `a ∈ A`.
class DivisibleBy where
div : A → α → A
div_zero : ∀ a, div a 0 = 0
div_cancel : ∀ {n : α} (a : A), n ≠ 0 → n • div a n = a
#align divisible_by DivisibleBy

end AddMonoid

section Monoid

variable (A α : Type _) [Monoid A] [Pow A α] [Zero α]

/-- A `Monoid A` is `α`-rootable iff `xⁿ = a` has a solution for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α` and `a ∈ A`.
Here we adopt a constructive approach where we ask an explicit `root : A → α → A` function such that
* `root a 0 = 1` for all `a ∈ A`
* `(root a n)ⁿ = a` for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ α` and `a ∈ A`.
class RootableBy where
root : A → α → A
root_zero : ∀ a, root a 0 = 1
root_cancel : ∀ {n : α} (a : A), n ≠ 0 → root a n ^ n = a
#align rootable_by RootableBy

@[to_additive smul_right_surj_of_divisibleBy]
theorem pow_left_surj_of_rootableBy [RootableBy A α] {n : α} (hn : n ≠ 0) :
Function.Surjective (fun a => a ^ n : A → A) := fun x =>
⟨RootableBy.root x n, RootableBy.root_cancel _ hn⟩
#align pow_left_surj_of_rootable_by pow_left_surj_of_rootableBy
#align smul_right_surj_of_divisible_by smul_right_surj_of_divisibleBy

A `Monoid A` is `α`-rootable iff the `pow _ n` function is surjective, i.e. the constructive version
implies the textbook approach.
@[to_additive divisibleByOfSMulRightSurj
"An `AddMonoid A` is `α`-divisible iff `n • _` is a surjective function, i.e. the constructive
version implies the textbook approach."]
noncomputable def rootableByOfPowLeftSurj
(H : ∀ {n : α}, n ≠ 0 → Function.Surjective (fun a => a ^ n : A → A)) : RootableBy A α where
root a n := @dite _ (n = 0) (Classical.dec _) (fun _ => (1 : A)) fun hn => (H hn a).choose
root_zero _ := by classical exact dif_pos rfl
root_cancel a hn := by
dsimp only
rw [dif_neg hn]
exact (H hn a).choose_spec
#align rootable_by_of_pow_left_surj rootableByOfPowLeftSurj
#align divisible_by_of_smul_right_surj divisibleByOfSMulRightSurj

section Pi

variable {ι β : Type _} (B : ι → Type _) [∀ i : ι, Pow (B i) β]

variable [Zero β] [∀ i : ι, Monoid (B i)] [∀ i, RootableBy (B i) β]

instance Pi.rootableBy : RootableBy (∀ i, B i) β where
root x n i := RootableBy.root (x i) n
root_zero _x := funext fun _i => RootableBy.root_zero _
root_cancel _x hn := funext fun _i => RootableBy.root_cancel _ hn
#align pi.rootable_by Pi.rootableBy
#align pi.divisible_by Pi.divisibleBy

end Pi

section Prod

variable {β B B' : Type _} [Pow B β] [Pow B' β]

variable [Zero β] [Monoid B] [Monoid B'] [RootableBy B β] [RootableBy B' β]

instance Prod.rootableBy : RootableBy (B × B') β where
root p n := (RootableBy.root p.1 n, RootableBy.root p.2 n)
root_zero _p := Prod.ext (RootableBy.root_zero _) (RootableBy.root_zero _)
root_cancel _p hn := Prod.ext (RootableBy.root_cancel _ hn) (RootableBy.root_cancel _ hn)
#align prod.rootable_by Prod.rootableBy
#align prod.divisible_by Prod.divisibleBy

end Prod

end Monoid

namespace AddCommGroup

variable (A : Type _) [AddCommGroup A]

theorem smul_top_eq_top_of_divisibleBy_int [DivisibleBy A ℤ] {n : ℤ} (hn : n ≠ 0) :
n • (⊤ : AddSubgroup A) = ⊤ :=
AddSubgroup.map_top_of_surjective _ fun a => ⟨DivisibleBy.div a n, DivisibleBy.div_cancel _ hn⟩
#align add_comm_group.smul_top_eq_top_of_divisible_by_int AddCommGroup.smul_top_eq_top_of_divisibleBy_int

/-- If for all `n ≠ 0 ∈ ℤ`, `n • A = A`, then `A` is divisible.
noncomputable def divisibleByIntOfSmulTopEqTop
(H : ∀ {n : ℤ} (_hn : n ≠ 0), n • (⊤ : AddSubgroup A) = ⊤) : DivisibleBy A ℤ where
div a n :=
if hn : n = 0 then 0 else (show a ∈ n • (⊤ : AddSubgroup A) by rw [H hn]; trivial).choose
div_zero a := dif_pos rfl
div_cancel a hn := by
simp_rw [dif_neg hn]
generalize_proofs h1
exact h1.choose_spec.2
#align add_comm_group.divisible_by_int_of_smul_top_eq_top AddCommGroup.divisibleByIntOfSmulTopEqTop

end AddCommGroup

instance (priority := 100) divisibleByIntOfCharZero {𝕜} [DivisionRing 𝕜] [CharZero 𝕜] :
DivisibleBy 𝕜 ℤ where
div q n := q / n
div_zero q := by norm_num
div_cancel {n} q hn := by
rw [zsmul_eq_mul, (Int.cast_commute n _).eq, div_mul_cancel q (Int.cast_ne_zero.mpr hn)]
#align divisible_by_int_of_char_zero divisibleByIntOfCharZero

namespace Group

variable (A : Type _) [Group A]

open Int in
/-- A group is `ℤ`-rootable if it is `ℕ`-rootable.
@[to_additive "An additive group is `ℤ`-divisible if it is `ℕ`-divisible."]
def rootableByIntOfRootableByNat [RootableBy A ℕ] : RootableBy A ℤ where
root a z :=
match z with
| (n : ℕ) => RootableBy.root a n
| -[n+1] => (RootableBy.root a (n + 1))⁻¹
root_zero a := RootableBy.root_zero a
root_cancel {n} a hn := by
induction n
· change RootableBy.root a _ ^ _ = a
rw [RootableBy.root_cancel]
rw [Int.ofNat_eq_coe] at hn
exact_mod_cast hn
· change (RootableBy.root a _)⁻¹ ^ _ = a
rw [RootableBy.root_cancel]
#align group.rootable_by_int_of_rootable_by_nat Group.rootableByIntOfRootableByNat
#align add_group.divisible_by_int_of_divisible_by_nat AddGroup.divisibleByIntOfDivisibleByNat

/-- A group is `ℕ`-rootable if it is `ℤ`-rootable
@[to_additive "An additive group is `ℕ`-divisible if it `ℤ`-divisible."]
def rootableByNatOfRootableByInt [RootableBy A ℤ] : RootableBy A ℕ where
root a n := RootableBy.root a (n : ℤ)
root_zero a := RootableBy.root_zero a
root_cancel {n} a hn := by
-- Porting note: replaced `norm_num`
simpa only [zpow_coe_nat] using RootableBy.root_cancel a (show (n : ℤ) ≠ 0 by exact_mod_cast hn)
#align group.rootable_by_nat_of_rootable_by_int Group.rootableByNatOfRootableByInt
#align add_group.divisible_by_nat_of_divisible_by_int AddGroup.divisibleByNatOfDivisibleByInt

end Group

section Hom

-- Porting note: reordered variables to fix `to_additive` on `QuotientGroup.rootableBy`
variable {A B α : Type _}

variable [Zero α] [Monoid A] [Monoid B] [Pow A α] [Pow B α] [RootableBy A α]

variable (f : A → B)

If `f : A → B` is a surjective homomorphism and `A` is `α`-rootable, then `B` is also `α`-rootable.
"If `f : A → B` is a surjective homomorphism and `A` is `α`-divisible, then `B` is also
noncomputable def Function.Surjective.rootableBy (hf : Function.Surjective f)
(hpow : ∀ (a : A) (n : α), f (a ^ n) = f a ^ n) : RootableBy B α :=
rootableByOfPowLeftSurj _ _ fun {n} hn x =>
let ⟨y, hy⟩ := hf x
⟨f <| RootableBy.root y n,
(by rw [← hpow (RootableBy.root y n) n, RootableBy.root_cancel _ hn, hy] : _ ^ n = x)⟩
#align function.surjective.rootable_by Function.Surjective.rootableByₓ
#align function.surjective.divisible_by Function.Surjective.divisibleByₓ

@[to_additive DivisibleBy.surjective_smul]
theorem RootableBy.surjective_pow (A α : Type _) [Monoid A] [Pow A α] [Zero α] [RootableBy A α]
{n : α} (hn : n ≠ 0) : Function.Surjective fun a : A => a ^ n := fun a =>
⟨RootableBy.root a n, RootableBy.root_cancel a hn⟩
#align rootable_by.surjective_pow RootableBy.surjective_pow
#align divisible_by.surjective_smul DivisibleBy.surjective_smul

end Hom

section Quotient

variable (α : Type _) {A : Type _} [CommGroup A] (B : Subgroup A)

/-- Any quotient group of a rootable group is rootable. -/
@[to_additive "Any quotient group of a divisible group is divisible"]
noncomputable instance QuotientGroup.rootableBy [RootableBy A ℕ] : RootableBy (A ⧸ B) ℕ :=
QuotientGroup.mk_surjective.rootableBy _ fun _ _ => rfl
#align quotient_group.rootable_by QuotientGroup.rootableBy
#align quotient_add_group.divisible_by QuotientAddGroup.divisibleBy

end Quotient
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/ToAdditive.lean
Expand Up @@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ def nameDict : String → List String
| "prehaar" => ["add", "Prehaar"]
| "unit" => ["add", "Unit"]
| "units" => ["add", "Units"]
| "rootable" => ["divisible"]
| x => [x]

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