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Parcly-Taxel committed May 10, 2023
1 parent c2a84a8 commit c8eda95
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Showing 2 changed files with 282 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Lemmas
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Quotient
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.Computation.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.Computation.CorrectnessTerminating
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.Computation.Translations
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.ContinuantsRecurrence
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.ConvergentsEquiv
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Kappelmann. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kevin Kappelmann
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module algebra.continued_fractions.computation.correctness_terminating
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit d6814c584384ddf2825ff038e868451a7c956f31
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.Computation.Translations
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.TerminatedStable
import Mathlib.Algebra.ContinuedFractions.ContinuantsRecurrence
import Mathlib.Order.Filter.AtTopBot
import Mathlib.Tactic.FieldSimp

# Correctness of Terminating Continued Fraction Computations (`generalized_continued_fraction.of`)
## Summary
We show the correctness of the
algorithm computing continued fractions (`GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of`) in case of termination
in the following sense:
At every step `n : ℕ`, we can obtain the value `v` by adding a specific residual term to the last
denominator of the fraction described by `(GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v).convergents' n`.
The residual term will be zero exactly when the continued fraction terminated; otherwise, the
residual term will be given by the fractional part stored in
` v n`.
For an example, refer to
`GeneralizedContinuedFraction.compExactValue_correctness_of_stream_eq_some` and for more
information about the computation process, refer to `Algebra.ContinuedFractions.Computation.Basic`.
## Main definitions
- `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.compExactValue` can be used to compute the exact value
approximated by the continued fraction `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v` by adding a residual
term as described in the summary.
## Main Theorems
- `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.compExactValue_correctness_of_stream_eq_some` shows that
`GeneralizedContinuedFraction.compExactValue` indeed returns the value `v` when given the
convergent and fractional part as described in the summary.
- `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of_correctness_of_terminatedAt` shows the equality
`v = (GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v).convergents n` if `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v`
terminated at position `n`.

namespace GeneralizedContinuedFraction

open GeneralizedContinuedFraction (of)

variable {K : Type _} [LinearOrderedField K] {v : K} {n : ℕ}

/-- Given two continuants `pconts` and `conts` and a value `fr`, this function returns
- `conts.a / conts.b` if `fr = 0`
- `exact_conts.a / exact_conts.b` where `exact_conts = nextContinuants 1 fr⁻¹ pconts conts`
This function can be used to compute the exact value approxmated by a continued fraction
`GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v` as described in lemma
protected def compExactValue (pconts conts : Pair K) (fr : K) : K :=
-- if the fractional part is zero, we exactly approximated the value by the last continuants
if fr = 0 then
conts.a / conts.b
else -- otherwise, we have to include the fractional part in a final continuants step.
let exact_conts := nextContinuants 1 fr⁻¹ pconts conts
exact_conts.a / exact_conts.b
#align generalized_continued_fraction.comp_exact_value GeneralizedContinuedFraction.compExactValue

variable [FloorRing K]

/-- Just a computational lemma we need for the next main proof. -/
protected theorem comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some_aux_comp {a : K} (b c : K)
(fract_a_ne_zero : Int.fract a ≠ 0) :
((⌊a⌋ : K) * b + c) / Int.fract a + b = (b * a + c) / Int.fract a := by
field_simp [fract_a_ne_zero]
rw [Int.fract]
#align generalized_continued_fraction.comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some_aux_comp GeneralizedContinuedFraction.comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some_aux_comp

open GeneralizedContinuedFraction
(compExactValue comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some_aux_comp)

/-- Shows the correctness of `compExactValue` in case the continued fraction
`GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v` did not terminate at position `n`. That is, we obtain the
value `v` if we pass the two successive (auxiliary) continuants at positions `n` and `n + 1` as well
as the fractional part at ` n` to `compExactValue`.
The correctness might be seen more readily if one uses `convergents'` to evaluate the continued
fraction. Here is an example to illustrate the idea:
Let `(v : ℚ) := 3.4`. We have
- ` v 0 = some ⟨3, 0.4⟩`, and
- ` v 1 = some ⟨2, 0.5⟩`.
Now `(GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v).convergents' 1 = 3 + 1/2`, and our fractional term at
position `2` is `0.5`. We hence have `v = 3 + 1/(2 + 0.5) = 3 + 1/2.5 = 3.4`. This computation
corresponds exactly to the one using the recurrence equation in `compExactValue`.
theorem compExactValue_correctness_of_stream_eq_some :
∀ {ifp_n : IntFractPair K}, v n = some ifp_n →
v = compExactValue ((of v).continuantsAux n) ((of v).continuantsAux <| n + 1) := by
let g := of v
induction' n with n IH
· intro ifp_zero stream_zero_eq
have : IntFractPair.of v = ifp_zero := by
have : v 0 = some (IntFractPair.of v) := rfl
simpa only [Nat.zero_eq, this, Option.some.injEq] using stream_zero_eq
cases this
cases' Decidable.em (Int.fract v = 0) with fract_eq_zero fract_ne_zero
-- Int.fract v = 0; we must then have `v = ⌊v⌋`
· suffices v = ⌊v⌋ by
-- Porting note: was `simpa [continuantsAux, fract_eq_zero, compExactValue]`
field_simp [nextContinuants, nextNumerator, nextDenominator, compExactValue]
have : (IntFractPair.of v).fr = Int.fract v := rfl
rwa [this, if_pos fract_eq_zero]
v = Int.fract v + ⌊v⌋ := by rw [Int.fract_add_floor]
_ = ⌊v⌋ := by simp [fract_eq_zero]
-- Int.fract v ≠ 0; the claim then easily follows by unfolding a single computation step
· field_simp [continuantsAux, nextContinuants, nextNumerator, nextDenominator,
of_h_eq_floor, compExactValue]
-- Porting note: this and the if_neg rewrite are needed
have : (IntFractPair.of v).fr = Int.fract v := rfl
rw [this, if_neg fract_ne_zero, Int.floor_add_fract]
· intro ifp_succ_n succ_nth_stream_eq
-- Nat.succ
obtain ⟨ifp_n, nth_stream_eq, nth_fract_ne_zero, -⟩ :
∃ ifp_n, v n = some ifp_n ∧ ≠ 0 ∧ IntFractPair.of⁻¹ = ifp_succ_n
exact IntFractPair.succ_nth_stream_eq_some_iff.1 succ_nth_stream_eq
-- introduce some notation
let conts := g.continuantsAux (n + 2)
set pconts := g.continuantsAux (n + 1) with pconts_eq
set ppconts := g.continuantsAux n with ppconts_eq
cases' Decidable.em ( = 0) with ifp_succ_n_fr_eq_zero ifp_succ_n_fr_ne_zero
-- = 0
· suffices v = conts.a / conts.b by simpa [compExactValue, ifp_succ_n_fr_eq_zero]
-- use the IH and the fact that⁻¹ = ⌊⁻¹⌋ to prove this case
obtain ⟨ifp_n', nth_stream_eq', ifp_n_fract_inv_eq_floor⟩ :
∃ ifp_n, v n = some ifp_n ∧⁻¹ = ⌊⁻¹⌋
exact IntFractPair.exists_succ_nth_stream_of_fr_zero succ_nth_stream_eq ifp_succ_n_fr_eq_zero
have : ifp_n' = ifp_n := by injection Eq.trans nth_stream_eq'.symm nth_stream_eq
cases this
have s_nth_eq : g.s.get? n = some ⟨1, ⌊⁻¹⌋⟩ :=
get?_of_eq_some_of_get?_intFractPair_stream_fr_ne_zero nth_stream_eq nth_fract_ne_zero
rw [← ifp_n_fract_inv_eq_floor] at s_nth_eq
suffices v = compExactValue ppconts pconts by
simpa [continuantsAux, s_nth_eq, compExactValue, nth_fract_ne_zero] using this
exact IH nth_stream_eq
-- ≠ 0
· -- use the IH to show that the following equality suffices
compExactValue ppconts pconts = compExactValue pconts conts by
have : v = compExactValue ppconts pconts := IH nth_stream_eq
conv_lhs => rw [this]
-- get the correspondence between ifp_n and ifp_succ_n
obtain ⟨ifp_n', nth_stream_eq', ifp_n_fract_ne_zero, ⟨refl⟩⟩ :
∃ ifp_n, v n = some ifp_n ∧ ≠ 0 ∧ IntFractPair.of⁻¹ = ifp_succ_n
exact IntFractPair.succ_nth_stream_eq_some_iff.1 succ_nth_stream_eq
have : ifp_n' = ifp_n := by injection Eq.trans nth_stream_eq'.symm nth_stream_eq
cases this
-- get the correspondence between ifp_n and g.s.nth n
have s_nth_eq : g.s.get? n = some ⟨1, (⌊⁻¹⌋ : K)⟩ :=
get?_of_eq_some_of_get?_intFractPair_stream_fr_ne_zero nth_stream_eq ifp_n_fract_ne_zero
-- the claim now follows by unfolding the definitions and tedious calculations
-- some shorthand notation
let ppA := ppconts.a
let ppB := ppconts.b
let pA := pconts.a
let pB := pconts.b
have : compExactValue ppconts pconts =
(ppA +⁻¹ * pA) / (ppB +⁻¹ * pB) := by
-- unfold compExactValue and the convergent computation once
field_simp [ifp_n_fract_ne_zero, compExactValue, nextContinuants, nextNumerator,
rw [this]
-- two calculations needed to show the claim
have tmp_calc :=
comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some_aux_comp pA ppA ifp_succ_n_fr_ne_zero
have tmp_calc' :=
comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some_aux_comp pB ppB ifp_succ_n_fr_ne_zero
let f := Int.fract (1 /
have f_ne_zero : f ≠ 0 := by simpa using ifp_succ_n_fr_ne_zero
rw [inv_eq_one_div] at tmp_calc tmp_calc'
-- Porting note: the `tmp_calc`s need to be massaged, and some processing after `ac_rfl` done,
-- because `field_simp` is not as powerful
have hA : (↑⌊1 /⌋ * pA + ppA) + pA * f = pA * (1 / + ppA := by
have := congrFun (congrArg HMul.hMul tmp_calc) f
rwa [right_distrib, div_mul_cancel (h := f_ne_zero),
div_mul_cancel (h := f_ne_zero)] at this
have hB : (↑⌊1 /⌋ * pB + ppB) + pB * f = pB * (1 / + ppB := by
have := congrFun (congrArg HMul.hMul tmp_calc') f
rwa [right_distrib, div_mul_cancel (h := f_ne_zero),
div_mul_cancel (h := f_ne_zero)] at this
-- now unfold the recurrence one step and simplify both sides to arrive at the conclusion
field_simp [compExactValue, continuantsAux_recurrence s_nth_eq ppconts_eq pconts_eq,
nextContinuants, nextNumerator, nextDenominator]
have hfr : (IntFractPair.of (1 / = f := rfl
rw [one_div, if_neg _, ← one_div, hfr]
field_simp [hA, hB]
rwa [inv_eq_one_div, hfr]
#align generalized_continued_fraction.comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some GeneralizedContinuedFraction.compExactValue_correctness_of_stream_eq_some

open GeneralizedContinuedFraction (of_terminatedAt_n_iff_succ_nth_intFractPair_stream_eq_none)

/-- The convergent of `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v` at step `n - 1` is exactly `v` if the
`` of the corresponding continued fraction terminated at step `n`. -/
theorem of_correctness_of_nth_stream_eq_none (nth_stream_eq_none : v n = none) :
v = (of v).convergents (n - 1) := by
induction' n with n IH
case zero => contradiction
-- v 0 ≠ none
case succ =>
let g := of v
change v = g.convergents n
have : v n = none ∨ ∃ ifp, v n = some ifp ∧ = 0 :=
IntFractPair.succ_nth_stream_eq_none_iff.1 nth_stream_eq_none
rcases this with (⟨nth_stream_eq_none⟩ | ⟨ifp_n, nth_stream_eq, nth_stream_fr_eq_zero⟩)
· cases' n with n'
· contradiction
-- v 0 ≠ none
· have : g.TerminatedAt n' :=
have : g.convergents (n' + 1) = g.convergents n' :=
convergents_stable_of_terminated n'.le_succ this
rw [this]
exact IH nth_stream_eq_none
· simpa [nth_stream_fr_eq_zero, compExactValue] using
compExactValue_correctness_of_stream_eq_some nth_stream_eq
#align generalized_continued_fraction.of_correctness_of_nth_stream_eq_none GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of_correctness_of_nth_stream_eq_none

/-- If `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v` terminated at step `n`, then the `n`th convergent is
exactly `v`.
theorem of_correctness_of_terminatedAt (terminated_at_n : (of v).TerminatedAt n) :
v = (of v).convergents n :=
have : v (n + 1) = none :=
of_terminatedAt_n_iff_succ_nth_intFractPair_stream_eq_none.1 terminated_at_n
of_correctness_of_nth_stream_eq_none this
#align generalized_continued_fraction.of_correctness_of_terminated_at GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of_correctness_of_terminatedAt

/-- If `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v` terminates, then there is `n : ℕ` such that the `n`th
convergent is exactly `v`.
theorem of_correctness_of_terminates (terminates : (of v).Terminates) :
∃ n : ℕ, v = (of v).convergents n :=
Exists.elim terminates fun n terminated_at_n =>
Exists.intro n (of_correctness_of_terminatedAt terminated_at_n)
#align generalized_continued_fraction.of_correctness_of_terminates GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of_correctness_of_terminates

open Filter

/-- If `GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of v` terminates, then its convergents will eventually always
be `v`.
theorem of_correctness_atTop_of_terminates (terminates : (of v).Terminates) :
∀ᶠ n in atTop, v = (of v).convergents n := by
rw [eventually_atTop]
obtain ⟨n, terminated_at_n⟩ : ∃ n, (of v).TerminatedAt n
exact terminates
use n
intro m m_geq_n
rw [convergents_stable_of_terminated m_geq_n terminated_at_n]
exact of_correctness_of_terminatedAt terminated_at_n
#align generalized_continued_fraction.of_correctness_at_top_of_terminates GeneralizedContinuedFraction.of_correctness_atTop_of_terminates

end GeneralizedContinuedFraction

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