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feat: port RepresentationTheory.GroupCohomology.Basic (#5468)
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Amelia Livingston committed Jul 3, 2023
1 parent 9c8d5b1 commit ae5e808
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Showing 2 changed files with 237 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2623,6 +2623,7 @@ import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.Action
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.Basic
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.Character
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.FdRep
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.GroupCohomology.Basic
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.GroupCohomology.Resolution
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.Invariants
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.Maschke
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236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RepresentationTheory/GroupCohomology/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Amelia Livingston. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Amelia Livingston
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module representation_theory.group_cohomology.basic
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit cc5dd6244981976cc9da7afc4eee5682b037a013
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Opposite
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.GroupCohomology.Resolution

# The group cohomology of a `k`-linear `G`-representation
Let `k` be a commutative ring and `G` a group. This file defines the group cohomology of
`A : Rep k G` to be the cohomology of the complex
$$0 \to \mathrm{Fun}(G^0, A) \to \mathrm{Fun}(G^1, A) \to \mathrm{Fun}(G^2, A) \to \dots$$
with differential $d^n$ sending $f: G^n \to A$ to the function mapping $(g_0, \dots, g_n)$ to
$$\rho(g_0)(f(g_1, \dots, g_n))
+ \sum_{i = 0}^{n - 1} (-1)^{i + 1}\cdot f(g_0, \dots, g_ig_{i + 1}, \dots, g_n)$$
$$+ (-1)^{n + 1}\cdot f(g_0, \dots, g_{n - 1})$$ (where `ρ` is the representation attached to `A`).
We have a `k`-linear isomorphism $\mathrm{Fun}(G^n, A) \cong \mathrm{Hom}(k[G^{n + 1}], A)$, where
the righthand side is morphisms in `Rep k G`, and the representation on $k[G^{n + 1}]$
is induced by the diagonal action of `G`. If we conjugate the $n$th differential in
$\mathrm{Hom}(P, A)$ by this isomorphism, where `P` is the standard resolution of `k` as a trivial
`k`-linear `G`-representation, then the resulting map agrees with the differential $d^n$ defined
above, a fact we prove.
This gives us for free a proof that our $d^n$ squares to zero. It also gives us an isomorphism
$\mathrm{H}^n(G, A) \cong \mathrm{Ext}^n(k, A),$ where $\mathrm{Ext}$ is taken in the category
`Rep k G`.
## Main definitions
* `GroupCohomology.linearYonedaObjResolution A`: a complex whose objects are the representation
morphisms $\mathrm{Hom}(k[G^{n + 1}], A)$ and whose cohomology is the group cohomology
$\mathrm{H}^n(G, A)$.
* `GroupCohomology.inhomogeneousCochains A`: a complex whose objects are
$\mathrm{Fun}(G^n, A)$ and whose cohomology is the group cohomology $\mathrm{H}^n(G, A).$
* `GroupCohomology.inhomogeneousCochainsIso A`: an isomorphism between the above two complexes.
* `group_cohomology A n`: this is $\mathrm{H}^n(G, A),$ defined as the $n$th cohomology of the
second complex, `inhomogeneousCochains A`.
* `groupCohomologyIsoExt A n`: an isomorphism $\mathrm{H}^n(G, A) \cong \mathrm{Ext}^n(k, A)$
(where $\mathrm{Ext}$ is taken in the category `Rep k G`) induced by `inhomogeneousCochainsIso A`.
## Implementation notes
Group cohomology is typically stated for `G`-modules, or equivalently modules over the group ring
`ℤ[G].` However, `ℤ` can be generalized to any commutative ring `k`, which is what we use.
Moreover, we express `k[G]`-module structures on a module `k`-module `A` using the `Rep`
definition. We avoid using instances `Module (MonoidAlgebra k G) A` so that we do not run into
possible scalar action diamonds.
* API for cohomology in low degree: $\mathrm{H}^0, \mathrm{H}^1$ and $\mathrm{H}^2.$ For example,
the inflation-restriction exact sequence.
* The long exact sequence in cohomology attached to a short exact sequence of representations.
* Upgrading `groupCohomologyIsoExt` to an isomorphism of derived functors.
* Profinite cohomology.
Longer term:
* The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence (this is perhaps a good toy example for the theory of
spectral sequences in general).

noncomputable section

universe u

variable {k G : Type u} [CommRing k] {n : ℕ}

open CategoryTheory

namespace GroupCohomology

variable [Monoid G]

/-- The complex `Hom(P, A)`, where `P` is the standard resolution of `k` as a trivial `k`-linear
`G`-representation. -/
abbrev linearYonedaObjResolution (A : Rep k G) : CochainComplex (ModuleCat.{u} k) ℕ :=
((((linearYoneda k (Rep k G)).obj A).rightOp.mapHomologicalComplex _).obj (resolution k G))
#align group_cohomology.linear_yoneda_obj_resolution GroupCohomology.linearYonedaObjResolution

theorem linearYonedaObjResolution_d_apply {A : Rep k G} (i j : ℕ) (x : (resolution k G).X i ⟶ A) :
(linearYonedaObjResolution A).d i j x = (resolution k G).d j i ≫ x :=
#align group_cohomology.linear_yoneda_obj_resolution_d_apply GroupCohomology.linearYonedaObjResolution_d_apply

end GroupCohomology

namespace InhomogeneousCochains

open Rep GroupCohomology

/-- The differential in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains used to
calculate group cohomology. -/
def d [Monoid G] (n : ℕ) (A : Rep k G) : ((Fin n → G) → A) →ₗ[k] (Fin (n + 1) → G) → A where
toFun f g :=
A.ρ (g 0) (f fun i => g i.succ) +
Finset.univ.sum fun j : Fin (n + 1) =>
(-1 : k) ^ ((j : ℕ) + 1) • f (Fin.contractNth j (· * ·) g)
map_add' f g := by
ext x
/- Porting note: changed from `simp only` which needed extra heartbeats -/
simp_rw [Pi.add_apply, map_add, smul_add, Finset.sum_add_distrib, add_add_add_comm]
map_smul' r f := by
ext x
/- Porting note: changed from `simp only` which needed extra heartbeats -/
simp_rw [Pi.smul_apply, RingHom.id_apply, map_smul, smul_add, Finset.smul_sum, ← smul_assoc,
smul_eq_mul, mul_comm r]
#align inhomogeneous_cochains.d InhomogeneousCochains.d

variable [Group G] (n) (A : Rep k G)

/- Porting note: linter says the statement doesn't typecheck, so we add `@[nolint checkType]` -/
set_option maxHeartbeats 1600000 in
/-- The theorem that our isomorphism `Fun(Gⁿ, A) ≅ Hom(k[Gⁿ⁺¹], A)` (where the righthand side is
morphisms in `Rep k G`) commutes with the differentials in the complex of inhomogeneous cochains
and the homogeneous `linearYonedaObjResolution`. -/
@[nolint checkType] theorem d_eq :
d n A =
(diagonalHomEquiv n A).toModuleIso.inv ≫
(linearYonedaObjResolution A).d n (n + 1) ≫
(diagonalHomEquiv (n + 1) A).toModuleIso.hom := by
ext f g
/- Porting note: broken proof was
simp only [ModuleCat.coe_comp, LinearEquiv.coe_coe, Function.comp_apply,
LinearEquiv.toModuleIso_inv, linearYonedaObjResolution_d_apply, LinearEquiv.toModuleIso_hom,
diagonalHomEquiv_apply, Action.comp_hom, Resolution.d_eq k G n,
Resolution.d_of (Fin.partialProd g), LinearMap.map_sum,
←Finsupp.smul_single_one _ ((-1 : k) ^ _), map_smul, d_apply]
simp only [@Fin.sum_univ_succ _ _ (n + 1), Fin.val_zero, pow_zero, one_smul, Fin.succAbove_zero,
diagonalHomEquiv_symm_apply f (Fin.partialProd g ∘ @Fin.succ (n + 1)), Function.comp_apply,
Fin.partialProd_succ, Fin.castSucc_zero, Fin.partialProd_zero, one_mul]
congr 1
· congr
have := Fin.partialProd_right_inv g (Fin.castSucc x)
simp only [mul_inv_rev, Fin.castSucc_fin_succ] at *
rw [mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc _ _ (g x.succ), this, inv_mul_cancel_left]
· exact Finset.sum_congr rfl fun j hj => by
rw [diagonalHomEquiv_symm_partialProd_succ, Fin.val_succ] -/
change d n A f g = diagonalHomEquiv (n + 1) A
((resolution k G).d (n + 1) n ≫ (diagonalHomEquiv n A).symm f) g
rw [diagonalHomEquiv_apply, Action.comp_hom, ModuleCat.comp_def, LinearMap.comp_apply,
erw [Resolution.d_of (Fin.partialProd g)]
rw [LinearMap.map_sum]
simp only [←Finsupp.smul_single_one _ ((-1 : k) ^ _)]
rw [d_apply, @Fin.sum_univ_succ _ _ (n + 1), Fin.val_zero, pow_zero, one_smul,
Fin.succAbove_zero, diagonalHomEquiv_symm_apply f (Fin.partialProd g ∘ @Fin.succ (n + 1))]
simp_rw [Function.comp_apply, Fin.partialProd_succ, Fin.castSucc_zero,
Fin.partialProd_zero, one_mul]
rcongr x
· have := Fin.partialProd_right_inv g (Fin.castSucc x)
simp only [mul_inv_rev, Fin.castSucc_fin_succ] at this ⊢
rw [mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc _ _ (g x.succ), this, inv_mul_cancel_left]
· rw [map_smul, diagonalHomEquiv_symm_partialProd_succ, Fin.val_succ]
#align inhomogeneous_cochains.d_eq InhomogeneousCochains.d_eq

end InhomogeneousCochains

namespace GroupCohomology

variable [Group G] (n) (A : Rep k G)

open InhomogeneousCochains

set_option maxHeartbeats 6400000 in
/-- Given a `k`-linear `G`-representation `A`, this is the complex of inhomogeneous cochains
$$0 \to \mathrm{Fun}(G^0, A) \to \mathrm{Fun}(G^1, A) \to \mathrm{Fun}(G^2, A) \to \dots$$
which calculates the group cohomology of `A`. -/
noncomputable abbrev inhomogeneousCochains : CochainComplex (ModuleCat k) ℕ :=
CochainComplex.of (fun n => ModuleCat.of k ((Fin n → G) → A))
(fun n => InhomogeneousCochains.d n A) fun n => by
/- Porting note: broken proof was
ext x y
have := LinearMap.ext_iff.1 ((linearYonedaObjResolution A).d_comp_d n (n + 1) (n + 2))
simp only [ModuleCat.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply] at this
simp only [ModuleCat.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply, d_eq, LinearEquiv.toModuleIso_hom,
LinearEquiv.toModuleIso_inv, LinearEquiv.coe_coe, LinearEquiv.symm_apply_apply, this,
LinearMap.zero_apply, map_zero, Pi.zero_apply] -/
ext x
have := LinearMap.ext_iff.1 ((linearYonedaObjResolution A).d_comp_d n (n + 1) (n + 2))
simp only [ModuleCat.comp_def, LinearMap.comp_apply] at this
dsimp only
simp only [d_eq, LinearEquiv.toModuleIso_inv, LinearEquiv.toModuleIso_hom, ModuleCat.coe_comp,
/- Porting note: I can see I need to rewrite `LinearEquiv.coe_coe` twice to at
least reduce the need for `symm_apply_apply` to be an `erw`. However, even `erw` refuses to
rewrite the second `coe_coe`... -/
erw [LinearEquiv.symm_apply_apply, this]
exact map_zero _
#align group_cohomology.inhomogeneous_cochains GroupCohomology.inhomogeneousCochains

set_option maxHeartbeats 6400000
/-- Given a `k`-linear `G`-representation `A`, the complex of inhomogeneous cochains is isomorphic
to `Hom(P, A)`, where `P` is the standard resolution of `k` as a trivial `G`-representation. -/
def inhomogeneousCochainsIso : inhomogeneousCochains A ≅ linearYonedaObjResolution A := by
/- Porting note: just needs a `refine'` now, instead of term mode -/
refine' HomologicalComplex.Hom.isoOfComponents (fun i =>
(Rep.diagonalHomEquiv i A).toModuleIso.symm) _
rintro i j (h : i + 1 = j)
subst h
simp only [CochainComplex.of_d, d_eq, Category.assoc, Iso.symm_hom, Iso.hom_inv_id,
#align group_cohomology.inhomogeneous_cochains_iso GroupCohomology.inhomogeneousCochainsIso

end GroupCohomology

open GroupCohomology

/-- The group cohomology of a `k`-linear `G`-representation `A`, as the cohomology of its complex
of inhomogeneous cochains. -/
def groupCohomology [Group G] (A : Rep k G) (n : ℕ) : ModuleCat k :=
(inhomogeneousCochains A).homology n
#align group_cohomology groupCohomology

set_option maxHeartbeats 3200000 in
/-- The `n`th group cohomology of a `k`-linear `G`-representation `A` is isomorphic to
`Extⁿ(k, A)` (taken in `Rep k G`), where `k` is a trivial `k`-linear `G`-representation. -/
def groupCohomologyIsoExt [Group G] (A : Rep k G) (n : ℕ) :
groupCohomology A n ≅ ((Ext k (Rep k G) n).obj (Opposite.op <| Rep.trivial k G k)).obj A :=
homologyObjIsoOfHomotopyEquiv (HomotopyEquiv.ofIso (inhomogeneousCochainsIso _)) _ ≪≫
HomologicalComplex.homologyUnop _ _ ≪≫ (extIso k G A n).symm
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align group_cohomology_iso_Ext groupCohomologyIsoExt

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