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feat: port CategoryTheory.Idempotents.HomologicalComplex (#3532)
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Parcly-Taxel committed Apr 20, 2023
1 parent 8cf71b0 commit f12a32b
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Showing 2 changed files with 235 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -435,6 +435,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Groupoid.VertexGroup
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.FunctorCategories
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.FunctorExtension
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.HomologicalComplex
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.Karoubi
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.KaroubiKaroubi
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.SimplicialObject
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234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Idempotents/HomologicalComplex.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.idempotents.homological_complex
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 200eda15d8ff5669854ff6bcc10aaf37cb70498f
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Additive
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Idempotents.Karoubi

# Idempotent completeness and homological complexes
This file contains simplifications lemmas for categories
`Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)` and the construction of an equivalence
of categories `Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ≌ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c`.
When the category `C` is idempotent complete, it is shown that
`HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c` is also idempotent complete.

namespace CategoryTheory

open Category

variable {C : Type _} [Category C] [Preadditive C] {ι : Type _} {c : ComplexShape ι}

namespace Idempotents

namespace Karoubi

namespace HomologicalComplex

variable {P Q : Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)} (f : P ⟶ Q) (n : ι)

@[simp, reassoc]
theorem p_comp_d : P.p.f n ≫ f.f.f n = f.f.f n :=
HomologicalComplex.congr_hom (p_comp f) n
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi.homological_complex.p_comp_d CategoryTheory.Idempotents.Karoubi.HomologicalComplex.p_comp_d

@[simp, reassoc]
theorem comp_p_d : f.f.f n ≫ Q.p.f n = f.f.f n :=
HomologicalComplex.congr_hom (comp_p f) n
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi.homological_complex.comp_p_d CategoryTheory.Idempotents.Karoubi.HomologicalComplex.comp_p_d

theorem p_comm_f : P.p.f n ≫ f.f.f n = f.f.f n ≫ Q.p.f n :=
HomologicalComplex.congr_hom (p_comm f) n
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi.homological_complex.p_comm_f CategoryTheory.Idempotents.Karoubi.HomologicalComplex.p_comm_f

variable (P)

@[simp, reassoc]
theorem p_idem : P.p.f n ≫ P.p.f n = P.p.f n :=
HomologicalComplex.congr_hom P.idem n
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi.homological_complex.p_idem CategoryTheory.Idempotents.Karoubi.HomologicalComplex.p_idem

end HomologicalComplex

end Karoubi

open Karoubi

namespace KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence

namespace Functor

/-- The functor `Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ⥤ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c`,
on objects. -/
def obj (P : Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)) : HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c where
X n :=
⟨P.X.X n, P.p.f n, by
simpa only [HomologicalComplex.comp_f] using HomologicalComplex.congr_hom P.idem n⟩
d i j :=
{ f := P.p.f i ≫ P.X.d i j
comm := by aesop_cat }
shape i j hij := by simp only [hom_eq_zero_iff, P.X.shape i j hij, Limits.comp_zero]; aesop_cat
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_homological_complex_equivalence.functor.obj CategoryTheory.Idempotents.KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.Functor.obj

/-- The functor `Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ⥤ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c`,
on morphisms. -/
def map {P Q : Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)} (f : P ⟶ Q) : obj P ⟶ obj Q where
f n :=
{ f := f.f.f n
comm := by simp }

end Functor

/-- The functor `Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ⥤ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c`. -/
def functor : Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ⥤ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c where
obj := Functor.obj
map f := f
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_homological_complex_equivalence.functor CategoryTheory.Idempotents.KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.functor

namespace Inverse

/-- The functor `HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c ⥤ Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)`,
on objects -/
def obj (K : HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c) : Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) where
X :=
{ X := fun n => (K.X n).X
d := fun i j => (K.d i j).f
shape := fun i j hij => (K.shape i j hij)
d_comp_d' := fun i j k _ _ => by
simpa only [comp_f] using (K.d_comp_d i j k) }
p :=
{ f := fun n => (K.X n).p
comm' := by simp }
idem := by aesop_cat
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_homological_complex_equivalence.inverse.obj CategoryTheory.Idempotents.KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.Inverse.obj

/-- The functor `HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c ⥤ Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)`,
on morphisms -/
def map {K L : HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c} (f : K ⟶ L) : obj K ⟶ obj L where
f :=
{ f := fun n => (f.f n).f
comm' := fun i j hij => by simpa only [comp_f] using (f.comm' i j hij) }
comm := by aesop_cat

end Inverse

/-- The functor `HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c ⥤ Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)`. -/
def inverse : HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c ⥤ Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) where
obj := Inverse.obj
map f := f
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_homological_complex_equivalence.inverse CategoryTheory.Idempotents.KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.inverse

/-- The counit isomorphism of the equivalence
`Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ≌ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c`. -/
def counitIso : inverse ⋙ functor ≅ 𝟭 (HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c) :=
eqToIso (Functor.ext (fun P => HomologicalComplex.ext (by aesop_cat) (by aesop_cat))
(by aesop_cat))
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_homological_complex_equivalence.counit_iso CategoryTheory.Idempotents.KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.counitIso

/-- The unit isomorphism of the equivalence
`Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ≌ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c`. -/
def unitIso : 𝟭 (Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c)) ≅ functor ⋙ inverse where
hom :=
{ app := fun P =>
{ f :=
{ f := fun n => P.p.f n
comm' := fun i j _ => by
simp only [HomologicalComplex.Hom.comm, HomologicalComplex.Hom.comm_assoc,
HomologicalComplex.p_idem] }
comm := by
ext n
simp only [HomologicalComplex.p_idem] }
naturality := fun P Q φ => by
simp only [comp_f, HomologicalComplex.comp_f, HomologicalComplex.comp_p_d, Inverse.map_f_f,
Functor.map_f_f, HomologicalComplex.p_comp_d] }
inv :=
{ app := fun P =>
{ f :=
{ f := fun n => P.p.f n
comm' := fun i j _ => by
simp only [HomologicalComplex.Hom.comm, assoc, HomologicalComplex.p_idem] }
comm := by
ext n
simp only [HomologicalComplex.p_idem] }
naturality := fun P Q φ => by
simp only [comp_f, HomologicalComplex.comp_f, Inverse.map_f_f, Functor.map_f_f,
HomologicalComplex.comp_p_d, HomologicalComplex.p_comp_d] }
hom_inv_id := by
simp only [HomologicalComplex.p_idem, comp_f, HomologicalComplex.comp_f, _root_.id_eq]
inv_hom_id := by
simp only [HomologicalComplex.p_idem, comp_f, HomologicalComplex.comp_f, _root_.id_eq,
Inverse.obj_p_f, Functor.obj_X_p]
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_homological_complex_equivalence.unit_iso CategoryTheory.Idempotents.KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.unitIso

end KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence

variable (C) (c)

/-- The equivalence `Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ≌ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c`. -/
def karoubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence :
Karoubi (HomologicalComplex C c) ≌ HomologicalComplex (Karoubi C) c where
functor := KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.functor
inverse := KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.inverse
unitIso := KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.unitIso
counitIso := KaroubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence.counitIso
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_homological_complex_equivalence CategoryTheory.Idempotents.karoubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence

variable (α : Type _) [AddRightCancelSemigroup α] [One α]

/-- The equivalence `Karoubi (ChainComplex C α) ≌ ChainComplex (Karoubi C) α`. -/
def karoubiChainComplexEquivalence : Karoubi (ChainComplex C α) ≌ ChainComplex (Karoubi C) α :=
karoubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence C (ComplexShape.down α)
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_chain_complex_equivalence CategoryTheory.Idempotents.karoubiChainComplexEquivalence

/-- The equivalence `Karoubi (CochainComplex C α) ≌ CochainComplex (Karoubi C) α`. -/
def karoubiCochainComplexEquivalence :
Karoubi (CochainComplex C α) ≌ CochainComplex (Karoubi C) α :=
karoubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence C (ComplexShape.up α)
#align category_theory.idempotents.karoubi_cochain_complex_equivalence CategoryTheory.Idempotents.karoubiCochainComplexEquivalence

instance [IsIdempotentComplete C] : IsIdempotentComplete (HomologicalComplex C c) := by
rw [isIdempotentComplete_iff_of_equivalence
((toKaroubi_equivalence C).mapHomologicalComplex c),
← isIdempotentComplete_iff_of_equivalence (karoubiHomologicalComplexEquivalence C c)]

end Idempotents

end CategoryTheory

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