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feat: the shift on the category of triangles (#6688)
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If a preadditive category `C` is equipped with a shift by the integers, then the category of triangles in `C` is also equipped with a shift.
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joelriou authored and kodyvajjha committed Sep 22, 2023
1 parent 5883d16 commit 9fae027
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Showing 4 changed files with 179 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1204,6 +1204,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Thin
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Pretriangulated
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Rotate
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.TriangleShift
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Triangulated
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Types
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.UnivLE
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -572,8 +572,13 @@ lemma shiftFunctorComm_eq (i j k : A) (h : i + j = k) :
#align category_theory.shift_functor_comm_eq CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorComm_eq

lemma shiftFunctorComm_eq_refl (i : A) :
shiftFunctorComm C i i = Iso.refl _ := by
rw [shiftFunctorComm_eq C i i (i + i) rfl, Iso.symm_self_id]

lemma shiftFunctorComm_symm (i j : A) :
(shiftFunctorComm C i j).symm = shiftFunctorComm C j i := by
(shiftFunctorComm C i j).symm = shiftFunctorComm C j i := by
rw [shiftFunctorComm_eq C i j (i+j) rfl, shiftFunctorComm_eq C j i (i+j) (add_comm j i)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,6 +634,12 @@ lemma shiftFunctorZero_inv_app_shift (n : A) :
rw [Functor.map_id]
#align category_theory.shift_functor_zero_inv_app_shift CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorZero_inv_app_shift

lemma shiftFunctorComm_zero_hom_app (a : A) :
(shiftFunctorComm C a 0) X =
(shiftFunctorZero C A) (X⟦a⟧) ≫ ((shiftFunctorZero C A) X)⟦a⟧' := by
simp only [shiftFunctorZero_hom_app_shift, Category.assoc, ← Functor.map_comp,
Iso.hom_inv_id_app, Functor.map_id, Functor.comp_obj, Category.comp_id]

lemma shiftFunctorComm_hom_app_comp_shift_shiftFunctorAdd_hom_app (m₁ m₂ m₃ : A) (X : C) :
(shiftFunctorComm C m₁ (m₂ + m₃)) X ≫
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Triangulated/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,4 +192,11 @@ def Triangle.isoMk (A B : Triangle C)
Functor.map_id, Category.comp_id])
#align category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle.iso_mk CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.Triangle.isoMk

lemma Triangle.eqToHom_hom₁ {A B : Triangle C} (h : A = B) :
(eqToHom h).hom₁ = eqToHom (by subst h; rfl) := by subst h; rfl
lemma Triangle.eqToHom_hom₂ {A B : Triangle C} (h : A = B) :
(eqToHom h).hom₂ = eqToHom (by subst h; rfl) := by subst h; rfl
lemma Triangle.eqToHom_hom₃ {A B : Triangle C} (h : A = B) :
(eqToHom h).hom₃ = eqToHom (by subst h; rfl) := by subst h; rfl

end CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Triangulated/TriangleShift.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Rotate
import Mathlib.Algebra.GroupPower.NegOnePow

# The shift on the category of triangles
In this file, it is shown that if `C` is a preadditive category with
a shift by `ℤ`, then the category of triangles `Triangle C` is also
endowed with a shift. We also show that rotating triangles three times
identifies with the shift by `1`.
The shift on the category of triangles was also obtained by Adam Topaz,
Johan Commelin and Andrew Yang during the Liquid Tensor Experiment.

universe v u

namespace CategoryTheory

open Category Preadditive

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C] [Preadditive C] [HasShift C ℤ]
[∀ (n : ℤ), (CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor C n).Additive]

namespace Pretriangulated

attribute [local simp] Triangle.eqToHom_hom₁ Triangle.eqToHom_hom₂ Triangle.eqToHom_hom₃
shiftFunctorAdd_zero_add_hom_app shiftFunctorAdd_add_zero_hom_app
shiftFunctorAdd'_eq_shiftFunctorAdd shift_shiftFunctorCompIsoId_inv_app

/-- The shift functor `Triangle C ⥤ Triangle C` by `n : ℤ` sends a triangle
to the triangle obtained by shifting the objects by `n` in `C` and by
multiplying the three morphisms by `(-1)^n`. -/
noncomputable def Triangle.shiftFunctor (n : ℤ) : Triangle C ⥤ Triangle C where
obj T := (n.negOnePow • T.mor₁⟦n⟧') (n.negOnePow • T.mor₂⟦n⟧')
(n.negOnePow • T.mor₃⟦n⟧' ≫ (shiftFunctorComm C 1 n) T.obj₁)
map f :=
{ hom₁ := f.hom₁⟦n⟧'
hom₂ := f.hom₂⟦n⟧'
hom₃ := f.hom₃⟦n⟧'
comm₁ := by
simp only [zsmul_comp, comp_zsmul, ← Functor.map_comp, f.comm₁]
comm₂ := by
simp only [zsmul_comp, comp_zsmul, ← Functor.map_comp, f.comm₂]
comm₃ := by
rw [zsmul_comp, comp_zsmul, ← Functor.map_comp_assoc, ← f.comm₃,
Functor.map_comp, assoc, assoc]
erw [(shiftFunctorComm C 1 n).hom.naturality]
rfl }

/-- The canonical isomorphism `Triangle.shiftFunctor C 0 ≅ 𝟭 (Triangle C)`. -/
noncomputable def Triangle.shiftFunctorZero : Triangle.shiftFunctor C 0 ≅ 𝟭 _ :=
(fun T => Triangle.isoMk _ _ ((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorZero C ℤ).app _)
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorZero C ℤ).app _) ((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorZero C ℤ).app _)
(by aesop_cat) (by aesop_cat) (by
simp only [one_zsmul, assoc, shiftFunctorComm_zero_hom_app,
← Functor.map_comp, Iso.inv_hom_id_app, Functor.id_obj, Functor.map_id,
comp_id, NatTrans.naturality, Functor.id_map]))
(by aesop_cat)

/-- The canonical isomorphism
`Triangle.shiftFunctor C n ≅ Triangle.shiftFunctor C a ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C b`
when `a + b = n`. -/
noncomputable def Triangle.shiftFunctorAdd' (a b n : ℤ) (h : a + b = n) :
Triangle.shiftFunctor C n ≅ Triangle.shiftFunctor C a ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C b :=
(fun T => Triangle.isoMk _ _
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd' C a b n h).app _)
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd' C a b n h).app _)
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd' C a b n h).app _)
subst h
rw [zsmul_comp, NatTrans.naturality, comp_zsmul, Functor.comp_map, Functor.map_zsmul,
comp_zsmul, smul_smul, Int.negOnePow_add, mul_comm])
subst h
rw [zsmul_comp, NatTrans.naturality, comp_zsmul, Functor.comp_map, Functor.map_zsmul,
comp_zsmul, smul_smul, Int.negOnePow_add, mul_comm])
subst h
rw [zsmul_comp, comp_zsmul, Functor.map_zsmul, zsmul_comp, comp_zsmul, smul_smul,
assoc, Functor.map_comp, assoc]
erw [← NatTrans.naturality_assoc]
simp only [shiftFunctorAdd'_eq_shiftFunctorAdd, Int.negOnePow_add,
shiftFunctorComm_hom_app_comp_shift_shiftFunctorAdd_hom_app, add_comm a]))
(by aesop_cat)

/-- Rotating triangles three times identifies with the shift by `1`. -/
noncomputable def rotateRotateRotateIso :
rotate C ⋙ rotate C ⋙ rotate C ≅ Triangle.shiftFunctor C 1 :=
(fun T => Triangle.isoMk _ _ (Iso.refl _) (Iso.refl _) (Iso.refl _)
(by aesop_cat) (by aesop_cat) (by aesop_cat))
(by aesop_cat)

/-- Rotating triangles three times backwards identifies with the shift by `-1`. -/
noncomputable def invRotateInvRotateInvRotateIso :
invRotate C ⋙ invRotate C ⋙ invRotate C ≅ Triangle.shiftFunctor C (-1) :=
(fun T => Triangle.isoMk _ _ (Iso.refl _) (Iso.refl _) (Iso.refl _)
(by aesop_cat)
(by aesop_cat)
dsimp [shiftFunctorCompIsoId]
simp [shiftFunctorComm_eq C _ _ _ (add_neg_self (1 : ℤ))]))
(by aesop_cat)

/-- The inverse of the rotation of triangles can be expressed using a double
rotation and the shift by `-1`. -/
noncomputable def invRotateIsoRotateRotateShiftFunctorNegOne :
invRotate C ≅ rotate C ⋙ rotate C ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C (-1) :=
invRotate C ≅ invRotate C ⋙ 𝟭 _ := (Functor.rightUnitor _).symm
_ ≅ invRotate C ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C 0 :=
isoWhiskerLeft _ (Triangle.shiftFunctorZero C).symm
_ ≅ invRotate C ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C 1 ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C (-1) :=
isoWhiskerLeft _ (Triangle.shiftFunctorAdd' C 1 (-1) 0 (add_neg_self 1))
_ ≅ invRotate C ⋙ (rotate C ⋙ rotate C ⋙ rotate C) ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C (-1) :=
isoWhiskerLeft _ (isoWhiskerRight (rotateRotateRotateIso C).symm _)
_ ≅ (invRotate C ⋙ rotate C) ⋙ rotate C ⋙ rotate C ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C (-1) :=
isoWhiskerLeft _ (Functor.associator _ _ _ ≪≫
isoWhiskerLeft _ (Functor.associator _ _ _)) ≪≫ (Functor.associator _ _ _).symm
_ ≅ 𝟭 _ ⋙ rotate C ⋙ rotate C ⋙ Triangle.shiftFunctor C (-1) :=
isoWhiskerRight (triangleRotation C).counitIso _
_ ≅ _ := Functor.leftUnitor _

noncomputable instance : HasShift (Triangle C) ℤ :=
hasShiftMk (Triangle C) ℤ
{ F := Triangle.shiftFunctor C
zero := Triangle.shiftFunctorZero C
add := fun a b => Triangle.shiftFunctorAdd' C a b _ rfl
assoc_hom_app := fun a b c T => by
rw [← shiftFunctorAdd'_assoc_hom_app a b c _ _ _ rfl rfl (add_assoc a b c)]
dsimp only [CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd']
simp }

end Pretriangulated

end CategoryTheory

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