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feat: restriction of the non-unital continuous functional calculus to…
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… a scalar subring (#13327)

Co-authored by: @ADedecker 

- [x] depends on: #13323
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j-loreaux authored and callesonne committed Jun 4, 2024
1 parent 9619ab7 commit f43dacd
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 3 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2024 Jireh Loreaux. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jireh Loreaux
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Algebra
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.Compact
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.FunctionalCalculus
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Spectrum
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.NonUnitalFunctionalCalculus

/-! # Restriction of the continuous functional calculus to a scalar subring
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,3 +156,148 @@ lemma cfc_eq_restrict (f : C(S, R)) (halg : UniformEmbedding (algebraMap R S)) {
rw [cfc_apply_of_not_continuousOn a hg, cfc_apply_of_not_continuousOn a this]

end SpectrumRestricts

namespace QuasispectrumRestricts

local notation "σₙ" => quasispectrum
open ContinuousMapZero Set

/-- The homeomorphism `quasispectrum S a ≃ₜ quasispectrum R a` induced by
`QuasispectrumRestricts a f`. -/
def homeomorph {R S A : Type*} [Semifield R] [Field S] [NonUnitalRing A]
[Algebra R S] [Module R A] [Module S A] [IsScalarTower R S A] [TopologicalSpace R]
[TopologicalSpace S] [ContinuousSMul R S] [IsScalarTower S A A] [SMulCommClass S A A]
{a : A} {f : C(S, R)} (h : QuasispectrumRestricts a f) :
σₙ S a ≃ₜ σₙ R a where
toFun := MapsTo.restrict f _ _ h.subset_preimage
invFun := MapsTo.restrict (algebraMap R S) _ _ ( h.algebraMap_image.subset)
left_inv x := Subtype.ext <| h.rightInvOn x.2
right_inv x := Subtype.ext <| h.left_inv x
continuous_toFun := continuous_induced_rng.mpr <| f.continuous.comp continuous_induced_dom
continuous_invFun := continuous_induced_rng.mpr <|
continuous_algebraMap R S |>.comp continuous_induced_dom

universe u v w

open ContinuousMapZero
/-- If the quasispectrum of an element restricts to a smaller scalar ring, then a non-unital
continuous functional calculus over the larger scalar ring descends to the smaller one. -/
def nonUnitalStarAlgHom {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {A : Type w} [Semifield R]
[StarRing R] [TopologicalSpace R] [TopologicalSemiring R] [ContinuousStar R] [Field S]
[StarRing S] [TopologicalSpace S] [TopologicalRing S] [ContinuousStar S] [NonUnitalRing A]
[StarRing A] [Algebra R S] [Module R A] [Module S A] [IsScalarTower S A A] [SMulCommClass S A A]
[IsScalarTower R S A] [StarModule R S] [ContinuousSMul R S] {a : A}
(φ : C(σₙ S a, S)₀ →⋆ₙₐ[S] A) {f : C(S, R)} (h : QuasispectrumRestricts a f) :
C(σₙ R a, R)₀ →⋆ₙₐ[R] A :=
(φ.restrictScalars R).comp <|
(nonUnitalStarAlgHom_postcomp (σₙ S a) (StarAlgHom.ofId R S) (algebraMapCLM R S).continuous)
|>.comp <| nonUnitalStarAlgHom_precomp R
⟨⟨ f h.subset_preimage, (map_continuous f).subtype_map
fun x (hx : x ∈ σₙ S a) => h.subset_preimage hx⟩, Subtype.ext h.map_zero⟩

variable {R S A : Type*} {p q : A → Prop}
variable [Semifield R] [StarRing R] [MetricSpace R] [TopologicalSemiring R] [ContinuousStar R]
variable [Field S] [StarRing S] [MetricSpace S] [TopologicalRing S] [ContinuousStar S]
variable [TopologicalSpace A] [NonUnitalRing A] [StarRing A] [Module S A] [IsScalarTower S A A]
variable [SMulCommClass S A A] [NonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus S q]
variable [Algebra R S] [Module R A] [IsScalarTower R S A] [StarModule R S] [ContinuousSMul R S]
variable [CompleteSpace R]

lemma closedEmbedding_nonUnitalStarAlgHom {a : A} {φ : C(σₙ S a, S)₀ →⋆ₙₐ[S] A}
(hφ : ClosedEmbedding φ) {f : C(S, R)} (h : QuasispectrumRestricts a f)
(halg : UniformEmbedding (algebraMap R S)) [h_cpct : CompactSpace (σₙ S a)] :
ClosedEmbedding (h.nonUnitalStarAlgHom φ) := by
have := h.compactSpace
have : h.homeomorph.symm 0 = 0 := Subtype.ext (map_zero <| algebraMap _ _)
refine hφ.comp <| UniformEmbedding.toClosedEmbedding <| .comp
(ContinuousMapZero.uniformEmbedding_comp _ halg)
(UniformEquiv.arrowCongrLeft₀ h.homeomorph.symm this |>.uniformEmbedding)

lemma nonUnitalStarAlgHom_id {a : A} {φ : C(σₙ S a, S)₀ →⋆ₙₐ[S] A} {f : C(S, R)}
(h : QuasispectrumRestricts a f) (h_id : φ (.id rfl) = a) :
h.nonUnitalStarAlgHom φ (.id rfl) = a := by
simp only [QuasispectrumRestricts.nonUnitalStarAlgHom_apply]
convert h_id
ext x
exact h.rightInvOn x.2

variable [IsScalarTower R A A] [SMulCommClass R A A]

/-- Given a `NonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus S q`. If we form the predicate `p` for `a : A`
characterized by: `q a` and the quasispectrum of `a` restricts to the scalar subring `R` via
`f : C(S, R)`, then we can get a restricted functional calculus
`NonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus R p`. -/
protected theorem cfc (f : C(S, R)) (halg : UniformEmbedding (algebraMap R S))
(h : ∀ a, p a ↔ q a ∧ QuasispectrumRestricts a f) (h_cpct : ∀ a, q a → CompactSpace (σₙ S a)) :
NonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus R p where
exists_cfc_of_predicate a ha := by
refine ⟨((h a).mp ha).2.nonUnitalStarAlgHom (cfcₙHom ((h a).mp ha).1 (R := S)),
?hom_closedEmbedding, ?hom_id, ?hom_map_spectrum, ?predicate_hom⟩
case hom_closedEmbedding =>
exact ((h a).mp ha).2.closedEmbedding_nonUnitalStarAlgHom
(cfcₙHom_closedEmbedding ((h a).mp ha).1) halg (h_cpct := h_cpct a ((h a).mp ha).1)
case hom_id => exact ((h a).mp ha).2.nonUnitalStarAlgHom_id <| cfcₙHom_id ((h a).mp ha).1
case hom_map_spectrum =>
intro g
rw [nonUnitalStarAlgHom_apply]
simp only [← @quasispectrum.preimage_algebraMap (R := R) S, cfcₙHom_map_quasispectrum]
ext x
· rintro ⟨y, hy⟩
have := congr_arg f hy
simp only [nonUnitalStarAlgHom_postcomp_apply, NonUnitalStarAlgHom.coe_coe,
Function.comp_apply, comp_apply, coe_mk, ContinuousMap.coe_mk, StarAlgHom.ofId_apply]
at this
rw [((h a).mp ha).2.left_inv _, ((h a).mp ha).2.left_inv _] at this
exact ⟨_, this⟩
· rintro ⟨y, rfl⟩
rw [Set.mem_preimage]
refine' ⟨⟨algebraMap R S y, quasispectrum.algebraMap_mem S y.prop⟩, _⟩
simp only [nonUnitalStarAlgHom_postcomp_apply, NonUnitalStarAlgHom.coe_coe,
Function.comp_apply, comp_apply, coe_mk, ContinuousMap.coe_mk, StarAlgHom.ofId_apply]
exact Subtype.ext (((h a).mp ha).2.left_inv y)
case predicate_hom =>
intro g
rw [h]
refine ⟨cfcₙHom_predicate _ _, ?_⟩
refine { rightInvOn := fun s hs ↦ ?_, left_inv := ((h a).mp ha).2.left_inv }
rw [nonUnitalStarAlgHom_apply,
cfcₙHom_map_quasispectrum] at hs
obtain ⟨r, rfl⟩ := hs
simp [((h a).mp ha).2.left_inv _]

variable [NonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus R p]
variable [UniqueNonUnitalContinuousFunctionalCalculus R A]

lemma cfcₙHom_eq_restrict (f : C(S, R)) (halg : UniformEmbedding (algebraMap R S)) {a : A}
(hpa : p a) (hqa : q a) (h : QuasispectrumRestricts a f) [CompactSpace (σₙ S a)] :
cfcₙHom hpa = h.nonUnitalStarAlgHom (cfcₙHom hqa) := by
apply cfcₙHom_eq_of_continuous_of_map_id
· exact h.closedEmbedding_nonUnitalStarAlgHom (cfcₙHom_closedEmbedding hqa) halg |>.continuous
· exact h.nonUnitalStarAlgHom_id (cfcₙHom_id hqa)

lemma cfcₙ_eq_restrict (f : C(S, R)) (halg : UniformEmbedding (algebraMap R S)) {a : A} (hpa : p a)
(hqa : q a) (h : QuasispectrumRestricts a f) [CompactSpace (σₙ S a)] (g : R → R) :
cfcₙ g a = cfcₙ (fun x ↦ algebraMap R S (g (f x))) a := by
by_cases hg : ContinuousOn g (σₙ R a) ∧ g 0 = 0
· obtain ⟨hg, hg0⟩ := hg
rw [cfcₙ_apply g a, cfcₙHom_eq_restrict f halg hpa hqa h, nonUnitalStarAlgHom_apply,
cfcₙHom_eq_cfcₙ_extend 0]
apply cfcₙ_congr fun x hx ↦ ?_
lift x to σₙ S a using hx
simp [Function.comp, Subtype.val_injective.extend_apply]
· simp only [not_and_or] at hg
obtain (hg | hg) := hg
· have : ¬ ContinuousOn (fun x ↦ algebraMap R S (g (f x)) : S → S) (σₙ S a) := by
refine fun hg' ↦ hg ?_
rw [halg.embedding.continuousOn_iff]
simpa [halg.embedding.continuousOn_iff, Function.comp, h.left_inv _] using
hg'.comp halg.embedding.continuous.continuousOn
(fun _ : R ↦ quasispectrum.algebraMap_mem S)
rw [cfcₙ_apply_of_not_continuousOn a hg, cfcₙ_apply_of_not_continuousOn a this]
· rw [cfcₙ_apply_of_not_map_zero a hg, cfcₙ_apply_of_not_map_zero a (by simpa [h.map_zero])]

end QuasispectrumRestricts

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