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feat: the category of CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryBicones (#11102)
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This follows on from #7209
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eric-wieser committed Mar 3, 2024
1 parent 9a0ce88 commit bf9724a
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Showing 2 changed files with 119 additions and 28 deletions.
14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/Preserves/Shapes/Biproducts.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,17 +71,9 @@ theorem mapBicone_whisker {K : Type w₂} {g : K ≃ J} {f : J → C} (c : Bicon
end Bicone

/-- The image of a binary bicone under a functor. -/
def mapBinaryBicone {X Y : C} (b : BinaryBicone X Y) : BinaryBicone (F.obj X) (F.obj Y) where
pt := F.obj
fst := b.fst
snd := b.snd
inl := b.inl
inr := b.inr
inl_fst := by rw [← F.map_comp, b.inl_fst, F.map_id]
inl_snd := by rw [← F.map_comp, b.inl_snd, F.map_zero]
inr_fst := by rw [← F.map_comp, b.inr_fst, F.map_zero]
inr_snd := by rw [← F.map_comp, b.inr_snd, F.map_id]
def mapBinaryBicone {X Y : C} (b : BinaryBicone X Y) : BinaryBicone (F.obj X) (F.obj Y) :=
(BinaryBicones.functoriality _ _ F).obj b
#align category_theory.functor.map_binary_bicone CategoryTheory.Functor.mapBinaryBicone

end Map
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133 changes: 116 additions & 17 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/Shapes/Biproducts.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1045,7 +1045,10 @@ def biproduct.matrixEquiv : (⨁ f ⟶ ⨁ g) ≃ ∀ j k, f j ⟶ g k where

end FiniteBiproducts

variable {J : Type w} {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] [HasZeroMorphisms C]
universe uD uD'
variable {J : Type w}
variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] [HasZeroMorphisms C]
variable {D : Type uD} [Category.{uD'} D] [HasZeroMorphisms D]

instance biproduct.ι_mono (f : J → C) [HasBiproduct f] (b : J) : IsSplitMono (biproduct.ι f b) :=' { retraction := biproduct.desc <| Pi.single b _ }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1158,6 +1161,86 @@ attribute [inherit_doc BinaryBicone] BinaryBicone.fst BinaryBico
attribute [reassoc (attr := simp)]
BinaryBicone.inl_fst BinaryBicone.inl_snd BinaryBicone.inr_fst BinaryBicone.inr_snd

/-- A binary bicone morphism between two binary bicones for the same diagram is a morphism of the
binary bicone points which commutes with the cone and cocone legs. -/
structure BinaryBiconeMorphism {P Q : C} (A B : BinaryBicone P Q) where
/-- A morphism between the two vertex objects of the bicones -/
hom : ⟶
/-- The triangle consisting of the two natural transformations and `hom` commutes -/
wfst : hom ≫ B.fst = A.fst := by aesop_cat
/-- The triangle consisting of the two natural transformations and `hom` commutes -/
wsnd : hom ≫ B.snd = A.snd := by aesop_cat
/-- The triangle consisting of the two natural transformations and `hom` commutes -/
winl : A.inl ≫ hom = B.inl := by aesop_cat
/-- The triangle consisting of the two natural transformations and `hom` commutes -/
winr : A.inr ≫ hom = B.inr := by aesop_cat

attribute [reassoc (attr := simp)] BinaryBiconeMorphism.wfst BinaryBiconeMorphism.wsnd
attribute [reassoc (attr := simp)] BinaryBiconeMorphism.winl BinaryBiconeMorphism.winr

/-- The category of binary bicones on a given diagram. -/
instance BinaryBicone.category {P Q : C} : Category (BinaryBicone P Q) where
Hom A B := BinaryBiconeMorphism A B
comp f g := { hom := f.hom ≫ g.hom }
id B := { hom := 𝟙 }

-- Porting note: if we do not have `simps` automatically generate the lemma for simplifying
-- the `hom` field of a category, we need to write the `ext` lemma in terms of the categorical
-- morphism, rather than the underlying structure.
theorem BinaryBiconeMorphism.ext {P Q : C} {c c' : BinaryBicone P Q}
(f g : c ⟶ c') (w : f.hom = g.hom) : f = g := by
cases f
cases g

namespace BinaryBicones

/-- To give an isomorphism between cocones, it suffices to give an
isomorphism between their vertices which commutes with the cocone
maps. -/
-- Porting note: `@[ext]` used to accept lemmas like this. Now we add an aesop rule
@[aesop apply safe (rule_sets := [CategoryTheory]), simps]
def ext {P Q : C} {c c' : BinaryBicone P Q} (φ : ≅ c'.pt)
(winl : c.inl ≫ φ.hom = c'.inl := by aesop_cat)
(winr : c.inr ≫ φ.hom = c'.inr := by aesop_cat)
(wfst : φ.hom ≫ c'.fst = c.fst := by aesop_cat)
(wsnd : φ.hom ≫ c'.snd = c.snd := by aesop_cat) : c ≅ c' where
hom := { hom := φ.hom }
inv :=
{ hom := φ.inv
wfst := φ.inv_comp_eq.mpr wfst.symm
wsnd := φ.inv_comp_eq.mpr wsnd.symm
winl := φ.comp_inv_eq.mpr winl.symm
winr := φ.comp_inv_eq.mpr winr.symm }

/-- A functor `F : C ⥤ D` sends binary bicones for `P` and `Q`
to binary bicones for `G.obj P` and `G.obj Q` functorially. -/
def functoriality (P Q : C) (F : C ⥤ D) [Functor.PreservesZeroMorphisms F] :
BinaryBicone P Q ⥤ BinaryBicone (F.obj P) (F.obj Q) where
obj A :=
{ pt := F.obj
fst := A.fst
snd := A.snd
inl := A.inl
inr := A.inr
inl_fst := by rw [← F.map_comp, A.inl_fst, F.map_id]
inl_snd := by rw [← F.map_comp, A.inl_snd, F.map_zero]
inr_fst := by rw [← F.map_comp, A.inr_fst, F.map_zero]
inr_snd := by rw [← F.map_comp, A.inr_snd, F.map_id] }
map f :=
{ hom := f.hom
wfst := by simp [-BinaryBiconeMorphism.wfst, ← f.wfst]
wsnd := by simp [-BinaryBiconeMorphism.wsnd, ← f.wsnd]
winl := by simp [-BinaryBiconeMorphism.winl, ← f.winl]
winr := by simp [-BinaryBiconeMorphism.winr, ← f.winr] }

end BinaryBicones

namespace BinaryBicone

variable {P Q : C}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1241,12 +1324,21 @@ instance (c : BinaryBicone P Q) : IsSplitEpi c.snd :=

/-- Convert a `BinaryBicone` into a `Bicone` over a pair. -/
def toBicone {X Y : C} (b : BinaryBicone X Y) : Bicone (pairFunction X Y) where
pt :=
π j := WalkingPair.casesOn j b.fst b.snd
ι j := WalkingPair.casesOn j b.inl b.inr
ι_π j j' := by
rcases j with ⟨⟩ <;> rcases j' with ⟨⟩ <;> simp
def toBiconeFunctor {X Y : C} : BinaryBicone X Y ⥤ Bicone (pairFunction X Y) where
obj b :=
{ pt :=
π := fun j => WalkingPair.casesOn j b.fst b.snd
ι := fun j => WalkingPair.casesOn j b.inl b.inr
ι_π := fun j j' => by
rcases j with ⟨⟩ <;> rcases j' with ⟨⟩ <;> simp }
map f := {
hom := f.hom
wπ := fun i => WalkingPair.casesOn i f.wfst f.wsnd
wι := fun i => WalkingPair.casesOn i f.winl f.winr }

/-- A shorthand for `toBiconeFunctor.obj` -/
abbrev toBicone {X Y : C} (b : BinaryBicone X Y) : Bicone (pairFunction X Y) :=
toBiconeFunctor.obj b
#align category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.to_bicone CategoryTheory.Limits.BinaryBicone.toBicone

/-- A binary bicone is a limit cone if and only if the corresponding bicone is a limit cone. -/
Expand All @@ -1272,16 +1364,23 @@ namespace Bicone

/-- Convert a `Bicone` over a function on `WalkingPair` to a BinaryBicone. -/
def toBinaryBicone {X Y : C} (b : Bicone (pairFunction X Y)) : BinaryBicone X Y where
pt :=
fst := b.π WalkingPair.left
snd := b.π WalkingPair.right
inl := b.ι WalkingPair.left
inr := b.ι WalkingPair.right
inl_fst := by simp [Bicone.ι_π]
inr_fst := by simp [Bicone.ι_π]
inl_snd := by simp [Bicone.ι_π]
inr_snd := by simp [Bicone.ι_π]
def toBinaryBiconeFunctor {X Y : C} : Bicone (pairFunction X Y) ⥤ BinaryBicone X Y where
obj b :=
{ pt :=
fst := b.π WalkingPair.left
snd := b.π WalkingPair.right
inl := b.ι WalkingPair.left
inr := b.ι WalkingPair.right
inl_fst := by simp [Bicone.ι_π]
inr_fst := by simp [Bicone.ι_π]
inl_snd := by simp [Bicone.ι_π]
inr_snd := by simp [Bicone.ι_π] }
map f :=
{ hom := f.hom }

/-- A shorthand for `toBinaryBiconeFunctor.obj` -/
abbrev toBinaryBicone {X Y : C} (b : Bicone (pairFunction X Y)) : BinaryBicone X Y :=
toBinaryBiconeFunctor.obj b
#align category_theory.limits.bicone.to_binary_bicone CategoryTheory.Limits.Bicone.toBinaryBicone

/-- A bicone over a pair is a limit cone if and only if the corresponding binary bicone is a limit
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