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feat: Port Data.QPF.Multivariate.Basic (#2223)
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casavaca committed Feb 20, 2023
1 parent 99175c0 commit c2ba204
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Showing 2 changed files with 291 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -590,6 +590,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Prod.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Prod.Lex
import Mathlib.Data.Prod.PProd
import Mathlib.Data.Prod.TProd
import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Quot
import Mathlib.Data.Rat.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Rat.BigOperators
Expand Down
290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/QPF/Multivariate/Basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Simon Hudon
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.qpf.multivariate.basic
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit dc6c365e751e34d100e80fe6e314c3c3e0fd2988
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Data.PFunctor.Multivariate.Basic

# Multivariate quotients of polynomial functors.
Basic definition of multivariate QPF. QPFs form a compositional framework
for defining inductive and coinductive types, their quotients and nesting.
The idea is based on building ever larger functors. For instance, we can define
a list using a shape functor:
inductive ListShape (a b : Type)
| nil : ListShape
| cons : a -> b -> ListShape
This shape can itself be decomposed as a sum of product which are themselves
QPFs. It follows that the shape is a QPF and we can take its fixed point
and create the list itself:
def List (a : Type) := fix ListShape a -- not the actual notation
We can continue and define the quotient on permutation of lists and create
the multiset type:
def Multiset (a : Type) := QPF.quot List.perm List a -- not the actual notion
And `Multiset` is also a QPF. We can then create a novel data type (for Lean):
inductive Tree (a : Type)
| node : a -> Multiset Tree -> Tree
An unordered tree. This is currently not supported by Lean because it nests
an inductive type inside of a quotient. We can go further and define
unordered, possibly infinite trees:
coinductive Tree' (a : Type)
| node : a -> Multiset Tree' -> Tree'
by using the `cofix` construct. Those options can all be mixed and
matched because they preserve the properties of QPF. The latter example,
`Tree'`, combines fixed point, co-fixed point and quotients.
## Related modules
* constructions
* Fix
* Cofix
* Quot
* Comp
* Sigma / Pi
* Prj
* Const
each proves that some operations on functors preserves the QPF structure
## Reference
! * [Jeremy Avigad, Mario M. Carneiro and Simon Hudon, *Data Types as Quotients of Polynomial Functors*][avigad-carneiro-hudon2019]

universe u

open MvFunctor

/-- Multivariate quotients of polynomial functors.
class MvQPF {n : ℕ} (F : TypeVec.{u} n → Type _) [MvFunctor F] where
P : MvPFunctor.{u} n
abs : ∀ {α}, P.Obj α → F α
repr : ∀ {α}, F α → P.Obj α
abs_repr : ∀ {α} (x : F α), abs (repr x) = x
abs_map : ∀ {α β} (f : α ⟹ β) (p : P.Obj α), abs (f <$$> p) = f <$$> abs p
#align mvqpf MvQPF

namespace MvQPF

variable {n : ℕ} {F : TypeVec.{u} n → Type _} [MvFunctor F] [q : MvQPF F]

open MvFunctor (LiftP LiftR)

### Show that every MvQPF is a lawful MvFunctor.

protected theorem id_map {α : TypeVec n} (x : F α) : <$$> x = x := by
rw [← abs_repr x]
cases' repr x with a f
rw [← abs_map]
#align mvqpf.id_map MvQPF.id_map

theorem comp_map {α β γ : TypeVec n} (f : α ⟹ β) (g : β ⟹ γ) (x : F α) :
(g ⊚ f) <$$> x = g <$$> f <$$> x := by
rw [← abs_repr x]
cases' repr x with a f
rw [← abs_map, ← abs_map, ← abs_map]
#align mvqpf.comp_map MvQPF.comp_map

instance (priority := 100) lawfulMvFunctor : LawfulMvFunctor F where
id_map := @MvQPF.id_map n F _ _
comp_map := @comp_map n F _ _
#align mvqpf.is_lawful_mvfunctor MvQPF.lawfulMvFunctor

-- Lifting predicates and relations
theorem liftP_iff {α : TypeVec n} (p : ∀ ⦃i⦄, α i → Prop) (x : F α) :
LiftP p x ↔ ∃ a f, x = abs ⟨a, f⟩ ∧ ∀ i j, p (f i j) := by
· rintro ⟨y, hy⟩
cases' h : repr y with a f
use a, fun i j => (f i j).val
· rw [← hy, ← abs_repr y, h, ← abs_map]; rfl
intro i j
apply (f i j).property
rintro ⟨a, f, h₀, h₁⟩; dsimp at *
use abs ⟨a, fun i j => ⟨f i j, h₁ i j⟩⟩
rw [← abs_map, h₀]; rfl
#align mvqpf.liftp_iff MvQPF.liftP_iff

theorem liftR_iff {α : TypeVec n} (r : ∀ /- ⦃i⦄ -/ {i}, α i → α i → Prop) (x y : F α) :
LiftR r x y ↔ ∃ a f₀ f₁, x = abs ⟨a, f₀⟩ ∧ y = abs ⟨a, f₁⟩ ∧ ∀ i j, r (f₀ i j) (f₁ i j) := by
· rintro ⟨u, xeq, yeq⟩
cases' h : repr u with a f
use a, fun i j => (f i j).val.fst, fun i j => (f i j).val.snd
· rw [← xeq, ← abs_repr u, h, ← abs_map]; rfl
· rw [← yeq, ← abs_repr u, h, ← abs_map]; rfl
intro i j
exact (f i j).property
rintro ⟨a, f₀, f₁, xeq, yeq, h⟩
use abs ⟨a, fun i j => ⟨(f₀ i j, f₁ i j), h i j⟩⟩
dsimp; constructor
· rw [xeq, ← abs_map]; rfl
rw [yeq, ← abs_map]; rfl
#align mvqpf.liftr_iff MvQPF.liftR_iff

open Set

open MvFunctor (LiftP LiftR)

theorem mem_supp {α : TypeVec n} (x : F α) (i) (u : α i) :
u ∈ supp x i ↔ ∀ a f, abs ⟨a, f⟩ = x → u ∈ f i '' univ := by
rw [supp]; dsimp; constructor
· intro h a f haf
have : LiftP (fun i u => u ∈ f i '' univ) x := by
rw [liftP_iff]
refine' ⟨a, f, haf.symm, _⟩
intro i u
exact mem_image_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)
exact h this
intro h p; rw [liftP_iff]
rintro ⟨a, f, xeq, h'⟩
rcases h a f xeq.symm with ⟨i, _, hi⟩
rw [← hi]; apply h'
#align mvqpf.mem_supp MvQPF.mem_supp

theorem supp_eq {α : TypeVec n} {i} (x : F α) :
supp x i = { u | ∀ a f, abs ⟨a, f⟩ = x → u ∈ f i '' univ } := by ext ; apply mem_supp
#align mvqpf.supp_eq MvQPF.supp_eq

theorem has_good_supp_iff {α : TypeVec n} (x : F α) :
(∀ p, LiftP p x ↔ ∀ (i), ∀ u ∈ supp x i, p i u) ↔
∃ a f, abs ⟨a, f⟩ = x ∧ ∀ i a' f', abs ⟨a', f'⟩ = x → f i '' univ ⊆ f' i '' univ := by
· intro h
have : LiftP (supp x) x := by rw [h]; introv; exact id
rw [liftP_iff] at this
rcases this with ⟨a, f, xeq, h'⟩
refine' ⟨a, f, xeq.symm, _⟩
intro a' f' h''
rintro hu u ⟨j, _h₂, hfi⟩
have hh : u ∈ supp x a' := by rw [← hfi] ; apply h'
refine' (mem_supp x _ u).mp hh _ _ hu
rintro ⟨a, f, xeq, h⟩ p; rw [liftP_iff]; constructor
· rintro ⟨a', f', xeq', h'⟩ i u usuppx
rcases(mem_supp x _ u).mp (@usuppx) a' f' xeq'.symm with ⟨i, _, f'ieq⟩
rw [← f'ieq]
apply h'
intro h'
refine' ⟨a, f, xeq.symm, _⟩; intro j y
apply h'; rw [mem_supp]
intro a' f' xeq'
apply h _ a' f' xeq'
apply mem_image_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)
#align mvqpf.has_good_supp_iff MvQPF.has_good_supp_iff

/-- A qpf is said to be uniform if every polynomial functor
representing a single value all have the same range. -/
def IsUniform : Prop :=
∀ ⦃α : TypeVec n⦄ (a a' : q.P.A) (f : q.P.B a ⟹ α) (f' : q.P.B a' ⟹ α),
abs ⟨a, f⟩ = abs ⟨a', f'⟩ → ∀ i, f i '' univ = f' i '' univ
#align mvqpf.is_uniform MvQPF.IsUniform

/-- does `abs` preserve `liftp`? -/
def LiftPPreservation : Prop :=
∀ ⦃α : TypeVec n⦄ (p : ∀ ⦃i⦄, α i → Prop) (x : q.P.Obj α), LiftP p (abs x) ↔ LiftP p x
#align mvqpf.liftp_preservation MvQPF.LiftPPreservation

/-- does `abs` preserve `supp`? -/
def SuppPreservation : Prop :=
∀ ⦃α⦄ (x : q.P.Obj α), supp (abs x) = supp x
#align mvqpf.supp_preservation MvQPF.SuppPreservation

theorem supp_eq_of_isUniform (h : q.IsUniform) {α : TypeVec n} (a : q.P.A) (f : q.P.B a ⟹ α) :
∀ i, supp (abs ⟨a, f⟩) i = f i '' univ := by
intro ; ext u; rw [mem_supp]; constructor
· intro h'
apply h' _ _ rfl
intro h' a' f' e
rw [← h _ _ _ _ e.symm]; apply h'
#align mvqpf.supp_eq_of_is_uniform MvQPF.supp_eq_of_isUniform

theorem liftP_iff_of_isUniform (h : q.IsUniform) {α : TypeVec n} (x : F α) (p : ∀ i, α i → Prop) :
LiftP p x ↔ ∀ (i), ∀ u ∈ supp x i, p i u := by
rw [liftP_iff, ← abs_repr x]
cases' repr x with a f; constructor
· rintro ⟨a', f', abseq, hf⟩ u
rw [supp_eq_of_isUniform h, h _ _ _ _ abseq]
rintro b ⟨i, _, hi⟩
rw [← hi]
apply hf
intro h'
refine' ⟨a, f, rfl, fun _ i => h' _ _ _⟩
rw [supp_eq_of_isUniform h]
exact ⟨i, mem_univ i, rfl⟩
#align mvqpf.liftp_iff_of_is_uniform MvQPF.liftP_iff_of_isUniform

theorem supp_map (h : q.IsUniform) {α β : TypeVec n} (g : α ⟹ β) (x : F α) (i) :
supp (g <$$> x) i = g i '' supp x i := by
rw [← abs_repr x]; cases' repr x with a f; rw [← abs_map, MvPFunctor.map_eq]
rw [supp_eq_of_isUniform h, supp_eq_of_isUniform h, ← image_comp]
#align mvqpf.supp_map MvQPF.supp_map

theorem suppPreservation_iff_isUniform : q.SuppPreservation ↔ q.IsUniform := by
· intro h α a a' f f' h' i
rw [← MvPFunctor.supp_eq, ← MvPFunctor.supp_eq, ← h, h', h]
· rintro h α ⟨a, f⟩
rwa [supp_eq_of_isUniform, MvPFunctor.supp_eq]
#align mvqpf.supp_preservation_iff_uniform MvQPF.suppPreservation_iff_isUniform

theorem suppPreservation_iff_liftpPreservation : q.SuppPreservation ↔ q.LiftPPreservation := by
constructor <;> intro h
· rintro α p ⟨a, f⟩
have h' := h
rw [suppPreservation_iff_isUniform] at h'
dsimp only [SuppPreservation, supp] at h
simp only [liftP_iff_of_isUniform, supp_eq_of_isUniform, MvPFunctor.liftP_iff', h',
image_univ, mem_range, exists_imp]
constructor <;> intros <;> subst_vars <;> solve_by_elim
· rintro α ⟨a, f⟩
simp only [LiftPPreservation] at h
simp only [supp, h, mem_setOf_eq]
#align mvqpf.supp_preservation_iff_liftp_preservation MvQPF.suppPreservation_iff_liftpPreservation

theorem liftpPreservation_iff_uniform : q.LiftPPreservation ↔ q.IsUniform := by
rw [← suppPreservation_iff_liftpPreservation, suppPreservation_iff_isUniform]
#align mvqpf.liftp_preservation_iff_uniform MvQPF.liftpPreservation_iff_uniform

end MvQPF

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