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feat: port Analysis.SpecialFunctions.NonIntegrable (#4823)
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Parcly-Taxel committed Jun 8, 2023
1 parent dfc4f3d commit a0ff095
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -654,6 +654,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Base
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Deriv
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Monotone
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.NonIntegrable
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.PolynomialExp
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Polynomials
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Pow.Asymptotics
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179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/NonIntegrable.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.special_functions.non_integrable
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 55ec6e9af7d3e0043f57e394cb06a72f6275273e
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Deriv
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.FundThmCalculus

# Non integrable functions
In this file we prove that the derivative of a function that tends to infinity is not interval
integrable, see `not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_filter` and
`not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_punctured`. Then we apply the
latter lemma to prove that the function `fun x => x⁻¹` is integrable on `a..b` if and only if
`a = b` or `0 ∉ [a, b]`.
## Main results
* `not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_punctured`: if `f` tends to infinity
along `𝓝[≠] c` and `f' = O(g)` along the same filter, then `g` is not interval integrable on any
nontrivial integral `a..b`, `c ∈ [a, b]`.
* `not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_filter`: a version of
`not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_punctured` that works for one-sided
* `not_intervalIntegrable_of_sub_inv_isBigO_punctured`: if `1 / (x - c) = O(f)` as `x → c`, `x ≠ c`,
then `f` is not interval integrable on any nontrivial interval `a..b`, `c ∈ [a, b]`;
* `intervalIntegrable_sub_inv_iff`, `intervalIntegrable_inv_iff`: integrability conditions for
`(x - c)⁻¹` and `x⁻¹`.
## Tags
integrable function

open scoped MeasureTheory Topology Interval NNReal ENNReal

open MeasureTheory TopologicalSpace Set Filter Asymptotics intervalIntegral

variable {E F : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E] [SecondCountableTopology E]
[CompleteSpace E] [NormedAddCommGroup F]

/-- If `f` is eventually differentiable along a nontrivial filter `l : Filter ℝ` that is generated
by convex sets, the norm of `f` tends to infinity along `l`, and `f' = O(g)` along `l`, where `f'`
is the derivative of `f`, then `g` is not integrable on any interval `a..b` such that
`[a, b] ∈ l`. -/
theorem not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_filter {f : ℝ → E} {g : ℝ → F}
{a b : ℝ} (l : Filter ℝ) [NeBot l] [TendstoIxxClass Icc l l] (hl : [[a, b]] ∈ l)
(hd : ∀ᶠ x in l, DifferentiableAt ℝ f x) (hf : Tendsto (fun x => ‖f x‖) l atTop)
(hfg : deriv f =O[l] g) : ¬IntervalIntegrable g volume a b := by
intro hgi
obtain ⟨C, hC₀, s, hsl, hsub, hfd, hg⟩ :
∃ (C : ℝ) (_ : 0 ≤ C), ∃ s ∈ l, (∀ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, [[x, y]] ⊆ [[a, b]]) ∧
(∀ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ [[x, y]], DifferentiableAt ℝ f z) ∧
∀ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, ∀ z ∈ [[x, y]], ‖deriv f z‖ ≤ C * ‖g z‖ := by
rcases hfg.exists_nonneg with ⟨C, C₀, hC⟩
have h : ∀ᶠ x : ℝ × ℝ in l,
∀ y ∈ [[x.1, x.2]], (DifferentiableAt ℝ f y ∧ ‖deriv f y‖ ≤ C * ‖g y‖) ∧ y ∈ [[a, b]] :=
(tendsto_fst.uIcc tendsto_snd).eventually ((hd.and hC.bound).and hl).smallSets
rcases mem_prod_self_iff.1 h with ⟨s, hsl, hs⟩
simp only [prod_subset_iff, mem_setOf_eq] at hs
exact ⟨C, C₀, s, hsl, fun x hx y hy z hz => (hs x hx y hy z hz).2, fun x hx y hy z hz =>
(hs x hx y hy z hz).1.1, fun x hx y hy z hz => (hs x hx y hy z hz).1.2
replace hgi : IntervalIntegrable (fun x => C * ‖g x‖) volume a b
· convert hgi.norm.smul C using 1
obtain ⟨c, hc, d, hd, hlt⟩ : ∃ c ∈ s, ∃ d ∈ s, (‖f c‖ + ∫ y in Ι a b, C * ‖g y‖) < ‖f d‖ := by
rcases Filter.nonempty_of_mem hsl with ⟨c, hc⟩
have : ∀ᶠ x in l, (‖f c‖ + ∫ y in Ι a b, C * ‖g y‖) < ‖f x‖ :=
hf.eventually (eventually_gt_atTop _)
exact ⟨c, hc, (this.and hsl).exists.imp fun d hd => ⟨hd.2, hd.1⟩⟩
specialize hsub c hc d hd; specialize hfd c hc d hd
replace hg : ∀ x ∈ Ι c d, ‖deriv f x‖ ≤ C * ‖g x‖;
exact fun z hz => hg c hc d hd z ⟨hz.1.le, hz.2
have hg_ae : ∀ᵐ x ∂volume.restrict (Ι c d), ‖deriv f x‖ ≤ C * ‖g x‖ :=
(ae_restrict_mem measurableSet_uIoc).mono hg
have hsub' : Ι c d ⊆ Ι a b := uIoc_subset_uIoc_of_uIcc_subset_uIcc hsub
have hfi : IntervalIntegrable (deriv f) volume c d :=
(hgi.mono_set hsub).mono_fun' (aestronglyMeasurable_deriv _ _) hg_ae
refine' hlt.not_le (sub_le_iff_le_add'.1 _)
‖f d‖ - ‖f c‖ ≤ ‖f d - f c‖ := norm_sub_norm_le _ _
_ = ‖∫ x in c..d, deriv f x‖ := (congr_arg _ (integral_deriv_eq_sub hfd hfi).symm)
_ = ‖∫ x in Ι c d, deriv f x‖ := (norm_integral_eq_norm_integral_Ioc _)
_ ≤ ∫ x in Ι c d, ‖deriv f x‖ := (norm_integral_le_integral_norm _)
_ ≤ ∫ x in Ι c d, C * ‖g x‖ :=
(set_integral_mono_on hfi.norm.def (hgi.def.mono_set hsub') measurableSet_uIoc hg)
_ ≤ ∫ x in Ι a b, C * ‖g x‖ :=
set_integral_mono_set hgi.def (ae_of_all _ fun x => mul_nonneg hC₀ (norm_nonneg _))
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align not_interval_integrable_of_tendsto_norm_at_top_of_deriv_is_O_filter not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_filter

/-- If `a ≠ b`, `c ∈ [a, b]`, `f` is differentiable in the neighborhood of `c` within
`[a, b] \ {c}`, `‖f x‖ → ∞` as `x → c` within `[a, b] \ {c}`, and `f' = O(g)` along
`𝓝[[a, b] \ {c}] c`, where `f'` is the derivative of `f`, then `g` is not interval integrable on
`a..b`. -/
theorem not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_within_diff_singleton
{f : ℝ → E} {g : ℝ → F} {a b c : ℝ} (hne : a ≠ b) (hc : c ∈ [[a, b]])
(h_deriv : ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝[[[a, b]] \ {c}] c, DifferentiableAt ℝ f x)
(h_infty : Tendsto (fun x => ‖f x‖) (𝓝[[[a, b]] \ {c}] c) atTop)
(hg : deriv f =O[𝓝[[[a, b]] \ {c}] c] g) : ¬IntervalIntegrable g volume a b := by
obtain ⟨l, hl, hl', hle, hmem⟩ :
∃ l : Filter ℝ, TendstoIxxClass Icc l l ∧ l.NeBot ∧ l ≤ 𝓝 c ∧ [[a, b]] \ {c} ∈ l := by
cases' (min_lt_max.2 hne).lt_or_lt c with hlt hlt
· refine' ⟨𝓝[<] c, inferInstance, inferInstance, inf_le_left, _⟩
rw [← Iic_diff_right]
exact diff_mem_nhdsWithin_diff (Icc_mem_nhdsWithin_Iic ⟨hlt, hc.2⟩) _
· refine' ⟨𝓝[>] c, inferInstance, inferInstance, inf_le_left, _⟩
rw [← Ici_diff_left]
exact diff_mem_nhdsWithin_diff (Icc_mem_nhdsWithin_Ici ⟨hc.1, hlt⟩) _
have : l ≤ 𝓝[[[a, b]] \ {c}] c := le_inf hle (le_principal_iff.2 hmem)
exact not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_filter l
(mem_of_superset hmem (diff_subset _ _)) (h_deriv.filter_mono this) (h_infty.mono_left this)
(hg.mono this)
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align not_interval_integrable_of_tendsto_norm_at_top_of_deriv_is_O_within_diff_singleton not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_within_diff_singleton

/-- If `f` is differentiable in a punctured neighborhood of `c`, `‖f x‖ → ∞` as `x → c` (more
formally, along the filter `𝓝[≠] c`), and `f' = O(g)` along `𝓝[≠] c`, where `f'` is the derivative
of `f`, then `g` is not interval integrable on any nontrivial interval `a..b` such that
`c ∈ [a, b]`. -/
theorem not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_punctured {f : ℝ → E}
{g : ℝ → F} {a b c : ℝ} (h_deriv : ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝[≠] c, DifferentiableAt ℝ f x)
(h_infty : Tendsto (fun x => ‖f x‖) (𝓝[≠] c) atTop) (hg : deriv f =O[𝓝[≠] c] g) (hne : a ≠ b)
(hc : c ∈ [[a, b]]) : ¬IntervalIntegrable g volume a b :=
have : 𝓝[[[a, b]] \ {c}] c ≤ 𝓝[≠] c := nhdsWithin_mono _ (inter_subset_right _ _)
not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_within_diff_singleton hne hc
(h_deriv.filter_mono this) (h_infty.mono_left this) (hg.mono this)
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align not_interval_integrable_of_tendsto_norm_at_top_of_deriv_is_O_punctured not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_punctured

/-- If `f` grows in the punctured neighborhood of `c : ℝ` at least as fast as `1 / (x - c)`,
then it is not interval integrable on any nontrivial interval `a..b`, `c ∈ [a, b]`. -/
theorem not_intervalIntegrable_of_sub_inv_isBigO_punctured {f : ℝ → F} {a b c : ℝ}
(hf : (fun x => (x - c)⁻¹) =O[𝓝[≠] c] f) (hne : a ≠ b) (hc : c ∈ [[a, b]]) :
¬IntervalIntegrable f volume a b := by
have A : ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝[≠] c, HasDerivAt (fun x => Real.log (x - c)) (x - c)⁻¹ x := by
filter_upwards [self_mem_nhdsWithin] with x hx
simpa using ((hasDerivAt_id x).sub_const c).log (sub_ne_zero.2 hx)
have B : Tendsto (fun x => ‖Real.log (x - c)‖) (𝓝[≠] c) atTop := by
refine' tendsto_abs_atBot_atTop.comp (Real.tendsto_log_nhdsWithin_zero.comp _)
rw [← sub_self c]
exact ((hasDerivAt_id c).sub_const c).tendsto_punctured_nhds one_ne_zero
exact not_intervalIntegrable_of_tendsto_norm_atTop_of_deriv_isBigO_punctured
(A.mono fun x hx => hx.differentiableAt) B
(hf.congr' (A.mono fun x hx => hx.deriv.symm) EventuallyEq.rfl) hne hc
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align not_interval_integrable_of_sub_inv_is_O_punctured not_intervalIntegrable_of_sub_inv_isBigO_punctured

/-- The function `fun x => (x - c)⁻¹` is integrable on `a..b` if and only if
`a = b` or `c ∉ [a, b]`. -/
theorem intervalIntegrable_sub_inv_iff {a b c : ℝ} :
IntervalIntegrable (fun x => (x - c)⁻¹) volume a b ↔ a = b ∨ c ∉ [[a, b]] := by
· refine' fun h => or_iff_not_imp_left.2 fun hne hc => _
exact not_intervalIntegrable_of_sub_inv_isBigO_punctured (isBigO_refl _ _) hne hc h
· rintro (rfl | h₀)
· exact IntervalIntegrable.refl
refine' ((continuous_sub_right c).continuousOn.inv₀ _).intervalIntegrable
exact fun x hx => sub_ne_zero.2 <| ne_of_mem_of_not_mem hx h₀
#align interval_integrable_sub_inv_iff intervalIntegrable_sub_inv_iff

/-- The function `fun x => x⁻¹` is integrable on `a..b` if and only if
`a = b` or `0 ∉ [a, b]`. -/
theorem intervalIntegrable_inv_iff {a b : ℝ} :
IntervalIntegrable (fun x => x⁻¹) volume a b ↔ a = b ∨ (0 : ℝ) ∉ [[a, b]] := by
simp only [← intervalIntegrable_sub_inv_iff, sub_zero]
#align interval_integrable_inv_iff intervalIntegrable_inv_iff

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