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chore: bump Std (#11576)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Mar 22, 2024
1 parent cc28353 commit dddd92d
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Showing 3 changed files with 4 additions and 280 deletions.
276 changes: 0 additions & 276 deletions Mathlib/Data/List/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1750,75 +1750,16 @@ theorem take_cons (n) (a : α) (l : List α) : take (succ n) (a :: l) = a :: tak
#align list.take_cons List.take_cons

#align list.take_length List.take_length

theorem take_all_of_le : ∀ {n} {l : List α}, length l ≤ n → take n l = l
| 0, [], _ => rfl
| 0, a :: l, h => absurd h (not_le_of_gt (zero_lt_succ _))
| n + 1, [], _ => rfl
| n + 1, a :: l, h => by
change a :: take n l = a :: l
rw [take_all_of_le (le_of_succ_le_succ h)]
#align list.take_all_of_le List.take_all_of_le

theorem take_left : ∀ l₁ l₂ : List α, take (length l₁) (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁
| [], _ => rfl
| a :: l₁, l₂ => congr_arg (cons a) (take_left l₁ l₂)
#align list.take_left List.take_left

theorem take_left' {l₁ l₂ : List α} {n} (h : length l₁ = n) : take n (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁ := by
rw [← h]; apply take_left
#align list.take_left' List.take_left'

theorem take_take : ∀ (n m) (l : List α), take n (take m l) = take (min n m) l
| n, 0, l => by rw [Nat.min_zero, take_zero, take_nil]
| 0, m, l => by rw [Nat.zero_min, take_zero, take_zero]
| succ n, succ m, nil => by simp only [take_nil]
| succ n, succ m, a :: l => by
simp only [take, succ_min_succ, take_take n m l]
#align list.take_take List.take_take

theorem take_replicate (a : α) : ∀ n m : ℕ, take n (replicate m a) = replicate (min n m) a
| n, 0 => by simp
| 0, m => by simp
| succ n, succ m => by simp [succ_min_succ, take_replicate]
#align list.take_replicate List.take_replicate

theorem map_take {α β : Type*} (f : α → β) :
∀ (L : List α) (i : ℕ), (L.take i).map f = ( f).take i
| [], i => by simp
| _, 0 => by simp
| h :: t, n + 1 => by dsimp; rw [map_take f t n]
#align list.map_take List.map_take

/-- Taking the first `n` elements in `l₁ ++ l₂` is the same as appending the first `n` elements
of `l₁` to the first `n - l₁.length` elements of `l₂`. -/
theorem take_append_eq_append_take {l₁ l₂ : List α} {n : ℕ} :
take n (l₁ ++ l₂) = take n l₁ ++ take (n - l₁.length) l₂ := by
induction l₁ generalizing n; {simp}
cases n <;> simp [*]
#align list.take_append_eq_append_take List.take_append_eq_append_take

theorem take_append_of_le_length {l₁ l₂ : List α} {n : ℕ} (h : n ≤ l₁.length) :
(l₁ ++ l₂).take n = l₁.take n := by
simp [take_append_eq_append_take, Nat.sub_eq_zero_iff_le.mpr h]
#align list.take_append_of_le_length List.take_append_of_le_length

/-- Taking the first `l₁.length + i` elements in `l₁ ++ l₂` is the same as appending the first
`i` elements of `l₂` to `l₁`. -/
theorem take_append {l₁ l₂ : List α} (i : ℕ) :
take (l₁.length + i) (l₁ ++ l₂) = l₁ ++ take i l₂ := by
rw [take_append_eq_append_take, take_all_of_le (by omega), append_cancel_left_eq]
#align list.take_append List.take_append

/-- The `i`-th element of a list coincides with the `i`-th element of any of its prefixes of
length `> i`. Version designed to rewrite from the big list to the small list. -/
theorem get_take (L : List α) {i j : ℕ} (hi : i < L.length) (hj : i < j) :
get L ⟨i, hi⟩ = get (L.take j) ⟨i, length_take .. ▸ lt_min hj hi⟩ :=
get_of_eq (take_append_drop j L).symm _ ▸ get_append ..

set_option linter.deprecated false in
/-- The `i`-th element of a list coincides with the `i`-th element of any of its prefixes of
length `> i`. Version designed to rewrite from the big list to the small list. -/
Expand All @@ -1828,15 +1769,6 @@ theorem nthLe_take (L : List α) {i j : ℕ} (hi : i < L.length) (hj : i < j) :
get_take _ hi hj
#align list.nth_le_take List.nthLe_take

/-- The `i`-th element of a list coincides with the `i`-th element of any of its prefixes of
length `> i`. Version designed to rewrite from the small list to the big list. -/
theorem get_take' (L : List α) {j i} :
get (L.take j) i = get L ⟨i.1, lt_of_lt_of_le i.2 (by simp only [length_take]; omega)⟩ := by
let ⟨i, hi⟩ := i
simp only [length_take] at hi
rw [get_take L]
set_option linter.deprecated false in
/-- The `i`-th element of a list coincides with the `i`-th element of any of its prefixes of
length `> i`. Version designed to rewrite from the small list to the big list. -/
Expand All @@ -1846,106 +1778,18 @@ theorem nthLe_take' (L : List α) {i j : ℕ} (hi : i < (L.take j).length) :
get_take' _
#align list.nth_le_take' List.nthLe_take'

theorem get?_take {l : List α} {n m : ℕ} (h : m < n) : (l.take n).get? m = l.get? m := by
induction' n with n hn generalizing l m
· simp only [Nat.zero_eq] at h
exact absurd h (not_lt_of_le m.zero_le)
· cases' l with hd tl
· simp only [take_nil]
· cases m
· simp only [get?, take]
· simpa only using hn (Nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ h)
#align list.nth_take List.get?_take

theorem nth_take_of_succ {l : List α} {n : ℕ} : (l.take (n + 1)).get? n = l.get? n :=
get?_take (Nat.lt_succ_self n)
#align list.nth_take_of_succ List.nth_take_of_succ

theorem take_succ {l : List α} {n : ℕ} : l.take (n + 1) = l.take n ++ (l.get? n).toList := by
induction' l with hd tl hl generalizing n
· simp only [Option.toList, get?, take_nil, append_nil]
· cases n
· simp only [Option.toList, get?, eq_self_iff_true, and_self_iff, take, nil_append]
· simp only [hl, cons_append, get?, eq_self_iff_true, and_self_iff, take]
#align list.take_succ List.take_succ

theorem take_eq_nil_iff {l : List α} {k : ℕ} : l.take k = [] ↔ l = [] ∨ k = 0 := by
cases l <;> cases k <;> simp [Nat.succ_ne_zero]
#align list.take_eq_nil_iff List.take_eq_nil_iff

theorem take_eq_take :
∀ {l : List α} {m n : ℕ}, l.take m = l.take n ↔ min m l.length = min n l.length
| [], m, n => by simp
| _ :: xs, 0, 0 => by simp
| x :: xs, m + 1, 0 => by simp; omega
| x :: xs, 0, n + 1 => by simp; omega
| x :: xs, m + 1, n + 1 => by simp [Nat.succ_min_succ, take_eq_take]
#align list.take_eq_take List.take_eq_take

theorem take_add (l : List α) (m n : ℕ) : l.take (m + n) = l.take m ++ (l.drop m).take n := by
convert_to take (m + n) (take m l ++ drop m l) = take m l ++ take n (drop m l)
· rw [take_append_drop]
rw [take_append_eq_append_take, take_all_of_le, append_right_inj]
· simp only [take_eq_take, length_take, length_drop]
generalize l.length = k; by_cases h : m ≤ k
· omega
· push_neg at h
simp [Nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le (le_of_lt h)]
· trans m
· apply length_take_le
· omega
#align list.take_add List.take_add

theorem dropLast_eq_take (l : List α) : l.dropLast = l.take l.length.pred := by
cases' l with x l
· simp [dropLast]
· induction' l with hd tl hl generalizing x
· simp [dropLast]
· simp [dropLast, hl]
#align list.init_eq_take List.dropLast_eq_take

theorem dropLast_take {n : ℕ} {l : List α} (h : n < l.length) :
(l.take n).dropLast = l.take n.pred := by
simp only [dropLast_eq_take, length_take, pred_eq_sub_one, take_take]
#align list.init_take List.dropLast_take

theorem dropLast_cons_of_ne_nil {α : Type*} {x : α}
{l : List α} (h : l ≠ []) : (x :: l).dropLast = x :: l.dropLast := by simp [h, dropLast]
#align list.init_cons_of_ne_nil List.dropLast_cons_of_ne_nil

theorem dropLast_append_of_ne_nil {α : Type*} {l : List α} :
∀ (l' : List α) (_ : l ≠ []), (l' ++ l).dropLast = l' ++ l.dropLast
| [], _ => by simp only [nil_append]
| a :: l', h => by
rw [cons_append, dropLast, dropLast_append_of_ne_nil l' h, cons_append]
simp [h]
#align list.init_append_of_ne_nil List.dropLast_append_of_ne_nil

#align list.drop_eq_nil_of_le List.drop_eq_nil_of_le

theorem drop_eq_nil_iff_le {l : List α} {k : ℕ} : l.drop k = [] ↔ l.length ≤ k := by
refine' ⟨fun h => _, drop_eq_nil_of_le⟩
induction' k with k hk generalizing l
· simp only [drop] at h
simp [h]
· cases l
· simp
· simp only [drop] at h
simpa [Nat.succ_le_succ_iff] using hk h
#align list.drop_eq_nil_iff_le List.drop_eq_nil_iff_le

theorem tail_drop (l : List α) (n : ℕ) : (l.drop n).tail = l.drop (n + 1) := by
induction' l with hd tl hl generalizing n
· simp
· cases n
· simp
· simp [hl]
#align list.tail_drop List.tail_drop

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1973,60 +1817,13 @@ theorem cons_nthLe_drop_succ {l : List α} {n : ℕ} (hn : n < l.length) :
#align list.drop_left List.drop_left
#align list.drop_left' List.drop_left'
#align list.drop_eq_nth_le_cons List.drop_eq_get_consₓ -- nth_le vs get

#align list.drop_length List.drop_length

theorem drop_length_cons {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []) (a : α) :
(a :: l).drop l.length = [l.getLast h] := by
induction' l with y l ih generalizing a
· cases h rfl
· simp only [drop, length]
by_cases h₁ : l = []
· simp [h₁]
rw [getLast_cons h₁]
exact ih h₁ y
#align list.drop_length_cons List.drop_length_cons

#align list.drop_append_eq_append_drop List.drop_append_eq_append_drop

#align list.drop_append_of_le_length List.drop_append_of_le_length

/-- Dropping the elements up to `l₁.length + i` in `l₁ + l₂` is the same as dropping the elements
up to `i` in `l₂`. -/
theorem drop_append {l₁ l₂ : List α} (i : ℕ) : drop (l₁.length + i) (l₁ ++ l₂) = drop i l₂ := by
rw [drop_append_eq_append_drop, drop_eq_nil_of_le]
· simp only [nil_append]
· omega
#align list.drop_append List.drop_append

theorem drop_sizeOf_le [SizeOf α] (l : List α) : ∀ n : ℕ, sizeOf (l.drop n) ≤ sizeOf l := by
induction' l with _ _ lih <;> intro n
· rw [drop_nil]
· induction' n with n
· rfl
· specialize lih n
simp_all only [cons.sizeOf_spec, drop_succ_cons]
#align list.drop_sizeof_le List.drop_sizeOf_le

set_option linter.deprecated false in -- FIXME
/-- The `i + j`-th element of a list coincides with the `j`-th element of the list obtained by
dropping the first `i` elements. Version designed to rewrite from the big list to the small list. -/
theorem get_drop (L : List α) {i j : ℕ} (h : i + j < L.length) :
get L ⟨i + j, h⟩ = get (L.drop i) ⟨j, by
have A : i < L.length := lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.le.intro rfl) h
rw [(take_append_drop i L).symm] at h
simp_all only [take_append_drop, length_drop, gt_iff_lt]
omega⟩ := by
rw [← nthLe_eq, ← nthLe_eq]
rw [nthLe_of_eq (take_append_drop i L).symm h, nthLe_append_right]
simp only [length_take]

set_option linter.deprecated false in
/-- The `i + j`-th element of a list coincides with the `j`-th element of the list obtained by
dropping the first `i` elements. Version designed to rewrite from the big list to the small list. -/
Expand All @@ -2039,12 +1836,6 @@ theorem nthLe_drop (L : List α) {i j : ℕ} (h : i + j < L.length) :
omega) := get_drop ..
#align list.nth_le_drop List.nthLe_drop

/-- The `i + j`-th element of a list coincides with the `j`-th element of the list obtained by
dropping the first `i` elements. Version designed to rewrite from the small list to the big list. -/
theorem get_drop' (L : List α) {i j} :
get (L.drop i) j = get L ⟨i + j, have := length_drop i L; by omega⟩ := by
rw [get_drop]

set_option linter.deprecated false in
/-- The `i + j`-th element of a list coincides with the `j`-th element of the list obtained by
dropping the first `i` elements. Version designed to rewrite from the small list to the big list. -/
Expand All @@ -2054,45 +1845,10 @@ theorem nthLe_drop' (L : List α) {i j : ℕ} (h : j < (L.drop i).length) :
get_drop' ..
#align list.nth_le_drop' List.nthLe_drop'

theorem get?_drop (L : List α) (i j : ℕ) : get? (L.drop i) j = get? L (i + j) := by
simp only [get?_eq_some, get_drop', Option.mem_def]
constructor <;> exact fun ⟨h, ha⟩ => ⟨by simp_all only [length_drop, exists_prop]; omega, ha⟩
#align list.nth_drop List.get?_drop

theorem drop_drop (n : ℕ) : ∀ (m) (l : List α), drop n (drop m l) = drop (n + m) l
| m, [] => by simp
| 0, l => by simp
| m + 1, a :: l =>
drop n (drop (m + 1) (a :: l)) = drop n (drop m l) := rfl
_ = drop (n + m) l := drop_drop n m l
_ = drop (n + (m + 1)) (a :: l) := rfl
#align list.drop_drop List.drop_drop

theorem drop_take : ∀ (m : ℕ) (n : ℕ) (l : List α), drop m (take (m + n) l) = take n (drop m l)
| 0, n, _ => by simp
| m + 1, n, nil => by simp
| m + 1, n, _ :: l => by
have h : m + 1 + n = m + n + 1 := by omega
simpa [take_cons, h] using drop_take m n l
#align list.drop_take List.drop_take

theorem map_drop {α β : Type*} (f : α → β) :
∀ (L : List α) (i : ℕ), (L.drop i).map f = ( f).drop i
| [], i => by simp
| L, 0 => by simp
| h :: t, n + 1 => by
rw [map_drop f t]
#align list.map_drop List.map_drop

theorem modifyNthTail_eq_take_drop (f : List α → List α) (H : f [] = []) :
∀ n l, modifyNthTail f n l = take n l ++ f (drop n l)
| 0, _ => rfl
| _ + 1, [] => H.symm
| n + 1, b :: l => congr_arg (cons b) (modifyNthTail_eq_take_drop f H n l)
#align list.modify_nth_tail_eq_take_drop List.modifyNthTail_eq_take_drop

Expand All @@ -2107,42 +1863,10 @@ theorem modifyNth_zero_cons (f : α → α) (a : α) (l : List α) :
theorem modifyNth_succ_cons (f : α → α) (n : ℕ) (a : α) (l : List α) :
modifyNth f (n + 1) (a :: l) = a :: modifyNth f n l := rfl

theorem modifyNth_eq_take_drop (f : α → α) :
∀ n l, modifyNth f n l = take n l ++ modifyHead f (drop n l) :=
modifyNthTail_eq_take_drop _ rfl
#align list.modify_nth_eq_take_drop List.modifyNth_eq_take_drop

theorem modifyNth_eq_take_cons_drop (f : α → α) {n l} (h) :
modifyNth f n l = take n l ++ f (get l ⟨n, h⟩) :: drop (n + 1) l := by
rw [modifyNth_eq_take_drop, drop_eq_get_cons h]; rfl
#align list.modify_nth_eq_take_cons_drop List.modifyNth_eq_take_cons_drop

theorem set_eq_take_cons_drop (a : α) {n l} (h : n < length l) :
set l n a = take n l ++ a :: drop (n + 1) l := by
rw [set_eq_modifyNth, modifyNth_eq_take_cons_drop _ h]
#align list.update_nth_eq_take_cons_drop List.set_eq_take_cons_drop

theorem reverse_take {α} {xs : List α} (n : ℕ) (h : n ≤ xs.length) :
xs.reverse.take n = (xs.drop (xs.length - n)).reverse := by
induction' xs with xs_hd xs_tl xs_ih generalizing n <;>
simp only [reverse_nil, reverse_cons, take_nil, length, Nat.zero_sub, drop_nil]
cases' h.lt_or_eq_dec with h' h'
· replace h' := le_of_succ_le_succ h'
rw [take_append_of_le_length, xs_ih _ h']
rw [show xs_tl.length + 1 - n = succ (xs_tl.length - n) from _, drop]
· omega
· rwa [length_reverse]
· subst h'
rw [length, Nat.sub_self, drop]
suffices xs_tl.length + 1 = (xs_tl.reverse ++ [xs_hd]).length by
rw [this, take_length, reverse_cons]
rw [length_append, length_reverse]
#align list.reverse_take List.reverse_take

theorem set_eq_nil (l : List α) (n : ℕ) (a : α) : l.set n a = [] ↔ l = [] := by
cases l <;> cases n <;> simp only [set]
#align list.update_nth_eq_nil List.set_eq_nil

section TakeI
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lake-manifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[{"url": "",
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
"rev": "f3447c3732c9d6e8df3bdad78e5ecf7e8b353bbc",
"rev": "e5306c3b0edefe722370b7387ee9bcd4631d6c17",
"name": "std",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "main",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
{"url": "",
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
"rev": "bbcffbcc19d69e13d5eea716283c76169db524ba",
"rev": "61a79185b6582573d23bf7e17f2137cd49e7e662",
"name": "importGraph",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "main",
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/congr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ example (inst1 : BEq α) [LawfulBEq α] (inst2 : BEq α) [LawfulBEq α] (xs : Li
error: unsolved goals
case h.e'_2
α : Type ?u.83134
α : Type
inst1 : BEq α
inst✝¹ : LawfulBEq α
inst2 : BEq α
Expand All @@ -331,6 +331,6 @@ x : α
⊢ inst1 = inst2
#guard_msgs in
example (inst1 : BEq α) [LawfulBEq α] (inst2 : BEq α) [LawfulBEq α] (xs : List α) (x : α) :
example {α : Type} (inst1 : BEq α) [LawfulBEq α] (inst2 : BEq α) [LawfulBEq α] (xs : List α) (x : α) :
@List.erase _ inst1 xs x = @List.erase _ inst2 xs x := by
congr! (config := { beqEq := false })

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