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feat: port CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.RegularMono (#2686)
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mattrobball committed Mar 7, 2023
1 parent 6ce32ee commit eaca0de
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Showing 2 changed files with 334 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.DisjointCoproduct
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Equalizers
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Products
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Pullbacks
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.RegularMono
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.SplitCoequalizer
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.StrongEpi
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Terminal
Expand Down
333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/Shapes/RegularMono.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison, Bhavik Mehta
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.limits.shapes.regular_mono
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 239d882c4fb58361ee8b3b39fb2091320edef10a
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Pullbacks
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.StrongEpi
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Equalizers
import Mathlib.Lean.Expr.Basic

# Definitions and basic properties of regular monomorphisms and epimorphisms.
A regular monomorphism is a morphism that is the equalizer of some parallel pair.
We give the constructions
* `IsSplitMono → RegularMono` and
* `RegularMono → Mono`
as well as the dual constructions for regular epimorphisms. Additionally, we give the construction
* `RegularEpi ⟶ StrongEpi`.
We also define classes `RegularMonoCategory` and `RegularEpiCategory` for categories in which
every monomorphism or epimorphism is regular, and deduce that these categories are
`StrongMonoCategory`s resp. `StrongEpiCategory`s.

noncomputable section

namespace CategoryTheory

open CategoryTheory.Limits

universe v₁ u₁ u₂

variable {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C]

variable {X Y : C}

/-- A regular monomorphism is a morphism which is the equalizer of some parallel pair. -/
class RegularMono (f : X ⟶ Y) where
/-- An object in `C` -/
Z : C -- Porting note: violates naming but what is better?
/-- A map from the codomain of `f` to `Z` -/
left : Y ⟶ Z
/-- Another map from the codomain of `f` to `Z` -/
right : Y ⟶ Z
/-- `f` equalizes the two maps -/
w : f ≫ left = f ≫ right
/-- `f` is the equalizer of the two maps -/
isLimit : IsLimit (Fork.ofι f w)
#align category_theory.regular_mono CategoryTheory.RegularMono

attribute [reassoc] RegularMono.w

/-- Every regular monomorphism is a monomorphism. -/
instance (priority := 100) RegularMono.mono (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularMono f] : Mono f :=
mono_of_isLimit_fork RegularMono.isLimit
#align category_theory.regular_mono.mono CategoryTheory.RegularMono.mono

instance equalizerRegular (g h : X ⟶ Y) [HasLimit (parallelPair g h)] :
RegularMono (equalizer.ι g h) where
Z := Y
left := g
right := h
w := equalizer.condition g h
isLimit := _ (fun s => limit.lift _ s) (by simp) fun s m w =>
apply equalizer.hom_ext
simp [← w]
#align category_theory.equalizer_regular CategoryTheory.equalizerRegular

/-- Every split monomorphism is a regular monomorphism. -/
instance (priority := 100) RegularMono.ofIsSplitMono (f : X ⟶ Y) [IsSplitMono f] : RegularMono f
Z := Y
left := 𝟙 Y
right := retraction f ≫ f
w := by aesop_cat
isLimit := isSplitMonoEqualizes f
#align category_theory.regular_mono.of_is_split_mono CategoryTheory.RegularMono.ofIsSplitMono

/-- If `f` is a regular mono, then any map `k : W ⟶ Y` equalizing `RegularMono.left` and
`RegularMono.right` induces a morphism `l : W ⟶ X` such that `l ≫ f = k`. -/
def RegularMono.lift' {W : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularMono f] (k : W ⟶ Y)
(h : k ≫ (RegularMono.left : Y ⟶ @RegularMono.Z _ _ _ _ f _) = k ≫ RegularMono.right) :
{ l : W ⟶ X // l ≫ f = k } :=
Fork.IsLimit.lift' RegularMono.isLimit _ h
#align category_theory.regular_mono.lift' CategoryTheory.RegularMono.lift'

/-- The second leg of a pullback cone is a regular monomorphism if the right component is too.
See also `Pullback.sndOfMono` for the basic monomorphism version, and
`regularOfIsPullbackFstOfRegular` for the flipped version.
def regularOfIsPullbackSndOfRegular {P Q R S : C} {f : P ⟶ Q} {g : P ⟶ R} {h : Q ⟶ S} {k : R ⟶ S}
[hr : RegularMono h] (comm : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) (t : IsLimit ( _ _ comm)) :
RegularMono g where
Z := hr.Z
left := k ≫ hr.left
right := k ≫ hr.right
w := by
repeat (rw [← Category.assoc, ← eq_whisker comm])
simp only [Category.assoc, hr.w]
isLimit := by
apply' _ _
intro s
have l₁ : (Fork.ι s ≫ k) ≫ RegularMono.left = (Fork.ι s ≫ k) ≫ hr.right
rw [Category.assoc, s.condition, Category.assoc]
obtain ⟨l, hl⟩ := Fork.IsLimit.lift' hr.isLimit _ l₁
obtain ⟨p, _, hp₂⟩ := PullbackCone.IsLimit.lift' t _ _ hl
refine' ⟨p, hp₂, _⟩
intro m w
have z : m ≫ g = p ≫ g := w.trans hp₂.symm
apply t.hom_ext
apply ( f g comm).equalizer_ext
· erw [← cancel_mono h, Category.assoc, Category.assoc, comm]
simp only [← Category.assoc, eq_whisker z]
· exact z
#align category_theory.regular_of_is_pullback_snd_of_regular CategoryTheory.regularOfIsPullbackSndOfRegular

/-- The first leg of a pullback cone is a regular monomorphism if the left component is too.
See also `Pullback.fstOfMono` for the basic monomorphism version, and
`regularOfIsPullbackSndOfRegular` for the flipped version.
def regularOfIsPullbackFstOfRegular {P Q R S : C} {f : P ⟶ Q} {g : P ⟶ R} {h : Q ⟶ S} {k : R ⟶ S}
[RegularMono k] (comm : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) (t : IsLimit ( _ _ comm)) :
RegularMono f :=
regularOfIsPullbackSndOfRegular comm.symm (PullbackCone.flipIsLimit t)
#align category_theory.regular_of_is_pullback_fst_of_regular CategoryTheory.regularOfIsPullbackFstOfRegular

instance (priority := 100) strongMono_of_regularMono (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularMono f] : StrongMono f :=' (by
intro A B z hz u v sq
have : v ≫ (RegularMono.left : Y ⟶ RegularMono.Z f) = v ≫ RegularMono.right := by
apply (cancel_epi z).1
repeat (rw [← Category.assoc, ← eq_whisker sq.w])
simp only [Category.assoc, RegularMono.w]
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := RegularMono.lift' _ _ this
refine'' ⟨t, (cancel_mono f).1 _, ht⟩
simp only [Arrow.mk_hom, Arrow.homMk'_left, Category.assoc, ht, sq.w])
#align category_theory.strong_mono_of_regular_mono CategoryTheory.strongMono_of_regularMono

/-- A regular monomorphism is an isomorphism if it is an epimorphism. -/
theorem isIso_of_regularMono_of_epi (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularMono f] [Epi f] : IsIso f :=
isIso_of_epi_of_strongMono _
#align category_theory.is_iso_of_regular_mono_of_epi CategoryTheory.isIso_of_regularMono_of_epi


variable (C)

/-- A regular mono category is a category in which every monomorphism is regular. -/
class RegularMonoCategory where
/-- Every monomorphism is a regular monomorphism -/
regularMonoOfMono : ∀ {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [Mono f], RegularMono f
#align category_theory.regular_mono_category CategoryTheory.RegularMonoCategory


/-- In a category in which every monomorphism is regular, we can express every monomorphism as
an equalizer. This is not an instance because it would create an instance loop. -/
def regularMonoOfMono [RegularMonoCategory C] (f : X ⟶ Y) [Mono f] : RegularMono f :=
RegularMonoCategory.regularMonoOfMono _
#align category_theory.regular_mono_of_mono CategoryTheory.regularMonoOfMono

instance (priority := 100) regularMonoCategoryOfSplitMonoCategory [SplitMonoCategory C] :
RegularMonoCategory C where
regularMonoOfMono f _ := by
haveI := isSplitMono_of_mono f
#align category_theory.regular_mono_category_of_split_mono_category CategoryTheory.regularMonoCategoryOfSplitMonoCategory

instance (priority := 100) strongMonoCategory_of_regularMonoCategory [RegularMonoCategory C] :
StrongMonoCategory C where
strongMono_of_mono f _ := by
haveI := regularMonoOfMono f
#align category_theory.strong_mono_category_of_regular_mono_category CategoryTheory.strongMonoCategory_of_regularMonoCategory

/-- A regular epimorphism is a morphism which is the coequalizer of some parallel pair. -/
class RegularEpi (f : X ⟶ Y) where
/-- An object from `C` -/
W : C -- Porting note: violates naming convention but what is better?
/-- Two maps to the domain of `f` -/
(left right : W ⟶ X)
/-- `f` coequalizes the two maps -/
w : left ≫ f = right ≫ f
/-- `f` is the coequalizer -/
isColimit : IsColimit (Cofork.ofπ f w)
#align category_theory.regular_epi CategoryTheory.RegularEpi

attribute [reassoc] RegularEpi.w

/-- Every regular epimorphism is an epimorphism. -/
instance (priority := 100) RegularEpi.epi (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularEpi f] : Epi f :=
epi_of_isColimit_cofork RegularEpi.isColimit
#align category_theory.regular_epi.epi CategoryTheory.RegularEpi.epi

instance coequalizerRegular (g h : X ⟶ Y) [HasColimit (parallelPair g h)] :
RegularEpi (coequalizer.π g h) where
W := X
left := g
right := h
w := coequalizer.condition g h
isColimit := _ (fun s => colimit.desc _ s) (by simp) fun s m w => by
apply coequalizer.hom_ext; simp [← w]
#align category_theory.coequalizer_regular CategoryTheory.coequalizerRegular

/-- Every split epimorphism is a regular epimorphism. -/
instance (priority := 100) RegularEpi.ofSplitEpi (f : X ⟶ Y) [IsSplitEpi f] : RegularEpi f
W := X
left := 𝟙 X
right := f ≫ section_ f
w := by aesop_cat
isColimit := isSplitEpiCoequalizes f
#align category_theory.regular_epi.of_split_epi CategoryTheory.RegularEpi.ofSplitEpi

/-- If `f` is a regular epi, then every morphism `k : X ⟶ W` coequalizing `RegularEpi.left` and
`RegularEpi.right` induces `l : Y ⟶ W` such that `f ≫ l = k`. -/
def RegularEpi.desc' {W : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularEpi f] (k : X ⟶ W)
(h : (RegularEpi.left : RegularEpi.W f ⟶ X) ≫ k = RegularEpi.right ≫ k) :
{ l : Y ⟶ W // f ≫ l = k } :=
Cofork.IsColimit.desc' RegularEpi.isColimit _ h
#align category_theory.regular_epi.desc' CategoryTheory.RegularEpi.desc'

/-- The second leg of a pushout cocone is a regular epimorphism if the right component is too.
See also `Pushout.sndOfEpi` for the basic epimorphism version, and
`regularOfIsPushoutFstOfRegular` for the flipped version.
def regularOfIsPushoutSndOfRegular {P Q R S : C} {f : P ⟶ Q} {g : P ⟶ R} {h : Q ⟶ S} {k : R ⟶ S}
[gr : RegularEpi g] (comm : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) (t : IsColimit ( _ _ comm)) :
RegularEpi h where
W := gr.W
left := gr.left ≫ f
right := gr.right ≫ f
w := by rw [Category.assoc, Category.assoc, comm]; simp only [← Category.assoc, eq_whisker gr.w]
isColimit := by
apply' _ _
intro s
have l₁ : gr.left ≫ f ≫ s.π = gr.right ≫ f ≫ s.π
rw [← Category.assoc, ← Category.assoc, s.condition]
obtain ⟨l, hl⟩ := Cofork.IsColimit.desc' gr.isColimit (f ≫ Cofork.π s) l₁
obtain ⟨p, hp₁, _⟩ := PushoutCocone.IsColimit.desc' t _ _ hl.symm
refine' ⟨p, hp₁, _⟩
intro m w
have z := w.trans hp₁.symm
apply t.hom_ext
apply ( _ _ comm).coequalizer_ext
· exact z
· erw [← cancel_epi g, ← Category.assoc, ← eq_whisker comm]
erw [← Category.assoc, ← eq_whisker comm]
dsimp at z; simp only [Category.assoc, z]
#align category_theory.regular_of_is_pushout_snd_of_regular CategoryTheory.regularOfIsPushoutSndOfRegular

/-- The first leg of a pushout cocone is a regular epimorphism if the left component is too.
See also `Pushout.fstOfEpi` for the basic epimorphism version, and
`regularOfIsPushoutSndOfRegular` for the flipped version.
def regularOfIsPushoutFstOfRegular {P Q R S : C} {f : P ⟶ Q} {g : P ⟶ R} {h : Q ⟶ S} {k : R ⟶ S}
[RegularEpi f] (comm : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) (t : IsColimit ( _ _ comm)) :
RegularEpi k :=
regularOfIsPushoutSndOfRegular comm.symm (PushoutCocone.flipIsColimit t)
#align category_theory.regular_of_is_pushout_fst_of_regular CategoryTheory.regularOfIsPushoutFstOfRegular

instance (priority := 100) strongEpi_of_regularEpi (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularEpi f] : StrongEpi f :='
intro A B z hz u v sq
have : (RegularEpi.left : RegularEpi.W f ⟶ X) ≫ u = RegularEpi.right ≫ u :=
apply (cancel_mono z).1
simp only [Category.assoc, sq.w, RegularEpi.w_assoc]
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := RegularEpi.desc' f u this
⟨t, ht,
(cancel_epi f).1
(by simp only [← Category.assoc, ht, ← sq.w, Arrow.mk_hom, Arrow.homMk'_right])⟩)
#align category_theory.strong_epi_of_regular_epi CategoryTheory.strongEpi_of_regularEpi

/-- A regular epimorphism is an isomorphism if it is a monomorphism. -/
theorem isIso_of_regularEpi_of_mono (f : X ⟶ Y) [RegularEpi f] [Mono f] : IsIso f :=
isIso_of_mono_of_strongEpi _
#align category_theory.is_iso_of_regular_epi_of_mono CategoryTheory.isIso_of_regularEpi_of_mono


variable (C)

/-- A regular epi category is a category in which every epimorphism is regular. -/
class RegularEpiCategory where
/-- Everyone epimorphism is a regular epimorphism -/
regularEpiOfEpi : ∀ {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [Epi f], RegularEpi f
#align category_theory.regular_epi_category CategoryTheory.RegularEpiCategory


/-- In a category in which every epimorphism is regular, we can express every epimorphism as
a coequalizer. This is not an instance because it would create an instance loop. -/
def regularEpiOfEpi [RegularEpiCategory C] (f : X ⟶ Y) [Epi f] : RegularEpi f :=
RegularEpiCategory.regularEpiOfEpi _
#align category_theory.regular_epi_of_epi CategoryTheory.regularEpiOfEpi

instance (priority := 100) regularEpiCategoryOfSplitEpiCategory [SplitEpiCategory C] :
RegularEpiCategory C where
regularEpiOfEpi f _ :=
haveI := isSplitEpi_of_epi f
#align category_theory.regular_epi_category_of_split_epi_category CategoryTheory.regularEpiCategoryOfSplitEpiCategory

instance (priority := 100) strongEpiCategory_of_regularEpiCategory [RegularEpiCategory C] :
StrongEpiCategory C where
strongEpi_of_epi f _ := by
haveI := regularEpiOfEpi f
#align category_theory.strong_epi_category_of_regular_epi_category CategoryTheory.strongEpiCategory_of_regularEpiCategory

end CategoryTheory

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