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feat: port Algebra.CharP.MixedCharZero (#3222)
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Co-authored-by: Parcly Taxel <>
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joneugster and Parcly-Taxel committed May 21, 2023
1 parent 542f2e5 commit ab900bd
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Showing 3 changed files with 391 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.CharAndCard
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.ExpChar
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.Invertible
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.LocalRing
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.MixedCharZero
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.Pi
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.Quotient
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.Subring
Expand Down
389 changes: 389 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/CharP/MixedCharZero.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jon Eugster. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jon Eugster
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module algebra.char_p.mixed_char_zero
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 70fd9563a21e7b963887c9360bd29b2393e6225a
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.Algebra
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.LocalRing
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.Tactic.FieldSimp

# Equal and mixed characteristic
In commutative algebra, some statments are simpler when working over a `ℚ`-algebra `R`, in which
case one also says that the ring has "equal characteristic zero". A ring that is not a
`ℚ`-algebra has either positive characteristic or there exists a prime ideal `I ⊂ R` such that
the quotient `R ⧸ I` has positive characteristic `p > 0`. In this case one speaks of
"mixed characteristic `(0, p)`", where `p` is only unique if `R` is local.
Examples of mixed characteristic rings are `ℤ` or the `p`-adic integers/numbers.
This file provides the main theorem `split_by_characteristic` that splits any proposition `P` into
the following three cases:
1) Positive characteristic: `CharP R p` (where `p ≠ 0`)
2) Equal characteristic zero: `Algebra ℚ R`
3) Mixed characteristic: `MixedCharZero R p` (where `p` is prime)
## Main definitions
- `MixedCharZero` : A ring has mixed characteristic `(0, p)` if it has characteristic zero
and there exists an ideal such that the quotient `R ⧸ I` has characteristic `p`.
## Main results
- `split_equalCharZero_mixedCharZero` : Split a statement into equal/mixed characteristic zero.
This main theorem has the following three corollaries which include the positive
characteristic case for convenience:
- `split_by_characteristic` : Generally consider positive char `p ≠ 0`.
- `split_by_characteristic_domain` : In a domain we can assume that `p` is prime.
- `split_by_characteristic_localRing` : In a local ring we can assume that `p` is a prime power.
## Implementation Notes
We use the terms `EqualCharZero` and `AlgebraRat` despite not being such definitions in mathlib.
The former refers to the statement `∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I)`, the latter
refers to the existance of an instance `[Algebra ℚ R]`. The two are shown to be
equivalent conditions.
- Relate mixed characteristic in a local ring to p-adic numbers [NumberTheory.PAdics].

variable (R : Type _) [CommRing R]

### Mixed characteristic

A ring of characteristic zero is of "mixed characteristic `(0, p)`" if there exists an ideal
such that the quotient `R ⧸ I` has characteristic `p`.
**Remark:** For `p = 0`, `MixedChar R 0` is a meaningless definition (i.e. satisfied by any ring)
as `R ⧸ ⊥ ≅ R` has by definition always characteristic zero.
One could require `(I ≠ ⊥)` in the definition, but then `MixedChar R 0` would mean something
like `ℤ`-algebra of extension degree `≥ 1` and would be completely independent from
whether something is a `ℚ`-algebra or not (e.g. `ℚ[X]` would satisfy it but `ℚ` wouldn't).
class MixedCharZero (p : ℕ) : Prop where
[toCharZero : CharZero R]
charP_quotient : ∃ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ ∧ CharP (R ⧸ I) p
#align mixed_char_zero MixedCharZero

namespace MixedCharZero

Reduction to `p` prime: When proving any statement `P` about mixed characteristic rings we
can always assume that `p` is prime.
theorem reduce_to_p_prime {P : Prop} :
(∀ p > 0, MixedCharZero R p → P) ↔ ∀ p : ℕ, p.Prime → MixedCharZero R p → P := by
· intro h q q_prime q_mixedChar
exact h q (Nat.Prime.pos q_prime) q_mixedChar
· intro h q q_pos q_mixedChar
rcases q_mixedChar.charP_quotient with ⟨I, hI_ne_top, _⟩
-- Krull's Thm: There exists a prime ideal `P` such that `I ≤ P`
rcases Ideal.exists_le_maximal I hI_ne_top with ⟨M, hM_max, h_IM⟩
let r := ringChar (R ⧸ M)
have r_pos : r ≠ 0
· have q_zero :=
congr_arg (Ideal.Quotient.factor I M h_IM) (CharP.cast_eq_zero (R ⧸ I) q)
simp only [map_natCast, map_zero] at q_zero
apply ne_zero_of_dvd_ne_zero (ne_of_gt q_pos)
exact (CharP.cast_eq_zero_iff (R ⧸ M) r q).mp q_zero
have r_prime : Nat.Prime r :=
or_iff_not_imp_right.1 (CharP.char_is_prime_or_zero (R ⧸ M) r) r_pos
apply h r r_prime
have : CharZero R := q_mixedChar.toCharZero
exact ⟨⟨M, hM_max.ne_top, ringChar.of_eq rfl⟩⟩
#align mixed_char_zero.reduce_to_p_prime MixedCharZero.reduce_to_p_prime

Reduction to `I` prime ideal: When proving statements about mixed characteristic rings,
after we reduced to `p` prime, we can assume that the ideal `I` in the definition is maximal.
theorem reduce_to_maximal_ideal {p : ℕ} (hp : Nat.Prime p) :
(∃ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ ∧ CharP (R ⧸ I) p) ↔ ∃ I : Ideal R, I.IsMaximal ∧ CharP (R ⧸ I) p := by
· intro g
rcases g with ⟨I, ⟨hI_not_top, _⟩⟩
-- Krull's Thm: There exists a prime ideal `M` such that `I ≤ M`.
rcases Ideal.exists_le_maximal I hI_not_top with ⟨M, ⟨hM_max, hM_ge⟩⟩
use M
· exact hM_max
· cases CharP.exists (R ⧸ M) with
| intro r hr =>
-- Porting note: This is odd. Added `have hr := hr`.
-- Without this it seems that lean does not find `hr` as an instance.
have hr := hr
convert hr
have r_dvd_p : r ∣ p
· rw [← CharP.cast_eq_zero_iff (R ⧸ M) r p]
convert congr_arg (Ideal.Quotient.factor I M hM_ge) (CharP.cast_eq_zero (R ⧸ I) p)
apply (Nat.Prime.eq_one_or_self_of_dvd hp r r_dvd_p).resolve_left
exact CharP.char_ne_one (R ⧸ M) r
· intro ⟨I, hI_max, h_charP⟩
use I
exact ⟨Ideal.IsMaximal.ne_top hI_max, h_charP⟩
#align mixed_char_zero.reduce_to_maximal_ideal MixedCharZero.reduce_to_maximal_ideal

end MixedCharZero

### Equal characteristic zero
A commutative ring `R` has "equal characteristic zero" if it satisfies one of the following
equivalent properties:
1) `R` is a `ℚ`-algebra.
2) The quotient `R ⧸ I` has characteristic zero for any proper ideal `I ⊂ R`.
3) `R` has characteristic zero and does not have mixed characteristic for any prime `p`.
We show `(1) ↔ (2) ↔ (3)`, and most of the following is concerned with constructing
an explicit algebra map `ℚ →+* R` (given by `x ↦ (x.num : R) /ₚ ↑x.pnatDen`)
for the direction `(1) ← (2)`.
Note: Property `(2)` is denoted as `EqualCharZero` in the statement names below.

namespace EqualCharZero

/-- `ℚ`-algebra implies equal characteristic. -/
theorem of_algebraRat [Algebra ℚ R] : ∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I) := by
intro I hI
intro a b h_ab
contrapose! hI
-- `↑a - ↑b` is a unit contained in `I`, which contradicts `I ≠ ⊤`.
refine' I.eq_top_of_isUnit_mem _ ( (algebraMap ℚ R) (IsUnit.mk0 (a - b : ℚ) _))
· simpa only [← Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem, map_sub, sub_eq_zero, map_natCast]
simpa only [Ne.def, sub_eq_zero] using (@Nat.cast_injective ℚ _ _).ne hI
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align Q_algebra_to_equal_char_zero EqualCharZero.of_algebraRat

section ConstructionAlgebraRat

variable {R}

/-- Internal: Not intended to be used outside this local construction. -/
theorem PNat.isUnit_natCast [h : Fact (∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I))]
(n : ℕ+) : IsUnit (n : R) := by
-- `n : R` is a unit iff `(n)` is not a proper ideal in `R`.
rw [← Ideal.span_singleton_eq_top]
-- So by contrapositive, we should show the quotient does not have characteristic zero.
apply (h.elim (Ideal.span {↑n}))
intro h_char_zero
-- In particular, the image of `n` in the quotient should be nonzero.
apply n.ne_zero
-- But `n` generates the ideal, so its image is clearly zero.
rw [← map_natCast ( _), Nat.cast_zero, Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem]
exact Ideal.subset_span (Set.mem_singleton _)
#align equal_char_zero.pnat_coe_is_unit EqualCharZero.PNat.isUnit_natCast

noncomputable def pnatCast [Fact (∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I))] : ℕ+ → Rˣ :=
fun n => (PNat.isUnit_natCast n).unit

/-- Internal: Not intended to be used outside this local construction. -/
noncomputable instance coePNatUnits
[Fact (∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I))] : Coe ℕ+ Rˣ :=
#align equal_char_zero.pnat_has_coe_units EqualCharZero.coePNatUnits

/-- Internal: Not intended to be used outside this local construction. -/
theorem pnatCast_one [Fact (∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I))] : ((1 : ℕ+) : Rˣ) = 1 := by
apply Units.ext
rw [Units.val_one]
change ((PNat.isUnit_natCast (R := R) 1).unit : R) = 1
rw [IsUnit.unit_spec (PNat.isUnit_natCast 1)]
rw [PNat.one_coe, Nat.cast_one]
#align equal_char_zero.pnat_coe_units_eq_one EqualCharZero.pnatCast_one

/-- Internal: Not intended to be used outside this local construction. -/
theorem pnatCast_eq_natCast [Fact (∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I))] (n : ℕ+) :
((n : Rˣ) : R) = ↑n := by
change ((PNat.isUnit_natCast (R := R) n).unit : R) = ↑n
simp only [IsUnit.unit_spec]
#align equal_char_zero.pnat_coe_units_coe_eq_coe EqualCharZero.pnatCast_eq_natCast

/-- Equal characteristic implies `ℚ`-algebra. -/
noncomputable def algebraRat (h : ∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I)) :
Algebra ℚ R :=
haveI : Fact (∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I)) := ⟨h⟩
{ toFun := fun x => x.num /ₚ ↑x.pnatDen
map_zero' := by simp [divp]
map_one' := by simp
map_mul' := by
intro a b
trans (↑((a * b).num * a.den * b.den) : R)
· simp_rw [Int.cast_mul, Int.cast_ofNat, Rat.coe_pnatDen]
rw [Rat.mul_num_den' a b]
map_add' := by
intro a b
trans (↑((a + b).num * a.den * b.den) : R)
· simp_rw [Int.cast_mul, Int.cast_ofNat, Rat.coe_pnatDen]
rw [Rat.add_num_den' a b]
simp }
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align equal_char_zero_to_Q_algebra EqualCharZero.algebraRat

end ConstructionAlgebraRat

/-- Not mixed characteristic implies equal characteristic. -/
theorem of_not_mixedCharZero [CharZero R] (h : ∀ p > 0, ¬MixedCharZero R p) :
∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I) := by
intro I hI_ne_top
suffices h_charP : CharP (R ⧸ I) 0
· apply CharP.charP_to_charZero
cases CharP.exists (R ⧸ I) with
| intro p hp =>
cases p with
| zero => exact hp
| succ p =>
have h_mixed : MixedCharZero R p.succ := ⟨⟨I, ⟨hI_ne_top, hp⟩⟩⟩
exact absurd h_mixed (h p.succ p.succ_pos)
#align not_mixed_char_to_equal_char_zero EqualCharZero.of_not_mixedCharZero

/-- Equal characteristic implies not mixed characteristic. -/
theorem to_not_mixedCharZero (h : ∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I)) :
∀ p > 0, ¬MixedCharZero R p := by
intro p p_pos
by_contra hp_mixedChar
rcases hp_mixedChar.charP_quotient with ⟨I, hI_ne_top, hI_p⟩
replace hI_zero : CharP (R ⧸ I) 0 := @CharP.ofCharZero _ _ (h I hI_ne_top)
exact absurd (CharP.eq (R ⧸ I) hI_p hI_zero) (ne_of_gt p_pos)
#align equal_char_zero_to_not_mixed_char EqualCharZero.to_not_mixedCharZero

A ring of characteristic zero has equal characteristic iff it does not
have mixed characteristic for any `p`.
theorem iff_not_mixedCharZero [CharZero R] :
(∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I)) ↔ ∀ p > 0, ¬MixedCharZero R p :=
⟨to_not_mixedCharZero R, of_not_mixedCharZero R⟩
#align equal_char_zero_iff_not_mixed_char EqualCharZero.iff_not_mixedCharZero

/-- A ring is a `ℚ`-algebra iff it has equal characteristic zero. -/
theorem nonempty_algebraRat_iff :
Nonempty (Algebra ℚ R) ↔ ∀ I : Ideal R, I ≠ ⊤ → CharZero (R ⧸ I) := by
· intro h_alg
haveI h_alg' : Algebra ℚ R := h_alg.some
apply of_algebraRat
· intro h
apply Nonempty.intro
exact algebraRat h
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align Q_algebra_iff_equal_char_zero EqualCharZero.nonempty_algebraRat_iff

end EqualCharZero

A ring of characteristic zero is not a `ℚ`-algebra iff it has mixed characteristic for some `p`.
theorem isEmpty_algebraRat_iff_mixedCharZero [CharZero R] :
IsEmpty (Algebra ℚ R) ↔ ∃ p > 0, MixedCharZero R p := by
rw [← not_iff_not]
rw [not_isEmpty_iff, ← EqualCharZero.iff_not_mixedCharZero]
apply EqualCharZero.nonempty_algebraRat_iff
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align not_Q_algebra_iff_not_equal_char_zero isEmpty_algebraRat_iff_mixedCharZero

# Splitting statements into different characteristic
Statements to split a proof by characteristic. There are 3 theorems here that are very
similar. They only differ in the assumptions we can make on the positive characteristic
Generally we need to consider all `p ≠ 0`, but if `R` is a local ring, we can assume
that `p` is a prime power. And if `R` is a domain, we can even assume that `p` is prime.

section MainStatements

variable {P : Prop}

/-- Split a `Prop` in characteristic zero into equal and mixed characteristic. -/
theorem split_equalCharZero_mixedCharZero [CharZero R] (h_equal : Algebra ℚ R → P)
(h_mixed : ∀ p : ℕ, Nat.Prime p → MixedCharZero R p → P) : P := by
by_cases h : ∃ p > 0, MixedCharZero R p
· rcases h with ⟨p, ⟨H, hp⟩⟩
rw [← MixedCharZero.reduce_to_p_prime] at h_mixed
exact h_mixed p H hp
· apply h_equal
rw [← isEmpty_algebraRat_iff_mixedCharZero, not_isEmpty_iff] at h
exact h.some
#align split_equal_mixed_char split_equalCharZero_mixedCharZero

example (n : ℕ) (h : n ≠ 0) : 0 < n :=
zero_lt_iff.mpr h

Split any `Prop` over `R` into the three cases:
- positive characteristic.
- equal characteristic zero.
- mixed characteristic `(0, p)`.
theorem split_by_characteristic (h_pos : ∀ p : ℕ, p ≠ 0 → CharP R p → P) (h_equal : Algebra ℚ R → P)
(h_mixed : ∀ p : ℕ, Nat.Prime p → MixedCharZero R p → P) : P := by
cases CharP.exists R with
| intro p p_charP =>
by_cases p = 0
· rw [h] at p_charP
haveI h0 : CharZero R := CharP.charP_to_charZero R
exact split_equalCharZero_mixedCharZero R h_equal h_mixed
· exact h_pos p h p_charP
#align split_by_characteristic split_by_characteristic

In a `IsDomain R`, split any `Prop` over `R` into the three cases:
- *prime* characteristic.
- equal characteristic zero.
- mixed characteristic `(0, p)`.
theorem split_by_characteristic_domain [IsDomain R] (h_pos : ∀ p : ℕ, Nat.Prime p → CharP R p → P)
(h_equal : Algebra ℚ R → P) (h_mixed : ∀ p : ℕ, Nat.Prime p → MixedCharZero R p → P) : P := by
refine split_by_characteristic R ?_ h_equal h_mixed
intro p p_pos p_char
have p_prime : Nat.Prime p := (CharP.char_is_prime_or_zero R p) p_pos
exact h_pos p p_prime p_char
#align split_by_characteristic_domain split_by_characteristic_domain

In a `LocalRing R`, split any `Prop` over `R` into the three cases:
- *prime power* characteristic.
- equal characteristic zero.
- mixed characteristic `(0, p)`.
theorem split_by_characteristic_localRing [LocalRing R]
(h_pos : ∀ p : ℕ, IsPrimePow p → CharP R p → P) (h_equal : Algebra ℚ R → P)
(h_mixed : ∀ p : ℕ, Nat.Prime p → MixedCharZero R p → P) : P := by
refine' split_by_characteristic R _ h_equal h_mixed
intro p p_pos p_char
have p_ppow : IsPrimePow (p : ℕ) := (charP_zero_or_prime_power R p) p_pos
exact h_pos p p_ppow p_char
#align split_by_characteristic_local_ring split_by_characteristic_localRing

end MainStatements

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