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feat(MeasureTheory.MeasurableSpace.CountablyGenerated): add Separates…
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…Points and related theorems (#11048)

the goal of the PR is to clarify the relationship between the following closely related assumptions on a measurable space:
* Being countably generated (`CountablyGenerated`)
* Separating points (`SeparatesPoints`)
* Having a countable separating family of measurable sets (`HasCountableSeparatingOn _ MeasurableSet univ`) 
* Having singletons be measurable (`MeasurableSingletonClass`)

It defines `SeparatesPoints` and registers all implications between combinations of these properties as instances (or rather a minimal set needed to deduce all others). 

It also proves an optimal theorem regarding when a measurable space appears as an induced subspace of the Cantor Space `Nat -> Bool`. This will be used to generalize topological assumptions to measure theoretic ones in some theorems in `MeasureTheory.Constructions.Polish`.

Co-authored-by: Felix-Weilacher <>
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Felix-Weilacher and Felix-Weilacher committed Mar 25, 2024
1 parent e2e83b9 commit ac9ad40
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Showing 3 changed files with 161 additions and 25 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Constructions/Polish.lean
Expand Up @@ -1007,7 +1007,8 @@ noncomputable def measurableEquivNatBoolOfNotCountable (h : ¬Countable α) : α
obtain ⟨f, -, fcts, finj⟩ :=
(by rwa [← countable_coe_iff, (Equiv.Set.univ _).countable_iff])
obtain ⟨g, gmeas, ginj⟩ := MeasurableSpace.measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_countablyGenerated α
obtain ⟨g, gmeas, ginj⟩ :=
MeasurableSpace.measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_hasCountableSeparatingOn α
exact ⟨borelSchroederBernstein gmeas ginj fcts.measurable finj⟩
#align polish_space.measurable_equiv_nat_bool_of_not_countable PolishSpace.measurableEquivNatBoolOfNotCountable

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/MeasurableSpace/Basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -2033,9 +2033,9 @@ lemma measurableSet_tendsto {_ : MeasurableSpace β} [MeasurableSpace γ]
(v_meas n).2.preimage (hf i)

/-- We say that a collection of sets is countably spanning if a countable subset spans the
whole type. This is a useful condition in various parts of measure theory. For example, it is
a needed condition to show that the product of two collections generate the product sigma algebra,
see `generateFrom_prod_eq`. -/
whole type. This is a useful condition in various parts of measure theory. For example, it is
a needed condition to show that the product of two collections generate the product sigma algebra,
see `generateFrom_prod_eq`. -/
def IsCountablySpanning (C : Set (Set α)) : Prop :=
∃ s : ℕ → Set α, (∀ n, s n ∈ C) ∧ ⋃ n, s n = univ
#align is_countably_spanning IsCountablySpanning
Expand Down
177 changes: 156 additions & 21 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/MeasurableSpace/CountablyGenerated.lean
Expand Up @@ -23,19 +23,23 @@ the space such that the measurable space is generated by the union of all partit
* `MeasurableSpace.countablePartition`: sequences of finer and finer partitions of
a countably generated space, defined by taking the `memPartion` of an enumeration of the sets in
* `MeasurableSpace.SeparatesPoints` : class stating that a measurable space separates points.
## Main statements
* `MeasurableSpace.measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_countablyGenerated`: if a measurable space is
countably generated and separates points, it admits a measurable injection into the Cantor space
* `MeasurableSpace.measurable_equiv_nat_bool_of_countablyGenerated`: if a measurable space is
countably generated and separates points, it is measure equivalent to a subset of the Cantor Space
`ℕ → Bool` (equipped with the product sigma algebra).
* `MeasurableSpace.measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_countablyGenerated`: If a measurable space
admits a countable sequence of measurable sets separating points,
it admits a measurable injection into the Cantor space `ℕ → Bool`
`ℕ → Bool` (equipped with the product sigma algebra).
The file also contains measurability results about `memPartition`, from which the properties of
`countablePartition` are deduced.

open Set MeasureTheory

namespace MeasurableSpace
Expand All @@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ def countableGeneratingSet (α : Type*) [MeasurableSpace α] [h : CountablyGener
insert ∅ h.isCountablyGenerated.choose

lemma countable_countableGeneratingSet [MeasurableSpace α] [h : CountablyGenerated α] :
Countable (countableGeneratingSet α) :=
Set.Countable (countableGeneratingSet α) :=
Countable.insert _ h.isCountablyGenerated.choose_spec.1

lemma generateFrom_countableGeneratingSet [m : MeasurableSpace α] [h : CountablyGenerated α] :
Expand All @@ -75,6 +79,20 @@ lemma measurableSet_countableGeneratingSet [MeasurableSpace α] [CountablyGenera
rw [← generateFrom_countableGeneratingSet (α := α)]
exact measurableSet_generateFrom hs

/-- A countable sequence of sets generating the measurable space. -/
def natGeneratingSequence (α : Type*) [MeasurableSpace α] [CountablyGenerated α] : ℕ → (Set α) :=
enumerateCountable (countable_countableGeneratingSet (α := α)) ∅

lemma generateFrom_natGeneratingSequence (α : Type*) [m : MeasurableSpace α]
[CountablyGenerated α] : generateFrom (range (natGeneratingSequence _)) = m := by
rw [natGeneratingSequence, range_enumerateCountable_of_mem _ empty_mem_countableGeneratingSet,

lemma measurableSet_natGeneratingSequence [MeasurableSpace α] [CountablyGenerated α] (n : ℕ) :
MeasurableSet (natGeneratingSequence α n) :=
measurableSet_countableGeneratingSet $ Set.enumerateCountable_mem _
empty_mem_countableGeneratingSet n

theorem CountablyGenerated.comap [m : MeasurableSpace β] [h : CountablyGenerated β] (f : α → β) :
@CountablyGenerated α (.comap f m) := by
rcases h with ⟨⟨b, hbc, rfl⟩⟩
Expand All @@ -99,6 +117,140 @@ instance [MeasurableSpace α] [CountablyGenerated α] [MeasurableSpace β] [Coun
CountablyGenerated (α × β) :=
.sup (.comap Prod.fst) (.comap Prod.snd)

section SeparatesPoints

/-- We say that a measurable space separates points if for any two distinct points,
there is a measurable set containing one but not the other. -/
class SeparatesPoints (α : Type*) [m : MeasurableSpace α] : Prop where
separates : ∀ x y : α, (∀ s, MeasurableSet s → (x ∈ s → y ∈ s)) → x = y

theorem separatesPoints_def [MeasurableSpace α] [hs : SeparatesPoints α] {x y : α}
(h : ∀ s, MeasurableSet s → (x ∈ s → y ∈ s)) : x = y := hs.separates _ _ h

theorem exists_measurableSet_of_ne [MeasurableSpace α] [SeparatesPoints α] {x y : α}
(h : x ≠ y) : ∃ s, MeasurableSet s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ y ∉ s := by
contrapose! h
exact separatesPoints_def h

/-- If the measurable space generated by `S` separates points,
then this is witnessed by sets in `S`. -/
theorem separating_of_generateFrom (S : Set (Set α))
[h : @SeparatesPoints α (generateFrom S)] :
∀ x y : α, (∀ s ∈ S, x ∈ s ↔ y ∈ s) → x = y := by
letI := generateFrom S
intros x y hxy
rw [← forall_generateFrom_mem_iff_mem_iff] at hxy
exact separatesPoints_def $ fun _ hs => (hxy _ hs).mp

theorem SeparatesPoints.mono {m m' : MeasurableSpace α} [hsep : @SeparatesPoints _ m] (h : m ≤ m') :
@SeparatesPoints _ m' := _ m' fun _ _ hxy ↦
@SeparatesPoints.separates _ m hsep _ _ fun _ hs ↦ hxy _ (h _ hs)

instance (priority := 100) Subtype.separatesPoints [MeasurableSpace α] [h : SeparatesPoints α]
{s : Set α} : SeparatesPoints s :=
fun _ _ hxy ↦ Subtype.val_injective $ h.1 _ _ fun _ ht ↦ hxy _ $ measurable_subtype_coe ht⟩

instance (priority := 100) separatesPoints_of_measurableSingletonClass [MeasurableSpace α]
[MeasurableSingletonClass α] : SeparatesPoints α := by
refine ⟨fun x y h ↦ ?_⟩
specialize h _ (MeasurableSet.singleton x)
simp_rw [mem_singleton_iff, forall_true_left] at h
exact h.symm

instance (priority := 100) [MeasurableSpace α] {s : Set α}
[h : CountablyGenerated s] [SeparatesPoints s] :
HasCountableSeparatingOn α MeasurableSet s := by
suffices HasCountableSeparatingOn s MeasurableSet univ from this.of_subtype fun _ ↦ id
rcases h.1 with ⟨b, hbc, hb⟩
refine ⟨⟨b, hbc, fun t ht ↦ hb.symm ▸ .basic t ht, ?_⟩⟩
rw [hb] at ‹SeparatesPoints s›
convert separating_of_generateFrom b

variable (α)

/-- If a measurable space admits a countable separating family of measurable sets,
there is a countably generated coarser space which still separates points. -/
theorem exists_countablyGenerated_le_of_hasCountableSeparatingOn [m : MeasurableSpace α]
[h : HasCountableSeparatingOn α MeasurableSet univ] :
∃ m' : MeasurableSpace α, @CountablyGenerated _ m' ∧ @SeparatesPoints _ m' ∧ m' ≤ m := by
rcases h.1 with ⟨b, bct, hbm, hb⟩
refine ⟨generateFrom b, ?_, ?_, generateFrom_le hbm⟩
· use b
refine _ (generateFrom b) fun x y hxy ↦ hb _ trivial _ trivial ?_
intro s hs
use hxy _ (measurableSet_generateFrom hs)
exact hxy _ (measurableSet_generateFrom hs).compl

open scoped Classical

open Function

/-- A map from a measurable space to the Cantor space `ℕ → Bool` induced by a countable
sequence of sets generating the measurable space. -/
def mapNatBool [MeasurableSpace α] [CountablyGenerated α] (x : α) (n : ℕ) :
Bool := x ∈ natGeneratingSequence α n

theorem measurable_mapNatBool [MeasurableSpace α] [CountablyGenerated α] :
Measurable (mapNatBool α) := by
rw [measurable_pi_iff]
refine fun n ↦ measurable_to_bool ?_
simp only [preimage, mem_singleton_iff, mapNatBool,
Bool.decide_iff, setOf_mem_eq]
apply measurableSet_natGeneratingSequence

theorem injective_mapNatBool [MeasurableSpace α] [CountablyGenerated α]
[SeparatesPoints α] : Injective (mapNatBool α) := by
intro x y hxy
rw [← generateFrom_natGeneratingSequence α] at *
apply separating_of_generateFrom (range (natGeneratingSequence _))
rintro - ⟨n, rfl⟩
rw [← decide_eq_decide]
exact congr_fun hxy n

/-- If a measurable space is countably generated and separates points, it is measure equivalent
to some some subset of the Cantor space `ℕ → Bool` (equipped with the product sigma algebra).
Note: `s` need not be measurable, so this map need not be a `MeasurableEmbedding` to
the Cantor Space. -/
theorem measurableEquiv_nat_bool_of_countablyGenerated [MeasurableSpace α]
[CountablyGenerated α] [SeparatesPoints α] :
∃ s : Set (ℕ → Bool), Nonempty (α ≃ᵐ s) := by
use range (mapNatBool α), Equiv.ofInjective _ $
injective_mapNatBool _,
Measurable.subtype_mk $ measurable_mapNatBool _
simp_rw [← generateFrom_natGeneratingSequence α]
apply measurable_generateFrom
rintro _ ⟨n, rfl⟩
rw [← Equiv.image_eq_preimage _ _]
refine ⟨{y | y n}, by measurability, ?_⟩
rw [← Equiv.preimage_eq_iff_eq_image]

/-- If a measurable space admits a countable sequence of measurable sets separating points,
it admits a measurable injection into the Cantor space `ℕ → Bool`
(equipped with the product sigma algebra). -/
theorem measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_hasCountableSeparatingOn [MeasurableSpace α]
[HasCountableSeparatingOn α MeasurableSet univ] :
∃ f : α → ℕ → Bool, Measurable f ∧ Injective f := by
rcases exists_countablyGenerated_le_of_hasCountableSeparatingOn α with ⟨m', _, _, m'le⟩
refine ⟨mapNatBool α, ?_, injective_mapNatBool _⟩
exact (measurable_mapNatBool _).mono m'le le_rfl

variable {α}

--TODO: Make this an instance
theorem measurableSingletonClass_of_hasCountableSeparatingOn
[MeasurableSpace α] [HasCountableSeparatingOn α MeasurableSet univ] :
MeasurableSingletonClass α := by
rcases measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_hasCountableSeparatingOn α with ⟨f, fmeas, finj⟩
refine ⟨fun x ↦ ?_⟩
rw [← finj.preimage_image {x}, image_singleton]
exact fmeas $ MeasurableSet.singleton _

end SeparatesPoints

instance [MeasurableSpace α] {s : Set α} [h : CountablyGenerated s] [MeasurableSingletonClass s] :
HasCountableSeparatingOn α MeasurableSet s := by
suffices HasCountableSeparatingOn s MeasurableSet univ from this.of_subtype fun _ ↦ id
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,21 +459,4 @@ lemma measurableSet_countablePartitionSet (n : ℕ) (a : α) :
MeasurableSet (countablePartitionSet n a) :=
measurableSet_countablePartition n (countablePartitionSet_mem n a)

variable (α)

open scoped Classical

/-- If a measurable space is countably generated and separates points, it admits a measurable
injection into the Cantor space `ℕ → Bool` (equipped with the product sigma algebra). -/
theorem measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_countablyGenerated [MeasurableSpace α]
[HasCountableSeparatingOn α MeasurableSet univ] :
∃ f : α → ℕ → Bool, Measurable f ∧ Function.Injective f := by
rcases exists_seq_separating α MeasurableSet.empty univ with ⟨e, hem, he⟩
refine ⟨(· ∈ e ·), ?_, ?_⟩
· rw [measurable_pi_iff]
refine fun n ↦ measurable_to_bool ?_
simpa only [preimage, mem_singleton_iff, Bool.decide_iff, setOf_mem_eq] using hem n
· exact fun x y h ↦ he x trivial y trivial fun n ↦ decide_eq_decide.1 <| congr_fun h _
#align measurable_space.measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_countably_generated MeasurableSpace.measurable_injection_nat_bool_of_countablyGenerated

end MeasurableSpace

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