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feat(NumberTheory/LSeries/Convolution): new file; convolution of sequ…
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…ences and products of L-series (#11634)

This is the next PR in a sequence that establishes general results on L-series.
See [this thread on Zulip](

This adds the definition of the Dirichlet convolution of two sequences (as `LSeries.convolution`) and shows that the associated L-series is the product of the L-series associated to the two original sequences.
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MichaelStollBayreuth committed Mar 25, 2024
1 parent 2d2e953 commit a251ad4
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Showing 2 changed files with 193 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2965,6 +2965,7 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.KummerDedekind
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.AbstractFuncEq
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Convergence
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Convolution
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Deriv
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Linearity
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LegendreSymbol.AddCharacter
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192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/LSeries/Convolution.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Stoll. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Stoll
import Mathlib.Analysis.InnerProductSpace.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LSeries.Convergence
import Mathlib.Analysis.Normed.Field.InfiniteSum

# Dirichlet convolution of sequences and products of L-series
We define the *Dirichlet convolution* `f ⍟ g` of two sequences `f g : ℕ → R` with values in a
semiring `R` by `(f ⍟ g) n = ∑ (k * m = n), f k * g m` when `n ≠ 0` and `(f ⍟ g) 0 = 0`.
Technically, this is done by transporting the existing definition for `ArithmeticFunction R`;
see `LSeries.convolution`. We show that these definitions agree (`LSeries.convolution_def`).
We then consider the case `R = ℂ` and show that `L (f ⍟ g) = L f * L g` on the common domain
of convergence of the L-series `L f` and `L g` of `f` and `g`; see `LSeries_convolution`
and `LSeries_convolution'`.

open scoped LSeries.notation

open Complex LSeries

### Dirichlet convolution of two functions

open BigOperators

/-- We turn any function `ℕ → R` into an `ArithmeticFunction R` by setting its value at `0`
to be zero. -/
def toArithmeticFunction {R : Type*} [Zero R] (f : ℕ → R) : ArithmeticFunction R where
toFun n := if n = 0 then 0 else f n
map_zero' := rfl

/-- If we consider an arithmetic function just as a function and turn it back into an
arithmetic function, it is the same as before. -/
lemma ArithmeticFunction.toArithmeticFunction_eq_self {R : Type*} [Zero R]
(f : ArithmeticFunction R) :
toArithmeticFunction f = f := by
ext n
simp (config := {contextual := true}) [toArithmeticFunction, ArithmeticFunction.map_zero]

/-- Dirichlet convolution of two sequences.
We define this in terms of the already existing definition for arithmetic functions. -/
noncomputable def LSeries.convolution {R : Type*} [Semiring R] (f g : ℕ → R) : ℕ → R :=
⇑(toArithmeticFunction f * toArithmeticFunction g)

scoped[LSeries.notation] infixl:70 " ⍟ " => LSeries.convolution

/-- The product of two arithmetic functions defines the same function as the Dirichlet convolution
of the functions defined by them. -/
lemma ArithmeticFunction.coe_mul {R : Type*} [Semiring R] (f g : ArithmeticFunction R) :
f ⍟ g = ⇑(f * g) := by
simp only [convolution, ArithmeticFunction.toArithmeticFunction_eq_self]

namespace LSeries

lemma convolution_def {R : Type*} [Semiring R] (f g : ℕ → R) :
f ⍟ g = fun n ↦ ∑ p in n.divisorsAntidiagonal, f p.1 * g p.2 := by
ext n
simp only [convolution, toArithmeticFunction, ArithmeticFunction.mul_apply,
ArithmeticFunction.coe_mk, mul_ite, mul_zero, ite_mul, zero_mul]
refine Finset.sum_congr rfl fun p hp ↦ ?_
obtain ⟨hp₁, hp₂⟩ := hp
obtain ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ := (hp₁.symm ▸ hp₂)
simp only [h₂, ↓reduceIte, h₁]

lemma convolution_map_zero {R : Type*} [Semiring R] (f g : ℕ → R) : (f ⍟ g) 0 = 0 := by
simp only [convolution_def, Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal_zero, Finset.sum_empty]

### Multiplication of L-series

/-- We give an expression of the `LSeries.term` of the convolution of two functions
in terms of a sum over `Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal`. -/
lemma term_convolution (f g : ℕ → ℂ) (s : ℂ) (n : ℕ) :
term (f ⍟ g) s n = ∑ p in n.divisorsAntidiagonal, term f s p.1 * term g s p.2 := by
rcases eq_or_ne n 0 with rfl | hn
· simp only [term_zero, Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal_zero, Finset.sum_empty]
-- now `n ≠ 0`
rw [term_of_ne_zero hn, convolution_def, Finset.sum_div]
refine Finset.sum_congr rfl fun p hp ↦ ?_
obtain ⟨hp, hn₀⟩ := hp
have ⟨hp₁, hp₂⟩ := <| hp.symm ▸ hn₀
rw [term_of_ne_zero hp₁ f s, term_of_ne_zero hp₂ g s, mul_comm_div, div_div,
← mul_div_assoc, ← natCast_mul_natCast_cpow, ← Nat.cast_mul, mul_comm p.2, hp]

open Set in
/-- We give an expression of the `LSeries.term` of the convolution of two functions
in terms of an a priori infinte sum over all pairs `(k, m)` with `k * m = n`
(the set we sum over is infinite when `n = 0`). This is the version needed for the
proof that `L (f ⍟ g) = L f * L g`. -/
lemma term_convolution' (f g : ℕ → ℂ) (s : ℂ) :
term (f ⍟ g) s = fun n ↦
∑' (b : (fun p : ℕ × ℕ ↦ p.1 * p.2) ⁻¹' {n}), term f s b.val.1 * term g s b.val.2 := by
ext n
rcases eq_or_ne n 0 with rfl | hn
· -- show that both sides vanish when `n = 0`; this is the hardest part of the proof!
refine (term_zero ..).trans ?_
-- the right hand sum is over the union below, but in each term, one factor is always zero
have hS : (fun p ↦ p.1 * p.2) ⁻¹' {0} = {0} ×ˢ univ ∪ univ ×ˢ {0} := by
simp only [mem_preimage, mem_singleton_iff, mul_eq_zero, mem_union, mem_prod, mem_univ,
and_true, true_and]
have : ∀ p : (fun p : ℕ × ℕ ↦ p.1 * p.2) ⁻¹' {0}, term f s p.val.1 * term g s p.val.2 = 0 := by
rintro ⟨⟨p₁, p₂⟩, hp⟩
rcases hS ▸ hp with ⟨rfl, -⟩ | ⟨-, rfl⟩ <;> simp only [term_zero, zero_mul, mul_zero]
simp only [this, tsum_zero]
-- now `n ≠ 0`
rw [show (fun p : ℕ × ℕ ↦ p.1 * p.2) ⁻¹' {n} = n.divisorsAntidiagonal by ext; simp [hn],
Finset.tsum_subtype' n.divisorsAntidiagonal fun p ↦ term f s p.1 * term g s p.2,
term_convolution f g s n]

end LSeries

open Set in
/-- The L-series of the convolution product `f ⍟ g` of two sequences `f` and `g`
equals the product of their L-series, assuming both L-series converge. -/
lemma LSeriesHasSum.convolution {f g : ℕ → ℂ} {s a b : ℂ} (hf : LSeriesHasSum f s a)
(hg : LSeriesHasSum g s b) :
LSeriesHasSum (f ⍟ g) s (a * b) := by
simp only [LSeriesHasSum, term_convolution']
have hsum := summable_mul_of_summable_norm hf.summable.norm hg.summable.norm
exact (HasSum.mul hf hg hsum).tsum_fiberwise (fun p ↦ p.1 * p.2)

/-- The L-series of the convolution product `f ⍟ g` of two sequences `f` and `g`
equals the product of their L-series, assuming both L-series converge. -/
lemma LSeries_convolution' {f g : ℕ → ℂ} {s : ℂ} (hf : LSeriesSummable f s)
(hg : LSeriesSummable g s) :
LSeries (f ⍟ g) s = LSeries f s * LSeries g s :=
(LSeriesHasSum.convolution hf.LSeriesHasSum hg.LSeriesHasSum).LSeries_eq

/-- The L-series of the convolution product `f ⍟ g` of two sequences `f` and `g`
equals the product of their L-series in their common half-plane of absolute convergence. -/
lemma LSeries_convolution {f g : ℕ → ℂ} {s : ℂ}
(hf : abscissaOfAbsConv f < (hg : abscissaOfAbsConv g < :
LSeries (f ⍟ g) s = LSeries f s * LSeries g s :=
LSeries_convolution' (LSeriesSummable_of_abscissaOfAbsConv_lt_re hf)
(LSeriesSummable_of_abscissaOfAbsConv_lt_re hg)

/-- The L-series of the convolution product `f ⍟ g` of two sequences `f` and `g`
is summable when both L-series are summable. -/
lemma LSeriesSummable.convolution {f g : ℕ → ℂ} {s : ℂ} (hf : LSeriesSummable f s)
(hg : LSeriesSummable g s) :
LSeriesSummable (f ⍟ g) s :=
(LSeriesHasSum.convolution hf.LSeriesHasSum hg.LSeriesHasSum).LSeriesSummable

namespace ArithmeticFunction

### Versions for arithmetic functions

/-- The L-series of the (convolution) product of two `ℂ`-valued arithmetic functions `f` and `g`
equals the product of their L-series, assuming both L-series converge. -/
lemma LSeriesHasSum_mul {f g : ArithmeticFunction ℂ} {s a b : ℂ} (hf : LSeriesHasSum ↗f s a)
(hg : LSeriesHasSum ↗g s b) :
LSeriesHasSum ↗(f * g) s (a * b) :=
coe_mul f g ▸ hf.convolution hg

/-- The L-series of the (convolution) product of two `ℂ`-valued arithmetic functions `f` and `g`
equals the product of their L-series, assuming both L-series converge. -/
lemma LSeries_mul' {f g : ArithmeticFunction ℂ} {s : ℂ} (hf : LSeriesSummable ↗f s)
(hg : LSeriesSummable ↗g s) :
LSeries ↗(f * g) s = LSeries ↗f s * LSeries ↗g s :=
coe_mul f g ▸ LSeries_convolution' hf hg

/-- The L-series of the (convolution) product of two `ℂ`-valued arithmetic functions `f` and `g`
equals the product of their L-series in their common half-plane of absolute convergence. -/
lemma LSeries_mul {f g : ArithmeticFunction ℂ} {s : ℂ}
(hf : abscissaOfAbsConv ↗f < (hg : abscissaOfAbsConv ↗g < :
LSeries ↗(f * g) s = LSeries ↗f s * LSeries ↗g s :=
coe_mul f g ▸ LSeries_convolution hf hg

/-- The L-series of the (convolution) product of two `ℂ`-valued arithmetic functions `f` and `g`
is summable when both L-series are summable. -/
lemma LSeriesSummable_mul {f g : ArithmeticFunction ℂ} {s : ℂ} (hf : LSeriesSummable ↗f s)
(hg : LSeriesSummable ↗g s) :
LSeriesSummable ↗(f * g) s :=
coe_mul f g ▸ hf.convolution hg

end ArithmeticFunction

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