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feat: port AlgebraicTopology.FundamentalGroupoid.InducedMaps (#5756)
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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Parcly-Taxel and jcommelin committed Jul 7, 2023
1 parent 7e1b24f commit e5bc438
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Showing 3 changed files with 262 additions and 13 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.DoldKan.SplitSimplicialObject
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.ExtraDegeneracy
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.FundamentalGroupoid.Basic
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.FundamentalGroupoid.FundamentalGroup
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.FundamentalGroupoid.InducedMaps
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.FundamentalGroupoid.PUnit
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.FundamentalGroupoid.Product
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.MooreComplex
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248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicTopology/FundamentalGroupoid/InducedMaps.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Praneeth Kolichala. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Praneeth Kolichala
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module algebraic_topology.fundamental_groupoid.induced_maps
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit e5470580a62bf043e10976760edfe73c913eb71e
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Homotopy.Equiv
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Equivalence
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.FundamentalGroupoid.Product

# Homotopic maps induce naturally isomorphic functors
## Main definitions
- `FundamentalGroupoidFunctor.homotopicMapsNatIso H` The natural isomorphism
between the induced functors `f : π(X) ⥤ π(Y)` and `g : π(X) ⥤ π(Y)`, given a homotopy
`H : f ∼ g`
- `FundamentalGroupoidFunctor.equivOfHomotopyEquiv hequiv` The equivalence of the categories
`π(X)` and `π(Y)` given a homotopy equivalence `hequiv : X ≃ₕ Y` between them.
## Implementation notes
- In order to be more universe polymorphic, we define `ContinuousMap.Homotopy.uliftMap`
which lifts a homotopy from `I × X → Y` to `(TopCat.of ((ULift I) × X)) → Y`. This is because
this construction uses `FundamentalGroupoidFunctor.prodToProdTop` to convert between
pairs of paths in I and X and the corresponding path after passing through a homotopy `H`.
But `FundamentalGroupoidFunctor.prodToProdTop` requires two spaces in the same universe.

noncomputable section

universe u

open FundamentalGroupoid

open CategoryTheory

open FundamentalGroupoidFunctor

open scoped FundamentalGroupoid

open scoped unitInterval

namespace unitInterval

/-- The path 0 ⟶ 1 in `I` -/
def path01 : Path (0 : I) 1 where
toFun := id
source' := rfl
target' := rfl
#align unit_interval.path01 unitInterval.path01

/-- The path 0 ⟶ 1 in `ULift I` -/
def upath01 : Path (ULift.up 0 : ULift.{u} I) (ULift.up 1) where
toFun := ULift.up
source' := rfl
target' := rfl
#align unit_interval.upath01 unitInterval.upath01

attribute [local instance] Path.Homotopic.setoid

/-- The homotopy path class of 0 → 1 in `ULift I` -/
def uhpath01 : @fromTop (TopCat.of <| ULift.{u} I) (ULift.up (0 : I)) ⟶ fromTop (ULift.up 1) :=
#align unit_interval.uhpath01 unitInterval.uhpath01

end unitInterval

namespace ContinuousMap.Homotopy

open unitInterval (uhpath01)

attribute [local instance] Path.Homotopic.setoid

section Casts

/-- Abbreviation for `eqToHom` that accepts points in a topological space -/
abbrev hcast {X : TopCat} {x₀ x₁ : X} (hx : x₀ = x₁) : fromTop x₀ ⟶ fromTop x₁ :=
eqToHom hx
#align continuous_map.homotopy.hcast ContinuousMap.Homotopy.hcast

theorem hcast_def {X : TopCat} {x₀ x₁ : X} (hx₀ : x₀ = x₁) : hcast hx₀ = eqToHom hx₀ :=
#align continuous_map.homotopy.hcast_def ContinuousMap.Homotopy.hcast_def

variable {X₁ X₂ Y : TopCat.{u}} {f : C(X₁, Y)} {g : C(X₂, Y)} {x₀ x₁ : X₁} {x₂ x₃ : X₂}
{p : Path x₀ x₁} {q : Path x₂ x₃} (hfg : ∀ t, f (p t) = g (q t))

/-- If `f(p(t) = g(q(t))` for two paths `p` and `q`, then the induced path homotopy classes
`f(p)` and `g(p)` are the same as well, despite having a priori different types -/
theorem heq_path_of_eq_image : HEq ((πₘ f).map ⟦p⟧) ((πₘ g).map ⟦q⟧) := by
simp only [map_eq, ← Path.Homotopic.map_lift]; apply Path.Homotopic.hpath_hext; exact hfg
#align continuous_map.homotopy.heq_path_of_eq_image ContinuousMap.Homotopy.heq_path_of_eq_image

private theorem start_path : f x₀ = g x₂ := by convert hfg 0 <;> simp only [Path.source]

private theorem end_path : f x₁ = g x₃ := by convert hfg 1 <;> simp only []

theorem eq_path_of_eq_image :
(πₘ f).map ⟦p⟧ = hcast (start_path hfg) ≫ (πₘ g).map ⟦q⟧ ≫ hcast (end_path hfg).symm := by
rw [Functor.conj_eqToHom_iff_heq
((πₘ f).map ⟦p⟧) ((πₘ g).map ⟦q⟧) (start_path hfg) (end_path hfg)]
exact heq_path_of_eq_image hfg
#align continuous_map.homotopy.eq_path_of_eq_image ContinuousMap.Homotopy.eq_path_of_eq_image

end Casts

-- We let `X` and `Y` be spaces, and `f` and `g` be homotopic maps between them
variable {X Y : TopCat.{u}} {f g : C(X, Y)} (H : ContinuousMap.Homotopy f g) {x₀ x₁ : X}
(p : fromTop x₀ ⟶ fromTop x₁)

These definitions set up the following diagram, for each path `p`:
| \ |
H₀ | \ d | H₁
| \ |
Here, `H₀ = H.evalAt x₀` is the path from `f(x₀)` to `g(x₀)`,
and similarly for `H₁`. Similarly, `f(p)` denotes the
path in Y that the induced map `f` takes `p`, and similarly for `g(p)`.
Finally, `d`, the diagonal path, is H(0 ⟶ 1, p), the result of the induced `H` on
` (0 ⟶ 1) p`, where `(0 ⟶ 1)` denotes the path from `0` to `1` in `I`.
It is clear that the diagram commutes (`H₀ ≫ g(p) = d = f(p) ≫ H₁`), but unfortunately,
many of the paths do not have defeq starting/ending points, so we end up needing some casting.

/-- Interpret a homotopy `H : C(I × X, Y)` as a map `C(ULift I × X, Y)` -/
def uliftMap : C(TopCat.of (ULift.{u} I × X), Y) :=
fun x => H (x.1.down, x.2),
H.continuous.comp ((continuous_induced_dom.comp continuous_fst).prod_mk continuous_snd)⟩
#align continuous_map.homotopy.ulift_map ContinuousMap.Homotopy.uliftMap

theorem ulift_apply (i : ULift.{u} I) (x : X) : H.uliftMap (i, x) = H (i.down, x) :=
#align continuous_map.homotopy.ulift_apply ContinuousMap.Homotopy.ulift_apply

/-- An abbreviation for `prodToProdTop`, with some types already in place to help the
typechecker. In particular, the first path should be on the ulifted unit interval. -/
abbrev prodToProdTopI {a₁ a₂ : TopCat.of (ULift I)} {b₁ b₂ : X} (p₁ : fromTop a₁ ⟶ fromTop a₂)
(p₂ : fromTop b₁ ⟶ fromTop b₂) :=
(prodToProdTop (TopCat.of <| ULift I) X).map (X := (a₁, b₁)) (Y := (a₂, b₂)) (p₁, p₂)
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align continuous_map.homotopy.prod_to_prod_Top_I ContinuousMap.Homotopy.prodToProdTopI

/-- The diagonal path `d` of a homotopy `H` on a path `p` -/
def diagonalPath : fromTop (H (0, x₀)) ⟶ fromTop (H (1, x₁)) :=
(πₘ H.uliftMap).map (prodToProdTopI uhpath01 p)
#align continuous_map.homotopy.diagonal_path ContinuousMap.Homotopy.diagonalPath

/-- The diagonal path, but starting from `f x₀` and going to `g x₁` -/
def diagonalPath' : fromTop (f x₀) ⟶ fromTop (g x₁) :=
hcast (H.apply_zero x₀).symm ≫ H.diagonalPath p ≫ hcast (H.apply_one x₁)
#align continuous_map.homotopy.diagonal_path' ContinuousMap.Homotopy.diagonalPath'

/-- Proof that `f(p) = H(0 ⟶ 0, p)`, with the appropriate casts -/
theorem apply_zero_path : (πₘ f).map p = hcast (H.apply_zero x₀).symm ≫
(πₘ H.uliftMap).map (prodToProdTopI (𝟙 (@fromTop (TopCat.of _) (ULift.up 0))) p) ≫
hcast (H.apply_zero x₁) :=
Quotient.inductionOn p fun p' => by
apply @eq_path_of_eq_image _ _ _ _ H.uliftMap _ _ _ _ _ ((Path.refl (ULift.up _)).prod p')
rw [Path.prod_coe]; simp_rw [ulift_apply]; simp
#align continuous_map.homotopy.apply_zero_path ContinuousMap.Homotopy.apply_zero_path

/-- Proof that `g(p) = H(1 ⟶ 1, p)`, with the appropriate casts -/
theorem apply_one_path : (πₘ g).map p = hcast (H.apply_one x₀).symm ≫
(πₘ H.uliftMap).map (prodToProdTopI (𝟙 (@fromTop (TopCat.of _) (ULift.up 1))) p) ≫
hcast (H.apply_one x₁) :=
Quotient.inductionOn p fun p' => by
apply @eq_path_of_eq_image _ _ _ _ H.uliftMap _ _ _ _ _ ((Path.refl (ULift.up _)).prod p')
rw [Path.prod_coe]; simp_rw [ulift_apply]; simp
#align continuous_map.homotopy.apply_one_path ContinuousMap.Homotopy.apply_one_path

/-- Proof that `H.evalAt x = H(0 ⟶ 1, x ⟶ x)`, with the appropriate casts -/
theorem evalAt_eq (x : X) : ⟦H.evalAt x⟧ = hcast (H.apply_zero x).symm ≫
(πₘ H.uliftMap).map (prodToProdTopI uhpath01 (𝟙 x)) ≫ hcast (H.apply_one x).symm.symm := by
dsimp only [prodToProdTopI, uhpath01, hcast]
refine' (@Functor.conj_eqToHom_iff_heq (πₓ Y) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (H.apply_one x).symm).mpr _
simp only [id_eq_path_refl, prodToProdTop_map, Path.Homotopic.prod_lift, map_eq, ←
apply Path.Homotopic.hpath_hext; intro; rfl
#align continuous_map.homotopy.eval_at_eq ContinuousMap.Homotopy.evalAt_eq

-- Finally, we show `d = f(p) ≫ H₁ = H₀ ≫ g(p)`
theorem eq_diag_path : (πₘ f).map p ≫ ⟦H.evalAt x₁⟧ = H.diagonalPath' p ∧
(⟦H.evalAt x₀⟧ ≫ (πₘ g).map p : fromTop (f x₀) ⟶ fromTop (g x₁)) = H.diagonalPath' p := by
rw [H.apply_zero_path, H.apply_one_path, H.evalAt_eq]
erw [H.evalAt_eq] -- Porting note: `rw` didn't work, so using `erw`
dsimp only [prodToProdTopI]
· slice_lhs 2 4 => rw [eqToHom_trans, eqToHom_refl] -- Porting note: this ↓ `simp` didn't do this
slice_lhs 2 4 => simp [← CategoryTheory.Functor.map_comp]
· slice_lhs 2 4 => rw [eqToHom_trans, eqToHom_refl] -- Porting note: this ↓ `simp` didn't do this
slice_lhs 2 4 => simp [← CategoryTheory.Functor.map_comp]
#align continuous_map.homotopy.eq_diag_path ContinuousMap.Homotopy.eq_diag_path

end ContinuousMap.Homotopy

namespace FundamentalGroupoidFunctor

open CategoryTheory

open scoped FundamentalGroupoid

attribute [local instance] Path.Homotopic.setoid

variable {X Y : TopCat.{u}} {f g : C(X, Y)} (H : ContinuousMap.Homotopy f g)

/-- Given a homotopy H : f ∼ g, we have an associated natural isomorphism between the induced
functors `f` and `g` -/
-- Porting note: couldn't use category arrow `\hom` in statement, needed to expand
def homotopicMapsNatIso : @Quiver.Hom _ Functor.category.toQuiver (πₘ f) (πₘ g) where
app x := ⟦H.evalAt x⟧
-- Porting note: Turned `rw` into `erw` in the line below
naturality x y p := by erw [(H.eq_diag_path p).1, (H.eq_diag_path p).2]
#align fundamental_groupoid_functor.homotopic_maps_nat_iso FundamentalGroupoidFunctor.homotopicMapsNatIso

instance : IsIso (homotopicMapsNatIso H) := by apply NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app

open scoped ContinuousMap

/-- Homotopy equivalent topological spaces have equivalent fundamental groupoids. -/
def equivOfHomotopyEquiv (hequiv : X ≃ₕ Y) : πₓ X ≌ πₓ Y := by
apply (πₘ hequiv.toFun : πₓ X ⥤ πₓ Y)
(πₘ hequiv.invFun : πₓ Y ⥤ πₓ X) <;>
simp only [Grpd.hom_to_functor, Grpd.id_to_functor]
· convert (asIso (homotopicMapsNatIso hequiv.left_inv.some)).symm
exacts [((π).map_id X).symm, ((π).map_comp _ _).symm]
· convert asIso (homotopicMapsNatIso hequiv.right_inv.some)
exacts [((π).map_comp _ _).symm, ((π).map_id Y).symm]
#align fundamental_groupoid_functor.equiv_of_homotopy_equiv FundamentalGroupoidFunctor.equivOfHomotopyEquiv

end FundamentalGroupoidFunctor
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/EqToHom.lean
Expand Up @@ -189,17 +189,17 @@ theorem ext {F G : C ⥤ D} (h_obj : ∀ X, F.obj X = G.obj X)
#align category_theory.functor.ext CategoryTheory.Functor.ext

/-- Two morphisms are conjugate via eqToHom if and only if they are heterogeneously equal. -/
theorem conj_eqToHom_iff_hEq {W X Y Z : C} (f : W ⟶ X) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (h : W = Y) (h' : X = Z) :
theorem conj_eqToHom_iff_heq {W X Y Z : C} (f : W ⟶ X) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (h : W = Y) (h' : X = Z) :
f = eqToHom h ≫ g ≫ eqToHom h'.symm ↔ HEq f g := by
cases h
cases h'
#align category_theory.functor.conj_eq_to_hom_iff_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.conj_eqToHom_iff_hEq
#align category_theory.functor.conj_eq_to_hom_iff_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.conj_eqToHom_iff_heq

/-- Proving equality between functors using heterogeneous equality. -/
theorem hext {F G : C ⥤ D} (h_obj : ∀ X, F.obj X = G.obj X)
(h_map : ∀ (X Y) (f : X ⟶ Y), HEq ( f) ( f)) : F = G :=
Functor.ext h_obj fun _ _ f => (conj_eqToHom_iff_hEq _ _ (h_obj _) (h_obj _)).2 <| h_map _ _ f
Functor.ext h_obj fun _ _ f => (conj_eqToHom_iff_heq _ _ (h_obj _) (h_obj _)).2 <| h_map _ _ f
#align category_theory.functor.hext CategoryTheory.Functor.hext

-- Using equalities between functors.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,34 +227,34 @@ section HEq
-- Composition of functors and maps w.r.t. heq
variable {E : Type u₃} [Category.{v₃} E] {F G : C ⥤ D} {X Y Z : C} {f : X ⟶ Y} {g : Y ⟶ Z}

theorem map_comp_hEq (hx : F.obj X = G.obj X) (hy : F.obj Y = G.obj Y) (hz : F.obj Z = G.obj Z)
theorem map_comp_heq (hx : F.obj X = G.obj X) (hy : F.obj Y = G.obj Y) (hz : F.obj Z = G.obj Z)
(hf : HEq ( f) ( f)) (hg : HEq ( g) ( g)) :
HEq ( (f ≫ g)) ( (f ≫ g)) := by
rw [F.map_comp, G.map_comp]
#align category_theory.functor.map_comp_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.map_comp_hEq
#align category_theory.functor.map_comp_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.map_comp_heq

theorem map_comp_hEq' (hobj : ∀ X : C, F.obj X = G.obj X)
theorem map_comp_heq' (hobj : ∀ X : C, F.obj X = G.obj X)
(hmap : ∀ {X Y} (f : X ⟶ Y), HEq ( f) ( f)) :
HEq ( (f ≫ g)) ( (f ≫ g)) := by
rw [Functor.hext hobj fun _ _ => hmap]
#align category_theory.functor.map_comp_heq' CategoryTheory.Functor.map_comp_hEq'
#align category_theory.functor.map_comp_heq' CategoryTheory.Functor.map_comp_heq'

theorem precomp_map_hEq (H : E ⥤ C) (hmap : ∀ {X Y} (f : X ⟶ Y), HEq ( f) ( f)) {X Y : E}
theorem precomp_map_heq (H : E ⥤ C) (hmap : ∀ {X Y} (f : X ⟶ Y), HEq ( f) ( f)) {X Y : E}
(f : X ⟶ Y) : HEq ((H ⋙ F).map f) ((H ⋙ G).map f) :=
hmap _
#align category_theory.functor.precomp_map_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.precomp_map_hEq
#align category_theory.functor.precomp_map_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.precomp_map_heq

theorem postcomp_map_hEq (H : D ⥤ E) (hx : F.obj X = G.obj X) (hy : F.obj Y = G.obj Y)
theorem postcomp_map_heq (H : D ⥤ E) (hx : F.obj X = G.obj X) (hy : F.obj Y = G.obj Y)
(hmap : HEq ( f) ( f)) : HEq ((F ⋙ H).map f) ((G ⋙ H).map f) := by
#align category_theory.functor.postcomp_map_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.postcomp_map_hEq
#align category_theory.functor.postcomp_map_heq CategoryTheory.Functor.postcomp_map_heq

theorem postcomp_map_hEq' (H : D ⥤ E) (hobj : ∀ X : C, F.obj X = G.obj X)
theorem postcomp_map_heq' (H : D ⥤ E) (hobj : ∀ X : C, F.obj X = G.obj X)
(hmap : ∀ {X Y} (f : X ⟶ Y), HEq ( f) ( f)) : HEq ((F ⋙ H).map f) ((G ⋙ H).map f) :=
by rw [Functor.hext hobj fun _ _ => hmap]
#align category_theory.functor.postcomp_map_heq' CategoryTheory.Functor.postcomp_map_hEq'
#align category_theory.functor.postcomp_map_heq' CategoryTheory.Functor.postcomp_map_heq'

theorem hcongr_hom {F G : C ⥤ D} (h : F = G) {X Y} (f : X ⟶ Y) : HEq ( f) ( f) := by
rw [h]
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