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Port/category_theory.monoidal.of_chosen_finite_products.basic (#4115)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed May 19, 2023
1 parent 8c878fe commit afc7721
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Showing 2 changed files with 385 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -674,6 +674,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Functor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Functorial
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Linear
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.NaturalTransformation
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.OfChosenFiniteProducts.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Preadditive
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Tor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Transport
Expand Down
384 changes: 384 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Monoidal/OfChosenFiniteProducts/Basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison, Simon Hudon
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.monoidal.of_chosen_finite_products.basic
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 95a87616d63b3cb49d3fe678d416fbe9c4217bf4
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Category
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.BinaryProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.PEmpty

# The monoidal structure on a category with chosen finite products.
This is a variant of the development in `CategoryTheory.Monoidal.OfHasFiniteProducts`,
which uses specified choices of the terminal object and binary product,
enabling the construction of a cartesian category with specific definitions of the tensor unit
and tensor product.
(Because the construction in `CategoryTheory.Monoidal.OfHasFiniteProducts` uses `HasLimit`
classes, the actual definitions there are opaque behind `Classical.choice`.)
We use this in `CategoryTheory.Monoidal.TypeCat` to construct the monoidal category of types
so that the tensor product is the usual cartesian product of types.
For now we only do the construction from products, and not from coproducts,
which seems less often useful.

universe v u

noncomputable section

namespace CategoryTheory

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C] {X Y : C}

namespace Limits


variable {C}

/-- Swap the two sides of a `BinaryFan`. -/
def BinaryFan.swap {P Q : C} (t : BinaryFan P Q) : BinaryFan Q P := t.snd t.fst
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.swap CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.swap

theorem BinaryFan.swap_fst {P Q : C} (t : BinaryFan P Q) : t.swap.fst = t.snd :=
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.swap_fst CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.swap_fst

theorem BinaryFan.swap_snd {P Q : C} (t : BinaryFan P Q) : t.swap.snd = t.fst :=
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.swap_snd CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.swap_snd

/-- If a binary fan `t` over `P Q` is a limit cone, then `t.swap` is a limit cone over `Q P`.
def IsLimit.swapBinaryFan {P Q : C} {t : BinaryFan P Q} (I : IsLimit t) : IsLimit t.swap where
lift s := I.lift (BinaryFan.swap s)
fac s := by rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;> simp
uniq s m w := by
have h := I.uniq (BinaryFan.swap s) m
rw [h]
rintro ⟨j⟩
specialize w ⟨WalkingPair.swap j⟩
cases j <;> exact w
#align category_theory.limits.is_limit.swap_binary_fan CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit.swapBinaryFan

/-- Construct `HasBinaryProduct Q P` from `HasBinaryProduct P Q`.
This can't be an instance, as it would cause a loop in typeclass search.
theorem HasBinaryProduct.swap (P Q : C) [HasBinaryProduct P Q] : HasBinaryProduct Q P := ⟨BinaryFan.swap (limit.cone (pair P Q)), (limit.isLimit (pair P Q)).swapBinaryFan⟩
#align category_theory.limits.has_binary_product.swap CategoryTheory.Limits.HasBinaryProduct.swap

/-- Given a limit cone over `X` and `Y`, and another limit cone over `Y` and `X`, we can construct
an isomorphism between the cone points. Relative to some fixed choice of limits cones for every
pair, these isomorphisms constitute a braiding.
def BinaryFan.braiding {X Y : C} {s : BinaryFan X Y} (P : IsLimit s) {t : BinaryFan Y X}
(Q : IsLimit t) : ≅ :=
IsLimit.conePointUniqueUpToIso P Q.swapBinaryFan
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.braiding CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.braiding

/-- Given binary fans `sXY` over `X Y`, and `sYZ` over `Y Z`, and `s` over `sXY.X Z`,
if `sYZ` is a limit cone we can construct a binary fan over `X sYZ.X`.
This is an ingredient of building the associator for a cartesian category.
def BinaryFan.assoc {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} {sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z} (Q : IsLimit sYZ)
(s : BinaryFan Z) : BinaryFan X := (s.fst ≫ sXY.fst) (Q.lift ( (s.fst ≫ sXY.snd) s.snd))
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.assoc

theorem BinaryFan.assoc_fst {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} {sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z}
(Q : IsLimit sYZ) (s : BinaryFan Z) : (BinaryFan.assoc Q s).fst = s.fst ≫ sXY.fst :=
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_fst CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.assoc_fst

theorem BinaryFan.assoc_snd {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} {sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z}
(Q : IsLimit sYZ) (s : BinaryFan Z) :
(BinaryFan.assoc Q s).snd = Q.lift ( (s.fst ≫ sXY.snd) s.snd) :=
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_snd CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.assoc_snd

/-- Given binary fans `sXY` over `X Y`, and `sYZ` over `Y Z`, and `s` over `X sYZ.X`,
if `sYZ` is a limit cone we can construct a binary fan over `sXY.X Z`.
This is an ingredient of building the associator for a cartesian category.
def BinaryFan.assocInv {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} (P : IsLimit sXY) {sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z}
(s : BinaryFan X : BinaryFan Z := (P.lift ( s.fst (s.snd ≫ sYZ.fst))) (s.snd ≫ sYZ.snd)
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_inv CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.assocInv

theorem BinaryFan.assocInv_fst {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} (P : IsLimit sXY)
{sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z} (s : BinaryFan X :
(BinaryFan.assocInv P s).fst = P.lift ( s.fst (s.snd ≫ sYZ.fst)) :=
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_inv_fst CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.assocInv_fst

theorem BinaryFan.assocInv_snd {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} (P : IsLimit sXY)
{sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z} (s : BinaryFan X :
(BinaryFan.assocInv P s).snd = s.snd ≫ sYZ.snd :=
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_inv_snd CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.assocInv_snd

/-- If all the binary fans involved a limit cones, `BinaryFan.assoc` produces another limit cone.
def IsLimit.assoc {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} (P : IsLimit sXY) {sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z}
(Q : IsLimit sYZ) {s : BinaryFan Z} (R : IsLimit s) : IsLimit (BinaryFan.assoc Q s) where
lift t := R.lift (BinaryFan.assocInv P t)
fac t := by
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;> simp
apply Q.hom_ext
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;> simp
uniq t m w := by
have h := R.uniq (BinaryFan.assocInv P t) m
rw [h]
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;> simp
apply P.hom_ext
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;> simp
· exact w ⟨WalkingPair.left⟩
· specialize w ⟨WalkingPair.right⟩
simp at w
rw [← w]
· specialize w ⟨WalkingPair.right⟩
simp at w
rw [← w]
#align category_theory.limits.is_limit.assoc CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit.assoc

/-- Given two pairs of limit cones corresponding to the parenthesisations of `X × Y × Z`,
we obtain an isomorphism between the cone points.
def BinaryFan.associator {X Y Z : C} {sXY : BinaryFan X Y} (P : IsLimit sXY) {sYZ : BinaryFan Y Z}
(Q : IsLimit sYZ) {s : BinaryFan Z} (R : IsLimit s) {t : BinaryFan X}
(S : IsLimit t) : ≅ :=
IsLimit.conePointUniqueUpToIso (IsLimit.assoc P Q R) S
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.associator CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.associator

/-- Given a fixed family of limit data for every pair `X Y`, we obtain an associator.
def BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone (L : ∀ X Y : C, LimitCone (pair X Y)) (X Y Z : C) :
(L (L X Y) Z) ≅ (L X (L Y Z) :=
BinaryFan.associator (L X Y).isLimit (L Y Z).isLimit (L (L X Y) Z).isLimit
(L X (L Y Z)
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.associator_of_limit_cone CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone

-- Porting note: no tidy
-- attribute [local tidy] tactic.discrete_cases
attribute [local aesop safe cases (rule_sets [CategoryTheory])] Discrete

/-- Construct a left unitor from specified limit cones.
def BinaryFan.leftUnitor {X : C} {s : Cone (Functor.empty.{v} C)} (P : IsLimit s)
{t : BinaryFan X} (Q : IsLimit t) : ≅ X where
hom := t.snd
inv :=
{ pt := X, π :=
-- Porting note: there is something fishy here:
-- `PEmpty.rec x x` should not even typecheck.
{ app := fun x => Discrete.rec (fun x => PEmpty.rec.{_, v+1} x x) x } })
(𝟙 X))
hom_inv_id := by
apply Q.hom_ext
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· apply P.hom_ext
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· simp
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.left_unitor CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.leftUnitor

/-- Construct a right unitor from specified limit cones.
def BinaryFan.rightUnitor {X : C} {s : Cone (Functor.empty.{v} C)} (P : IsLimit s)
{t : BinaryFan X} (Q : IsLimit t) : ≅ X where
hom := t.fst
inv :=
( (𝟙 X)
{ pt := X
π :=
-- Porting note: there is something fishy here:
-- `PEmpty.rec x x` should not even typecheck.
{ app := fun x => Discrete.rec (fun x => PEmpty.rec.{_, v+1} x x) x } }))
hom_inv_id := by
apply Q.hom_ext
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· simp
· apply P.hom_ext
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
#align category_theory.limits.binary_fan.right_unitor CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryFan.rightUnitor


end Limits

open CategoryTheory.Limits


-- Porting note: no tidy
-- attribute [local tidy] tactic.case_bash

variable {C}

variable (𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{v} C))

variable (ℬ : ∀ X Y : C, LimitCone (pair X Y))

namespace MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts

/-- Implementation of the tensor product for `MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts`. -/
def tensorObj (X Y : C) : C :=
(ℬ X Y)
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.tensor_obj CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.tensorObj

/-- Implementation of the tensor product of morphisms for `MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts`. -/
def tensorHom {W X Y Z : C} (f : W ⟶ X) (g : Y ⟶ Z) : tensorObj ℬ W Y ⟶ tensorObj ℬ X Z :=
(BinaryFan.IsLimit.lift' (ℬ X Z).isLimit ((ℬ W Y).cone.π.app ⟨WalkingPair.left⟩ ≫ f)
(((ℬ W Y).cone.π.app ⟨WalkingPair.right⟩ : (ℬ W Y) ⟶ Y) ≫ g)).val
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.tensor_hom CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.tensorHom

theorem tensor_id (X₁ X₂ : C) : tensorHom ℬ (𝟙 X₁) (𝟙 X₂) = 𝟙 (tensorObj ℬ X₁ X₂) := by
apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit;
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;>
· dsimp [tensorHom]
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.tensor_id CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.tensor_id

theorem tensor_comp {X₁ Y₁ Z₁ X₂ Y₂ Z₂ : C} (f₁ : X₁ ⟶ Y₁) (f₂ : X₂ ⟶ Y₂) (g₁ : Y₁ ⟶ Z₁)
(g₂ : Y₂ ⟶ Z₂) : tensorHom ℬ (f₁ ≫ g₁) (f₂ ≫ g₂) = tensorHom ℬ f₁ f₂ ≫ tensorHom ℬ g₁ g₂ := by
apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit;
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;>
· dsimp [tensorHom]
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.tensor_comp CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.tensor_comp

theorem pentagon (W X Y Z : C) :
tensorHom ℬ (BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ W X Y).hom (𝟙 Z) ≫
(BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ W (tensorObj ℬ X Y) Z).hom ≫
tensorHom ℬ (𝟙 W) (BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ X Y Z).hom =
(BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ (tensorObj ℬ W X) Y Z).hom ≫
(BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ W X (tensorObj ℬ Y Z)).hom := by
dsimp [tensorHom]
apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit; rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· simp
· apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· simp
apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· simp
· simp
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.pentagon CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.pentagon

theorem triangle (X Y : C) :
(BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ X 𝒯 Y).hom ≫
tensorHom ℬ (𝟙 X) (BinaryFan.leftUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ 𝒯 Y).isLimit).hom =
tensorHom ℬ (BinaryFan.rightUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ X 𝒯 (𝟙 Y) := by
dsimp [tensorHom]
apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit; rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩ <;> simp
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.triangle CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.triangle

theorem leftUnitor_naturality {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂) :
tensorHom ℬ (𝟙 𝒯 f ≫ (BinaryFan.leftUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ 𝒯 X₂).isLimit).hom =
(BinaryFan.leftUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ 𝒯 X₁).isLimit).hom ≫ f := by
dsimp [tensorHom]
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.left_unitor_naturality CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.leftUnitor_naturality

theorem rightUnitor_naturality {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂) :
tensorHom ℬ f (𝟙 𝒯 ≫ (BinaryFan.rightUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ X₂ 𝒯 =
(BinaryFan.rightUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ X₁ 𝒯 ≫ f := by
dsimp [tensorHom]
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.right_unitor_naturality CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.rightUnitor_naturality

theorem associator_naturality {X₁ X₂ X₃ Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ : C} (f₁ : X₁ ⟶ Y₁) (f₂ : X₂ ⟶ Y₂) (f₃ : X₃ ⟶ Y₃) :
tensorHom ℬ (tensorHom ℬ f₁ f₂) f₃ ≫ (BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ Y₁ Y₂ Y₃).hom =
(BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ X₁ X₂ X₃).hom ≫ tensorHom ℬ f₁ (tensorHom ℬ f₂ f₃) := by
dsimp [tensorHom]
apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit; rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· simp
· apply IsLimit.hom_ext (ℬ _ _).isLimit
rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩
· simp
· simp
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.associator_naturality CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.associator_naturality

end MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts

open MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts

/-- A category with a terminal object and binary products has a natural monoidal structure. -/
def monoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts : MonoidalCategory C where
tensorUnit' := 𝒯
tensorObj X Y := tensorObj ℬ X Y
tensorHom f g := tensorHom ℬ f g
tensor_id := tensor_id ℬ
tensor_comp f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ := tensor_comp ℬ f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂
associator X Y Z := BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone ℬ X Y Z
leftUnitor X := BinaryFan.leftUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ 𝒯 X).isLimit
rightUnitor X := BinaryFan.rightUnitor 𝒯.isLimit (ℬ X 𝒯
pentagon := pentagon ℬ
triangle := triangle 𝒯 ℬ
leftUnitor_naturality f := leftUnitor_naturality 𝒯 ℬ f
rightUnitor_naturality f := rightUnitor_naturality 𝒯 ℬ f
associator_naturality f₁ f₂ f₃ := associator_naturality ℬ f₁ f₂ f₃
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products CategoryTheory.monoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts

namespace MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts

open MonoidalCategory

/-- A type synonym for `C` carrying a monoidal category structure corresponding to
a fixed choice of limit data for the empty functor, and for `pair X Y` for every `X Y : C`.
This is an implementation detail for `SymmetricOfChosenFiniteProducts`.
-- Porting note: no `has_nonempty_instance` linter.
-- @[nolint has_nonempty_instance]
@[nolint unusedArguments]
def MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym (_𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{v} C))
(_ℬ : ∀ X Y : C, LimitCone (pair X Y)) :=
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products_synonym CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym

instance : Category (MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym 𝒯 ℬ) := by
dsimp [MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym]

instance : MonoidalCategory (MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym 𝒯 ℬ) :=
monoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts 𝒯 ℬ

end MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts


end CategoryTheory

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