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refactor(Algebra/Category): replace TypeMax constructions by `UnivL…
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…E` assumptions (#11420)

Replaces `TypeMax` limit constructions in `MonCat`, `GroupCat`, `Ring`, `AlgebraCat` and `ModuleCat` by the `UnivLE` analogs. Also generalizes some universe assumptions.
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chrisflav committed Mar 24, 2024
1 parent ac11828 commit a746c52
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Showing 7 changed files with 675 additions and 475 deletions.
150 changes: 78 additions & 72 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Category/AlgebraCat/Limits.lean
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Expand Up @@ -23,51 +23,69 @@ open CategoryTheory

open CategoryTheory.Limits

universe v w u
universe v w u t

-- `u` is determined by the ring, so can come last
-- `u` is determined by the ring, so can come later
noncomputable section

namespace AlgebraCat

variable {R : Type u} [CommRing R]
variable {J : Type v} [SmallCategory J]
variable {J : Type v} [Category.{t} J] (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCat.{w} R)

instance semiringObj (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) (j) :
Semiring ((F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat R)).obj j) :=
instance semiringObj (j) : Semiring ((F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat R)).obj j) :=
inferInstanceAs <| Semiring (F.obj j)
#align Algebra.semiring_obj AlgebraCat.semiringObj

instance algebraObj (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) (j) :
instance algebraObj (j) :
Algebra R ((F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat R)).obj j) :=
inferInstanceAs <| Algebra R (F.obj j)
#align Algebra.algebra_obj AlgebraCat.algebraObj

/-- The flat sections of a functor into `AlgebraCat R` form a submodule of all sections.
def sectionsSubalgebra (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) : Subalgebra R (∀ j, F.obj j) :=
def sectionsSubalgebra : Subalgebra R (∀ j, F.obj j) :=
{ SemiRingCat.sectionsSubsemiring
(F ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCat R) RingCat.{max v w} ⋙ forget₂ RingCat SemiRingCatMax.{v, w}) with
(F ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCat R) RingCat.{w} ⋙ forget₂ RingCat SemiRingCat.{w}) with
algebraMap_mem' := fun r _ _ f => ( f).commutes r }
#align Algebra.sections_subalgebra AlgebraCat.sectionsSubalgebra

instance limitSemiring (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) :
Ring.{max v w} (Types.limitCone.{v, w} (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R))).pt :=
instance (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCat.{w} R) : Ring (F ⋙ forget _).sections :=
inferInstanceAs <| Ring (sectionsSubalgebra F)
#align Algebra.limit_semiring AlgebraCat.limitSemiring

instance limitAlgebra (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) :
Algebra R (Types.limitCone (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R))).pt :=
instance (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCat.{w} R) : Algebra R (F ⋙ forget _).sections :=
inferInstanceAs <| Algebra R (sectionsSubalgebra F)

variable [Small.{w} (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat.{w} R)).sections]

instance : Small.{w} (sectionsSubalgebra F) :=
inferInstanceAs <| Small.{w} (F ⋙ forget _).sections

instance limitSemiring :
Ring.{w} (Types.Small.limitCone.{v, w} (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat.{w} R))).pt :=
inferInstanceAs <| Ring (Shrink (sectionsSubalgebra F))
#align Algebra.limit_semiring AlgebraCat.limitSemiring

instance limitAlgebra :
Algebra R (Types.Small.limitCone (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat.{w} R))).pt :=
inferInstanceAs <| Algebra R (Shrink (sectionsSubalgebra F))
#align Algebra.limit_algebra AlgebraCat.limitAlgebra

/-- `limit.π (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat R)) j` as a `AlgHom`. -/
def limitπAlgHom (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) (j) :
(Types.limitCone (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat R))).pt →ₐ[R]
(F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R)).obj j :=
def limitπAlgHom (j) :
(Types.Small.limitCone (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat R))).pt →ₐ[R]
(F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat.{w} R)).obj j :=
letI : Small.{w}
(Functor.sections ((F ⋙ forget₂ _ RingCat ⋙ forget₂ _ SemiRingCat) ⋙ forget _)) :=
inferInstanceAs <| Small.{w} (F ⋙ forget _).sections
{ SemiRingCat.limitπRingHom
(F ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCat R) RingCat.{max v w} ⋙ forget₂ RingCat SemiRingCat.{max v w}) j with
commutes' := fun _ => rfl }
(F ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCat R) RingCat.{w} ⋙ forget₂ RingCat SemiRingCat.{w}) j with
toFun := (Types.Small.limitCone (F ⋙ forget (AlgebraCat.{w} R))).π.app j
commutes' := fun x => by
simp only [Types.Small.limitCone_π_app, ← Shrink.algEquiv_apply _ R,
Types.Small.limitCone_pt, AlgEquiv.commutes]
#align Algebra.limit_π_alg_hom AlgebraCat.limitπAlgHom

namespace HasLimits
Expand All @@ -78,70 +96,58 @@ namespace HasLimits
/-- Construction of a limit cone in `AlgebraCat R`.
(Internal use only; use the limits API.)
def limitCone (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) : Cone F where
pt := AlgebraCat.of R (Types.limitCone (F ⋙ forget _)).pt
def limitCone : Cone F where
pt := AlgebraCat.of R (Types.Small.limitCone (F ⋙ forget _)).pt
π :=
{ app := limitπAlgHom F
naturality := fun _ _ f =>
AlgHom.coe_fn_injective ((Types.limitCone (F ⋙ forget _)).π.naturality f) }
AlgHom.coe_fn_injective ((Types.Small.limitCone (F ⋙ forget _)).π.naturality f) }
#align Algebra.has_limits.limit_cone AlgebraCat.HasLimits.limitCone

/-- Witness that the limit cone in `AlgebraCat R` is a limit cone.
(Internal use only; use the limits API.)
def limitConeIsLimit (F : J ⥤ AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) : IsLimit (limitCone.{v, w} F) := by
IsLimit.ofFaithful (forget (AlgebraCat R)) (Types.limitConeIsLimit.{v, w} _)
def limitConeIsLimit : IsLimit (limitCone.{v, w} F) := by
IsLimit.ofFaithful (forget (AlgebraCat R)) (Types.Small.limitConeIsLimit.{v, w} _)
-- Porting note: in mathlib3 the function term
-- `fun v => ⟨fun j => ((forget (AlgebraCat R)).mapCone s).π.app j v`
-- was provided by unification, and the last argument `(fun s => _)` was `(fun s => rfl)`.
(fun s => ⟨⟨⟨⟨fun v => ⟨fun j => ((forget (AlgebraCat R)).mapCone s).π.app j v, _⟩,
_⟩, _⟩, _, _⟩, _⟩)
(fun s => _)
· intro j j' f
exact DFunLike.congr_fun (Cone.w s f) v
· -- Porting note: we could add a custom `ext` lemma here.
apply Subtype.ext
(fun s => { toFun := _, map_one' := ?_, map_mul' := ?_, map_zero' := ?_, map_add' := ?_,
commutes' := ?_ })
(fun s => rfl)
· congr
ext j
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.mapCone_π_app,
-- This used to be as below but we need `erw` after leanprover/lean4#2644
-- simp [forget_map_eq_coe, AlgHom.map_one, Functor.mapCone_π_app]
erw [map_one]
· intro x y
apply Subtype.ext
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.mapCone_π_app]
erw [← map_mul (MulEquiv.symm Shrink.mulEquiv)]
apply congrArg
ext j
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.mapCone_π_app,
-- This used to be as below, but we need `erw` after leanprover/lean4#2644
-- simp [forget_map_eq_coe, AlgHom.map_mul, Functor.mapCone_π_app]
erw [map_mul]
· simp only [Functor.comp_obj, Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.mapCone_π_app,
-- The below `simp` was enough before leanprover/lean4#2644
-- simp [forget_map_eq_coe, AlgHom.map_zero, Functor.mapCone_π_app]
apply Subtype.ext
funext u
erw [map_zero]
forget_map_eq_coe, map_mul]
· simp only [Functor.mapCone_π_app, forget_map_eq_coe]
funext j
simp only [map_zero, Pi.zero_apply]
· intro x y
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.mapCone_π_app,
-- The below `simp` was enough before leanprover/lean4#2644
-- simp [forget_map_eq_coe, AlgHom.map_add, Functor.mapCone_π_app]
apply Subtype.ext
funext u
erw [map_add]
simp only [Functor.mapCone_π_app]
erw [← map_add (AddEquiv.symm Shrink.addEquiv)]
apply congrArg
ext j
simp only [forget_map_eq_coe, map_add]
· intro r
simp only [← Shrink.algEquiv_symm_apply _ R, limitCone, Equiv.algebraMap_def,
apply congrArg
apply Subtype.ext
ext j
exact (s.π.app j).commutes r
· rfl
#align Algebra.has_limits.limit_cone_is_limit AlgebraCat.HasLimits.limitConeIsLimit

end HasLimits
Expand All @@ -151,7 +157,7 @@ open HasLimits
-- Porting note: mathport translated this as `irreducible_def`, but as `HasLimitsOfSize`
-- is a `Prop`, declaring this as `irreducible` should presumably have no effect
/-- The category of R-algebras has all limits. -/
lemma hasLimitsOfSize : HasLimitsOfSize.{v, v} (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) :=
lemma hasLimitsOfSize [UnivLE.{v, w}] : HasLimitsOfSize.{t, v} (AlgebraCat.{w} R) :=
{ has_limits_of_shape := fun _ _ =>
{ has_limit := fun F =>
{ cone := limitCone F
Expand All @@ -164,13 +170,13 @@ instance hasLimits : HasLimits (AlgebraCat.{w} R) :=

/-- The forgetful functor from R-algebras to rings preserves all limits.
instance forget₂RingPreservesLimitsOfSize :
PreservesLimitsOfSize.{v, v} (forget₂ (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) RingCatMax.{v, w}) where
instance forget₂RingPreservesLimitsOfSize [UnivLE.{v, w}] :
PreservesLimitsOfSize.{t, v} (forget₂ (AlgebraCat.{w} R) RingCat.{w}) where
preservesLimitsOfShape :=
{ preservesLimit :=
preservesLimitOfPreservesLimitCone (limitConeIsLimit _)
{ preservesLimit := fun {K} ↦
preservesLimitOfPreservesLimitCone (limitConeIsLimit K)
(RingCat.limitConeIsLimit.{v, w}
(_ ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) RingCatMax.{v, w})) }
(_ ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCat.{w} R) RingCat.{w})) }
#align Algebra.forget₂_Ring_preserves_limits_of_size AlgebraCat.forget₂RingPreservesLimitsOfSize

instance forget₂RingPreservesLimits : PreservesLimits (forget₂ (AlgebraCat R) RingCat.{w}) :=
Expand All @@ -179,13 +185,13 @@ instance forget₂RingPreservesLimits : PreservesLimits (forget₂ (AlgebraCat R

/-- The forgetful functor from R-algebras to R-modules preserves all limits.
instance forget₂ModulePreservesLimitsOfSize : PreservesLimitsOfSize.{v, v}
(forget₂ (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) (ModuleCatMax.{v, w} R)) where
instance forget₂ModulePreservesLimitsOfSize [UnivLE.{v, w}] : PreservesLimitsOfSize.{t, v}
(forget₂ (AlgebraCat.{w} R) (ModuleCat.{w} R)) where
preservesLimitsOfShape :=
{ preservesLimit :=
preservesLimitOfPreservesLimitCone (limitConeIsLimit _)
{ preservesLimit := fun {K} ↦
preservesLimitOfPreservesLimitCone (limitConeIsLimit K)
(_ ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R) (ModuleCatMax.{v, w} R))) }
(K ⋙ forget₂ (AlgebraCat.{w} R) (ModuleCat.{w} R))) }
#align Algebra.forget₂_Module_preserves_limits_of_size AlgebraCat.forget₂ModulePreservesLimitsOfSize

instance forget₂ModulePreservesLimits :
Expand All @@ -195,12 +201,12 @@ instance forget₂ModulePreservesLimits :

/-- The forgetful functor from R-algebras to types preserves all limits.
instance forgetPreservesLimitsOfSize :
PreservesLimitsOfSize.{v, v} (forget (AlgebraCatMax.{v, w} R)) where
instance forgetPreservesLimitsOfSize [UnivLE.{v, w}] :
PreservesLimitsOfSize.{t, v} (forget (AlgebraCat.{w} R)) where
preservesLimitsOfShape :=
{ preservesLimit :=
preservesLimitOfPreservesLimitCone (limitConeIsLimit _)
(Types.limitConeIsLimit (_ ⋙ forget _)) }
{ preservesLimit := fun {K} ↦
preservesLimitOfPreservesLimitCone (limitConeIsLimit K)
(Types.Small.limitConeIsLimit.{v} (K ⋙ forget _)) }
#align Algebra.forget_preserves_limits_of_size AlgebraCat.forgetPreservesLimitsOfSize

instance forgetPreservesLimits : PreservesLimits (forget (AlgebraCat.{w} R)) :=
Expand Down

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