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feat: port Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Complex (#4744)
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j-loreaux committed Jun 6, 2023
1 parent 976994b commit a30980e
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Showing 2 changed files with 257 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -653,6 +653,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Sqrt
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Angle
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Chebyshev
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Complex
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Deriv
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Inverse
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.InverseDeriv
Expand Down
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Trigonometric/Complex.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes, Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir, Jean Lo, Calle Sönne, Benjamin Davidson
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.special_functions.trigonometric.complex
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 8f9fea08977f7e450770933ee6abb20733b47c92
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.QuadraticDiscriminant
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.SpecificFunctions.Deriv

# Complex trigonometric functions
Basic facts and derivatives for the complex trigonometric functions.
Several facts about the real trigonometric functions have the proofs deferred here, rather than
as they are most easily proved by appealing to the corresponding fact for complex trigonometric
functions, or require additional imports which are not available in that file.

noncomputable section

namespace Complex

open Set Filter

open scoped Real

theorem cos_eq_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : cos θ = 0 ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, θ = (2 * k + 1) * π / 2 := by
have h : (exp (θ * I) + exp (-θ * I)) / 2 = 0 ↔ exp (2 * θ * I) = -1 := by
rw [@div_eq_iff _ _ (exp (θ * I) + exp (-θ * I)) 2 0 two_ne_zero, MulZeroClass.zero_mul,
add_eq_zero_iff_eq_neg, neg_eq_neg_one_mul, ← div_eq_iff (exp_ne_zero _), ← exp_sub]
field_simp only; congr 3; ring_nf
rw [cos, h, ← exp_pi_mul_I, exp_eq_exp_iff_exists_int, mul_right_comm]
refine' exists_congr fun x => _
refine' (iff_of_eq <| congr_arg _ _).trans (mul_right_inj' <| mul_ne_zero two_ne_zero I_ne_zero)
field_simp; ring
#align complex.cos_eq_zero_iff Complex.cos_eq_zero_iff

theorem cos_ne_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : cos θ ≠ 0 ↔ ∀ k : ℤ, θ ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2 := by
rw [← not_exists, not_iff_not, cos_eq_zero_iff]
#align complex.cos_ne_zero_iff Complex.cos_ne_zero_iff

theorem sin_eq_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : sin θ = 0 ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, θ = k * π := by
rw [← Complex.cos_sub_pi_div_two, cos_eq_zero_iff]
· rintro ⟨k, hk⟩
use k + 1
field_simp [eq_add_of_sub_eq hk]
· rintro ⟨k, rfl⟩
use k - 1
#align complex.sin_eq_zero_iff Complex.sin_eq_zero_iff

theorem sin_ne_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : sin θ ≠ 0 ↔ ∀ k : ℤ, θ ≠ k * π := by
rw [← not_exists, not_iff_not, sin_eq_zero_iff]
#align complex.sin_ne_zero_iff Complex.sin_ne_zero_iff

theorem tan_eq_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : tan θ = 0 ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, θ = k * π / 2 := by
have h := (sin_two_mul θ).symm
rw [mul_assoc] at h
rw [tan, div_eq_zero_iff, ← mul_eq_zero, ← MulZeroClass.zero_mul (1 / 2 : ℂ), mul_one_div,
CancelDenoms.cancel_factors_eq_div h two_ne_zero, mul_comm]
simpa only [zero_div, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, Ne.def, not_false_iff, field_simps] using
#align complex.tan_eq_zero_iff Complex.tan_eq_zero_iff

theorem tan_ne_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : tan θ ≠ 0 ↔ ∀ k : ℤ, θ ≠ k * π / 2 := by
rw [← not_exists, not_iff_not, tan_eq_zero_iff]
#align complex.tan_ne_zero_iff Complex.tan_ne_zero_iff

theorem tan_int_mul_pi_div_two (n : ℤ) : tan (n * π / 2) = 0 :=
tan_eq_zero_iff.mpr (by use n)
#align complex.tan_int_mul_pi_div_two Complex.tan_int_mul_pi_div_two

theorem cos_eq_cos_iff {x y : ℂ} : cos x = cos y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = 2 * k * π - x :=
cos x = cos y ↔ cos x - cos y = 0 := sub_eq_zero.symm
_ ↔ -2 * sin ((x + y) / 2) * sin ((x - y) / 2) = 0 := by rw [cos_sub_cos]
_ ↔ sin ((x + y) / 2) = 0 ∨ sin ((x - y) / 2) = 0 := by simp [(by norm_num : (2 : ℂ) ≠ 0)]
_ ↔ sin ((x - y) / 2) = 0 ∨ sin ((x + y) / 2) = 0 := or_comm
_ ↔ (∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x) ∨ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π - x := by
apply or_congr <;>
field_simp [sin_eq_zero_iff, (by norm_num : -(2 : ℂ) ≠ 0), eq_sub_iff_add_eq',
sub_eq_iff_eq_add, mul_comm (2 : ℂ), mul_right_comm _ (2 : ℂ)]
constructor <;> · rintro ⟨k, rfl⟩; use -k; simp
_ ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = 2 * k * π - x := exists_or.symm
#align complex.cos_eq_cos_iff Complex.cos_eq_cos_iff

theorem sin_eq_sin_iff {x y : ℂ} :
sin x = sin y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = (2 * k + 1) * π - x := by
simp only [← Complex.cos_sub_pi_div_two, cos_eq_cos_iff, sub_eq_iff_eq_add]
refine' exists_congr fun k => or_congr _ _ <;> refine' Eq.congr rfl _ <;> field_simp <;> ring
#align complex.sin_eq_sin_iff Complex.sin_eq_sin_iff

theorem tan_add {x y : ℂ}
(h : ((∀ k : ℤ, x ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) ∧ ∀ l : ℤ, y ≠ (2 * l + 1) * π / 2) ∨
(∃ k : ℤ, x = (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) ∧ ∃ l : ℤ, y = (2 * l + 1) * π / 2) :
tan (x + y) = (tan x + tan y) / (1 - tan x * tan y) := by
rcases h with (⟨h1, h2⟩ | ⟨⟨k, rfl⟩, ⟨l, rfl⟩⟩)
· rw [tan, sin_add, cos_add, ←
div_div_div_cancel_right (sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y)
(mul_ne_zero (cos_ne_zero_iff.mpr h1) (cos_ne_zero_iff.mpr h2)),
add_div, sub_div]
simp only [← div_mul_div_comm, tan, mul_one, one_mul, div_self (cos_ne_zero_iff.mpr h1),
div_self (cos_ne_zero_iff.mpr h2)]
· haveI t := tan_int_mul_pi_div_two
obtain ⟨hx, hy, hxy⟩ := t (2 * k + 1), t (2 * l + 1), t (2 * k + 1 + (2 * l + 1))
simp only [Int.cast_add, Int.cast_two, Int.cast_mul, Int.cast_one, hx, hy] at hx hy hxy
rw [hx, hy, add_zero, zero_div, mul_div_assoc, mul_div_assoc, ←
add_mul (2 * (k : ℂ) + 1) (2 * l + 1) (π / 2), ← mul_div_assoc, hxy]
#align complex.tan_add Complex.tan_add

theorem tan_add' {x y : ℂ}
(h : (∀ k : ℤ, x ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) ∧ ∀ l : ℤ, y ≠ (2 * l + 1) * π / 2) :
tan (x + y) = (tan x + tan y) / (1 - tan x * tan y) :=
tan_add (Or.inl h)
#align complex.tan_add' Complex.tan_add'

local macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y)
-- porting note: lean4#2220

theorem tan_two_mul {z : ℂ} : tan (2 * z) = (2 : ℂ) * tan z / ((1 : ℂ) - tan z ^ 2) := by
by_cases h : ∀ k : ℤ, z ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2
· rw [two_mul, two_mul, sq, tan_add (Or.inl ⟨h, h⟩)]
· rw [not_forall_not] at h
rw [two_mul, two_mul, sq, tan_add (Or.inr ⟨h, h⟩)]
#align complex.tan_two_mul Complex.tan_two_mul

theorem tan_add_mul_I {x y : ℂ}
(h :
((∀ k : ℤ, x ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) ∧ ∀ l : ℤ, y * I ≠ (2 * l + 1) * π / 2) ∨
(∃ k : ℤ, x = (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) ∧ ∃ l : ℤ, y * I = (2 * l + 1) * π / 2) :
tan (x + y * I) = (tan x + tanh y * I) / (1 - tan x * tanh y * I) := by
rw [tan_add h, tan_mul_I, mul_assoc]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align complex.tan_add_mul_I Complex.tan_add_mul_I

theorem tan_eq {z : ℂ}
(h :
((∀ k : ℤ, ( : ℂ) ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) ∧
∀ l : ℤ, ( : ℂ) * I ≠ (2 * l + 1) * π / 2) ∨
(∃ k : ℤ, ( : ℂ) = (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) ∧
∃ l : ℤ, ( : ℂ) * I = (2 * l + 1) * π / 2) :
tan z = (tan + tanh * I) / (1 - tan * tanh * I) := by
convert tan_add_mul_I h; exact (re_add_im z).symm
#align complex.tan_eq Complex.tan_eq

open scoped Topology

theorem continuousOn_tan : ContinuousOn tan {x | cos x ≠ 0} :=
continuousOn_sin.div continuousOn_cos fun _x => id
#align complex.continuous_on_tan Complex.continuousOn_tan

theorem continuous_tan : Continuous fun x : {x | cos x ≠ 0} => tan x :=
continuousOn_iff_continuous_restrict.1 continuousOn_tan
#align complex.continuous_tan Complex.continuous_tan

theorem cos_eq_iff_quadratic {z w : ℂ} :
cos z = w ↔ exp (z * I) ^ 2 - 2 * w * exp (z * I) + 1 = 0 := by
rw [← sub_eq_zero]
field_simp [cos, exp_neg, exp_ne_zero]
refine' Eq.congr _ rfl
#align complex.cos_eq_iff_quadratic Complex.cos_eq_iff_quadratic

theorem cos_surjective : Function.Surjective cos := by
intro x
obtain ⟨w, w₀, hw⟩ : ∃ (w : _) (_ : w ≠ 0), 1 * w * w + -2 * x * w + 1 = 0 := by
rcases exists_quadratic_eq_zero one_ne_zero
⟨_, (cpow_nat_inv_pow _ two_ne_zero).symm.trans <| pow_two _⟩ with
⟨w, hw⟩
refine' ⟨w, _, hw⟩
rintro rfl
simp only [zero_add, one_ne_zero, MulZeroClass.mul_zero] at hw
refine' ⟨log w / I, cos_eq_iff_quadratic.2 _⟩
rw [div_mul_cancel _ I_ne_zero, exp_log w₀]
convert hw using 1
#align complex.cos_surjective Complex.cos_surjective

theorem range_cos : Set.range cos = Set.univ :=
#align complex.range_cos Complex.range_cos

theorem sin_surjective : Function.Surjective sin := by
intro x
rcases cos_surjective x with ⟨z, rfl⟩
exact ⟨z + π / 2, sin_add_pi_div_two z⟩
#align complex.sin_surjective Complex.sin_surjective

theorem range_sin : Set.range sin = Set.univ :=
#align complex.range_sin Complex.range_sin

end Complex

namespace Real

open scoped Real

theorem cos_eq_zero_iff {θ : ℝ} : cos θ = 0 ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, θ = (2 * k + 1) * π / 2 := by
exact_mod_cast @Complex.cos_eq_zero_iff θ
#align real.cos_eq_zero_iff Real.cos_eq_zero_iff

theorem cos_ne_zero_iff {θ : ℝ} : cos θ ≠ 0 ↔ ∀ k : ℤ, θ ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2 := by
rw [← not_exists, not_iff_not, cos_eq_zero_iff]
#align real.cos_ne_zero_iff Real.cos_ne_zero_iff

theorem cos_eq_cos_iff {x y : ℝ} : cos x = cos y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = 2 * k * π - x :=
by exact_mod_cast @Complex.cos_eq_cos_iff x y
#align real.cos_eq_cos_iff Real.cos_eq_cos_iff

theorem sin_eq_sin_iff {x y : ℝ} :
sin x = sin y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = (2 * k + 1) * π - x := by
exact_mod_cast @Complex.sin_eq_sin_iff x y
#align real.sin_eq_sin_iff Real.sin_eq_sin_iff

theorem lt_sin_mul {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 < x) (hx' : x < 1) : x < sin (π / 2 * x) := by
simpa [mul_comm x] using
strictConcaveOn_sin_Icc.2 ⟨le_rfl, pi_pos.le⟩ ⟨pi_div_two_pos.le, half_le_self pi_pos.le⟩ (sub_pos.2 hx') hx
#align real.lt_sin_mul Real.lt_sin_mul

theorem le_sin_mul {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) (hx' : x ≤ 1) : x ≤ sin (π / 2 * x) := by
simpa [mul_comm x] using
strictConcaveOn_sin_Icc.concaveOn.2 ⟨le_rfl, pi_pos.le⟩
⟨pi_div_two_pos.le, half_le_self pi_pos.le⟩ (sub_nonneg.2 hx') hx
#align real.le_sin_mul Real.le_sin_mul

theorem mul_lt_sin {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 < x) (hx' : x < π / 2) : 2 / π * x < sin x := by
rw [← inv_div]
simpa [-inv_div, mul_inv_cancel_left₀'] using @lt_sin_mul ((π / 2)⁻¹ * x)
(mul_pos (inv_pos.2 pi_div_two_pos) hx) (by rwa [← div_eq_inv_mul, div_lt_one pi_div_two_pos])
#align real.mul_lt_sin Real.mul_lt_sin

/-- In the range `[0, π / 2]`, we have a linear lower bound on `sin`. This inequality forms one half
of Jordan's inequality, the other half is `Real.sin_lt` -/
theorem mul_le_sin {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) (hx' : x ≤ π / 2) : 2 / π * x ≤ sin x := by
rw [← inv_div]
simpa [-inv_div, mul_inv_cancel_left₀'] using @le_sin_mul ((π / 2)⁻¹ * x)
(mul_nonneg (inv_nonneg.2 pi_div_two_pos.le) hx)
(by rwa [← div_eq_inv_mul, div_le_one pi_div_two_pos])
#align real.mul_le_sin Real.mul_le_sin

end Real

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