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some thing about sheaves of modules
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jjaassoonn committed Jun 28, 2024
1 parent 043bb9e commit e01573f
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Showing 3 changed files with 140 additions and 11 deletions.
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Category/ModuleCat/Presheaf.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -497,4 +497,64 @@ def unitHomEquiv (M : PresheafOfModules R) :
ext X
exact (LinearMap.ringLmapEquivSelf (R.obj X) ℤ (M.obj X)).apply_symm_apply (s.val X)

noncomputable instance module_over_initial (X : Cᵒᵖ) (hX : Limits.IsInitial X)
(c : Cᵒᵖ) (M : PresheafOfModules.{v} R) :
Module (R.1.obj X) (M.presheaf.obj c) :=
Module.compHom (M.presheaf.obj c) ( ( c))

noncomputable def forgetToPresheafModuleCatObj
(X : Cᵒᵖ) (hX : Limits.IsInitial X) (M : PresheafOfModules.{v} R) :
Cᵒᵖ ⥤ ModuleCat (R.1.obj X) :=
{ obj := fun c =>
letI := module_over_initial (R := R) X hX
ModuleCat.of _ (M.presheaf.obj c)
map := fun {c₁ c₂} f =>
{ toFun := fun x => f x
map_add' := f |>.map_add
map_smul' := fun r (m : M.presheaf.obj c₁) => by
change f ( ( c₁) _ • m) = ( c₂) _ • _
rw [M.map_smul, ← CategoryTheory.comp_apply, ← R.map_comp]
apply hX.hom_ext }
map_id := fun c => by
ext x
change _ x = x
rw [M.presheaf.map_id]
map_comp := fun {c₁ c₂ c₃} f g => by
ext x
change _ x = ( _ ≫ _) x
rw [← M.presheaf.map_comp] }

noncomputable def forgetToPresheafModuleCatMap
(X : Cᵒᵖ) (hX : Limits.IsInitial X) {M N : PresheafOfModules.{v} R}
(f : M ⟶ N) :
forgetToPresheafModuleCatObj X hX M ⟶
forgetToPresheafModuleCatObj X hX N :=
{ app := fun c =>
{ toFun := c
map_add' := ( c).map_add
map_smul' := fun r (m : M.presheaf.obj c) => by
change c ( ( c) _ • m) = ( c) _ • _
exact ( c).map_smul ( ( c) _) m }
naturality := fun {c₁ c₂} i => by
ext x
have := f.hom.naturality i
exact congr($this x) }

noncomputable def forgetToPresheafModuleCat (X : Cᵒᵖ) (hX : Limits.IsInitial X) :
PresheafOfModules.{v} R ⥤ Cᵒᵖ ⥤ ModuleCat (R.1.obj X) where
obj M := forgetToPresheafModuleCatObj X hX M
map f := forgetToPresheafModuleCatMap X hX f
map_id _ := rfl
map_comp _ _ := rfl

end PresheafOfModules
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Category/ModuleCat/Sheaf.lean
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Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,25 @@ def toSheaf : SheafOfModules.{v} R ⥤ Sheaf J AddCommGrp.{v} where
obj M := ⟨_, M.isSheaf⟩
map f := { val := f.val.hom }

noncomputable def forgetToSheafModuleCat (X : Cᵒᵖ) (hX : Limits.IsInitial X) :
SheafOfModules R ⥤ Sheaf J (ModuleCat (R.1.obj X)) where
obj M := ⟨(PresheafOfModules.forgetToPresheafModuleCat X hX).obj M.1, by
rw [CategoryTheory.Presheaf.isSheaf_iff_isSheaf_forget J
((PresheafOfModules.forgetToPresheafModuleCat X hX).obj M.1)
(CategoryTheory.forget.{max v₁ u₁} (ModuleCat (R.1.obj X)))]
let e : (PresheafOfModules.forgetToPresheafModuleCat X hX).obj M.val ⋙
CategoryTheory.forget (ModuleCat ↑(R.val.obj X)) ≅
(M.1.presheaf ⋙ CategoryTheory.forget AddCommGrp) :=
NatIso.ofComponents (fun _ => Iso.refl _) (by aesop_cat)
-- exact M.isSheaf
rw [Presheaf.isSheaf_of_iso_iff e]
apply Presheaf.isSheaf_comp_of_isSheaf
exact M.2
map := sorry
map_id := sorry
map_comp := sorry

/-- The canonical isomorphism between
`SheafOfModules.toSheaf R ⋙ sheafToPresheaf J AddCommGrp.{v}`
and `SheafOfModules.forget R ⋙ PresheafOfModules.toPresheaf R.val`. -/
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72 changes: 61 additions & 11 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/Quasicoherent/Tilde.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -178,11 +178,15 @@ noncomputable instance (U : (Opens (PrimeSpectrum.Top R))ᵒᵖ) :
Module ((𝒪_SpecR).val.obj U) ((Tilde.presheafInAddCommGrp R M).obj U) :=
inferInstanceAs $ Module _ (Tilde.sectionsSubmodule R M U)

noncomputable instance (U : (Opens (PrimeSpectrum.Top R))ᵒᵖ) :
Module ((Spec.structureSheaf R).1.obj U) ((Tilde.presheafInAddCommGrp R M).obj U) :=
inferInstanceAs $ Module _ (Tilde.sectionsSubmodule R M U)

open Tilde in
`M^~` as a sheaf of `𝒪_{Spec R}`-modules
noncomputable def TildeInModules : SheafOfModules (𝒪_SpecR) where
noncomputable def TildeAsSheafOfModules : SheafOfModules (𝒪_SpecR) where
val := {
presheaf := (presheafInAddCommGrp R M)
module := inferInstance
Expand All @@ -197,16 +201,19 @@ noncomputable def TildeInModules : SheafOfModules (𝒪_SpecR) where
isSheaf := (TildeInAddCommGrp R M).2

-- R ≅ S Mod(R) ≅ Module(S)
noncomputable def TildeInModuleCat :
TopCat.Presheaf (ModuleCat ((Spec.structureSheaf R).1.obj (op ⊤))) (PrimeSpectrum.Top R) :=
(PresheafOfModules.forgetToPresheafModuleCat (op ⊤) sorry).obj (TildeAsSheafOfModules R M).1

namespace Tilde

instance (x:PrimeSpectrum.Top R): Module R (TopCat.Presheaf.stalk (C := AddCommGrp.{u}) (TildeInModules R M).1.presheaf x)where
smul r m:= by sorry
one_smul := sorry
mul_smul := sorry
smul_zero := sorry
smul_add := sorry
add_smul := sorry
zero_smul := sorry
-- { pt := _
-- ι := { app := fun U =>
-- openToLocalization R M ((OpenNhds.inclusion _).obj (unop U)) x (unop U).2 } }

/-- The ring homomorphism that takes a section of the structure sheaf of `R` on the open set `U`,
implemented as a subtype of dependent functions to localizations at prime ideals, and evaluates
Expand All @@ -230,6 +237,32 @@ theorem openToLocalization_apply (U : Opens (PrimeSpectrum.Top R)) (x : PrimeSpe
openToLocalization R M U x hx s = (s.1 ⟨x, hx⟩ : _) :=

-- stalk of M at x is an R-module
-- for each open U, M~(U) is an R-module
-- how should we do the second part? do we want to do it via `Gamma(SpecR) = R`, or do we want to
-- define R -action on `\prod_{x \in U} M_x`
noncomputable def smul_by_r (r : R) (x : PrimeSpectrum.Top R) :
TopCat.Presheaf.stalk (C := AddCommGrp.{u}) (TildeAsSheafOfModules R M).1.presheaf x ⟶
TopCat.Presheaf.stalk (C := AddCommGrp.{u}) (TildeAsSheafOfModules R M).1.presheaf x :=
(TopCat.Presheaf.stalkFunctor AddCommGrp.{u} (x)).map
{ app := fun U =>
{ toFun := fun (m) => (((TildeAsSheafOfModules R M).1.module _).smul
((Spec.structureSheaf R) (op $ homOfLE le_top)
((StructureSheaf.globalSectionsIso R).hom r)) m)
map_zero' := sorry
map_add' := sorry }
naturality := sorry }

noncomputable instance (x:PrimeSpectrum.Top R): Module R (TopCat.Presheaf.stalk (C := AddCommGrp.{u}) (TildeAsSheafOfModules R M).1.presheaf x) where
smul r m:= smul_by_r R M r x m
one_smul := sorry
mul_smul := sorry
smul_zero := sorry
smul_add := sorry
add_smul := sorry
zero_smul := sorry

noncomputable def stalkToFiberAddMonoidHom (x : PrimeSpectrum.Top R) :
(TildeInAddCommGrp R M).presheaf.stalk x ⟶ AddCommGrp.of (LocalizedModule x.asIdeal.primeCompl M) :=
Limits.colimit.desc ((OpenNhds.inclusion x).op ⋙ (TildeInAddCommGrp R M).1)
Expand All @@ -254,9 +287,26 @@ theorem stalkToFiberAddMonoidHom_germ (U : Opens (PrimeSpectrum.Top R)) (x : U)
stalkToFiberAddMonoidHom R M x ((TildeInAddCommGrp R M).presheaf.germ x s) = s.1 x := by
cases x; exact stalkToFiberAddMonoidHom_germ' R M U _ _ _

-- example : TopCat.Sheaf (ModuleCat R) (PrimeSpectrum.Top R) := _

-- #check (TildeInModules R M).1.obj (op ⊤)
-- example : M → (TildeInModules R M).1.presheaf.obj (op ⊤) := _
-- stalk M at x \iso M_x as R-module addcommgrp
-- as R_x module (localization)
-- R_x = stalk Spec R at x
def localizationToStalk (x : PrimeSpectrum.Top R) :
ModuleCat.of R (LocalizedModule x.asIdeal.primeCompl M) ⟶ ModuleCat.of R (TopCat.Presheaf.stalk (C := AddCommGrp.{u}) (TildeInModules R M).1.presheaf x) :=
show LocalizedModule x.asIdeal.primeCompl M →+ _ from LocalizedModule.lift (x.asIdeal.primeCompl)
AddCommGrp.of (LocalizedModule x.asIdeal.primeCompl M) ⟶
(TopCat.Presheaf.stalk (C := AddCommGrp.{u}) (TildeAsSheafOfModules R M).1.presheaf x) where
toFun := Quotient.lift (fun (m, s) => _) _
map_zero' := _
map_add' := _

-- show LocalizedModule x.asIdeal.primeCompl M →+ _ from

-- have := LocalizedModule.lift (x.asIdeal.primeCompl) (M := M)
-- (M'' := TopCat.Presheaf.stalk (C := AddCommGrp.{u}) (TildeInModules R M).1.presheaf x)
-- (g := _)

end Tilde
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