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feat(LightProfinite): being light is a property of a profinite space (#…
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This PR defines the class `Profinite.IsLight` which is the property of a profinite space to have countably many clopens. We prove that such a profinite space gives rise to a `LightProfinite`, and the underlying profinite space of a `LightProfinite` is light. 

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dagurtomas committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent d424344 commit d1d1772
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Showing 3 changed files with 275 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -3776,6 +3776,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Category.CompHaus.Limits
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.CompHaus.Projective
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Compactum
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.LightProfinite.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.LightProfinite.IsLight
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Locale
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Profinite.AsLimit
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Profinite.Basic
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224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Category/LightProfinite/IsLight.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Dagur Asgeirsson. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Dagur Asgeirsson
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Countable
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.LightProfinite.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Profinite.AsLimit
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Profinite.CofilteredLimit
import Mathlib.Topology.ClopenBox
# Being light is a property of profinite spaces
We define a class `Profinite.IsLight` which says that a profinite space `S` has countably many
clopen subsets. We prove that a profinite space which `IsLight` gives rise to a `LightProfinite` and
that the underlying profinite space of a `LightProfinite` is light.
## Main results
* `IsLight` is preserved under taking cartesian products
* Given a monomorphism whose target `IsLight`, its sourse is also light: `Profinite.isLight_of_mono`
## Project
* Prove the Stone duality theorem that `Profinite` is equivalent to the opposite category of
boolean algebras. Then the property of being light says precisely that the corresponding
boolean algebra is countable. Maybe constructions of limits and colimits in `LightProfinite`
become easier when transporting over this equivalence.

universe u

open CategoryTheory Limits FintypeCat Opposite TopologicalSpace

open scoped Classical

namespace Profinite

/-- A profinite space *is light* if it has countably many clopen subsets. -/
class IsLight (S : Profinite) : Prop where
/-- The set of clopens is countable -/
countable_clopens : Countable (Clopens S)

attribute [instance] Profinite.IsLight.countable_clopens

instance instIsLightProd (X Y : Profinite) [X.IsLight] [Y.IsLight] :
(Profinite.of (X × Y)).IsLight where
countable_clopens := Clopens.countable_prod

instance instCountableDiscreteQuotientOfIsLight (S : Profinite) [S.IsLight] :
Countable (DiscreteQuotient S) := (DiscreteQuotient.finsetClopens_inj S).countable

end Profinite

namespace LightProfinite

/-- A profinite space which is light gives rise to a light profinite space. -/
noncomputable def ofIsLight (S : Profinite.{u}) [S.IsLight] : LightProfinite.{u} where
diagram := sequentialFunctor _ ⋙ S.fintypeDiagram
cone := (Functor.Initial.limitConeComp (sequentialFunctor _) S.lim).cone
isLimit := (Functor.Initial.limitConeComp (sequentialFunctor _) S.lim).isLimit

instance (S : LightProfinite.{u}) : S.toProfinite.IsLight where
countable_clopens := by
refine @Countable.of_equiv _ _ ?_ (LocallyConstant.equivClopens (X := S.toProfinite))
refine @Function.Surjective.countable
(Σ (n : ℕ), LocallyConstant ((S.diagram ⋙ FintypeCat.toProfinite).obj ⟨n⟩) (Fin 2)) _ ?_ ?_ ?_
· apply @instCountableSigma _ _ _ ?_
intro n
refine @Finite.to_countable _ ?_
refine @Finite.of_injective _ ((S.diagram ⋙ FintypeCat.toProfinite).obj ⟨n⟩ → (Fin 2)) ?_ _
refine @Pi.finite _ _ ?_ _
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, toProfinite_obj_toCompHaus_toTop_α]
· exact fun a ↦ a.snd.comap (S.cone.π.app ⟨a.fst⟩).1
· intro a
obtain ⟨n, g, h⟩ := Profinite.exists_locallyConstant S.cone S.isLimit a
exact ⟨⟨unop n, g⟩, h.symm⟩

instance (S : LightProfinite.{u}) : (lightToProfinite.obj S).IsLight :=
(inferInstance : S.toProfinite.IsLight)

end LightProfinite

section Mono
Given a monomorphism `f : X ⟶ Y` in `Profinite`, such that `Y.IsLight`, we want to prove that
`X.IsLight`. We do this by regarding `Y` as a `LightProfinite`, and constructing a `LightProfinite`
with `X` as its underlying `Profinite`. The diagram is just the image of `f` in the diagram of `Y`.

namespace Profinite

variable {X : Profinite} {Y : LightProfinite} (f : X ⟶ Y.toProfinite)

/-- The image of `f` in the diagram of `Y` -/
noncomputable def lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom :
ℕᵒᵖ ⥤ FintypeCat where
obj := fun n ↦ FintypeCat.of (Set.range (f ≫ Y.cone.π.app n) : Set (Y.diagram.obj n))
map := fun h ⟨x, hx⟩ ↦ ⟨ h x, (by
obtain ⟨y, hx⟩ := hx
rw [← hx]
use y
have := Y.cone.π.naturality h
simp only [Functor.const_obj_obj, Functor.comp_obj, Functor.const_obj_map, Category.id_comp,
Functor.comp_map] at this
rw [this]
rfl )⟩
map_id := by -- `aesop` can handle it but is a bit slow
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, id_eq, Functor.const_obj_obj, Functor.const_obj_map,
Functor.comp_map, eq_mp_eq_cast, cast_eq, eq_mpr_eq_cast, CategoryTheory.Functor.map_id,
map_comp := by -- `aesop` can handle it but is a bit slow
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, id_eq, Functor.const_obj_obj, Functor.const_obj_map,
Functor.comp_map, eq_mp_eq_cast, cast_eq, eq_mpr_eq_cast, Functor.map_comp,

/-- An auxiliary definition to prove continuity in `lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app`. -/
def lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app' (n : ℕᵒᵖ) :
C(X, Set.range (f ≫ Y.cone.π.app n)) where
toFun := fun x ↦ ⟨Y.cone.π.app n (f x), ⟨x, rfl⟩⟩
continuous_toFun := Continuous.subtype_mk ((Y.cone.π.app n).continuous.comp f.continuous) _

/-- An auxiliary definition for `lightProfiniteConeOfHom`. -/
def lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app (n : ℕᵒᵖ) :
X ⟶ (lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom f ⋙ FintypeCat.toProfinite).obj n where
toFun x := ⟨Y.cone.π.app n (f x), ⟨x, rfl⟩⟩
continuous_toFun := by
convert (lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app' f n).continuous_toFun
change ⊥ = _
ext U
rw [isOpen_induced_iff]
have := discreteTopology_bot
refine ⟨fun _ ↦ ⟨Subtype.val '' U, isOpen_discrete _,
Function.Injective.preimage_image Subtype.val_injective _⟩, fun _ ↦ isOpen_discrete U⟩
-- This is annoying

/-- The cone on `lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom` -/
def lightProfiniteConeOfHom :
Cone (lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom f ⋙ FintypeCat.toProfinite) where
pt := X
π := {
app := fun n ↦ lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app f n
naturality := by
intro n m h
have := Y.cone.π.naturality h
simp only [Functor.const_obj_obj, Functor.comp_obj, Functor.const_obj_map, Category.id_comp,
Functor.comp_map] at this
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, toProfinite_obj_toCompHaus_toTop_α, Functor.const_obj_obj,
Functor.const_obj_map, lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app, this, CategoryTheory.comp_apply,
Category.id_comp, Functor.comp_map]
rfl }

instance [Mono f] : IsIso ((Profinite.limitConeIsLimit ((lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom f) ⋙
FintypeCat.toProfinite)).lift (lightProfiniteConeOfHom f)) := by
apply Profinite.isIso_of_bijective
refine ⟨fun a b h ↦ ?_, fun a ↦ ?_⟩
· have hf : Function.Injective f := by rwa [← Profinite.mono_iff_injective]
suffices f a = f b by exact hf this
apply LightProfinite.ext
intro n
apply_fun fun f : (Profinite.limitCone ((lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom f) ⋙
FintypeCat.toProfinite)).pt ↦ f.val n at h
erw [ContinuousMap.coe_mk, Subtype.ext_iff] at h
exact h
· suffices ∃ x, ∀ n, lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app f (op n) x = a.val (op n) by
obtain ⟨x, h⟩ := this
use x
apply Subtype.ext
apply funext
intro n
exact h (unop n)
have : Set.Nonempty
(⋂ (n : ℕ), (lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app f (op n)) ⁻¹' {a.val (op n)}) := by
refine IsCompact.nonempty_iInter_of_directed_nonempty_isCompact_isClosed
(fun n ↦ (lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app f (op n)) ⁻¹' {a.val (op n)})
(directed_of_isDirected_le ?_)
(fun _ ↦ (Set.singleton_nonempty _).preimage fun ⟨a, ⟨b, hb⟩⟩ ↦ ⟨b, Subtype.ext hb⟩)
(fun _ ↦ (IsClosed.preimage (lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app _ _).continuous
(T1Space.t1 _)).isCompact)
(fun _ ↦ IsClosed.preimage (lightProfiniteConeOfHom_π_app _ _).continuous (T1Space.t1 _))
intro i j h x hx
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, profiniteToCompHaus_obj, compHausToTop_obj,
toProfinite_obj_toCompHaus_toTop_α, Functor.comp_map, profiniteToCompHaus_map,
compHausToTop_map, Set.mem_setOf_eq, Set.mem_preimage, Set.mem_singleton_iff] at hx ⊢
have := (lightProfiniteConeOfHom f).π.naturality (homOfLE h).op
simp only [lightProfiniteConeOfHom, Functor.const_obj_obj, Functor.comp_obj,
Functor.const_obj_map, Category.id_comp, Functor.comp_map] at this
rw [this]
simp only [CategoryTheory.comp_apply]
rw [hx, ← a.prop (homOfLE h).op]
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := this
exact ⟨x, Set.mem_iInter.1 hx⟩

/-- When `f` is a monomorphism the cone `lightProfiniteConeOfHom` is limiting. -/
def lightProfiniteIsLimitOfMono [Mono f] : IsLimit (lightProfiniteConeOfHom f) :=
Limits.IsLimit.ofIsoLimit (Profinite.limitConeIsLimit _)
(Limits.Cones.ext (asIso ((Profinite.limitConeIsLimit ((lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom f) ⋙
FintypeCat.toProfinite)).lift (lightProfiniteConeOfHom f))) fun _ => rfl).symm

Putting together all of the above, we get a `LightProfinite` whose underlying `Profinite` is `X`
noncomputable def lightProfiniteOfMono [Mono f] : LightProfinite :=
⟨lightProfiniteDiagramOfHom f, lightProfiniteConeOfHom f, lightProfiniteIsLimitOfMono f⟩

/-- `lightProfiniteOfMono` phrased in terms of `Profinite.IsLight`. -/
theorem isLight_of_mono {X Y : Profinite} [Y.IsLight] (f : X ⟶ Y) [Mono f] : X.IsLight := by
change (lightProfiniteOfMono (Y := LightProfinite.ofIsLight Y) f).toProfinite.IsLight

end Profinite

end Mono
51 changes: 50 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Topology/DiscreteQuotient.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Adam Topaz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Calle Sönne, Adam Topaz
import Mathlib.Data.Setoid.Partition
import Mathlib.Topology.Separation
import Mathlib.Topology.LocallyConstant.Basic

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ of finite discrete spaces.

open Set Function
open Set Function TopologicalSpace

variable {α X Y Z : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace Y] [TopologicalSpace Z]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,6 +395,54 @@ instance [CompactSpace X] : Finite S := by
have : CompactSpace S := Quotient.compactSpace
rwa [← isCompact_univ_iff, isCompact_iff_finite, finite_univ_iff] at this

variable (X)

open Classical in
If `X` is a compact space, then we associate to any discrete quotient on `X` a finite set of
clopen subsets of `X`, given by the fibers of `proj`.
TODO: prove that these form a partition of `X` 
noncomputable def finsetClopens [CompactSpace X]
(d : DiscreteQuotient X) : Finset (Clopens X) := have : Fintype d := Fintype.ofFinite _
(Set.range (fun (x : d) ↦ ⟨_, d.isClopen_preimage {x}⟩) : Set (Clopens X)).toFinset

/-- A helper lemma to prove that `finsetClopens X` is injective, see `finsetClopens_inj`. -/
lemma comp_finsetClopens [CompactSpace X] :
(Set.image (fun (t : Clopens X) ↦ t.carrier) ∘ Finset.toSet) ∘
finsetClopens X = fun ⟨f, _⟩ ↦ f.classes := by
ext d
simp only [Setoid.classes, Setoid.Rel, Set.mem_setOf_eq, Function.comp_apply,
finsetClopens, Set.coe_toFinset, Set.mem_image, Set.mem_range,
· refine fun ⟨y, h⟩ ↦ ⟨Quotient.out (s := d.toSetoid) y, ?_⟩
simpa [← h] using Quotient.mk_eq_iff_out (s := d.toSetoid)
· exact fun ⟨y, h⟩ ↦ ⟨d.proj y, by ext; simp [h, proj]⟩

/-- `finsetClopens X` is injective. -/
theorem finsetClopens_inj [CompactSpace X] :
(finsetClopens X).Injective := by
apply Function.Injective.of_comp (f := Set.image (fun (t : Clopens X) ↦ t.carrier) ∘ Finset.toSet)
rw [comp_finsetClopens]
intro ⟨_, _⟩ ⟨_, _⟩ h
rw [Setoid.classes_inj]
exact h

The discrete quotients of a compact space are in bijection with a subtype of the type of
`Finset (Clopens X)`.
TODO: show that this is precisely those finsets of clopens which form a partition of `X`.
def equivFinsetClopens [CompactSpace X] := Equiv.ofInjective _ (finsetClopens_inj X)

variable {X}

end DiscreteQuotient

namespace LocallyConstant
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