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feat: The convolution of a locally integrable function f with a seque…
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…nce of bump functions converges ae to f (#6102)
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sgouezel authored and semorrison committed Aug 14, 2023
1 parent 219fd32 commit e24adc3
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Showing 6 changed files with 210 additions and 24 deletions.
51 changes: 47 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Calculus/BumpFunction/Convolution.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convolution
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.BumpFunction.Normed
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Average
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Covering.Differentiation
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Covering.BesicovitchVectorSpace

#align_import analysis.convolution from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"8905e5ed90859939681a725b00f6063e65096d95"

# Convolution of a bump function
# Convolution with a bump function
In this file we prove lemmas about convolutions `(φ.normed μ ⋆[lsmul ℝ ℝ, μ] g) x₀`,
where `φ : ContDiffBump 0` is a smooth bump function.
Expand All @@ -25,6 +28,9 @@ We also provide estimates in the case if `g x` is close to `g x₀` on this ball
If `(φ i).rOut` tends to zero along a filter `l`,
then `((φ i).normed μ ⋆[lsmul ℝ ℝ, μ] g) x₀` tends to `g x₀` along the same filter.
- `ContDiffBump.convolution_tendsto_right`: generalization of the above lemma.
- `ContDiffBump.ae_convolution_tendsto_right_of_locally_integrable`: let `g` be a locally
integrable function. Then the convolution of `g` with a family of bump functions with
support tending to `0` converges almost everywhere to `g`.
## Keywords
Expand All @@ -33,7 +39,7 @@ convolution, smooth function, bump function

universe uG uE'

open ContinuousLinearMap Metric MeasureTheory Filter Function
open ContinuousLinearMap Metric MeasureTheory Filter Function Measure Set
open scoped Convolution Topology

namespace ContDiffBump
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ nonrec theorem convolution_tendsto_right {ι} {φ : ι → ContDiffBump (0 : G)}
{k : ι → G} {x₀ : G} {z₀ : E'} {l : Filter ι} (hφ : Tendsto (fun i => (φ i).rOut) l (𝓝 0))
(hig : ∀ᶠ i in l, AEStronglyMeasurable (g i) μ) (hcg : Tendsto (uncurry g) (l ×ˢ 𝓝 x₀) (𝓝 z₀))
(hk : Tendsto k l (𝓝 x₀)) :
Tendsto (fun i => ((fun x => (φ i).normed μ x) ⋆[lsmul ℝ ℝ, μ] g i : G → E') (k i)) l (𝓝 z₀) :=
Tendsto (fun i => ((φ i).normed μ ⋆[lsmul ℝ ℝ, μ] g i) (k i)) l (𝓝 z₀) :=
convolution_tendsto_right (eventually_of_forall fun i => (φ i).nonneg_normed)
(eventually_of_forall fun i => (φ i).integral_normed) (tendsto_support_normed_smallSets hφ) hig
hcg hk
Expand All @@ -93,9 +99,46 @@ nonrec theorem convolution_tendsto_right {ι} {φ : ι → ContDiffBump (0 : G)}
and the limit is taken only in the first function. -/
theorem convolution_tendsto_right_of_continuous {ι} {φ : ι → ContDiffBump (0 : G)} {l : Filter ι}
(hφ : Tendsto (fun i => (φ i).rOut) l (𝓝 0)) (hg : Continuous g) (x₀ : G) :
Tendsto (fun i => ((fun x => (φ i).normed μ x) ⋆[lsmul ℝ ℝ, μ] g : G → E') x₀) l (𝓝 (g x₀)) :=
Tendsto (fun i => ((φ i).normed μ ⋆[lsmul ℝ ℝ, μ] g) x₀) l (𝓝 (g x₀)) :=
convolution_tendsto_right hφ (eventually_of_forall fun _ => hg.aestronglyMeasurable)
((hg.tendsto x₀).comp tendsto_snd) tendsto_const_nhds
#align cont_diff_bump.convolution_tendsto_right_of_continuous ContDiffBump.convolution_tendsto_right_of_continuous

local macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y) -- Porting note: See issue #2220

/-- If a function `g` is locally integrable, then the convolution `φ i * g` converges almost
everywhere to `g` if `φ i` is a sequence of bump functions with support tending to `0`, provided
that the ratio between the inner and outer radii of `φ i` remains bounded. -/
theorem ae_convolution_tendsto_right_of_locally_integrable
{ι} {φ : ι → ContDiffBump (0 : G)} {l : Filter ι} {K : ℝ}
(hφ : Tendsto (fun i ↦ (φ i).rOut) l (𝓝 0))
(h'φ : ∀ᶠ i in l, (φ i).rOut ≤ K * (φ i).rIn) (hg : LocallyIntegrable g μ) : ∀ᵐ x₀ ∂μ,
Tendsto (fun i ↦ ((φ i).normed μ ⋆[lsmul ℝ ℝ, μ] g) x₀) l (𝓝 (g x₀)) := by
have : IsAddHaarMeasure μ := ⟨⟩
-- By Lebesgue differentiation theorem, the average of `g` on a small ball converges
-- almost everywhere to the value of `g` as the radius shrinks to zero.
-- We will see that this set of points satisfies the desired conclusion.
filter_upwards [(Besicovitch.vitaliFamily μ).ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub hg] with x₀ h₀
simp only [convolution_eq_swap, lsmul_apply]
have hφ' : Tendsto (fun i ↦ (φ i).rOut) l (𝓝[>] 0) :=
tendsto_nhdsWithin_iff.2 ⟨hφ, eventually_of_forall (fun i ↦ (φ i).rOut_pos)⟩
have := (h₀.comp (Besicovitch.tendsto_filterAt μ x₀)).comp hφ'
simp only [Function.comp] at this
apply tendsto_integral_smul_of_tendsto_average_norm_sub (K ^ (FiniteDimensional.finrank ℝ G)) this
· apply eventually_of_forall (fun i ↦ ?_)
apply hg.integrableOn_isCompact
exact isCompact_closedBall _ _
· apply tendsto_const_nhds.congr (fun i ↦ ?_)
rw [← integral_neg_eq_self]
simp only [sub_neg_eq_add, integral_add_left_eq_self, integral_normed]
· apply eventually_of_forall (fun i ↦ ?_)
change support ((ContDiffBump.normed (φ i) μ) ∘ (fun y ↦ x₀ - y)) ⊆ closedBall x₀ (φ i).rOut
simp only [support_comp_eq_preimage, support_normed_eq]
intro x hx
simp only [mem_preimage, mem_ball, dist_zero_right] at hx
simpa [dist_eq_norm_sub'] using hx.le
· filter_upwards [h'φ] with i hi x
rw [abs_of_nonneg (nonneg_normed _ _), addHaar_closedBall_center]
exact (φ i).normed_le_div_measure_closedBall_rOut _ _ hi _

end ContDiffBump
57 changes: 56 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Analysis/Calculus/BumpFunction/Normed.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.BumpFunction.Basic
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.SetIntegral
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Lebesgue.EqHaar

#align_import analysis.calculus.bump_function_inner from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"3bce8d800a6f2b8f63fe1e588fd76a9ff4adcebe"

Expand All @@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ In this file we define `ContDiffBump.normed f μ` to be the bump function `f` no

noncomputable section

open Function Filter Set Metric MeasureTheory
open Function Filter Set Metric MeasureTheory FiniteDimensional Measure
open scoped Topology

namespace ContDiffBump
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,4 +108,58 @@ theorem integral_normed_smul {X} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace ℝ X]
simp_rw [integral_smul_const, f.integral_normed (μ := μ), one_smul]
#align cont_diff_bump.integral_normed_smul ContDiffBump.integral_normed_smul

theorem measure_closedBall_le_integral : (μ (closedBall c f.rIn)).toReal ≤ ∫ x, f x ∂μ := by calc
(μ (closedBall c f.rIn)).toReal = ∫ x in closedBall c f.rIn, 1 ∂μ := by simp
_ = ∫ x in closedBall c f.rIn, f x ∂μ := set_integral_congr (measurableSet_closedBall)
(fun x hx ↦ (one_of_mem_closedBall f hx).symm)
_ ≤ ∫ x, f x ∂μ := set_integral_le_integral f.integrable (eventually_of_forall (fun x ↦ f.nonneg))

theorem normed_le_div_measure_closedBall_rIn (x : E) :
f.normed μ x ≤ 1 / (μ (closedBall c f.rIn)).toReal := by
rw [normed_def]
· exact ENNReal.toReal_pos (measure_closedBall_pos _ _ f.rIn_pos).ne'
· exact f.le_one
· exact f.measure_closedBall_le_integral μ

theorem integral_le_measure_closedBall : ∫ x, f x ∂μ ≤ (μ (closedBall c f.rOut)).toReal := by calc
∫ x, f x ∂μ = ∫ x in closedBall c f.rOut, f x ∂μ := by
apply (set_integral_eq_integral_of_forall_compl_eq_zero (fun x hx ↦ ?_)).symm
apply f.zero_of_le_dist (le_of_lt _)
simpa using hx
_ ≤ ∫ x in closedBall c f.rOut, 1 ∂μ := by
apply set_integral_mono f.integrable.integrableOn _ (fun x ↦ f.le_one)
simp [measure_closedBall_lt_top]
_ = (μ (closedBall c f.rOut)).toReal := by simp

local macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y) -- Porting note: See Lean 4 issue #2220

theorem measure_closedBall_div_le_integral [IsAddHaarMeasure μ] (K : ℝ) (h : f.rOut ≤ K * f.rIn) :
(μ (closedBall c f.rOut)).toReal / K ^ finrank ℝ E ≤ ∫ x, f x ∂μ := by
have K_pos : 0 < K := by
simpa [f.rIn_pos, not_lt.2 f.rIn_pos.le] using mul_pos_iff.1 (f.rOut_pos.trans_le h)
apply le_trans _ (f.measure_closedBall_le_integral μ)
rw [div_le_iff (pow_pos K_pos _), addHaar_closedBall' _ _ f.rIn_pos.le,
addHaar_closedBall' _ _ f.rOut_pos.le, ENNReal.toReal_mul, ENNReal.toReal_mul,
ENNReal.toReal_ofReal (pow_nonneg f.rOut_pos.le _),
ENNReal.toReal_ofReal (pow_nonneg f.rIn_pos.le _), mul_assoc, mul_comm _ (K ^ _), ← mul_assoc,
← mul_pow, mul_comm _ K]
exact f.rOut_pos.le

theorem normed_le_div_measure_closedBall_rOut [IsAddHaarMeasure μ] (K : ℝ) (h : f.rOut ≤ K * f.rIn)
(x : E) :
f.normed μ x ≤ K ^ finrank ℝ E / (μ (closedBall c f.rOut)).toReal := by
have K_pos : 0 < K := by
simpa [f.rIn_pos, not_lt.2 f.rIn_pos.le] using mul_pos_iff.1 (f.rOut_pos.trans_le h)
have : f x / ∫ y, f y ∂μ ≤ 1 / ∫ y, f y ∂μ := by
· exact f.integral_pos.le
· exact f.le_one
apply this.trans
rw [div_le_div_iff f.integral_pos, one_mul, ← div_le_iff' (pow_pos K_pos _)]
· exact f.measure_closedBall_div_le_integral μ K h
· exact ENNReal.toReal_pos (measure_closedBall_pos _ _ f.rOut_pos).ne'

end ContDiffBump
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Covering/DensityTheorem.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ theorem ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div (S : Set α) (K : ℝ) : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ.res

/-- A version of **Lebesgue differentiation theorem** for a sequence of closed balls whose
centers are not required to be fixed. -/
theorem ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ) (K : ℝ) : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ,
theorem ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub {f : α → E} (hf : LocallyIntegrable f μ) (K : ℝ) : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ,
∀ {ι : Type _} {l : Filter ι} (w : ι → α) (δ : ι → ℝ) (δlim : Tendsto δ l (𝓝[>] 0))
(xmem : ∀ᶠ j in l, x ∈ closedBall (w j) (K * δ j)),
Tendsto (fun j => ⨍ y in closedBall (w j) (δ j), ‖f y - f x‖ ∂μ) l (𝓝 0) := by
Expand All @@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ theorem ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ) (K :

/-- A version of **Lebesgue differentiation theorem** for a sequence of closed balls whose
centers are not required to be fixed. -/
theorem ae_tendsto_average [NormedSpace ℝ E] [CompleteSpace E] {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ)
(K : ℝ) : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ,
theorem ae_tendsto_average [NormedSpace ℝ E] [CompleteSpace E]
{f : α → E} (hf : LocallyIntegrable f μ) (K : ℝ) : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ,
∀ {ι : Type _} {l : Filter ι} (w : ι → α) (δ : ι → ℝ) (δlim : Tendsto δ l (𝓝[>] 0))
(xmem : ∀ᶠ j in l, x ∈ closedBall (w j) (K * δ j)),
Tendsto (fun j => ⨍ y in closedBall (w j) (δ j), f y ∂μ) l (𝓝 (f x)) := by
Expand Down
55 changes: 39 additions & 16 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Covering/Differentiation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -772,7 +772,6 @@ theorem ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div (s : Set α) :

/-! ### Lebesgue differentiation theorem -/

theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_div' {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : Measurable f) (h'f : (∫⁻ y, f y ∂μ) ≠ ∞) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, Tendsto (fun a => (∫⁻ y in a, f y ∂μ) / μ a) (v.filterAt x) (𝓝 (f x)) := by
let ρ := μ.withDensity f
Expand All @@ -799,7 +798,7 @@ theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_div {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : AEMeasurable f μ
exact ae_restrict_of_ae hf.ae_eq_mk
#align vitali_family.ae_tendsto_lintegral_div VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_lintegral_div

theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div' {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ)
theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div'_of_integrable {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ)
(h'f : StronglyMeasurable f) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, Tendsto (fun a => (∫⁻ y in a, ‖f y - f x‖₊ ∂μ) / μ a) (v.filterAt x) (𝓝 0) := by
/- For every `c`, then `(∫⁻ y in a, ‖f y - c‖₊ ∂μ) / μ a` tends almost everywhere to `‖f x - c‖`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,12 +872,12 @@ theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div' {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f
· simp only [lintegral_const, Measure.restrict_apply, MeasurableSet.univ, univ_inter]
exact mul_le_mul_right' xc.le _
_ = ε * μ a := by rw [← add_mul, ENNReal.add_halves]
#align vitali_family.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div' VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div'
#align vitali_family.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div' VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div'_of_integrable

theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ) :
theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div_of_integrable {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, Tendsto (fun a => (∫⁻ y in a, ‖f y - f x‖₊ ∂μ) / μ a) (v.filterAt x) (𝓝 0) := by
have I : Integrable ( f) μ := hf.congr hf.1.ae_eq_mk
filter_upwards [v.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div' I hf.1.stronglyMeasurable_mk,
filter_upwards [v.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div'_of_integrable I hf.1.stronglyMeasurable_mk,
hf.1.ae_eq_mk] with x hx h'x
apply hx.congr _
intro a
Expand All @@ -887,45 +886,69 @@ theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ
apply ae_restrict_of_ae
filter_upwards [hf.1.ae_eq_mk] with y hy
rw [hy, h'x]
#align vitali_family.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div
#align vitali_family.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div_of_integrable

theorem ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div {f : α → E} (hf : LocallyIntegrable f μ) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, Tendsto (fun a => (∫⁻ y in a, ‖f y - f x‖₊ ∂μ) / μ a) (v.filterAt x) (𝓝 0) := by
rcases hf.exists_nat_integrableOn with ⟨u, u_open, u_univ, hu⟩
have : ∀ n, ∀ᵐ x ∂μ,
Tendsto (fun a => (∫⁻ y in a, ‖(u n).indicator f y - (u n).indicator f x‖₊ ∂μ) / μ a)
(v.filterAt x) (𝓝 0) := by
intro n
apply ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div_of_integrable
exact (integrable_indicator_iff (u_open n).measurableSet).2 (hu n)
filter_upwards [ae_all_iff.2 this] with x hx
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ : ∃ n, x ∈ u n := by simpa only [← u_univ, mem_iUnion] using mem_univ x
apply Tendsto.congr' _ (hx n)
filter_upwards [v.eventually_filterAt_subset_of_nhds ((u_open n).mem_nhds hn),
v.eventually_filterAt_measurableSet x] with a ha h'a
congr 1
refine' set_lintegral_congr_fun h'a (eventually_of_forall (fun y hy ↦ _))
rw [indicator_of_mem (ha hy) f, indicator_of_mem hn f]

theorem eventually_filterAt_integrableOn (x : α) {f : α → E} (hf : LocallyIntegrable f μ) :
∀ᶠ a in v.filterAt x, IntegrableOn f a μ := by
rcases hf x with ⟨w, w_nhds, hw⟩
filter_upwards [v.eventually_filterAt_subset_of_nhds w_nhds] with a ha
exact hw.mono_set ha

/-- *Lebesgue differentiation theorem*: for almost every point `x`, the
average of `‖f y - f x‖` on `a` tends to `0` as `a` shrinks to `x` along a Vitali family.-/
theorem ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ) :
theorem ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub {f : α → E} (hf : LocallyIntegrable f μ) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, Tendsto (fun a => ⨍ y in a, ‖f y - f x‖ ∂μ) (v.filterAt x) (𝓝 0) := by
filter_upwards [v.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div hf, v.ae_eventually_measure_pos] with x hx
filter_upwards [v.ae_tendsto_lintegral_nnnorm_sub_div hf] with x hx
have := (ENNReal.tendsto_toReal ENNReal.zero_ne_top).comp hx
simp only [ENNReal.zero_toReal] at this
apply Tendsto.congr' _ this
filter_upwards [h'x, v.eventually_measure_lt_top x] with a _ h'a
filter_upwards [v.eventually_measure_lt_top x, v.eventually_filterAt_integrableOn x hf]
with a h'a h''a
simp only [Function.comp_apply, ENNReal.toReal_div, setAverage_eq, div_eq_inv_mul]
have A : IntegrableOn (fun y => (‖f y - f x‖₊ : ℝ)) a μ := by
simp_rw [coe_nnnorm]
exact (hf.integrableOn.sub (integrableOn_const.2 (Or.inr h'a))).norm
exact (h''a.sub (integrableOn_const.2 (Or.inr h'a))).norm
rw [lintegral_coe_eq_integral _ A, ENNReal.toReal_ofReal]
· simp_rw [coe_nnnorm]
· apply integral_nonneg
intro x
exact NNReal.coe_nonneg _
#align vitali_family.ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub

/-- *Lebesgue differentiation theorem*: for almost every point `x`, the
average of `f` on `a` tends to `f x` as `a` shrinks to `x` along a Vitali family.-/
theorem ae_tendsto_average [NormedSpace ℝ E] [CompleteSpace E] {f : α → E} (hf : Integrable f μ) :
theorem ae_tendsto_average [NormedSpace ℝ E] [CompleteSpace E] {f : α → E}
(hf : LocallyIntegrable f μ) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, Tendsto (fun a => ⨍ y in a, f y ∂μ) (v.filterAt x) (𝓝 (f x)) := by
filter_upwards [v.ae_tendsto_average_norm_sub hf, v.ae_eventually_measure_pos] with x hx h'x
rw [tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero]
refine' squeeze_zero' (eventually_of_forall fun a => norm_nonneg _) _ hx
filter_upwards [h'x, v.eventually_measure_lt_top x] with a ha h'a
filter_upwards [h'x, v.eventually_measure_lt_top x, v.eventually_filterAt_integrableOn x hf]
with a ha h'a h''a
nth_rw 1 [← setAverage_const' h' (f x)]
simp_rw [setAverage_eq']
rw [← integral_sub]
· exact norm_integral_le_integral_norm _
· exact (integrable_inv_smul_measure' h' hf.integrableOn
· exact (integrable_inv_smul_measure' h' h''a
· exact (integrable_inv_smul_measure' h' (integrableOn_const.2 (Or.inr h'a))
#align vitali_family.ae_tendsto_average VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_average


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