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style(Order): use where __ := x instead of := { x with } (#10588)
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The former style encourages one parent per line, which is easier to review and see diffs of. It also allows a handful of `:= fun a b =>`s to be replaced with the less noisy `a b :=`.

A small number of `inferInstanceAs _ with`s were removed, as they are automatic in those places anyway.
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eric-wieser committed Feb 15, 2024
1 parent 30a9315 commit abf7370
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Showing 6 changed files with 372 additions and 339 deletions.
52 changes: 30 additions & 22 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Pi.lean
Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ namespace Pi
"The product of a family of ordered additive commutative monoids is
an ordered additive commutative monoid."]
instance orderedCommMonoid {ι : Type*} {Z : ι → Type*} [∀ i, OrderedCommMonoid (Z i)] :
OrderedCommMonoid (∀ i, Z i) :=
{ Pi.partialOrder, Pi.commMonoid with
mul_le_mul_left := fun _ _ w _ i => mul_le_mul_left' (w i) _ }
OrderedCommMonoid (∀ i, Z i) where
__ := Pi.partialOrder
__ := Pi.commMonoid
mul_le_mul_left _ _ w _ := fun i => mul_le_mul_left' (w i) _
#align pi.ordered_comm_monoid Pi.orderedCommMonoid
#align pi.ordered_add_comm_monoid Pi.orderedAddCommMonoid

Expand All @@ -49,9 +50,11 @@ instance existsMulOfLe {ι : Type*} {α : ι → Type*} [∀ i, LE (α i)] [∀
"The product of a family of canonically ordered additive monoids is
a canonically ordered additive monoid."]
instance {ι : Type*} {Z : ι → Type*} [∀ i, CanonicallyOrderedCommMonoid (Z i)] :
CanonicallyOrderedCommMonoid (∀ i, Z i) :=
{ Pi.orderBot, Pi.orderedCommMonoid, Pi.existsMulOfLe with
le_self_mul := fun _ _ _ => le_self_mul }
CanonicallyOrderedCommMonoid (∀ i, Z i) where
__ := Pi.orderBot
__ := Pi.orderedCommMonoid
__ := Pi.existsMulOfLe
le_self_mul _ _ := fun _ => le_self_mul

instance orderedCancelCommMonoid [∀ i, OrderedCancelCommMonoid <| f i] :
Expand All @@ -72,31 +75,36 @@ instance orderedCancelCommMonoid [∀ i, OrderedCancelCommMonoid <| f i] :
#align pi.ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid Pi.orderedAddCancelCommMonoid

instance orderedCommGroup [∀ i, OrderedCommGroup <| f i] : OrderedCommGroup (∀ i : I, f i) :=
{ Pi.commGroup, Pi.orderedCommMonoid with
npow := Monoid.npow }
instance orderedCommGroup [∀ i, OrderedCommGroup <| f i] : OrderedCommGroup (∀ i : I, f i) where
__ := Pi.commGroup
__ := Pi.orderedCommMonoid
npow := Monoid.npow
#align pi.ordered_comm_group Pi.orderedCommGroup
#align pi.ordered_add_comm_group Pi.orderedAddCommGroup

instance orderedSemiring [∀ i, OrderedSemiring (f i)] : OrderedSemiring (∀ i, f i) :=
{ Pi.semiring,
Pi.partialOrder with
add_le_add_left := fun _ _ hab _ _ => add_le_add_left (hab _) _
zero_le_one := fun i => zero_le_one (α := f i)
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left := fun _ _ _ hab hc _ => mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (hab _) <| hc _
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right := fun _ _ _ hab hc _ => mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hab _) <| hc _ }
instance orderedSemiring [∀ i, OrderedSemiring (f i)] : OrderedSemiring (∀ i, f i) where
__ := Pi.semiring
__ := Pi.partialOrder
add_le_add_left _ _ hab _ := fun _ => add_le_add_left (hab _) _
zero_le_one := fun i => zero_le_one (α := f i)
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ _ _ hab hc := fun _ => mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (hab _) <| hc _
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right _ _ _ hab hc := fun _ => mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hab _) <| hc _
#align pi.ordered_semiring Pi.orderedSemiring

instance orderedCommSemiring [∀ i, OrderedCommSemiring (f i)] : OrderedCommSemiring (∀ i, f i) :=
{ Pi.commSemiring, Pi.orderedSemiring with }
instance orderedCommSemiring [∀ i, OrderedCommSemiring (f i)] : OrderedCommSemiring (∀ i, f i) where
__ := Pi.commSemiring
__ := Pi.orderedSemiring
#align pi.ordered_comm_semiring Pi.orderedCommSemiring

instance orderedRing [∀ i, OrderedRing (f i)] : OrderedRing (∀ i, f i) :=
{ Pi.ring, Pi.orderedSemiring with mul_nonneg := fun _ _ ha hb _ => mul_nonneg (ha _) (hb _) }
instance orderedRing [∀ i, OrderedRing (f i)] : OrderedRing (∀ i, f i) where
__ := Pi.ring
__ := Pi.orderedSemiring
mul_nonneg _ _ ha hb := fun _ => mul_nonneg (ha _) (hb _)
#align pi.ordered_ring Pi.orderedRing

instance orderedCommRing [∀ i, OrderedCommRing (f i)] : OrderedCommRing (∀ i, f i) :=
{ Pi.commRing, Pi.orderedRing with }
instance orderedCommRing [∀ i, OrderedCommRing (f i)] : OrderedCommRing (∀ i, f i) where
__ := Pi.commRing
__ := Pi.orderedRing
#align pi.ordered_comm_ring Pi.orderedCommRing

end Pi
Expand Down
179 changes: 92 additions & 87 deletions Mathlib/Order/BooleanAlgebra.lean
Expand Up @@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊓ (x ⊓ y) = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm,
#align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_inf

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
{ GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot with
bot_le := fun a => by
rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]
exact inf_le_left }
instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α where
__ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot
bot_le a := by
rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]
exact inf_le_left
#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot

theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,32 +178,33 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_left : y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_sdiff_se

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra :
GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra α :=
{ ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot with
sdiff := (· \ ·),
sdiff_le_iff := fun y x z =>
fun h =>
y ⊓ y \ x = y \ x := inf_of_le_right sdiff_le'
_ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y \ x :=
by rw [inf_eq_right.2 h, inf_sdiff_self_right, bot_sup_eq]
_ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := inf_sup_right.symm))
GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra α where
__ := ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›
__ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
sdiff := (· \ ·)
sdiff_le_iff y x z :=
fun h =>
y ⊔ y \ x = y := sup_of_le_left sdiff_le'
_ ≤ y ⊔ (x ⊔ z) := le_sup_left
_ = y \ x ⊔ x ⊔ z := by rw [← sup_assoc, ← @sdiff_sup_self' _ x y]
_ = x ⊔ z ⊔ y \ x := by ac_rfl),
fun h =>
y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := inf_sdiff_self_left
_ ≤ z ⊓ x := bot_le)
y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x := sdiff_sup_self'
_ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := sup_le_sup_right h x
_ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem])⟩ }
y ⊓ y \ x = y \ x := inf_of_le_right sdiff_le'
_ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y \ x :=
by rw [inf_eq_right.2 h, inf_sdiff_self_right, bot_sup_eq]
_ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := inf_sup_right.symm))
y ⊔ y \ x = y := sup_of_le_left sdiff_le'
_ ≤ y ⊔ (x ⊔ z) := le_sup_left
_ = y \ x ⊔ x ⊔ z := by rw [← sup_assoc, ← @sdiff_sup_self' _ x y]
_ = x ⊔ z ⊔ y \ x := by ac_rfl),
fun h =>
y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := inf_sdiff_self_left
_ ≤ z ⊓ x := bot_le)
y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x := sdiff_sup_self'
_ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := sup_le_sup_right h x
_ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem])⟩
#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra

theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_left : Disjoint (y \ x) x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,15 +557,17 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder [h : BooleanAlgebra α]
/-- A bounded generalized boolean algebra is a boolean algebra. -/
def GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α] [OrderTop α] :
BooleanAlgebra α :=
{ ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot, ‹OrderTop α› with
compl := fun a => ⊤ \ a,
inf_compl_le_bot := fun _ => disjoint_sdiff_self_right.le_bot,
top_le_sup_compl := fun _ => le_sup_sdiff,
sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => by
BooleanAlgebra α where
__ := ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›
__ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
__ := ‹OrderTop α›
compl a := ⊤ \ a
inf_compl_le_bot _ := disjoint_sdiff_self_right.le_bot
top_le_sup_compl _ := le_sup_sdiff
sdiff_eq _ _ := by
-- Porting note: changed `rw` to `erw` here.
erw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq] }
erw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq]
#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra

section BooleanAlgebra
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,20 +606,21 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toComplementedLattice : ComplementedLa

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra :
GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α :=
{ ‹BooleanAlgebra α› with
sup_inf_sdiff := fun a b => by rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_sup_left, sup_compl_eq_top, inf_top_eq],
inf_inf_sdiff := fun a b => by
rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_inf_distrib_left, inf_compl_eq_bot', inf_bot_eq] }
GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α where
__ := ‹BooleanAlgebra α›
sup_inf_sdiff a b := by rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_sup_left, sup_compl_eq_top, inf_top_eq]
inf_inf_sdiff a b := by
rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_inf_distrib_left, inf_compl_eq_bot', inf_bot_eq]
#align boolean_algebra.to_generalized_boolean_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra

-- See note [lower instance priority]
instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra α :=
{ ‹BooleanAlgebra α›, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra with
hnot := compl,
le_himp_iff := fun a b c => by rw [himp_eq, isCompl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le],
himp_bot := fun _ => _root_.himp_eq.trans bot_sup_eq,
top_sdiff := fun a => by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl }
instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra α where
__ := ‹BooleanAlgebra α›
__ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
hnot := compl
le_himp_iff a b c := by rw [himp_eq, isCompl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le]
himp_bot _ := _root_.himp_eq.trans bot_sup_eq
top_sdiff a := by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl
#align boolean_algebra.to_biheyting_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,15 +728,15 @@ theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
#align sdiff_compl sdiff_compl

instance OrderDual.booleanAlgebra (α) [BooleanAlgebra α] : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
{ OrderDual.distribLattice α, OrderDual.boundedOrder α with
compl := fun a => toDual (ofDual aᶜ),
sdiff :=
fun a b => toDual (ofDual b ⇨ ofDual a), himp := fun a b => toDual (ofDual b \ ofDual a),
inf_compl_le_bot := fun a => (@codisjoint_hnot_right _ _ (ofDual a)).top_le,
top_le_sup_compl := fun a => (@disjoint_compl_right _ _ (ofDual a)).le_bot,
sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => @himp_eq α _ _ _,
himp_eq := fun _ _ => @sdiff_eq α _ _ _, }
instance OrderDual.booleanAlgebra (α) [BooleanAlgebra α] : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ where
__ := OrderDual.distribLattice α
__ := OrderDual.boundedOrder α
compl a := toDual (ofDual aᶜ)
sdiff a b := toDual (ofDual b ⇨ ofDual a); himp := fun a b => toDual (ofDual b \ ofDual a)
inf_compl_le_bot a := (@codisjoint_hnot_right _ _ (ofDual a)).top_le
top_le_sup_compl a := (@disjoint_compl_right _ _ (ofDual a)).le_bot
sdiff_eq _ _ := @himp_eq α _ _ _
himp_eq _ _ := @sdiff_eq α _ _ _

theorem sup_inf_inf_compl : x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ yᶜ = x := by rw [← sdiff_eq, sup_inf_sdiff _ _]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -786,12 +790,13 @@ lemma himp_ne_right : x ⇨ y ≠ x ↔ x ≠ ⊤ ∨ y ≠ ⊤ := himp_eq_left.

end BooleanAlgebra

instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop :=
{ Prop.heytingAlgebra, GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toDistribLattice with
compl := Not,
himp_eq := fun p q => propext imp_iff_or_not,
inf_compl_le_bot := fun p ⟨Hp, Hpc⟩ => Hpc Hp,
top_le_sup_compl := fun p _ => Classical.em p }
instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop where
__ := Prop.heytingAlgebra
__ := GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toDistribLattice
compl := Not
himp_eq p q := propext imp_iff_or_not
inf_compl_le_bot p H := H.2 H.1
top_le_sup_compl p _ := Classical.em p
#align Prop.boolean_algebra Prop.booleanAlgebra

instance Prod.booleanAlgebra (α β) [BooleanAlgebra α] [BooleanAlgebra β] :
Expand All @@ -804,12 +809,14 @@ instance Prod.booleanAlgebra (α β) [BooleanAlgebra α] [BooleanAlgebra β] :
top_le_sup_compl x := by constructor <;> simp

instance Pi.booleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlgebra (α i)] :
BooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) :=
{ Pi.sdiff, Pi.heytingAlgebra, @Pi.distribLattice ι α _ with
sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => funext fun _ => sdiff_eq,
himp_eq := fun _ _ => funext fun _ => himp_eq,
inf_compl_le_bot := fun _ _ => BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot _,
top_le_sup_compl := fun _ _ => BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl _ }
BooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) where
__ := Pi.sdiff
__ := Pi.heytingAlgebra
__ := @Pi.distribLattice ι α _
sdiff_eq _ _ := funext fun _ => sdiff_eq
himp_eq _ _ := funext fun _ => himp_eq
inf_compl_le_bot _ _ := BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot _
top_le_sup_compl _ _ := BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl _
#align pi.boolean_algebra Pi.booleanAlgebra

instance Bool.instBooleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Bool where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -844,11 +851,11 @@ protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Bo
[GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
(map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
(map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) :
GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α :=
{ hf.generalizedCoheytingAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff,
hf.distribLattice f map_sup map_inf with
sup_inf_sdiff := fun a b => hf <| by erw [map_sup, map_sdiff, map_inf, sup_inf_sdiff],
inf_inf_sdiff := fun a b => hf <| by erw [map_inf, map_sdiff, map_inf, inf_inf_sdiff, map_bot] }
GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α where
__ := hf.generalizedCoheytingAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff
__ := hf.distribLattice f map_sup map_inf
sup_inf_sdiff a b := hf <| by erw [map_sup, map_sdiff, map_inf, sup_inf_sdiff]
inf_inf_sdiff a b := hf <| by erw [map_inf, map_sdiff, map_inf, inf_inf_sdiff, map_bot]
#align function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra

-- See note [reducible non-instances]
Expand All @@ -858,19 +865,17 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
[SDiff α] [BooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
(map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
(map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_compl : ∀ a, f aᶜ = (f a)ᶜ)
(map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) : BooleanAlgebra α :=
{ hf.generalizedBooleanAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff with
compl := compl,
top := ⊤,
le_top := fun a => (@le_top β _ _ _).trans,
bot_le := fun a => map_bot.le.trans bot_le,
inf_compl_le_bot :=
fun a => ((map_inf _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, inf_compl_eq_bot, map_bot]).le,
top_le_sup_compl :=
fun a => ((map_sup _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, sup_compl_eq_top, map_top]).ge,
sdiff_eq := fun a b => by
refine hf ((map_sdiff _ _).trans (sdiff_eq.trans ?_))
rw [map_inf, map_compl] }
(map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) : BooleanAlgebra α where
__ := hf.generalizedBooleanAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff
compl := compl
top := ⊤
le_top a := (@le_top β _ _ _).trans
bot_le a := map_bot.le.trans bot_le
inf_compl_le_bot a := ((map_inf _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, inf_compl_eq_bot, map_bot]).le
top_le_sup_compl a := ((map_sup _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, sup_compl_eq_top, map_top]).ge
sdiff_eq a b := by
refine hf ((map_sdiff _ _).trans (sdiff_eq.trans ?_))
rw [map_inf, map_compl]
#align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra

end lift
Expand Down
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions Mathlib/Order/BoundedOrder.lean
Expand Up @@ -622,11 +622,11 @@ theorem top_def [∀ i, Top (α' i)] : (⊤ : ∀ i, α' i) = fun _ => ⊤ :=
#align pi.top_def Pi.top_def

instance orderTop [∀ i, LE (α' i)] [∀ i, OrderTop (α' i)] : OrderTop (∀ i, α' i) :=
{ inferInstanceAs (Top (∀ i, α' i)) with le_top := fun _ _ => le_top }
instance orderTop [∀ i, LE (α' i)] [∀ i, OrderTop (α' i)] : OrderTop (∀ i, α' i) where
le_top _ := fun _ => le_top

instance orderBot [∀ i, LE (α' i)] [∀ i, OrderBot (α' i)] : OrderBot (∀ i, α' i) :=
{ inferInstanceAs (Bot (∀ i, α' i)) with bot_le := fun _ _ => bot_le }
instance orderBot [∀ i, LE (α' i)] [∀ i, OrderBot (α' i)] : OrderBot (∀ i, α' i) where
bot_le _ := fun _ => bot_le

instance boundedOrder [∀ i, LE (α' i)] [∀ i, BoundedOrder (α' i)] : BoundedOrder (∀ i, α' i) where
__ := inferInstanceAs (OrderTop (∀ i, α' i))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -691,8 +691,10 @@ def OrderBot.lift [LE α] [Bot α] [LE β] [OrderBot β] (f : α → β)
/-- Pullback a `BoundedOrder`. -/
def BoundedOrder.lift [LE α] [Top α] [Bot α] [LE β] [BoundedOrder β] (f : α → β)
(map_le : ∀ a b, f a ≤ f b → a ≤ b) (map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) : BoundedOrder α :=
{ OrderTop.lift f map_le map_top, OrderBot.lift f map_le map_bot with }
(map_le : ∀ a b, f a ≤ f b → a ≤ b) (map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) :
BoundedOrder α where
__ := OrderTop.lift f map_le map_top
__ := OrderBot.lift f map_le map_bot
#align bounded_order.lift BoundedOrder.lift

end lift
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,8 +726,9 @@ protected def orderTop [LE α] [OrderTop α] (htop : p ⊤) : OrderTop { x : α
/-- A subtype remains a bounded order if the property holds at `⊥` and `⊤`. -/
protected def boundedOrder [LE α] [BoundedOrder α] (hbot : p ⊥) (htop : p ⊤) :
BoundedOrder (Subtype p) :=
{ Subtype.orderTop htop, Subtype.orderBot hbot with }
BoundedOrder (Subtype p) where
__ := Subtype.orderTop htop
__ := Subtype.orderBot hbot
#align subtype.bounded_order Subtype.boundedOrder

variable [PartialOrder α]
Expand Down

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