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Merge branch 'master' into port/CategoryTheory.Pi.Basic
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mattrobball committed Feb 13, 2023
2 parents 8136307 + 10bfe18 commit df3b93e
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Showing 69 changed files with 7,116 additions and 593 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.WithTop
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Hom.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Hom.Monoid
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Invertible
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Kleene
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.LatticeGroup
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Module
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.Basic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.Const
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.Default
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.FullyFaithful
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.Functorial
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.InvIsos
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Iso
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.NatIso
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.NatTrans
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,6 +303,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.DList.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.DList.Instances
import Mathlib.Data.Dfinsupp.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Dfinsupp.Interval
import Mathlib.Data.Dfinsupp.Lex
import Mathlib.Data.Dfinsupp.NeLocus
import Mathlib.Data.Dfinsupp.Order
import Mathlib.Data.ENat.Basic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -766,6 +769,7 @@ import Mathlib.Lean.Message
import Mathlib.Lean.Meta
import Mathlib.Lean.Meta.Simp
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.AffineSpace.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.GeneralLinearGroup
import Mathlib.Logic.Basic
import Mathlib.Logic.Denumerable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -928,6 +932,7 @@ import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.Basic
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.Finite
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.SchroederBernstein
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Lists
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.Abel
import Mathlib.Tactic.Alias
import Mathlib.Tactic.ApplyFun
Expand All @@ -944,6 +949,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.ClearExcept
import Mathlib.Tactic.Clear_
import Mathlib.Tactic.Coe
import Mathlib.Tactic.Constructor
import Mathlib.Tactic.Continuity
import Mathlib.Tactic.Contrapose
import Mathlib.Tactic.Conv
import Mathlib.Tactic.Convert
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1035,8 +1041,10 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.Zify.Attr
import Mathlib.Testing.SlimCheck.Gen
import Mathlib.Testing.SlimCheck.Sampleable
import Mathlib.Testing.SlimCheck.Testable
import Mathlib.Topology.Alexandroff
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.ConstMulAction
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Constructions
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.MulAction
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Order.Archimedean
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Order.Compact
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Order.ExtendFrom
Expand All @@ -1061,6 +1069,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Connected
import Mathlib.Topology.Constructions
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.CocompactMap
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.T0Sierpinski
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousOn
import Mathlib.Topology.DenseEmbedding
import Mathlib.Topology.DiscreteQuotient
Expand All @@ -1077,6 +1086,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.LocallyConstant.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.LocallyFinite
import Mathlib.Topology.Maps
import Mathlib.Topology.NhdsSet
import Mathlib.Topology.NoetherianSpace
import Mathlib.Topology.OmegaCompletePartialOrder
import Mathlib.Topology.Order
import Mathlib.Topology.Order.Basic
Expand All @@ -1090,13 +1100,15 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Perfect
import Mathlib.Topology.Separation
import Mathlib.Topology.Sets.Closeds
import Mathlib.Topology.Sets.Opens
import Mathlib.Topology.Sets.Order
import Mathlib.Topology.ShrinkingLemma
import Mathlib.Topology.Sober
import Mathlib.Topology.Spectral.Hom
import Mathlib.Topology.StoneCech
import Mathlib.Topology.SubsetProperties
import Mathlib.Topology.Support
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.AbsoluteValue
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.AbstractCompletion
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.Cauchy
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.CompleteSeparated
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/FreeMonoid/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,8 +226,7 @@ lemma prodAux_eq : ∀ l : List M, FreeMonoid.prodAux l =
/-- Equivalence between maps `α → M` and monoid homomorphisms `FreeMonoid α →* M`. -/
@[to_additive "Equivalence between maps `α → A` and additive monoid homomorphisms
`FreeAddMonoid α →+ A`."]
def lift : (α → M) ≃ (FreeMonoid α →* M)
def lift : (α → M) ≃ (FreeMonoid α →* M) where
toFun f :=
{ toFun := fun l ↦ prodAux ((toList l).map f)
map_one' := rfl
Expand All @@ -238,6 +237,11 @@ def lift : (α → M) ≃ (FreeMonoid α →* M)
#align free_monoid.lift FreeMonoid.lift
#align free_add_monoid.lift FreeAddMonoid.lift

-- porting note: new
@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem lift_ofList (f : α → M) (l : List α) : lift f (ofList l) = ( f).prod :=
prodAux_eq _

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem lift_symm_apply (f : FreeMonoid α →* M) : lift.symm f = f ∘ of := rfl
#align free_monoid.lift_symm_apply FreeMonoid.lift_symm_apply
Expand Down
39 changes: 17 additions & 22 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Freiman.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,10 +127,9 @@ see also Algebra.Hom.Group for similar -/
@[to_additive (attr := coe)
" Turn an element of a type `F` satisfying `AddFreimanHomClass F A β n` into an actual
`AddFreimanHom`. This is declared as the default coercion from `F` to `AddFreimanHom A β n`."]
def _root_.FreimanHomClass.toFreimanHom [FreimanHomClass F A β n] (f : F) :
A →*[n] β where
toFun := FunLike.coe f
map_prod_eq_map_prod' := FreimanHomClass.map_prod_eq_map_prod' f
def _root_.FreimanHomClass.toFreimanHom [FreimanHomClass F A β n] (f : F) : A →*[n] β where
toFun := FunLike.coe f
map_prod_eq_map_prod' := FreimanHomClass.map_prod_eq_map_prod' f

/-- Any type satisfying `SMulHomClass` can be cast into `MulActionHom` via
`SMulHomClass.toMulActionHom`. -/
Expand All @@ -149,8 +148,7 @@ theorem map_prod_eq_map_prod [FreimanHomClass F A β n] (f : F) {s t : Multiset

theorem map_mul_map_eq_map_mul_map [FreimanHomClass F A β 2] (f : F) (ha : a ∈ A) (hb : b ∈ A)
(hc : c ∈ A) (hd : d ∈ A) (h : a * b = c * d) : f a * f b = f c * f d :=
(hc : c ∈ A) (hd : d ∈ A) (h : a * b = c * d) : f a * f b = f c * f d := by
simp_rw [← prod_pair] at h⊢
refine' map_prod_eq_map_prod f _ _ (card_pair _ _) (card_pair _ _) h <;> simp [ha, hb, hc, hd]
#align map_mul_map_eq_map_mul_map map_mul_map_eq_map_mul_map
Expand All @@ -159,18 +157,17 @@ theorem map_mul_map_eq_map_mul_map [FreimanHomClass F A β 2] (f : F) (ha : a
namespace FreimanHom

instance funLike : FunLike (A →*[n] β) α fun _ => β
instance funLike : FunLike (A →*[n] β) α fun _ => β where
coe := toFun
coe_injective' f g h := by cases f; cases g; congr
#align freiman_hom.fun_like FreimanHom.funLike
#align add_freiman_hom.fun_like AddFreimanHom.funLike

instance freiman_hom_class : FreimanHomClass (A →*[n] β) A β n
where map_prod_eq_map_prod' := map_prod_eq_map_prod'
#align freiman_hom.freiman_hom_class FreimanHom.freiman_hom_class
#align add_freiman_hom.freiman_hom_class AddFreimanHom.freiman_hom_class
@[to_additive addFreimanHomClass]
instance freimanHomClass : FreimanHomClass (A →*[n] β) A β n where
map_prod_eq_map_prod' := map_prod_eq_map_prod'
#align freiman_hom.freiman_hom_class FreimanHom.freimanHomClass
#align add_freiman_hom.freiman_hom_class AddFreimanHom.addFreimanHomClass

-- porting note: not helpful in lean4
-- /-- Helper instance for when there's too many metavariables to apply `fun_like.has_coe_to_fun`
Expand All @@ -185,10 +182,10 @@ initialize_simps_projections FreimanHom (toFun → apply)
initialize_simps_projections AddFreimanHom (toFun → apply)

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem to_fun_eq_coe (f : A →*[n] β) : f.toFun = f :=
theorem toFun_eq_coe (f : A →*[n] β) : f.toFun = f :=
#align freiman_hom.to_fun_eq_coe FreimanHom.to_fun_eq_coe
#align add_freiman_hom.to_fun_eq_coe AddFreimanHom.to_fun_eq_coe
#align freiman_hom.to_fun_eq_coe FreimanHom.toFun_eq_coe
#align add_freiman_hom.to_fun_eq_coe AddFreimanHom.toFun_eq_coe

@[to_additive (attr := ext)]
theorem ext ⦃f g : A →*[n] β⦄ (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,8 +494,7 @@ variable [CommMonoid α] [CancelCommMonoid β] {A : Set α} {m n : ℕ}
theorem map_prod_eq_map_prod_of_le [FreimanHomClass F A β n] (f : F) {s t : Multiset α}
(hsA : ∀ x ∈ s, x ∈ A) (htA : ∀ x ∈ t, x ∈ A)
(hs : Multiset.card s = m) (ht : Multiset.card t = m)
(hst : = (h : m ≤ n) : ( f).prod = ( f).prod :=
(hst : = (h : m ≤ n) : ( f).prod = ( f).prod := by
obtain rfl | hm := m.eq_zero_or_pos
· rw [card_eq_zero] at hs ht
rw [hs, ht]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,10 +540,9 @@ def FreimanHom.toFreimanHom (h : m ≤ n) (f : A →*[n] β) : A →*[m] β wher
"An additive `n`-Freiman homomorphism is
also an additive `m`-Freiman homomorphism for any `m ≤ n`."]
theorem FreimanHom.FreimanHomClass_of_le [FreimanHomClass F A β n] (h : m ≤ n) :
FreimanHomClass F A β m :=
map_prod_eq_map_prod' := fun f _ _ hsA htA hs ht hst =>
map_prod_eq_map_prod_of_le f hsA htA hs ht hst h }
FreimanHomClass F A β m where
map_prod_eq_map_prod' f _ _ hsA htA hs ht hst :=
map_prod_eq_map_prod_of_le f hsA htA hs ht hst h
#align freiman_hom.freiman_hom_class_of_le FreimanHom.FreimanHomClass_of_le
#align add_freiman_hom.add_freiman_hom_class_of_le AddFreimanHom.addFreimanHomClass_of_le

Expand Down
60 changes: 28 additions & 32 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Module/Submodule/Lattice.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,14 +118,13 @@ theorem exists_mem_ne_zero_of_ne_bot {p : Submodule R M} (h : p ≠ ⊥) : ∃ b

/-- The bottom submodule is linearly equivalent to punit as an `R`-module. -/
def botEquivPUnit : (⊥ : Submodule R M) ≃ₗ[R] PUnit
def botEquivPUnit : (⊥ : Submodule R M) ≃ₗ[R] PUnit where
toFun _ := PUnit.unit
invFun _ := 0
map_add' := fun _ _ rfl
map_smul' := fun _ _ rfl
left_inv := by intro ; simp only [eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton]
right_inv := fun _ ↦ rfl
map_add' _ _ := rfl
map_smul' _ _ := rfl
left_inv _ := Subsingleton.elim _ _
right_inv _ := rfl
#align submodule.bot_equiv_punit Submodule.botEquivPUnit

theorem eq_bot_of_subsingleton (p : Submodule R M) [Subsingleton p] : p = ⊥ := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,14 +182,13 @@ theorem eq_top_iff' {p : Submodule R M} : p = ⊤ ↔ ∀ x, x ∈ p :=
This is the module version of `AddSubmonoid.topEquiv`. -/
def topEquiv : (⊤ : Submodule R M) ≃ₗ[R] M
def topEquiv : (⊤ : Submodule R M) ≃ₗ[R] M where
toFun x := x
invFun x := ⟨x, mem_top⟩
map_add' := fun _ _ rfl
map_smul' := fun _ _ rfl
left_inv := fun _ ↦ rfl
right_inv := fun _ ↦ rfl
map_add' _ _ := rfl
map_smul' _ _ := rfl
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv _ := rfl
#align submodule.top_equiv Submodule.topEquiv

instance : InfSet (Submodule R M) :=
Expand All @@ -200,10 +198,10 @@ instance : InfSet (Submodule R M) :=
add_mem' := by simp (config := { contextual := true }) [add_mem]
smul_mem' := by simp (config := { contextual := true }) [smul_mem] }⟩

private theorem Inf_le' {S : Set (Submodule R M)} {p} : p ∈ S → infₛ S ≤ p :=
private theorem infₛ_le' {S : Set (Submodule R M)} {p} : p ∈ S → infₛ S ≤ p :=

private theorem le_Inf' {S : Set (Submodule R M)} {p} : (∀ q ∈ S, p ≤ q) → p ≤ infₛ S :=
private theorem le_infₛ' {S : Set (Submodule R M)} {p} : (∀ q ∈ S, p ≤ q) → p ≤ infₛ S :=

instance : HasInf (Submodule R M) :=
Expand All @@ -217,17 +215,17 @@ instance : CompleteLattice (Submodule R M) :=
{ (inferInstance : OrderTop (Submodule R M)),
(inferInstance : OrderBot (Submodule R M)) with
sup := fun a b ↦ infₛ { x | a ≤ x ∧ b ≤ x }
le_sup_left := fun _ _ ↦ le_Inf' fun _ ⟨h, _⟩ ↦ h
le_sup_right := fun _ _ ↦ le_Inf' fun _ ⟨_, h⟩ ↦ h
sup_le := fun _ _ _ h₁ h₂ ↦ Inf_le' ⟨h₁, h₂⟩
le_sup_left := fun _ _ ↦ le_infₛ' fun _ ⟨h, _⟩ ↦ h
le_sup_right := fun _ _ ↦ le_infₛ' fun _ ⟨_, h⟩ ↦ h
sup_le := fun _ _ _ h₁ h₂ ↦ infₛ_le' ⟨h₁, h₂⟩
inf := (· ⊓ ·)
le_inf := fun _ _ _ ↦ Set.subset_inter
inf_le_left := fun _ _ ↦ Set.inter_subset_left _ _
inf_le_right := fun _ _ ↦ Set.inter_subset_right _ _
le_supₛ := fun _ _ hs ↦ le_Inf' fun _ hq ↦ by exact hq _ hs
supₛ_le := fun _ _ hs ↦ Inf_le' hs
le_infₛ := fun _ _ ↦ le_Inf'
infₛ_le := fun _ _ ↦ Inf_le' }
le_supₛ := fun _ _ hs ↦ le_infₛ' fun _ hq ↦ by exact hq _ hs
supₛ_le := fun _ _ hs ↦ infₛ_le' hs
le_infₛ := fun _ _ ↦ le_infₛ'
infₛ_le := fun _ _ ↦ infₛ_le' }

theorem inf_coe : ↑(p ⊓ q) = (p ∩ q : Set M) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,12 +307,12 @@ theorem sum_mem_supᵢ {ι : Type _} [Fintype ι] {f : ι → M} {p : ι → Sub
sum_mem fun i _ ↦ mem_supᵢ_of_mem i (h i)
#align submodule.sum_mem_supr Submodule.sum_mem_supᵢ

theorem sum_mem_bsupr {ι : Type _} {s : Finset ι} {f : ι → M} {p : ι → Submodule R M}
theorem sum_mem_bsupᵢ {ι : Type _} {s : Finset ι} {f : ι → M} {p : ι → Submodule R M}
(h : ∀ i ∈ s, f i ∈ p i) : (∑ i in s, f i) ∈ ⨆ i ∈ s, p i :=
sum_mem fun i hi ↦ mem_supᵢ_of_mem i <| mem_supᵢ_of_mem hi (h i hi)
#align submodule.sum_mem_bsupr Submodule.sum_mem_bsupr
#align submodule.sum_mem_bsupr Submodule.sum_mem_bsupᵢ

/-! Note that `Submodule.mem_supr` is provided in `LinearAlgebra/Span.lean`. -/
/-! Note that `Submodule.mem_supᵢ` is provided in `LinearAlgebra/Span.lean`. -/

theorem mem_supₛ_of_mem {S : Set (Submodule R M)} {s : Submodule R M} (hs : s ∈ S) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,12 +342,11 @@ section NatSubmodule

-- Porting note: `S.toNatSubmodule` doesn't work. I used `AddSubmonoid.toNatSubmodule S` instead.
/-- An additive submonoid is equivalent to a ℕ-submodule. -/
def AddSubmonoid.toNatSubmodule : AddSubmonoid M ≃o Submodule ℕ M
def AddSubmonoid.toNatSubmodule : AddSubmonoid M ≃o Submodule ℕ M where
toFun S := { S with smul_mem' := fun r s hs ↦ show r • s ∈ S from nsmul_mem hs _ }
invFun := Submodule.toAddSubmonoid
left_inv := fun _ ↦ rfl
right_inv := fun _ ↦ rfl
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv _ := rfl
map_rel_iff' := Iff.rfl
#align add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule AddSubmonoid.toNatSubmodule

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,12 +384,11 @@ variable [AddCommGroup M]

-- Porting note: `S.toIntSubmodule` doesn't work. I used `AddSubgroup.toIntSubmodule S` instead.
/-- An additive subgroup is equivalent to a ℤ-submodule. -/
def AddSubgroup.toIntSubmodule : AddSubgroup M ≃o Submodule ℤ M
def AddSubgroup.toIntSubmodule : AddSubgroup M ≃o Submodule ℤ M where
toFun S := { S with smul_mem' := fun _ _ hs ↦ S.zsmul_mem hs _ }
invFun := Submodule.toAddSubgroup
left_inv := fun _ ↦ rfl
right_inv := fun _ ↦ rfl
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv _ := rfl
map_rel_iff' := Iff.rfl
#align add_subgroup.to_int_submodule AddSubgroup.toIntSubmodule

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