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feat: port GroupTheory.Schreier (#4706)
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tb65536 committed Jun 6, 2023
1 parent 6c77281 commit aee1925
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Showing 2 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -1696,6 +1696,7 @@ import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Support
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.ViaEmbedding
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.PresentedGroup
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.QuotientGroup
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Schreier
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SemidirectProduct
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Solvable
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SpecificGroups.Alternating
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214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Schreier.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Thomas Browning. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Thomas Browning
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module group_theory.schreier
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 8350c34a64b9bc3fc64335df8006bffcadc7baa6
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Abelianization
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Exponent
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Transfer

# Schreier's Lemma
In this file we prove Schreier's lemma.
## Main results
- `closure_mul_image_eq` : **Schreier's Lemma**: If `R : Set G` is a right_transversal
of `H : Subgroup G` with `1 ∈ R`, and if `G` is generated by `S : Set G`,
then `H` is generated by the `Set` `(R * S).image (λ g, g * (toFun hR g)⁻¹)`.
- `fG_of_index_ne_zero` : **Schreier's Lemma**: A finite index subgroup of a finitely generated
group is finitely generated.
- `card_commutator_le_of_finite_commutatorSet`: A theorem of Schur: The size of the commutator
subgroup is bounded in terms of the number of commutators.

open scoped Pointwise

namespace Subgroup

open MemRightTransversals

variable {G : Type _} [Group G] {H : Subgroup G} {R S : Set G}

theorem closure_mul_image_mul_eq_top
(hR : R ∈ rightTransversals (H : Set G)) (hR1 : (1 : G) ∈ R) (hS : closure S = ⊤) :
(closure ((R * S).image fun g => g * (toFun hR g : G)⁻¹)) * R = ⊤ := by
let f : G → R := fun g => toFun hR g
let U : Set G := (R * S).image fun g => g * (f g : G)⁻¹
change (closure U : Set G) * R = ⊤
refine' fun g _ => _
apply closure_induction_right ( hS (mem_top g))
· exact ⟨1, 1, (closure U).one_mem, hR1, one_mul 1
· rintro - s hs ⟨u, r, hu, hr, rfl⟩
rw [show u * r * s = u * (r * s * (f (r * s) : G)⁻¹) * f (r * s) by group]
refine' Set.mul_mem_mul ((closure U).mul_mem hu _) (f (r * s)).coe_prop
exact subset_closure ⟨r * s, Set.mul_mem_mul hr hs, rfl⟩
· rintro - s hs ⟨u, r, hu, hr, rfl⟩
rw [show u * r * s⁻¹ = u * (f (r * s⁻¹) * s * r⁻¹)⁻¹ * f (r * s⁻¹) by group]
refine' Set.mul_mem_mul ((closure U).mul_mem hu ((closure U).inv_mem _)) (f (r * s⁻¹)).2
refine' subset_closure ⟨f (r * s⁻¹) * s, Set.mul_mem_mul (f (r * s⁻¹)).2 hs, _⟩
rw [mul_right_inj, inv_inj, ← Subtype.coe_mk r hr, ← Subtype.ext_iff, Subtype.coe_mk]
apply ( hR (f (r * s⁻¹) * s)).unique
(mul_inv_toFun_mem hR (f (r * s⁻¹) * s))
rw [mul_assoc, ← inv_inv s, ← mul_inv_rev, inv_inv]
exact toFun_mul_inv_mem hR (r * s⁻¹)
#align subgroup.closure_mul_image_mul_eq_top Subgroup.closure_mul_image_mul_eq_top

/-- **Schreier's Lemma**: If `R : Set G` is a `rightTransversal of` `H : Subgroup G`
with `1 ∈ R`, and if `G` is generated by `S : Set G`, then `H` is generated by the `Set`
`(R * S).image (λ g, g * (toFun hR g)⁻¹)`. -/
theorem closure_mul_image_eq (hR : R ∈ rightTransversals (H : Set G)) (hR1 : (1 : G) ∈ R)
(hS : closure S = ⊤) : closure ((R * S).image fun g => g * (toFun hR g : G)⁻¹) = H := by
have hU : closure ((R * S).image fun g => g * (toFun hR g : G)⁻¹) ≤ H := by
rw [closure_le]
rintro - ⟨g, -, rfl⟩
exact mul_inv_toFun_mem hR g
refine' le_antisymm hU fun h hh => _
obtain ⟨g, r, hg, hr, rfl⟩ :=
show h ∈ _ from (closure_mul_image_mul_eq_top hR hR1 hS) (mem_top h)
suffices (⟨r, hr⟩ : R) = (⟨1, hR1⟩ : R) by
simpa only [show r = 1 from this, mul_one]
apply ( hR r).unique
· rw [Subtype.coe_mk, mul_inv_self]
exact H.one_mem
· rw [Subtype.coe_mk, inv_one, mul_one]
exact (H.mul_mem_cancel_left (hU hg)).mp hh
#align subgroup.closure_mul_image_eq Subgroup.closure_mul_image_eq

/-- **Schreier's Lemma**: If `R : Set G` is a `rightTransversal` of `H : Subgroup G`
with `1 ∈ R`, and if `G` is generated by `S : Set G`, then `H` is generated by the `Set`
`(R * S).image (λ g, g * (toFun hR g)⁻¹)`. -/
theorem closure_mul_image_eq_top (hR : R ∈ rightTransversals (H : Set G)) (hR1 : (1 : G) ∈ R)
(hS : closure S = ⊤) : closure ((R * S).image fun g =>
⟨g * (toFun hR g : G)⁻¹, mul_inv_toFun_mem hR g⟩ : Set H) = ⊤ := by
rw [eq_top_iff, ← map_subtype_le_map_subtype, MonoidHom.map_closure, Set.image_image]
exact (map_subtype_le ⊤).trans (ge_of_eq (closure_mul_image_eq hR hR1 hS))
#align subgroup.closure_mul_image_eq_top Subgroup.closure_mul_image_eq_top

/-- **Schreier's Lemma**: If `R : Finset G` is a `rightTransversal` of `H : Subgroup G`
with `1 ∈ R`, and if `G` is generated by `S : Finset G`, then `H` is generated by the `Finset`
`(R * S).image (λ g, g * (toFun hR g)⁻¹)`. -/
theorem closure_mul_image_eq_top' [DecidableEq G] {R S : Finset G}
(hR : (R : Set G) ∈ rightTransversals (H : Set G)) (hR1 : (1 : G) ∈ R)
(hS : closure (S : Set G) = ⊤) :
closure (((R * S).image fun g => ⟨_, mul_inv_toFun_mem hR g⟩ : Finset H) : Set H) = ⊤ := by
rw [Finset.coe_image, Finset.coe_mul]
exact closure_mul_image_eq_top hR hR1 hS
#align subgroup.closure_mul_image_eq_top' Subgroup.closure_mul_image_eq_top'

variable (H)

theorem exists_finset_card_le_mul [FiniteIndex H] {S : Finset G} (hS : closure (S : Set G) = ⊤) :
∃ T : Finset H, T.card ≤ H.index * S.card ∧ closure (T : Set H) = ⊤ := by
letI := H.fintypeQuotientOfFiniteIndex
haveI : DecidableEq G := Classical.decEq G
obtain ⟨R₀, hR : R₀ ∈ rightTransversals (H : Set G), hR1⟩ := exists_right_transversal (1 : G)
haveI : Fintype R₀ := Fintype.ofEquiv _ (toEquiv hR)
let R : Finset G := Set.toFinset R₀
replace hR : (R : Set G) ∈ rightTransversals (H : Set G) := by rwa [Set.coe_toFinset]
replace hR1 : (1 : G) ∈ R := by rwa [Set.mem_toFinset]
refine' ⟨_, _, closure_mul_image_eq_top' hR hR1 hS⟩
_ ≤ (R * S).card := Finset.card_image_le
_ ≤ (R ×ˢ S).card := Finset.card_image_le
_ = R.card * S.card := (R.card_product S)
_ = H.index * S.card := congr_arg (· * S.card) ?_
R.card = Fintype.card R := (Fintype.card_coe R).symm
_ = _ := (Fintype.card_congr (toEquiv hR)).symm
_ = Fintype.card (G ⧸ H) := (QuotientGroup.card_quotient_rightRel H)
_ = H.index := H.index_eq_card.symm
#align subgroup.exists_finset_card_le_mul Subgroup.exists_finset_card_le_mul

/-- **Schreier's Lemma**: A finite index subgroup of a finitely generated
group is finitely generated. -/
instance fG_of_index_ne_zero [hG : Group.FG G] [FiniteIndex H] : Group.FG H := by
obtain ⟨S, hS⟩ := hG.1
obtain ⟨T, -, hT⟩ := exists_finset_card_le_mul H hS
exact ⟨⟨T, hT⟩⟩
#align subgroup.fg_of_index_ne_zero Subgroup.fG_of_index_ne_zero

theorem rank_le_index_mul_rank [hG : Group.FG G] [FiniteIndex H] :
Group.rank H ≤ H.index * Group.rank G := by
haveI := H.fG_of_index_ne_zero
obtain ⟨S, hS₀, hS⟩ := Group.rank_spec G
obtain ⟨T, hT₀, hT⟩ := exists_finset_card_le_mul H hS
Group.rank H ≤ T.card := Group.rank_le H hT
_ ≤ H.index * S.card := hT₀
_ = H.index * Group.rank G := congr_arg ((· * ·) H.index) hS₀
#align subgroup.rank_le_index_mul_rank Subgroup.rank_le_index_mul_rank

variable (G)

/-- If `G` has `n` commutators `[g₁, g₂]`, then `|G'| ∣ [G : Z(G)] ^ ([G : Z(G)] * n + 1)`,
where `G'` denotes the commutator of `G`. -/
theorem card_commutator_dvd_index_center_pow [Finite (commutatorSet G)] :
Nat.card (_root_.commutator G) ∣
(center G).index ^ ((center G).index * Nat.card (commutatorSet G) + 1) := by
-- First handle the case when `Z(G)` has infinite index and `[G : Z(G)]` is defined to be `0`
by_cases hG : (center G).index = 0
· simp_rw [hG, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, zero_add, pow_one, dvd_zero]
haveI : FiniteIndex (center G) := ⟨hG⟩
-- Rewrite as `|Z(G) ∩ G'| * [G' : Z(G) ∩ G'] ∣ [G : Z(G)] ^ ([G : Z(G)] * n) * [G : Z(G)]`
rw [← ((center G).subgroupOf (_root_.commutator G)).card_mul_index, pow_succ']
-- We have `h1 : [G' : Z(G) ∩ G'] ∣ [G : Z(G)]`
have h1 := relindex_dvd_index_of_normal (center G) (_root_.commutator G)
-- So we can reduce to proving `|Z(G) ∩ G'| ∣ [G : Z(G)] ^ ([G : Z(G)] * n)`
refine' mul_dvd_mul _ h1
-- We know that `[G' : Z(G) ∩ G'] < ∞` by `h1` and `hG`
haveI : FiniteIndex ((center G).subgroupOf (_root_.commutator G)) :=
⟨ne_zero_of_dvd_ne_zero hG h1⟩
-- We have `h2 : rank (Z(G) ∩ G') ≤ [G' : Z(G) ∩ G'] * rank G'` by Schreier's lemma
have h2 := rank_le_index_mul_rank ((center G).subgroupOf (_root_.commutator G))
-- We have `h3 : [G' : Z(G) ∩ G'] * rank G' ≤ [G : Z(G)] * n` by `h1` and `rank G' ≤ n`
have h3 := Nat.mul_le_mul (Nat.le_of_dvd (Nat.pos_of_ne_zero hG) h1) (rank_commutator_le_card G)
-- So we can reduce to proving `|Z(G) ∩ G'| ∣ [G : Z(G)] ^ rank (Z(G) ∩ G')`
refine' dvd_trans _ (pow_dvd_pow (center G).index (h2.trans h3))
-- `Z(G) ∩ G'` is abelian, so it enough to prove that `g ^ [G : Z(G)] = 1` for `g ∈ Z(G) ∩ G'`
apply card_dvd_exponent_pow_rank'
intro g
-- `Z(G)` is abelian, so `g ∈ Z(G) ∩ G' ≤ G' ≤ ker (transfer : G → Z(G))`
have := Abelianization.commutator_subset_ker (MonoidHom.transferCenterPow G) g.1.2
-- `transfer g` is defeq to `g ^ [G : Z(G)]`, so we are done
simpa only [MonoidHom.mem_ker, Subtype.ext_iff] using this
#align subgroup.card_commutator_dvd_index_center_pow Subgroup.card_commutator_dvd_index_center_pow

/-- A bound for the size of the commutator subgroup in terms of the number of commutators. -/
def cardCommutatorBound (n : ℕ) :=
(n ^ (2 * n)) ^ (n ^ (2 * n + 1) + 1)
#align subgroup.card_commutator_bound Subgroup.cardCommutatorBound

/-- A theorem of Schur: The size of the commutator subgroup is bounded in terms of the number of
commutators. -/
theorem card_commutator_le_of_finite_commutatorSet [Finite (commutatorSet G)] :
Nat.card (_root_.commutator G) ≤ cardCommutatorBound (Nat.card (commutatorSet G)) := by
have h1 := index_center_le_pow (closureCommutatorRepresentatives G)
have h2 := card_commutator_dvd_index_center_pow (closureCommutatorRepresentatives G)
rw [card_commutatorSet_closureCommutatorRepresentatives] at h1 h2
rw [card_commutator_closureCommutatorRepresentatives] at h2
replace h1 :=
(Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right Finite.card_pos (rank_closureCommutatorRepresentatives_le G))
replace h2 := h2.trans (pow_dvd_pow _ (add_le_add_right (mul_le_mul_right' h1 _) 1))
rw [← pow_succ'] at h2
refine' (Nat.le_of_dvd _ h2).trans (Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left h1 _)
exact pow_pos (Nat.pos_of_ne_zero FiniteIndex.finiteIndex) _
#align subgroup.card_commutator_le_of_finite_commutator_set

/-- A theorem of Schur: A group with finitely many commutators has finite commutator subgroup. -/
instance [Finite (commutatorSet G)] : Finite (_root_.commutator G) := by
have h2 := card_commutator_dvd_index_center_pow (closureCommutatorRepresentatives G)
refine' Nat.finite_of_card_ne_zero fun h => _
rw [card_commutator_closureCommutatorRepresentatives, h, zero_dvd_iff] at h2
exact FiniteIndex.finiteIndex (pow_eq_zero h2)

end Subgroup

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