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feat: port CategoryTheory.PathCategory (#2580)
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Co-authored-by: Rémi Bottinelli <>
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bottine and bottine committed Mar 3, 2023
1 parent 2e3a725 commit f03c0dc
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Showing 2 changed files with 257 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Opposites
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Over
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.PEmpty
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.PUnit
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.PathCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Pi.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Products.Associator
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Products.Basic
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256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/PathCategory.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.path_category
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit c6dd521ebdce53bb372c527569dd7c25de53a08b
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.EqToHom
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Quotient
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.Quiver.Path

# The category paths on a quiver.
When `C` is a quiver, `paths C` is the category of paths.
## When the quiver is itself a category
We provide `path_composition : paths C ⥤ C`.
We check that the quotient of the path category of a category by the canonical relation
(paths are related if they compose to the same path) is equivalent to the original category.

universe v₁ v₂ u₁ u₂

namespace CategoryTheory


/-- A type synonym for the category of paths in a quiver.
def Paths (V : Type u₁) : Type u₁ := V
#align category_theory.paths CategoryTheory.Paths

instance (V : Type u₁) [Inhabited V] : Inhabited (Paths V) := ⟨(default : V)⟩

variable (V : Type u₁) [Quiver.{v₁ + 1} V]

namespace Paths

instance categoryPaths : Category.{max u₁ v₁} (Paths V) where
Hom := fun X Y : V => Quiver.Path X Y
id X := Quiver.Path.nil
comp f g := Quiver.Path.comp f g
#align category_theory.paths.category_paths CategoryTheory.Paths.categoryPaths

variable {V}

/-- The inclusion of a quiver `V` into its path category, as a prefunctor.
def of : V ⥤q Paths V where
obj X := X
map f := f.toPath
#align category_theory.paths.of CategoryTheory.Paths.of

attribute [local ext] Functor.ext

/-- Any prefunctor from `V` lifts to a functor from `paths V` -/
def lift {C} [Category C] (φ : V ⥤q C) : Paths V ⥤ C where
obj := φ.obj
map {X} {Y} f :=
@Quiver.Path.rec V _ X (fun Y _ => φ.obj X ⟶ φ.obj Y) (𝟙 <| φ.obj X)
(fun _ f ihp => ihp ≫ φ.map f) Y f
map_id X := by rfl
map_comp f g := by
induction' g with _ _ g' p ih _ _ _
· rw [Category.comp_id]
· have : f ≫ Quiver.Path.cons g' p = (f ≫ g').cons p := by apply Quiver.Path.comp_cons
rw [this]
simp only at ih ⊢
rw [ih, Category.assoc]
#align category_theory.paths.lift CategoryTheory.Paths.lift

theorem lift_nil {C} [Category C] (φ : V ⥤q C) (X : V) :
(lift φ).map Quiver.Path.nil = 𝟙 (φ.obj X) := rfl
#align category_theory.paths.lift_nil CategoryTheory.Paths.lift_nil

theorem lift_cons {C} [Category C] (φ : V ⥤q C) {X Y Z : V} (p : Quiver.Path X Y) (f : Y ⟶ Z) :
(lift φ).map (p.cons f) = (lift φ).map p ≫ φ.map f := rfl
#align category_theory.paths.lift_cons CategoryTheory.Paths.lift_cons

theorem lift_toPath {C} [Category C] (φ : V ⥤q C) {X Y : V} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
(lift φ).map f.toPath = φ.map f := by
dsimp [Quiver.Hom.toPath, lift]
#align category_theory.paths.lift_to_path CategoryTheory.Paths.lift_toPath

theorem lift_spec {C} [Category C] (φ : V ⥤q C) : of ⋙q (lift φ).toPrefunctor = φ := by
fapply Prefunctor.ext
· rintro X
· rintro X Y f
rcases φ with ⟨φo, φm⟩
dsimp [lift, Quiver.Hom.toPath]
simp only [Category.id_comp]
#align category_theory.paths.lift_spec CategoryTheory.Paths.lift_spec

theorem lift_unique {C} [Category C] (φ : V ⥤q C) (Φ : Paths V ⥤ C)
(hΦ : of ⋙q Φ.toPrefunctor = φ) : Φ = lift φ := by
fapply Functor.ext
· rintro X
· rintro X Y f
dsimp [lift]
induction' f with _ _ p f' ih
· simp only [Category.comp_id]
apply Functor.map_id
· simp only [Category.comp_id, Category.id_comp] at ih ⊢
-- porting note: Had to do substitute `p.cons f'` and `f'.toPath` by their fully qualified
-- versions in this `have` clause (elsewhere too).
have : Φ.map (Quiver.Path.cons p f') = Φ.map p ≫ Φ.map (Quiver.Hom.toPath f') := by
convert Functor.map_comp Φ p (Quiver.Hom.toPath f')
rw [this, ih]
#align category_theory.paths.lift_unique CategoryTheory.Paths.lift_unique

/-- Two functors out of a path category are equal when they agree on singleton paths. -/
theorem ext_functor {C} [Category C] {F G : Paths V ⥤ C} (h_obj : F.obj = G.obj)
(h : ∀ (a b : V) (e : a ⟶ b), e.toPath =
eqToHom (congr_fun h_obj a) ≫ e.toPath ≫ eqToHom (congr_fun h_obj.symm b)) :
F = G := by
fapply Functor.ext
· intro X
rw [h_obj]
· intro X Y f
induction' f with Y' Z' g e ih
· erw [F.map_id, G.map_id, Category.id_comp, eqToHom_trans, eqToHom_refl]
· erw [F.map_comp g (Quiver.Hom.toPath e), G.map_comp g (Quiver.Hom.toPath e), ih, h]
simp only [Category.id_comp, eqToHom_refl, eqToHom_trans_assoc, Category.assoc]
#align category_theory.paths.ext_functor CategoryTheory.Paths.ext_functor

end Paths

variable (W : Type u₂) [Quiver.{v₂ + 1} W]

-- A restatement of `prefunctor.map_path_comp` using `f ≫ g` instead of `f.comp g`.
theorem Prefunctor.mapPath_comp' (F : V ⥤q W) {X Y Z : Paths V} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) :
F.mapPath (f ≫ g) = (F.mapPath f).comp (F.mapPath g) :=
Prefunctor.mapPath_comp _ _ _
#align category_theory.prefunctor.map_path_comp' CategoryTheory.Prefunctor.mapPath_comp'



variable {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C]

open Quiver

-- porting note:
-- This def was originally marked `@[simp]`, but the meaning is different in lean4: lean4#2042
-- So, the `@[simp]` was removed, and the two equational lemmas below added instead.
/-- A path in a category can be composed to a single morphism. -/
def composePath {X : C} : ∀ {Y : C} (_ : Path X Y), X ⟶ Y
| _, .nil => 𝟙 X
| _, .cons p e => composePath p ≫ e
#align category_theory.compose_path CategoryTheory.composePath

@[simp] lemma composePath_nil {X : C} : composePath (Path.nil : Path X X) = 𝟙 X := rfl

@[simp] lemma composePath_cons {X Y Z : C} (p : Path X Y) (e : Y ⟶ Z) :
composePath (p.cons e) = composePath p ≫ e := rfl

theorem composePath_toPath {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) : composePath f.toPath = f := Category.id_comp _
#align category_theory.compose_path_to_path CategoryTheory.composePath_toPath

theorem composePath_comp {X Y Z : C} (f : Path X Y) (g : Path Y Z) :
composePath (f.comp g) = composePath f ≫ composePath g := by
induction' g with Y' Z' g e ih
· simp
· simp [ih]
#align category_theory.compose_path_comp CategoryTheory.composePath_comp

-- porting note: TODO get rid of `(id X : C)` somehow?
theorem composePath_id {X : Paths C} : composePath (𝟙 X) = 𝟙 (id X : C) := rfl
#align category_theory.compose_path_id CategoryTheory.composePath_id

theorem composePath_comp' {X Y Z : Paths C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) :
composePath (f ≫ g) = composePath f ≫ composePath g :=
composePath_comp f g
#align category_theory.compose_path_comp' CategoryTheory.composePath_comp'

variable (C)

/-- Composition of paths as functor from the path category of a category to the category. -/
def pathComposition : Paths C ⥤ C where
obj X := X
map f := composePath f
#align category_theory.path_composition CategoryTheory.pathComposition

-- TODO: This, and what follows, should be generalized to
-- the `hom_rel` for the kernel of any functor.
-- Indeed, this should be part of an equivalence between congruence relations on a category `C`
-- and full, essentially surjective functors out of `C`.
/-- The canonical relation on the path category of a category:
two paths are related if they compose to the same morphism. -/
def pathsHomRel : HomRel (Paths C) := fun _ _ p q =>
(pathComposition C).map p = (pathComposition C).map q
#align category_theory.paths_hom_rel CategoryTheory.pathsHomRel

/-- The functor from a category to the canonical quotient of its path category. -/
def toQuotientPaths : C ⥤ Quotient (pathsHomRel C) where
obj X := X
map f := _ f.toPath
map_id X := Quot.sound (Quotient.CompClosure.of _ _ _ (by simp))
map_comp f g := Quot.sound (Quotient.CompClosure.of _ _ _ (by simp))
#align category_theory.to_quotient_paths CategoryTheory.toQuotientPaths

/-- The functor from the canonical quotient of a path category of a category
to the original category. -/
def quotientPathsTo : Quotient (pathsHomRel C) ⥤ C :=
Quotient.lift _ (pathComposition C) fun _ _ _ _ w => w
#align category_theory.quotient_paths_to CategoryTheory.quotientPathsTo

/-- The canonical quotient of the path category of a category
is equivalent to the original category. -/
def quotientPathsEquiv : Quotient (pathsHomRel C) ≌ C where
functor := quotientPathsTo C
inverse := toQuotientPaths C
unitIso :=
(fun X => by cases X; rfl)
(Quot.ind $ fun f => by
apply Quot.sound
apply Quotient.CompClosure.of
simp [Category.comp_id, Category.id_comp, pathsHomRel])
counitIso := NatIso.ofComponents (fun X => Iso.refl _) (fun f => by simp [Quot.liftOn_mk])
functor_unitIso_comp X := by
cases X
simp only [pathsHomRel, pathComposition_obj, pathComposition_map, Functor.id_obj,
quotientPathsTo_obj, Functor.comp_obj, toQuotientPaths_obj_as,
NatIso.ofComponents_hom_app, Iso.refl_hom, quotientPathsTo_map, Category.comp_id]
#align category_theory.quotient_paths_equiv CategoryTheory.quotientPathsEquiv


end CategoryTheory

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