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feat(CategoryTheory): a product of distinguished triangles is disting…
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joelriou committed Oct 21, 2023
1 parent 21c7184 commit ce6094f
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Showing 2 changed files with 158 additions and 1 deletion.
75 changes: 74 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Triangulated/Basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Luke Kershaw. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Luke Kershaw
import Mathlib.Data.Int.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.Limits
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Shapes.Products
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Biproducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.Basic

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,6 +194,12 @@ def Triangle.isoMk (A B : Triangle C)
Functor.map_id, Category.comp_id])
#align category_theory.pretriangulated.triangle.iso_mk CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.Triangle.isoMk

lemma Triangle.isIso_of_isIsos {A B : Triangle C} (f : A ⟶ B)
(h₁ : IsIso f.hom₁) (h₂ : IsIso f.hom₂) (h₃ : IsIso f.hom₃) : IsIso f := by
let e := Triangle.isoMk A B (asIso f.hom₁) (asIso f.hom₂) (asIso f.hom₃)
(by simp) (by simp) (by simp)
exact (inferInstance : IsIso e.hom)

lemma Triangle.eqToHom_hom₁ {A B : Triangle C} (h : A = B) :
(eqToHom h).hom₁ = eqToHom (by subst h; rfl) := by subst h; rfl
lemma Triangle.eqToHom_hom₂ {A B : Triangle C} (h : A = B) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,4 +228,70 @@ def binaryProductTriangleIsoBinaryBiproductTriangle
Triangle.isoMk _ _ (Iso.refl _) (biprod.isoProd X₁ X₂).symm (Iso.refl _)
(by aesop_cat) (by aesop_cat) (by aesop_cat)


variable {J : Type*} (T : J → Triangle C)
[HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₁)] [HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₂)]
[HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₃)] [HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₁⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧)]

/-- The product of a family of triangles. -/
def productTriangle : Triangle C := ( (fun j => (T j).mor₁))
( (fun j => (T j).mor₂))
( (fun j => (T j).mor₃) ≫ inv (piComparison _ _))

/-- A projection from the product of a family of triangles. -/
def productTriangle.π (j : J) :
productTriangle T ⟶ T j where
hom₁ := Pi.π _ j
hom₂ := Pi.π _ j
hom₃ := Pi.π _ j
comm₃ := by
rw [← piComparison_comp_π, assoc, IsIso.inv_hom_id_assoc]
simp only [limMap_π, Discrete.natTrans_app]

/-- The fan given by `productTriangle T`. -/
def : Fan T := (productTriangle T) (productTriangle.π T)

/-- A family of morphisms `T' ⟶ T j` lifts to a morphism `T' ⟶ productTriangle T`. -/
def productTriangle.lift {T' : Triangle C} (φ : ∀ j, T' ⟶ T j) :
T' ⟶ productTriangle T where
hom₁ := Pi.lift (fun j => (φ j).hom₁)
hom₂ := Pi.lift (fun j => (φ j).hom₂)
hom₃ := Pi.lift (fun j => (φ j).hom₃)
comm₃ := by
rw [← cancel_mono (piComparison _ _), assoc, assoc, assoc, IsIso.inv_hom_id, comp_id]

/-- The triangle `productTriangle T` satisfies the universal property of the categorical
product of the triangles `T`. -/
def productTriangle.isLimitFan : IsLimit ( T) :=
mkFanLimit _ (fun s => productTriangle.lift T s.proj) (fun s j => by aesop_cat) (by
intro s m hm
exact Pi.hom_ext _ _ (fun j => (by simp [← hm])))

lemma productTriangle.zero₃₁ [HasZeroMorphisms C]
(h : ∀ j, (T j).mor₃ ≫ (T j).mor₁⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧' = 0) :
(productTriangle T).mor₃ ≫ (productTriangle T).mor₁⟦1⟧' = 0 := by
have : HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₂⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧) :=
⟨_, isLimitFanMkObjOfIsLimit (shiftFunctor C (1 : ℤ)) _ _
(productIsProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₂))⟩
change _ ≫ (Pi.lift (fun j => Pi.π _ j ≫ (T j).mor₁))⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧' = 0
rw [assoc, ← cancel_mono (piComparison _ _), zero_comp, assoc, assoc]
ext j
simp only [map_lift_piComparison, assoc, limit.lift_π, Fan.mk_π_app, zero_comp,
Functor.map_comp, ← piComparison_comp_π_assoc, IsIso.inv_hom_id_assoc,
limMap_π_assoc, Discrete.natTrans_app, h j, comp_zero]


end CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Triangulated/Pretriangulated.lean
Expand Up @@ -531,6 +531,90 @@ lemma binaryProductTriangle_distinguished (X₁ X₂ : C) :
isomorphic_distinguished _ (binaryBiproductTriangle_distinguished X₁ X₂) _
(binaryProductTriangleIsoBinaryBiproductTriangle X₁ X₂)

/-- A chosen extension of a commutative square into a morphism of distinguished triangles. -/
@[simps hom₁ hom₂]
def completeDistinguishedTriangleMorphism (T₁ T₂ : Triangle C)
(hT₁ : T₁ ∈ distTriang C) (hT₂ : T₂ ∈ distTriang C)
(a : T₁.obj₁ ⟶ T₂.obj₁) (b : T₁.obj₂ ⟶ T₂.obj₂) (comm : T₁.mor₁ ≫ b = a ≫ T₂.mor₁) :
T₁ ⟶ T₂ :=
have h := complete_distinguished_triangle_morphism _ _ hT₁ hT₂ a b comm
{ hom₁ := a
hom₂ := b
hom₃ := h.choose
comm₁ := comm
comm₂ := h.choose_spec.1
comm₃ := h.choose_spec.2 }

/-- A product of distinguished triangles is distinguished -/
lemma productTriangle_distinguished {J : Type*} (T : J → Triangle C)
(hT : ∀ j, T j ∈ distTriang C)
[HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₁)] [HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₂)]
[HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₃)] [HasProduct (fun j => (T j).obj₁⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧)] :
productTriangle T ∈ distTriang C := by
/- The proof proceeds by constructing a morphism of triangles
`φ' : T' ⟶ productTriangle T` with `T'` distinguished, and such that
`φ'.hom₁` and `φ'.hom₂` are identities. Then, it suffices to show that
`φ'.hom₃` is an isomorphism, which is achieved by using Yoneda's lemma
and diagram chases. -/
let f₁ := (fun j => (T j).mor₁)
obtain ⟨Z, f₂, f₃, hT'⟩ := distinguished_cocone_triangle f₁
let T' := f₁ f₂ f₃
change T' ∈ distTriang C at hT'
let φ : ∀ j, T' ⟶ T j := fun j => completeDistinguishedTriangleMorphism _ _
hT' (hT j) (Pi.π _ j) (Pi.π _ j) (by simp)
let φ' := productTriangle.lift _ φ
have h₁ : φ'.hom₁ = 𝟙 _ := by aesop_cat
have h₂ : φ'.hom₂ = 𝟙 _ := by aesop_cat
have : IsIso φ'.hom₁ := by rw [h₁]; infer_instance
have : IsIso φ'.hom₂ := by rw [h₂]; infer_instance
suffices IsIso φ'.hom₃ by
have : IsIso φ' := by
apply Triangle.isIso_of_isIsos
all_goals infer_instance
exact isomorphic_distinguished _ hT' _ (asIso φ').symm
refine' isIso_of_yoneda_map_bijective _ (fun A => ⟨_, _⟩)
/- the proofs by diagram chase start here -/
· suffices Mono φ'.hom₃ by
intro a₁ a₂ ha
simpa only [← cancel_mono φ'.hom₃] using ha
rw [mono_iff_cancel_zero]
intro A f hf
have hf' : f ≫ T'.mor₃ = 0 := by
rw [← cancel_mono (φ'.hom₁⟦1⟧'), zero_comp, assoc, φ'.comm₃, reassoc_of% hf, zero_comp]
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := T'.coyoneda_exact₃ hT' f hf'
have hg' : ∀ j, (g ≫ Pi.π _ j) ≫ (T j).mor₂ = 0 := fun j => by
have : g ≫ T'.mor₂ ≫ φ'.hom₃ ≫ Pi.π _ j = 0 :=
by rw [← reassoc_of% hg, reassoc_of% hf, zero_comp]
rw [φ'.comm₂_assoc, h₂, id_comp] at this
simpa using this
have hg'' := fun j => (T j).coyoneda_exact₂ (hT j) _ (hg' j)
let α := fun j => (hg'' j).choose
have hα : ∀ j, _ = α j ≫ _ := fun j => (hg'' j).choose_spec
have hg''' : g = Pi.lift α ≫ T'.mor₁ := by dsimp; ext j; rw [hα]; simp
rw [hg, hg''', assoc, comp_distTriang_mor_zero₁₂ _ hT', comp_zero]
· intro a
obtain ⟨a', ha'⟩ : ∃ (a' : A ⟶ Z), a' ≫ T'.mor₃ = a ≫ (productTriangle T).mor₃ := by
have zero : ((productTriangle T).mor₃) ≫ (shiftFunctor C 1).map T'.mor₁ = 0 := by
rw [← cancel_mono (φ'.hom₂⟦1⟧'), zero_comp, assoc, ← Functor.map_comp, φ'.comm₁, h₁,
id_comp, productTriangle.zero₃₁]
intro j
exact comp_distTriang_mor_zero₃₁ _ (hT j)
have ⟨g, hg⟩ := T'.coyoneda_exact₁ hT' (a ≫ (productTriangle T).mor₃) (by
rw [assoc, zero, comp_zero])
exact ⟨g, hg.symm⟩
have ha'' := fun (j : J) => (T j).coyoneda_exact₃ (hT j) ((a - a' ≫ φ'.hom₃) ≫ Pi.π _ j) (by
simp only [sub_comp, assoc]
erw [← (productTriangle.π T j).comm₃]
rw [← φ'.comm₃_assoc]
rw [reassoc_of% ha', sub_eq_zero, h₁, Functor.map_id, id_comp])
let b := fun j => (ha'' j).choose
have hb : ∀ j, _ = b j ≫ _ := fun j => (ha'' j).choose_spec
have hb' : a - a' ≫ φ'.hom₃ = Pi.lift b ≫ (productTriangle T).mor₂ :=
Limits.Pi.hom_ext _ _ (fun j => by rw [hb]; simp)
have : (a' + (by exact Pi.lift b) ≫ T'.mor₂) ≫ φ'.hom₃ = a := by
rw [add_comp, assoc, φ'.comm₂, h₂, id_comp, ← hb', add_sub_cancel'_right]
exact ⟨_, this⟩

end Pretriangulated

end CategoryTheory

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