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…l sets (#11396)

If a category `C` has chosen finite products, then the functor category `J ⥤ C` also. In particular, the category of simplicial sets is endowed with the monoidal category given by the explicit terminal object and binary products. 

Simplifications lemmas have also been added in the context of categories with chosen finite products. For terminal objects in such categories, the terminal object is given as a limit cone of `Functor.empty.{0} C` rather than `Functor.empty.{v} C` so as to be consistent with the limits API for terminal objects.

Co-authored-by: Jack McKoen <>
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joelriou and mckoen committed Mar 29, 2024
1 parent 160fb23 commit b5cf43e
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Showing 6 changed files with 315 additions and 6 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -598,6 +598,7 @@ import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.Quasicategory
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplexCategory
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplicialObject
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplicialSet
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplicialSet.Monoidal
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SingularSet
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SplitSimplicialObject
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.TopologicalSimplex
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1067,6 +1068,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.RelCat
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.TwoP
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.ULift
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ChosenFiniteProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ChosenFiniteProducts.FunctorCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Cartesian
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.Functor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Closed.FunctorCategory
Expand Down
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicTopology/SimplicialSet/Monoidal.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou, Jack McKoen
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplicialSet
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ChosenFiniteProducts.FunctorCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Types.Basic

# The monoidal category structure on simplicial sets
This file defines an instance of chosen finite products
for the category `SSet`. It follows from the fact
the `SSet` if a category of functors to the category
of types and that the category of types have chosen
finite products. As a result, we obtain a monoidal
category structure on `SSet`.

universe u

open Simplicial CategoryTheory MonoidalCategory

namespace SSet

noncomputable instance : ChosenFiniteProducts SSet.{u} :=
(inferInstance : ChosenFiniteProducts (SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ ⥤ Type u))

lemma leftUnitor_hom_app_apply (K : SSet.{u}) {Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ} (x : (𝟙_ _ ⊗ K).obj Δ) :
(λ_ K) Δ x = x.2 := rfl

lemma leftUnitor_inv_app_apply (K : SSet.{u}) {Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ} (x : K.obj Δ) :
(λ_ K) Δ x = ⟨PUnit.unit, x⟩ := rfl

lemma rightUnitor_hom_app_apply (K : SSet.{u}) {Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ} (x : (K ⊗ 𝟙_ _).obj Δ) :
(ρ_ K) Δ x = x.1 := rfl

lemma rightUnitor_inv_app_apply (K : SSet.{u}) {Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ} (x : K.obj Δ) :
(ρ_ K) Δ x = ⟨x, PUnit.unit⟩ := rfl

lemma tensorHom_app_apply {K K' L L' : SSet.{u}} (f : K ⟶ K') (g : L ⟶ L')
{Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ} (x : (K ⊗ L).obj Δ) :
(f ⊗ g).app Δ x = ⟨ Δ x.1, Δ x.2⟩ := rfl

lemma whiskerLeft_app_apply (K : SSet.{u}) {L L' : SSet.{u}} (g : L ⟶ L')
{Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ} (x : (K ⊗ L).obj Δ) :
(K ◁ g).app Δ x = ⟨x.1, Δ x.2⟩ := rfl

lemma whiskerRight_app_apply {K K' : SSet.{u}} (f : K ⟶ K') (L : SSet.{u})
{Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ} (x : (K ⊗ L).obj Δ) :
(f ▷ L).app Δ x = ⟨ Δ x.1, x.2⟩ := rfl

lemma associator_hom_app_apply (K L M : SSet.{u}) {Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ}
(x : ((K ⊗ L) ⊗ M).obj Δ) :
(α_ K L M) Δ x = ⟨x.1.1, x.1.2, x.2⟩ := rfl

lemma associator_inv_app_apply (K L M : SSet.{u}) {Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ}
(x : (K ⊗ L ⊗ M).obj Δ) :
(α_ K L M) Δ x = ⟨⟨x.1, x.2.1⟩, x.2.2⟩ := rfl

/-- The bijection `(𝟙_ SSet ⟶ K) ≃ K _[0]`. -/
def unitHomEquiv (K : SSet.{u}) : (𝟙_ _ ⟶ K) ≃ K _[0] where
toFun φ := φ.app _ PUnit.unit
invFun x :=
{ app := fun Δ _ => (SimplexCategory.const Δ.unop [0] 0).op x
naturality := fun Δ Δ' f => by
ext ⟨⟩
rw [← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply]
rfl }
left_inv φ := by
ext Δ ⟨⟩
rw [← FunctorToTypes.naturality]
right_inv x := by simp

end SSet
62 changes: 61 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/ChosenFiniteProducts.lean
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class ChosenFiniteProducts (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C] where
/-- A choice of a limit binary fan for any two objects of the category.-/
product : (X Y : C) → Limits.LimitCone (Limits.pair X Y)
/-- A choice of a terminal object. -/
terminal : Limits.LimitCone (Functor.empty.{v} C)
terminal : Limits.LimitCone (Functor.empty.{0} C)

namespace ChosenFiniteProducts

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,66 @@ lemma hom_ext {T X Y : C} (f g : T ⟶ X ⊗ Y)
f = g :=
(product X Y).isLimit.hom_ext fun ⟨j⟩ => j.recOn h_fst h_snd

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma tensorHom_fst {X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ : C} (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂) (g : Y₁ ⟶ Y₂) :
(f ⊗ g) ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ ≫ f := lift_fst _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma tensorHom_snd {X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ : C} (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂) (g : Y₁ ⟶ Y₂) :
(f ⊗ g) ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ ≫ g := lift_snd _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerLeft_fst (X : C) {Y₁ Y₂ : C} (g : Y₁ ⟶ Y₂) :
(X ◁ g) ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ :=
(tensorHom_fst _ _).trans (by simp)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerLeft_snd (X : C) {Y₁ Y₂ : C} (g : Y₁ ⟶ Y₂) :
(X ◁ g) ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ ≫ g :=
tensorHom_snd _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerRight_fst {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂) (Y : C) :
(f ▷ Y) ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ ≫ f :=
tensorHom_fst _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerRight_snd {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂) (Y : C) :
(f ▷ Y) ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ :=
(tensorHom_snd _ _).trans (by simp)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma associator_hom_fst (X Y Z : C) :
(α_ X Y Z).hom ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ ≫ fst _ _ := lift_fst _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma associator_hom_snd_fst (X Y Z : C) :
(α_ X Y Z).hom ≫ snd _ _ ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ ≫ snd _ _ := by
erw [lift_snd_assoc, lift_fst]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma associator_hom_snd_snd (X Y Z : C) :
(α_ X Y Z).hom ≫ snd _ _ ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ := by
erw [lift_snd_assoc, lift_snd]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma associator_inv_fst (X Y Z : C) :
(α_ X Y Z).inv ≫ fst _ _ ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ := by
erw [lift_fst_assoc, lift_fst]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma associator_inv_fst_snd (X Y Z : C) :
(α_ X Y Z).inv ≫ fst _ _ ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ ≫ fst _ _ := by
erw [lift_fst_assoc, lift_snd]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma associator_inv_snd (X Y Z : C) :
(α_ X Y Z).inv ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ ≫ snd _ _ := lift_snd _ _

Construct an instance of `ChosenFiniteProducts C` given an instance of `HasFiniteProducts C`.
Expand Down
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/ChosenFiniteProducts/FunctorCategory.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ChosenFiniteProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FunctorCategory

# Functor categories have chosen finite products
If `C` is a category with chosen finite products, then so is `J ⥤ C`.

namespace CategoryTheory

open Limits MonoidalCategory Category

variable (J C : Type*) [Category J] [Category C] [ChosenFiniteProducts C]

namespace Functor

/-- The chosen terminal object in `J ⥤ C`. -/
abbrev chosenTerminal : J ⥤ C := ((Functor.const J).obj (𝟙_ C))

/-- The chosen terminal object in `J ⥤ C` is terminal. -/
def chosenTerminalIsTerminal : IsTerminal (chosenTerminal J C) :=
evaluationJointlyReflectsLimits _
(fun _ => isLimitChangeEmptyCone _ ChosenFiniteProducts.terminal.2 _ (Iso.refl _))


variable {J C}
variable (F₁ F₂ : J ⥤ C)

/-- The chosen binary product on `J ⥤ C`. -/
def chosenProd : J ⥤ C where
obj j := F₁.obj j ⊗ F₂.obj j
map φ := F₁.map φ ⊗ F₂.map φ

namespace chosenProd

/-- The first projection `chosenProd F₁ F₂ ⟶ F₁`. -/
def fst : chosenProd F₁ F₂ ⟶ F₁ where
app _ := ChosenFiniteProducts.fst _ _

/-- The second projection `chosenProd F₁ F₂ ⟶ F₂`. -/
def snd : chosenProd F₁ F₂ ⟶ F₂ where
app j := ChosenFiniteProducts.snd _ _

/-- `Functor.chosenProd F₁ F₂` is a binary product of `F₁` and `F₂`. -/
noncomputable def isLimit : IsLimit ( (fst F₁ F₂) (snd F₁ F₂)) :=
evaluationJointlyReflectsLimits _ (fun j =>
(IsLimit.postcomposeHomEquiv (mapPairIso (by exact Iso.refl _) (by exact Iso.refl _)) _).1
(IsLimit.ofIsoLimit (ChosenFiniteProducts.product (X := F₁.obj j) (Y := F₂.obj j)).2
(Cones.ext (Iso.refl _) (by rintro ⟨_|_⟩; all_goals aesop_cat))))

end chosenProd


noncomputable instance chosenFiniteProducts :
ChosenFiniteProducts (J ⥤ C) where
terminal := ⟨_, chosenTerminalIsTerminal J C⟩
product F₁ F₂ := ⟨_, chosenProd.isLimit F₁ F₂⟩

namespace Monoidal

open ChosenFiniteProducts

variable {J C}

lemma leftUnitor_hom_app (F : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(λ_ F) j = (λ_ (F.obj j)).hom := rfl

lemma leftUnitor_inv_app (F : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(λ_ F) j = (λ_ (F.obj j)).inv := by
rw [← cancel_mono ((λ_ (F.obj j)).hom), Iso.inv_hom_id, ← leftUnitor_hom_app,

lemma rightUnitor_hom_app (F : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(ρ_ F) j = (ρ_ (F.obj j)).hom := rfl

lemma rightUnitor_inv_app (F : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(ρ_ F) j = (ρ_ (F.obj j)).inv := by
rw [← cancel_mono ((ρ_ (F.obj j)).hom), Iso.inv_hom_id, ← rightUnitor_hom_app,

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma tensorHom_app_fst {F₁ F₁' F₂ F₂' : J ⥤ C} (f : F₁ ⟶ F₁') (g : F₂ ⟶ F₂') (j : J) :
(f ⊗ g).app j ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ ≫ j := by
change (f ⊗ g).app j ≫ (fst F₁' F₂').app j = _
rw [← NatTrans.comp_app, tensorHom_fst, NatTrans.comp_app]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma tensorHom_app_snd {F₁ F₁' F₂ F₂' : J ⥤ C} (f : F₁ ⟶ F₁') (g : F₂ ⟶ F₂') (j : J) :
(f ⊗ g).app j ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ ≫ j := by
change (f ⊗ g).app j ≫ (snd F₁' F₂').app j = _
rw [← NatTrans.comp_app, tensorHom_snd, NatTrans.comp_app]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerLeft_app_fst (F₁ : J ⥤ C) {F₂ F₂' : J ⥤ C} (g : F₂ ⟶ F₂') (j : J) :
(F₁ ◁ g).app j ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ :=
(tensorHom_app_fst (𝟙 F₁) g j).trans (by simp)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerLeft_app_snd (F₁ : J ⥤ C) {F₂ F₂' : J ⥤ C} (g : F₂ ⟶ F₂') (j : J) :
(F₁ ◁ g).app j ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ ≫ j :=
(tensorHom_app_snd (𝟙 F₁) g j)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerRight_app_fst {F₁ F₁' : J ⥤ C} (f : F₁ ⟶ F₁') (F₂ : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(f ▷ F₂).app j ≫ fst _ _ = fst _ _ ≫ j :=
(tensorHom_app_fst f (𝟙 F₂) j)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma whiskerRight_app_snd {F₁ F₁' : J ⥤ C} (f : F₁ ⟶ F₁') (F₂ : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(f ▷ F₂).app j ≫ snd _ _ = snd _ _ :=
(tensorHom_app_snd f (𝟙 F₂) j).trans (by simp)

lemma associator_hom_app (F₁ F₂ F₃ : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(α_ F₁ F₂ F₃) j = (α_ _ _ _).hom := by
apply hom_ext
· change _ ≫ (fst F₁ (F₂ ⊗ F₃)).app j = _
rw [← NatTrans.comp_app, associator_hom_fst]
erw [associator_hom_fst]
· apply hom_ext
· change (_ ≫ (snd F₁ (F₂ ⊗ F₃)).app j) ≫ (fst F₂ F₃).app j = _
rw [← NatTrans.comp_app, ← NatTrans.comp_app, assoc, associator_hom_snd_fst, assoc]
erw [associator_hom_snd_fst]
· change (_ ≫ (snd F₁ (F₂ ⊗ F₃)).app j) ≫ (snd F₂ F₃).app j = _
rw [← NatTrans.comp_app, ← NatTrans.comp_app, assoc, associator_hom_snd_snd, assoc]
erw [associator_hom_snd_snd]

lemma associator_inv_app (F₁ F₂ F₃ : J ⥤ C) (j : J) :
(α_ F₁ F₂ F₃) j = (α_ _ _ _).inv := by
rw [← cancel_mono ((α_ _ _ _).hom), Iso.inv_hom_id, ← associator_hom_app, Iso.inv_hom_id_app]

end Monoidal

end Functor

end CategoryTheory
Expand Up @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ def BinaryFan.associatorOfLimitCone (L : ∀ X Y : C, LimitCone (pair X Y)) (X Y
/-- Construct a left unitor from specified limit cones.
def BinaryFan.leftUnitor {X : C} {s : Cone (Functor.empty.{v} C)} (P : IsLimit s)
def BinaryFan.leftUnitor {X : C} {s : Cone (Functor.empty.{0} C)} (P : IsLimit s)
{t : BinaryFan X} (Q : IsLimit t) : ≅ X where
hom := t.snd
inv := Q.lift <| (P.lift ⟨_, fun x =>, fun {x} =>⟩) (𝟙 _)
Expand All @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ def BinaryFan.leftUnitor {X : C} {s : Cone (Functor.empty.{v} C)} (P : IsLimit s
/-- Construct a right unitor from specified limit cones.
def BinaryFan.rightUnitor {X : C} {s : Cone (Functor.empty.{v} C)} (P : IsLimit s)
def BinaryFan.rightUnitor {X : C} {s : Cone (Functor.empty.{0} C)} (P : IsLimit s)
{t : BinaryFan X} (Q : IsLimit t) : ≅ X where
hom := t.fst
inv := Q.lift <| (𝟙 _) <| P.lift ⟨_, fun x =>, fun {x} =>⟩
Expand All @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ section
-- attribute [local tidy] tactic.case_bash

variable {C}
variable (𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{v} C))
variable (𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{0} C))
variable (ℬ : ∀ X Y : C, LimitCone (pair X Y))

namespace MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ This is an implementation detail for `SymmetricOfChosenFiniteProducts`.
-- Porting note: no `has_nonempty_instance` linter.
-- @[nolint has_nonempty_instance]
@[nolint unusedArguments]
def MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym (_𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{v} C))
def MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym (_𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{0} C))
(_ℬ : ∀ X Y : C, LimitCone (pair X Y)) :=
#align category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products_synonym CategoryTheory.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts.MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProductsSynonym
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] {X Y : C}

open CategoryTheory.Limits

variable (𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{v} C))
variable (𝒯 : LimitCone (Functor.empty.{0} C))
variable (ℬ : ∀ X Y : C, LimitCone (pair X Y))

open MonoidalOfChosenFiniteProducts
Expand Down

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