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feat: port LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.ToTensorPower (#4876)
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Co-authored-by: Kevin Buzzard <>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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3 people authored and semorrison committed Aug 14, 2023
1 parent d69dfc7 commit a949120
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Showing 2 changed files with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2184,6 +2184,7 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.StdBasis
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.SymplecticGroup
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.Grading
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.ToTensorPower
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorPower
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct.Matrix
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188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/TensorAlgebra/ToTensorPower.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Wieser. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Wieser
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module linear_algebra.tensor_algebra.to_tensor_power
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit d97a0c9f7a7efe6d76d652c5a6b7c9c634b70e0a
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorPower

# Tensor algebras as direct sums of tensor powers
In this file we show that `TensorAlgebra R M` is isomorphic to a direct sum of tensor powers, as

open scoped DirectSum TensorProduct

variable {R M : Type _} [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M]

namespace TensorPower

/-- The canonical embedding from a tensor power to the tensor algebra -/
def toTensorAlgebra {n} : (⨂[R]^n) M →ₗ[R] TensorAlgebra R M :=
PiTensorProduct.lift (TensorAlgebra.tprod R M n)
#align tensor_power.to_tensor_algebra TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra

theorem toTensorAlgebra_tprod {n} (x : Fin n → M) :
TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra (PiTensorProduct.tprod R x) = TensorAlgebra.tprod R M n x :=
PiTensorProduct.lift.tprod _
#align tensor_power.to_tensor_algebra_tprod TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_tprod

theorem toTensorAlgebra_gOne :
TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra ( _ (fun n => (⨂[R]^n) M) _ _) = 1 :=
TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_tprod _
#align tensor_power.to_tensor_algebra_ghas_one TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_gOne

theorem toTensorAlgebra_gMul {i j} (a : (⨂[R]^i) M) (b : (⨂[R]^j) M) :
TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra (@GradedMonoid.GMul.mul _ (fun n => (⨂[R]^n) M) _ _ _ _ a b) =
TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra a * TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra b := by
-- change `a` and `b` to `tprod R a` and `tprod R b`
rw [TensorPower.gMul_eq_coe_linearMap, ← LinearMap.compr₂_apply, ← @LinearMap.mul_apply' R, ←
LinearMap.compl₂_apply, ← LinearMap.comp_apply]
refine' LinearMap.congr_fun (LinearMap.congr_fun _ a) b
clear! a b
ext (a b)
-- Porting note: pulled the next two lines out of the long `simp only` below.
simp only [LinearMap.compMultilinearMap_apply]
rw [LinearMap.compr₂_apply, ← gMul_eq_coe_linearMap]
simp only [LinearMap.compr₂_apply, LinearMap.mul_apply', LinearMap.compl₂_apply,
LinearMap.comp_apply, LinearMap.compMultilinearMap_apply, PiTensorProduct.lift.tprod,
TensorPower.tprod_mul_tprod, TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_tprod, TensorAlgebra.tprod_apply, ←
refine' Eq.trans _ List.prod_append
-- Porting note: was `congr`
apply congr_arg
-- Porting note: `erw` for `Function.comp`
erw [← List.map_ofFn _ (TensorAlgebra.ι R), ← List.map_ofFn _ (TensorAlgebra.ι R), ←
List.map_ofFn _ (TensorAlgebra.ι R), ← List.map_append, List.ofFn_fin_append]
#align tensor_power.to_tensor_algebra_ghas_mul TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_gMul

theorem toTensorAlgebra_galgebra_toFun (r : R) :
TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra (DirectSum.GAlgebra.toFun (R := R) (A := fun n => (⨂[R]^n) M) r) =
algebraMap _ _ r := by
rw [TensorPower.galgebra_toFun_def, TensorPower.algebraMap₀_eq_smul_one, LinearMap.map_smul,
TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_gOne, Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one]
#align tensor_power.to_tensor_algebra_galgebra_to_fun TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_galgebra_toFun

end TensorPower

namespace TensorAlgebra

/-- The canonical map from a direct sum of tensor powers to the tensor algebra. -/
def ofDirectSum : (⨁ n, (⨂[R]^n) M) →ₐ[R] TensorAlgebra R M :=
DirectSum.toAlgebra _ _ (fun _ => TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra) TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_gOne
(fun {_ _} => TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_gMul) TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_galgebra_toFun
#align tensor_algebra.of_direct_sum TensorAlgebra.ofDirectSum

theorem ofDirectSum_of_tprod {n} (x : Fin n → M) :
ofDirectSum (DirectSum.of _ n (PiTensorProduct.tprod R x)) = tprod R M n x :=
(fun _ ↦ LinearMap.toAddMonoidHom TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra) _ _).trans
(TensorPower.toTensorAlgebra_tprod _)
#align tensor_algebra.of_direct_sum_of_tprod TensorAlgebra.ofDirectSum_of_tprod

/-- The canonical map from the tensor algebra to a direct sum of tensor powers. -/
def toDirectSum : TensorAlgebra R M →ₐ[R] ⨁ n, (⨂[R]^n) M :=
TensorAlgebra.lift R <|
DirectSum.lof R ℕ (fun n => (⨂[R]^n) M) _ ∘ₗ
(LinearEquiv.symm <| PiTensorProduct.subsingletonEquiv (0 : Fin 1) : M ≃ₗ[R] _).toLinearMap
#align tensor_algebra.to_direct_sum TensorAlgebra.toDirectSum

theorem toDirectSum_ι (x : M) :
toDirectSum (ι R x) =
DirectSum.of (fun n => (⨂[R]^n) M) _ (PiTensorProduct.tprod R fun _ : Fin 1 => x) :=
TensorAlgebra.lift_ι_apply _ _
#align tensor_algebra.to_direct_sum_ι TensorAlgebra.toDirectSum_ι

theorem ofDirectSum_comp_toDirectSum :
ofDirectSum.comp toDirectSum = R (TensorAlgebra R M) := by
simp [DirectSum.lof_eq_of, tprod_apply]
#align tensor_algebra.of_direct_sum_comp_to_direct_sum TensorAlgebra.ofDirectSum_comp_toDirectSum

theorem ofDirectSum_toDirectSum (x : TensorAlgebra R M) :
ofDirectSum (TensorAlgebra.toDirectSum x) = x :=
AlgHom.congr_fun ofDirectSum_comp_toDirectSum x
#align tensor_algebra.of_direct_sum_to_direct_sum TensorAlgebra.ofDirectSum_toDirectSum

theorem mk_reindex_cast {n m : ℕ} (h : n = m) (x : (⨂[R]^n) M) : (A := fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M) m
(PiTensorProduct.reindex R M (Equiv.cast <| congr_arg Fin h) x) = n x :=
Eq.symm (PiTensorProduct.gradedMonoid_eq_of_reindex_cast h rfl)
#align tensor_algebra.mk_reindex_cast TensorAlgebra.mk_reindex_cast

theorem mk_reindex_fin_cast {n m : ℕ} (h : n = m) (x : (⨂[R]^n) M) : (A := fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M) m
(PiTensorProduct.reindex R M (Fin.castIso h).toEquiv x) = n x :=
by rw [Fin.castIso_to_equiv, mk_reindex_cast h]
#align tensor_algebra.mk_reindex_fin_cast TensorAlgebra.mk_reindex_fin_cast

/-- The product of tensor products made of a single vector is the same as a single product of
all the vectors. -/
theorem _root_.TensorPower.list_prod_gradedMonoid_mk_single (n : ℕ) (x : Fin n → M) :
((List.finRange n).map fun a =>
( _ (PiTensorProduct.tprod R fun _ : Fin 1 => x a) :
GradedMonoid fun n => (⨂[R]^n) M)).prod = n (PiTensorProduct.tprod R x) := by
refine' Fin.consInduction _ _ x <;> clear x
· rw [List.finRange_zero, List.map_nil, List.prod_nil]
· intro n x₀ x ih
rw [List.finRange_succ_eq_map, List.map_cons, List.prod_cons, List.map_map]
simp_rw [Function.comp, Fin.cons_zero, Fin.cons_succ]
rw [ih, GradedMonoid.mk_mul_mk, TensorPower.tprod_mul_tprod]
refine' TensorPower.gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast (add_comm _ _) _
dsimp only []
rw [TensorPower.cast_tprod]
simp_rw [Fin.append_left_eq_cons, Function.comp]
congr 1 with i
#align tensor_power.list_prod_graded_monoid_mk_single TensorPower.list_prod_gradedMonoid_mk_single

theorem toDirectSum_tensorPower_tprod {n} (x : Fin n → M) :
toDirectSum (tprod R M n x) = DirectSum.of _ n (PiTensorProduct.tprod R x) := by
rw [tprod_apply, AlgHom.map_list_prod, List.map_ofFn]
simp_rw [Function.comp, toDirectSum_ι]
dsimp only
rw [DirectSum.list_prod_ofFn_of_eq_dProd]
apply DirectSum.of_eq_of_gradedMonoid_eq
rw [GradedMonoid.mk_list_dProd]
rw [TensorPower.list_prod_gradedMonoid_mk_single]
#align tensor_algebra.to_direct_sum_tensor_power_tprod TensorAlgebra.toDirectSum_tensorPower_tprod

theorem toDirectSum_comp_ofDirectSum :
toDirectSum.comp ofDirectSum = R (⨁ n, (⨂[R]^n) M) := by
simp [DirectSum.lof_eq_of, -tprod_apply, toDirectSum_tensorPower_tprod]
#align tensor_algebra.to_direct_sum_comp_of_direct_sum TensorAlgebra.toDirectSum_comp_ofDirectSum

theorem toDirectSum_ofDirectSum (x : ⨁ n, (⨂[R]^n) M) :
TensorAlgebra.toDirectSum (ofDirectSum x) = x :=
AlgHom.congr_fun toDirectSum_comp_ofDirectSum x
#align tensor_algebra.to_direct_sum_of_direct_sum TensorAlgebra.toDirectSum_ofDirectSum

/-- The tensor algebra is isomorphic to a direct sum of tensor powers. -/
def equivDirectSum : TensorAlgebra R M ≃ₐ[R] ⨁ n, (⨂[R]^n) M :=
AlgEquiv.ofAlgHom toDirectSum ofDirectSum toDirectSum_comp_ofDirectSum
#align tensor_algebra.equiv_direct_sum TensorAlgebra.equivDirectSum

end TensorAlgebra

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