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feat: port CategoryTheory.Limits.Constructions.FiniteProductsOfBinary…
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…Products (#2738)

Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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mattrobball and jcommelin committed Mar 9, 2023
1 parent 6fc2d2d commit a7c8789
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Showing 2 changed files with 329 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Cones
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Constructions.BinaryProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Constructions.EpiMono
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Constructions.Equalizers
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Constructions.FiniteProductsOfBinaryProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Constructions.Pullbacks
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Creates
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.ExactFunctor
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.limits.constructions.finite_products_of_binary_products
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit ac3ae212f394f508df43e37aa093722fa9b65d31
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Shapes.BinaryProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Shapes.Products
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.BinaryProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.FiniteProducts
import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Fin

# Constructing finite products from binary products and terminal.
If a category has binary products and a terminal object then it has finite products.
If a functor preserves binary products and the terminal object then it preserves finite products.
Provide the dual results.
Show the analogous results for functors which reflect or create (co)limits.

universe v v' u u'

noncomputable section

open CategoryTheory CategoryTheory.Category CategoryTheory.Limits

namespace CategoryTheory

variable {J : Type v} [SmallCategory J]

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

variable {D : Type u'} [Category.{v'} D]

Given `n+1` objects of `C`, a fan for the last `n` with point `c₁.pt` and
a binary fan on `c₁.pt` and `f 0`, we can build a fan for all `n+1`.
In `extendFanIsLimit` we show that if the two given fans are limits, then this fan is also a
@[simps!] -- Porting note: removed semi-reducible config
def extendFan {n : ℕ} {f : Fin (n + 1) → C} (c₁ : Fan fun i : Fin n => f i.succ)
(c₂ : BinaryFan (f 0) c₁.pt) : Fan f := c₂.pt
refine' Fin.cases _ _
· apply c₂.fst
· intro i
apply c₂.snd ≫ c₁.π.app ⟨i⟩)
#align category_theory.extend_fan CategoryTheory.extendFan

/-- Show that if the two given fans in `extendFan` are limits, then the constructed fan is also a
def extendFanIsLimit {n : ℕ} (f : Fin (n + 1) → C) {c₁ : Fan fun i : Fin n => f i.succ}
{c₂ : BinaryFan (f 0) c₁.pt} (t₁ : IsLimit c₁) (t₂ : IsLimit c₂) : IsLimit (extendFan c₁ c₂)
lift s := by
apply (BinaryFan.IsLimit.lift' t₂ (s.π.app ⟨0⟩) _).1
apply t₁.lift ⟨_, Discrete.natTrans fun ⟨i⟩ => s.π.app ⟨i.succ⟩⟩
fac := fun s ⟨j⟩ => by
refine' Fin.inductionOn j ?_ ?_
· apply (BinaryFan.IsLimit.lift' t₂ _ _).2.1
· rintro i -
dsimp only [extendFan_π_app]
rw [Fin.cases_succ, ← assoc, (BinaryFan.IsLimit.lift' t₂ _ _).2.2, t₁.fac]
uniq s m w := by
apply BinaryFan.IsLimit.hom_ext t₂
· rw [(BinaryFan.IsLimit.lift' t₂ _ _).2.1]
apply w ⟨0
· rw [(BinaryFan.IsLimit.lift' t₂ _ _).2.2]
apply t₁.uniq ⟨_, _⟩
rintro ⟨j⟩
rw [assoc]
dsimp only [Discrete.natTrans_app]
rw [← w ⟨j.succ⟩]
dsimp only [extendFan_π_app]
rw [Fin.cases_succ]
#align category_theory.extend_fan_is_limit CategoryTheory.extendFanIsLimit


variable [HasBinaryProducts C] [HasTerminal C]

/-- If `C` has a terminal object and binary products, then it has a product for objects indexed by
`Fin n`.
This is a helper lemma for `hasFiniteProductsOfHasBinaryAndTerminal`, which is more general
than this.
private theorem hasProduct_fin : ∀ (n : ℕ) (f : Fin n → C), HasProduct f
| 0 => fun f => by
letI : HasLimitsOfShape (Discrete (Fin 0)) C :=
hasLimitsOfShapeOfEquivalence (Discrete.equivalence.{0} finZeroEquiv'.symm)
| n + 1 => fun f => by
haveI := hasProduct_fin n
apply ⟨_, extendFanIsLimit f (limit.isLimit _) (limit.isLimit _)⟩

/-- If `C` has a terminal object and binary products, then it has finite products. -/
theorem hasFiniteProducts_of_has_binary_and_terminal : HasFiniteProducts C := by
refine' ⟨fun n => ⟨fun K => _⟩⟩
letI := hasProduct_fin n fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩
let that : (Discrete.functor fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩) ≅ K := Discrete.natIso fun ⟨i⟩ => Iso.refl _
apply @hasLimitOfIso _ _ _ _ _ _ this that
#align category_theory.has_finite_products_of_has_binary_and_terminal CategoryTheory.hasFiniteProducts_of_has_binary_and_terminal


section Preserves

variable (F : C ⥤ D)

variable [PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete WalkingPair) F]

variable [PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete.{0} PEmpty) F]

variable [HasFiniteProducts.{v} C]

/-- If `F` preserves the terminal object and binary products, then it preserves products indexed by
`Fin n` for any `n`.
noncomputable def preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal :
∀ (n : ℕ) (f : Fin n → C), PreservesLimit (Discrete.functor f) F
| 0 => fun f => by
letI : PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete (Fin 0)) F :=
preservesLimitsOfShapeOfEquiv.{0, 0} (Discrete.equivalence finZeroEquiv'.symm) _
| n + 1 => by
haveI := preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal n
intro f
(extendFanIsLimit f (limit.isLimit _) (limit.isLimit _)) _
apply (isLimitMapConeFanMkEquiv _ _ _).symm _
let this :=
extendFanIsLimit (fun i => F.obj (f i)) (isLimitOfHasProductOfPreservesLimit F _)
(isLimitOfHasBinaryProductOfPreservesLimit F _ _)
refine' IsLimit.ofIsoLimit this _
apply Cones.ext _ _
apply Iso.refl _
rintro ⟨j⟩
refine' Fin.inductionOn j ?_ ?_
· apply (Category.id_comp _).symm
· rintro i _
dsimp [extendFan_π_app, Iso.refl_hom, Fan.mk_π]
rw [Fin.cases_succ, Fin.cases_succ]
change _ ≫ _ = 𝟙 _ ≫ _
simp only [id_comp, ← F.map_comp]
#align category_theory.preserves_fin_of_preserves_binary_and_terminal CategoryTheory.preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminalₓ -- Porting note: order of universes changed

/-- If `F` preserves the terminal object and binary products, then it preserves limits of shape
`Discrete (Fin n)`.
def preservesShapeFinOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal (n : ℕ) :
PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete (Fin n)) F where
preservesLimit {K} := by
let that : (Discrete.functor fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩) ≅ K := Discrete.natIso fun ⟨i⟩ => Iso.refl _
haveI := preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal F n fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩
apply preservesLimitOfIsoDiagram F that
#align category_theory.preserves_shape_fin_of_preserves_binary_and_terminal CategoryTheory.preservesShapeFinOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal

/-- If `F` preserves the terminal object and binary products then it preserves finite products. -/
def preservesFiniteProductsOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal (J : Type) [Fintype J] :
PreservesLimitsOfShape (Discrete J) F := by
let e := Fintype.equivFin J
haveI := preservesShapeFinOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal F (Fintype.card J)
apply preservesLimitsOfShapeOfEquiv.{0, 0} (Discrete.equivalence e).symm
#align category_theory.preserves_finite_products_of_preserves_binary_and_terminal CategoryTheory.preservesFiniteProductsOfPreservesBinaryAndTerminal

end Preserves

/-- Given `n+1` objects of `C`, a cofan for the last `n` with point `c₁.pt`
and a binary cofan on `c₁.X` and `f 0`, we can build a cofan for all `n+1`.
In `extendCofanIsColimit` we show that if the two given cofans are colimits,
then this cofan is also a colimit.

@[simps!] -- Porting note: removed semireducible config
def extendCofan {n : ℕ} {f : Fin (n + 1) → C} (c₁ : Cofan fun i : Fin n => f i.succ)
(c₂ : BinaryCofan (f 0) c₁.pt) : Cofan f := c₂.pt
refine' Fin.cases _ _
· apply c₂.inl
· intro i
apply c₁.ι.app ⟨i⟩ ≫ c₂.inr)
#align category_theory.extend_cofan CategoryTheory.extendCofan

/-- Show that if the two given cofans in `extendCofan` are colimits,
then the constructed cofan is also a colimit.
def extendCofanIsColimit {n : ℕ} (f : Fin (n + 1) → C) {c₁ : Cofan fun i : Fin n => f i.succ}
{c₂ : BinaryCofan (f 0) c₁.pt} (t₁ : IsColimit c₁) (t₂ : IsColimit c₂) :
IsColimit (extendCofan c₁ c₂) where
desc s := by
apply (BinaryCofan.IsColimit.desc' t₂ (s.ι.app ⟨0⟩) _).1
apply t₁.desc ⟨_, Discrete.natTrans fun i => s.ι.app ⟨⟩⟩
fac s := by
rintro ⟨j⟩
refine' Fin.inductionOn j ?_ ?_
· apply (BinaryCofan.IsColimit.desc' t₂ _ _).2.1
· rintro i -
dsimp only [extendCofan_ι_app]
rw [Fin.cases_succ, assoc, (BinaryCofan.IsColimit.desc' t₂ _ _).2.2, t₁.fac]
uniq s m w := by
apply BinaryCofan.IsColimit.hom_ext t₂
· rw [(BinaryCofan.IsColimit.desc' t₂ _ _).2.1]
apply w ⟨0
· rw [(BinaryCofan.IsColimit.desc' t₂ _ _).2.2]
apply t₁.uniq ⟨_, _⟩
rintro ⟨j⟩
dsimp only [Discrete.natTrans_app]
rw [← w ⟨j.succ⟩]
dsimp only [extendCofan_ι_app]
rw [Fin.cases_succ, assoc]
#align category_theory.extend_cofan_is_colimit CategoryTheory.extendCofanIsColimit


variable [HasBinaryCoproducts C] [HasInitial C]

If `C` has an initial object and binary coproducts, then it has a coproduct for objects indexed by
`Fin n`.
This is a helper lemma for `hasCofiniteProductsOfHasBinaryAndTerminal`, which is more general
than this.
private theorem has_coproduct_fin : ∀ (n : ℕ) (f : Fin n → C), HasCoproduct f
| 0 => fun f =>
letI : HasColimitsOfShape (Discrete (Fin 0)) C :=
hasColimitsOfShape_of_equivalence (Discrete.equivalence.{0} finZeroEquiv'.symm)
| n + 1 => fun f => by
haveI := has_coproduct_fin n
apply ⟨_, extendCofanIsColimit f (colimit.isColimit _) (colimit.isColimit _)⟩

/-- If `C` has an initial object and binary coproducts, then it has finite coproducts. -/
theorem hasFiniteCoproducts_of_has_binary_and_initial : HasFiniteCoproducts C := by
refine' ⟨fun n => ⟨fun K => _⟩⟩
letI := has_coproduct_fin n fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩
let that : K ≅ Discrete.functor fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩ := Discrete.natIso fun ⟨i⟩ => Iso.refl _
apply @hasColimitOfIso _ _ _ _ _ _ this that
#align category_theory.has_finite_coproducts_of_has_binary_and_initial CategoryTheory.hasFiniteCoproducts_of_has_binary_and_initial


section Preserves

variable (F : C ⥤ D)

variable [PreservesColimitsOfShape (Discrete WalkingPair) F]

variable [PreservesColimitsOfShape (Discrete.{0} PEmpty) F]

variable [HasFiniteCoproducts.{v} C]

/-- If `F` preserves the initial object and binary coproducts, then it preserves products indexed by
`Fin n` for any `n`.
noncomputable def preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial :
∀ (n : ℕ) (f : Fin n → C), PreservesColimit (Discrete.functor f) F
| 0 => fun f => by
letI : PreservesColimitsOfShape (Discrete (Fin 0)) F :=
preservesColimitsOfShapeOfEquiv.{0, 0} (Discrete.equivalence finZeroEquiv'.symm) _
| n + 1 => by
haveI := preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial n
intro f
(extendCofanIsColimit f (colimit.isColimit _) (colimit.isColimit _)) _
apply (isColimitMapCoconeCofanMkEquiv _ _ _).symm _
let this :=
extendCofanIsColimit (fun i => F.obj (f i))
(isColimitOfHasCoproductOfPreservesColimit F _)
(isColimitOfHasBinaryCoproductOfPreservesColimit F _ _)
refine' IsColimit.ofIsoColimit this _
apply Cocones.ext _ _
apply Iso.refl _
rintro ⟨j⟩
refine' Fin.inductionOn j ?_ ?_
· apply Category.comp_id
· rintro i _
dsimp [extendCofan_ι_app, Iso.refl_hom, Cofan.mk_ι]
rw [Fin.cases_succ, Fin.cases_succ, comp_id, ← F.map_comp]
#align category_theory.preserves_fin_of_preserves_binary_and_initial CategoryTheory.preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndInitialₓ -- Porting note: order of universes changed

/-- If `F` preserves the initial object and binary coproducts, then it preserves colimits of shape
`Discrete (Fin n)`.
def preservesShapeFinOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial (n : ℕ) :
PreservesColimitsOfShape (Discrete (Fin n)) F where
preservesColimit {K} := by
let that : (Discrete.functor fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩) ≅ K := Discrete.natIso fun ⟨i⟩ => Iso.refl _
haveI := preservesFinOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial F n fun n => K.obj ⟨n⟩
apply preservesColimitOfIsoDiagram F that
#align category_theory.preserves_shape_fin_of_preserves_binary_and_initial CategoryTheory.preservesShapeFinOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial

/-- If `F` preserves the initial object and binary coproducts then it preserves finite products. -/
def preservesFiniteCoproductsOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial (J : Type) [Fintype J] :
PreservesColimitsOfShape (Discrete J) F := by
let e := Fintype.equivFin J
haveI := preservesShapeFinOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial F (Fintype.card J)
apply preservesColimitsOfShapeOfEquiv.{0, 0} (Discrete.equivalence e).symm
#align category_theory.preserves_finite_coproducts_of_preserves_binary_and_initial CategoryTheory.preservesFiniteCoproductsOfPreservesBinaryAndInitial

end Preserves

end CategoryTheory

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