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mattrobball committed Feb 17, 2023
2 parents ea56ec5 + 68e722a commit cbe8924
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Showing 19 changed files with 4,110 additions and 28 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Support
import Mathlib.Algebra.Tropical.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Tropical.BigOperators
import Mathlib.Algebra.Tropical.Lattice
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Arrow
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Balanced
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Bicategory.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Bicategory.Strict
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.Basic
Expand All @@ -226,6 +228,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.Preorder
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.RelCat
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Comma
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.Bundled
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Endomorphism
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.EpiMono
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.EqToHom
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Equivalence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,6 +284,7 @@ import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SetFamily.Shadow
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Regularity.Equitabilise
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.Young.SemistandardTableau
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.Young.YoungDiagram
import Mathlib.Computability.DFA
import Mathlib.Computability.Language
import Mathlib.Computability.TuringMachine
import Mathlib.Control.Applicative
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -958,6 +962,7 @@ import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.Basic
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.Finite
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.SchroederBernstein
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Lists
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Arithmetic
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.Abel
import Mathlib.Tactic.Alias
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1111,6 +1116,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Hom.Open
import Mathlib.Topology.Homeomorph
import Mathlib.Topology.Inseparable
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Sign
import Mathlib.Topology.List
import Mathlib.Topology.LocalExtr
import Mathlib.Topology.LocallyConstant.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.LocallyFinite
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1150,6 +1156,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.Pi
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.Separation
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.UniformConvergence
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.UniformEmbedding
import Mathlib.Util.AssertNoSorry
import Mathlib.Util.AtomM
import Mathlib.Util.Export
import Mathlib.Util.IncludeStr
Expand Down
337 changes: 337 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Arrow.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Markus Himmel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Markus Himmel
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.arrow
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 32253a1a1071173b33dc7d6a218cf722c6feb514
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Comma

# The category of arrows
The category of arrows, with morphisms commutative squares.
We set this up as a specialization of the comma category `Comma L R`,
where `L` and `R` are both the identity functor.
## Tags
comma, arrow

namespace CategoryTheory

universe v u

-- morphism levels before object levels. See note [CategoryTheory universes].
variable {T : Type u} [Category.{v} T]


variable (T)

/-- The arrow category of `T` has as objects all morphisms in `T` and as morphisms commutative
squares in `T`. -/
def Arrow :=
Comma.{v, v, v} (𝟭 T) (𝟭 T)
#align category_theory.arrow CategoryTheory.Arrow

/- Porting note: could not derive `Category` above so this instance works in its place-/
instance : Category (Arrow T) := commaCategory

-- Satisfying the inhabited linter
instance Arrow.inhabited [Inhabited T] : Inhabited (Arrow T)
where default := show Comma (𝟭 T) (𝟭 T) from default
#align category_theory.arrow.inhabited CategoryTheory.Arrow.inhabited


namespace Arrow

theorem id_left (f : Arrow T) : CommaMorphism.left (𝟙 f) = 𝟙 f.left :=
#align category_theory.arrow.id_left CategoryTheory.Arrow.id_left

theorem id_right (f : Arrow T) : CommaMorphism.right (𝟙 f) = 𝟙 f.right :=
#align category_theory.arrow.id_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.id_right

/-- An object in the arrow category is simply a morphism in `T`. -/
def mk {X Y : T} (f : X ⟶ Y) : Arrow T where
left := X
right := Y
hom := f

theorem mk_eq (f : Arrow T) : f.hom = f := by
cases f
#align category_theory.arrow.mk_eq CategoryTheory.Arrow.mk_eq

theorem mk_injective (A B : T) : Function.Injective ( : (A ⟶ B) → Arrow T) := fun f g h =>
cases h
#align category_theory.arrow.mk_injective CategoryTheory.Arrow.mk_injective

theorem mk_inj (A B : T) {f g : A ⟶ B} : f = g ↔ f = g :=
(mk_injective A B).eq_iff
#align category_theory.arrow.mk_inj CategoryTheory.Arrow.mk_inj

/- Porting note : was marked as dangerous instance so changed from `Coe` to `CoeOut` -/
instance {X Y : T} : CoeOut (X ⟶ Y) (Arrow T) where
coe := mk

/-- A morphism in the arrow category is a commutative square connecting two objects of the arrow
category. -/
def homMk {f g : Arrow T} {u : f.left ⟶ g.left} {v : f.right ⟶ g.right}
(w : u ≫ g.hom = f.hom ≫ v) : f ⟶ g where
left := u
right := v
w := w
#align category_theory.arrow.hom_mk CategoryTheory.Arrow.homMk

/-- We can also build a morphism in the arrow category out of any commutative square in `T`. -/
def homMk' {X Y : T} {f : X ⟶ Y} {P Q : T} {g : P ⟶ Q} {u : X ⟶ P} {v : Y ⟶ Q} (w : u ≫ g = f ≫ v) : f ⟶ g where
left := u
right := v
w := w
#align category_theory.arrow.hom_mk' CategoryTheory.Arrow.homMk'

/- Porting note : was warned simp could prove reassoc'd version. Found simp could not.
Added nolint. -/
@[reassoc (attr := simp, nolint simpNF)]
theorem w {f g : Arrow T} (sq : f ⟶ g) : sq.left ≫ g.hom = f.hom ≫ sq.right :=
#align category_theory.arrow.w CategoryTheory.Arrow.w

-- `w_mk_left` is not needed, as it is a consequence of `w` and `mk_hom`.
@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
theorem w_mk_right {f : Arrow T} {X Y : T} {g : X ⟶ Y} (sq : f ⟶ mk g) :
sq.left ≫ g = f.hom ≫ sq.right :=
#align category_theory.arrow.w_mk_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.w_mk_right

theorem isIso_of_iso_left_of_isIso_right {f g : Arrow T} (ff : f ⟶ g) [IsIso ff.left]
[IsIso ff.right] : IsIso ff where
out := by
let inverse : g ⟶ f := ⟨inv ff.left, inv ff.right, (by simp)⟩
apply Exists.intro inverse
· apply CommaMorphism.ext
· rw [Comma.comp_left, IsIso.hom_inv_id, ←Comma.id_left]
· rw [Comma.comp_right, IsIso.hom_inv_id, ←Comma.id_right]
· apply CommaMorphism.ext
· rw [Comma.comp_left, IsIso.inv_hom_id, ←Comma.id_left]
· rw [Comma.comp_right, IsIso.inv_hom_id, ←Comma.id_right]
#align category_theory.arrow.is_iso_of_iso_left_of_is_iso_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.isIso_of_iso_left_of_isIso_right

/-- Create an isomorphism between arrows,
by providing isomorphisms between the domains and codomains,
and a proof that the square commutes. -/
def isoMk {f g : Arrow T} (l : f.left ≅ g.left) (r : f.right ≅ g.right)
(h : l.hom ≫ g.hom = f.hom ≫ r.hom) : f ≅ g :=
Comma.isoMk l r h
#align category_theory.arrow.iso_mk CategoryTheory.Arrow.isoMk

/-- A variant of `Arrow.isoMk` that creates an iso between two ``s with a better type
signature. -/
abbrev isoMk' {W X Y Z : T} (f : W ⟶ X) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (e₁ : W ≅ Y) (e₂ : X ≅ Z)
(h : e₁.hom ≫ g = f ≫ e₂.hom) : f ≅ g :=
Arrow.isoMk e₁ e₂ h
#align category_theory.arrow.iso_mk' CategoryTheory.Arrow.isoMk'

theorem hom.congr_left {f g : Arrow T} {φ₁ φ₂ : f ⟶ g} (h : φ₁ = φ₂) : φ₁.left = φ₂.left := by
rw [h]
#align category_theory.arrow.hom.congr_left CategoryTheory.Arrow.hom.congr_left

theorem hom.congr_right {f g : Arrow T} {φ₁ φ₂ : f ⟶ g} (h : φ₁ = φ₂) : φ₁.right = φ₂.right := by
rw [h]
#align category_theory.arrow.hom.congr_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.hom.congr_right

theorem iso_w {f g : Arrow T} (e : f ≅ g) : g.hom = e.inv.left ≫ f.hom ≫ e.hom.right := by
have eq := Arrow.hom.congr_right e.inv_hom_id
dsimp at eq
erw [Arrow.w_assoc, ←Comma.comp_right, eq, Category.comp_id]
#align category_theory.arrow.iso_w CategoryTheory.Arrow.iso_w

theorem iso_w' {W X Y Z : T} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : Y ⟶ Z} (e : f ≅ g) :
g = e.inv.left ≫ f ≫ e.hom.right :=
iso_w e
#align category_theory.arrow.iso_w' CategoryTheory.Arrow.iso_w'


variable {f g : Arrow T} (sq : f ⟶ g)

instance isIso_left [IsIso sq] : IsIso sq.left where
out := by
apply Exists.intro (inv sq).left
simp only [← Comma.comp_left, IsIso.hom_inv_id, IsIso.inv_hom_id, Arrow.id_left,
eq_self_iff_true, and_self_iff]
#align category_theory.arrow.is_iso_left CategoryTheory.Arrow.isIso_left

instance isIso_right [IsIso sq] : IsIso sq.right where
out := by
apply Exists.intro (inv sq).right
simp only [← Comma.comp_right, IsIso.hom_inv_id, IsIso.inv_hom_id, Arrow.id_right,
eq_self_iff_true, and_self_iff]
#align category_theory.arrow.is_iso_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.isIso_right

theorem inv_left [IsIso sq] : (inv sq).left = inv sq.left :=
IsIso.eq_inv_of_hom_inv_id <| by rw [← Comma.comp_left, IsIso.hom_inv_id, id_left]
#align category_theory.arrow.inv_left CategoryTheory.Arrow.inv_left

theorem inv_right [IsIso sq] : (inv sq).right = inv sq.right :=
IsIso.eq_inv_of_hom_inv_id <| by rw [← Comma.comp_right, IsIso.hom_inv_id, id_right]
#align category_theory.arrow.inv_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.inv_right

/- Porting note : simp can prove this so removed @[simp] -/
theorem left_hom_inv_right [IsIso sq] : sq.left ≫ g.hom ≫ inv sq.right = f.hom := by
simp only [← Category.assoc, IsIso.comp_inv_eq, w]
#align category_theory.arrow.left_hom_inv_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.left_hom_inv_right

-- simp proves this
theorem inv_left_hom_right [IsIso sq] : inv sq.left ≫ f.hom ≫ sq.right = g.hom := by
simp only [w, IsIso.inv_comp_eq]
#align category_theory.arrow.inv_left_hom_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.inv_left_hom_right

instance mono_left [Mono sq] : Mono sq.left where
right_cancellation {Z} φ ψ h :=
let aux : (Z ⟶ f.left) → ( (𝟙 Z) ⟶ f) := fun φ =>
{ left := φ
right := φ ≫ f.hom }
have : ∀ g, (aux g).right = g ≫ f.hom := fun g => by dsimp
show (aux φ).left = (aux ψ).left
congr 1
rw [← cancel_mono sq]
apply CommaMorphism.ext
· exact h
· rw [Comma.comp_right, Comma.comp_right, this, this, Category.assoc, Category.assoc]
rw [←Arrow.w]
simp only [← Category.assoc, h]
#align category_theory.arrow.mono_left CategoryTheory.Arrow.mono_left

instance epi_right [Epi sq] : Epi sq.right where
left_cancellation {Z} φ ψ h := by
let aux : (g.right ⟶ Z) → (g ⟶ (𝟙 Z)) := fun φ =>
{ right := φ
left := g.hom ≫ φ }
show (aux φ).right = (aux ψ).right
congr 1
rw [← cancel_epi sq]
apply CommaMorphism.ext
· rw [Comma.comp_left, Comma.comp_left, Arrow.w_assoc, Arrow.w_assoc, h]
· exact h
#align category_theory.arrow.epi_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.epi_right


/-- Given a square from an arrow `i` to an isomorphism `p`, express the source part of `sq`
in terms of the inverse of `p`. -/
theorem square_to_iso_invert (i : Arrow T) {X Y : T} (p : X ≅ Y) (sq : i ⟶ p.hom) :
i.hom ≫ sq.right ≫ p.inv = sq.left := by
simpa only [Category.assoc] using (Iso.comp_inv_eq p).mpr (Arrow.w_mk_right sq).symm
#align category_theory.arrow.square_to_iso_invert CategoryTheory.Arrow.square_to_iso_invert

/-- Given a square from an isomorphism `i` to an arrow `p`, express the target part of `sq`
in terms of the inverse of `i`. -/
theorem square_from_iso_invert {X Y : T} (i : X ≅ Y) (p : Arrow T) (sq : i.hom ⟶ p) :
i.inv ≫ sq.left ≫ p.hom = sq.right := by simp only [Iso.inv_hom_id_assoc, Arrow.w, Arrow.mk_hom]
#align category_theory.arrow.square_from_iso_invert CategoryTheory.Arrow.square_from_iso_invert

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

/-- A helper construction: given a square between `i` and `f ≫ g`, produce a square between
`i` and `g`, whose top leg uses `f`:
A → X
↓i Y --> A → Y
↓g ↓i ↓g
B → Z B → Z
def squareToSnd {X Y Z : C} {i : Arrow C} {f : X ⟶ Y} {g : Y ⟶ Z} (sq : i ⟶ (f ≫ g)) :
i ⟶ g where
left := sq.left ≫ f
right := sq.right
#align category_theory.arrow.square_to_snd CategoryTheory.Arrow.squareToSnd

/-- The functor sending an arrow to its source. -/
def leftFunc : Arrow C ⥤ C :=
Comma.fst _ _
#align category_theory.arrow.left_func CategoryTheory.Arrow.leftFunc

/-- The functor sending an arrow to its target. -/
def rightFunc : Arrow C ⥤ C :=
Comma.snd _ _
#align category_theory.arrow.right_func CategoryTheory.Arrow.rightFunc

/-- The natural transformation from `leftFunc` to `rightFunc`, given by the arrow itself. -/
def leftToRight : (leftFunc : Arrow C ⥤ C) ⟶ rightFunc where app f := f.hom
#align category_theory.arrow.left_to_right CategoryTheory.Arrow.leftToRight

end Arrow

namespace Functor

universe v₁ v₂ u₁ u₂

variable {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C] {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂} D]

/-- A functor `C ⥤ D` induces a functor between the corresponding arrow categories. -/
def mapArrow (F : C ⥤ D) : Arrow C ⥤ Arrow D
obj a :=
{ left := F.obj a.left
right := F.obj a.right
hom := a.hom }
map f :=
{ left := f.left
right := f.right
w := by
let w := f.w
simp only [id_map] at w
simp only [← F.map_comp, w] }
map_id := by aesop_cat
map_comp := fun f g => by
apply CommaMorphism.ext
· dsimp; rw [Comma.comp_left,F.map_comp]; rw [Comma.comp_left]
· dsimp; rw [Comma.comp_right,F.map_comp]; rw [Comma.comp_right]
#align category_theory.functor.map_arrow CategoryTheory.Functor.mapArrow

end Functor

/-- The images of `f : Arrow C` by two isomorphic functors `F : C ⥤ D` are
isomorphic arrows in `D`. -/
def Arrow.isoOfNatIso {C D : Type _} [Category C] [Category D] {F G : C ⥤ D} (e : F ≅ G)
(f : Arrow C) : F.mapArrow.obj f ≅ G.mapArrow.obj f :=
Arrow.isoMk ( f.left) ( f.right) (by simp)
#align category_theory.arrow.iso_of_nat_iso CategoryTheory.Arrow.isoOfNatIso

end CategoryTheory

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