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feat: port AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace (#4405)
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jjaassoonn committed May 26, 2023
1 parent 78c6eda commit cff244b
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Showing 2 changed files with 253 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.IsOpenComapC
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Maximal
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Noetherian
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.ProjectiveSpectrum.Topology
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.AlternatingFaceMapComplex
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.CechNerve
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.DoldKan.Compatibility
Expand Down
252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/SheafedSpace.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module algebraic_geometry.sheafed_space
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit f384f5d1a4e39f36817b8d22afff7b52af8121d1
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PresheafedSpace.HasColimits
import Mathlib.Topology.Sheaves.Functors

# Sheafed spaces
Introduces the category of topological spaces equipped with a sheaf (taking values in an
arbitrary target category `C`.)
We further describe how to apply functors and natural transformations to the values of the

universe v u

open CategoryTheory

open TopCat

open TopologicalSpace

open Opposite

open CategoryTheory.Limits

open CategoryTheory.Category CategoryTheory.Functor

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C]

-- attribute [local tidy] tactic.op_induction'

namespace AlgebraicGeometry

/-- A `SheafedSpace C` is a topological space equipped with a sheaf of `C`s. -/
structure SheafedSpace extends PresheafedSpace.{_, _, v} C where
/-- A sheafed space is presheafed space which happens to be sheaf. -/
IsSheaf : presheaf.IsSheaf
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace

variable {C}

namespace SheafedSpace

-- Porting note : use `CoeOut` for the coercion happens left to right
instance coeCarrier : CoeOut (SheafedSpace C) TopCat where coe X := X.carrier
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.coe_carrier AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.coeCarrier

/-- Extract the `sheaf C (X : Top)` from a `SheafedSpace C`. -/
def sheaf (X : SheafedSpace C) : Sheaf C (X : TopCat.{v}) :=
⟨X.presheaf, X.IsSheaf⟩
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.sheaf AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.sheaf

-- Porting note : this is a syntactic tautology, so removed
-- @[simp]
-- theorem as_coe (X : SheafedSpace.{v} C) : X.carrier = (X : TopCat.{v}) :=
-- rfl
-- set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
-- #align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.as_coe AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.as_coe

-- Porting note : this gives a `simpVarHead` error (`LEFT-HAND SIDE HAS VARIABLE AS HEAD SYMBOL.`).
-- so removed @[simp]
theorem mk_coe (carrier) (presheaf) (h) :
(({ carrier
IsSheaf := h } : SheafedSpace.{v} C) : TopCat.{v}) = carrier :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.mk_coe AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.mk_coe

instance (X : SheafedSpace.{v} C) : TopologicalSpace X :=

/-- The trivial `unit` valued sheaf on any topological space. -/
def unit (X : TopCat) : SheafedSpace (Discrete Unit) :=
{ @PresheafedSpace.const (Discrete Unit) _ X ⟨⟨⟩⟩ with IsSheaf := Presheaf.isSheaf_unit _ }
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.unit AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.unit

instance : Inhabited (SheafedSpace (Discrete Unit)) :=
⟨unit (TopCat.of PEmpty)⟩

instance : Category (SheafedSpace C) :=
show Category (InducedCategory (PresheafedSpace.{_, _, v} C) SheafedSpace.toPresheafedSpace) by

/-- Forgetting the sheaf condition is a functor from `SheafedSpace C` to `PresheafedSpace C`. -/
def forgetToPresheafedSpace : SheafedSpace.{v} C ⥤ PresheafedSpace.{_, _, v} C :=
inducedFunctor _
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.forget_to_PresheafedSpace AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.forgetToPresheafedSpace

-- Porting note : can't derive `Full` functor automatically
instance forgetToPresheafedSpace_full : Full <| forgetToPresheafedSpace (C := C) where
preimage f := f

-- Porting note : can't derive `Faithful` functor automatically
instance forgetToPresheafedSpace_faithful : Faithful <| forgetToPresheafedSpace (C := C) where
map_injective h := h

instance is_presheafedSpace_iso {X Y : SheafedSpace.{v} C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [IsIso f] :
@IsIso (PresheafedSpace C) _ _ _ f :=
SheafedSpace.forgetToPresheafedSpace.map_isIso f
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.is_PresheafedSpace_iso AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.is_presheafedSpace_iso


attribute [local simp] id comp

theorem id_base (X : SheafedSpace C) : (𝟙 X : X ⟶ X).base = 𝟙 (X : TopCat.{v}) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.id_base AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.id_base

theorem id_c (X : SheafedSpace C) :
(𝟙 X : X ⟶ X).c = eqToHom (Presheaf.Pushforward.id_eq X.presheaf).symm :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.id_c AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.id_c

theorem id_c_app (X : SheafedSpace C) (U) :
(𝟙 X : X ⟶ X) U =
eqToHom (by induction U using Opposite.rec' with | h U => ?_; cases U; rfl) := by
induction U using Opposite.rec' with | h U => ?_
cases U
simp only [id_c]
rw [eqToHom_app]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.id_c_app AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.id_c_app

theorem comp_base {X Y Z : SheafedSpace C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) :
(f ≫ g).base = f.base ≫ g.base :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.comp_base AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.comp_base

theorem comp_c_app {X Y Z : SheafedSpace C} (α : X ⟶ Y) (β : Y ⟶ Z) (U) :
(α ≫ β) U = β U ≫ α (op (( β.base).obj (unop U))) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.comp_c_app AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.comp_c_app

theorem comp_c_app' {X Y Z : SheafedSpace C} (α : X ⟶ Y) (β : Y ⟶ Z) (U) :
(α ≫ β) (op U) = β (op U) ≫ α (op (( β.base).obj U)) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.comp_c_app' AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.comp_c_app'

theorem congr_app {X Y : SheafedSpace C} {α β : X ⟶ Y} (h : α = β) (U) :
α U = β U ≫ (eqToHom (by subst h; rfl)) :=
PresheafedSpace.congr_app h U
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.congr_app AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.congr_app

variable (C)

/-- The forgetful functor from `SheafedSpace` to `Top`. -/
def forget : SheafedSpace C ⥤ TopCat where
obj X := (X : TopCat.{v})
map {X Y} f := f.base
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.forget AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.forget


open TopCat.Presheaf

/-- The restriction of a sheafed space along an open embedding into the space.
def restrict {U : TopCat} (X : SheafedSpace C) {f : U ⟶ (X : TopCat.{v})} (h : OpenEmbedding f) :
SheafedSpace C :=
{ X.toPresheafedSpace.restrict h with IsSheaf := isSheaf_of_openEmbedding h X.IsSheaf }
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.restrict AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.restrict

/-- The restriction of a sheafed space `X` to the top subspace is isomorphic to `X` itself.
def restrictTopIso (X : SheafedSpace C) : X.restrict (Opens.openEmbedding ⊤) ≅ X :=
forgetToPresheafedSpace.preimageIso X.toPresheafedSpace.restrictTopIso
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.restrict_top_iso AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.restrictTopIso

/-- The global sections, notated Gamma.
def Γ : (SheafedSpace C)ᵒᵖ ⥤ C :=
forgetToPresheafedSpace.op ⋙ PresheafedSpace.Γ
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.Γ

theorem Γ_def : (Γ : _ ⥤ C) = forgetToPresheafedSpace.op ⋙ PresheafedSpace.Γ :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_def AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_def

theorem Γ_obj (X : (SheafedSpace C)ᵒᵖ) : Γ.obj X = (unop X).presheaf.obj (op ⊤) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_obj AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_obj

theorem Γ_obj_op (X : SheafedSpace C) : Γ.obj (op X) = X.presheaf.obj (op ⊤) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_obj_op AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_obj_op

theorem Γ_map {X Y : (SheafedSpace C)ᵒᵖ} (f : X ⟶ Y) : Γ.map f = (op ⊤) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_map AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_map

theorem Γ_map_op {X Y : SheafedSpace C} (f : X ⟶ Y) : Γ.map f.op = (op ⊤) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_map_op AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_map_op

noncomputable instance [HasLimits C] :
CreatesColimits (forgetToPresheafedSpace : SheafedSpace C ⥤ _) :=
fun {_ _} =>
fun {K} =>
⟨(PresheafedSpace.colimitCocone (K ⋙ forgetToPresheafedSpace)).pt,
limit_isSheaf _ fun j => Sheaf.pushforward_sheaf_of_sheaf _ (K.obj (unop j)).2
(colimit.isoColimitCocone ⟨_, PresheafedSpace.colimitCoconeIsColimit _⟩).symm⟩⟩

instance [HasLimits C] : HasColimits (SheafedSpace C) :=
has_colimits_of_has_colimits_creates_colimits forgetToPresheafedSpace

noncomputable instance [HasLimits C] : PreservesColimits (forget C) :=
Limits.compPreservesColimits forgetToPresheafedSpace (PresheafedSpace.forget C)

end SheafedSpace

end AlgebraicGeometry

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