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Feat: add a FunLike and an EmbeddingLike instance (#1488)
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urkud committed Jan 25, 2023
1 parent 8c5dfbd commit f47025e
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Showing 2 changed files with 38 additions and 45 deletions.
32 changes: 13 additions & 19 deletions Mathlib/Data/PEquiv.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,33 +68,27 @@ variable {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} {δ : Type x}

open Function Option

instance : CoeFun (α ≃. β) fun _ => α → Option β :=
instance : FunLike (α ≃. β) α fun _ => Option β :=
{ coe := toFun
coe_injective' := by
rintro ⟨f₁, f₂, hf⟩ ⟨g₁, g₂, hg⟩ (rfl : f₁ = g₁)
congr with y x
simp only [hf, hg] }

@[simp] theorem coe_mk (f₁ : α → Option β) (f₂ h) : (mk f₁ f₂ h : α → Option β) = f₁ :=

theorem coe_mk_apply (f₁ : α → Option β) (f₂ : β → Option α) (h) (x : α) :
( f₁ f₂ h : α → Option β) x = f₁ x :=
by simp
#align pequiv.coe_mk_apply PEquiv.coe_mk_apply

theorem ext : ∀ {f g : α ≃. β} (_ : ∀ x, f x = g x), f = g
| ⟨f₁, f₂, hf⟩, ⟨g₁, g₂, hg⟩, h => by
have h : f₁ = g₁ := funext h
have : ∀ b, f₂ b = g₂ b := by
subst h
intro b
have hf := fun a => hf a b
have hg := fun a => hg a b
cases' h : g₂ b with a
· simp only [h, Option.not_mem_none, false_iff_iff] at hg
simp only [hg, iff_false_iff] at hf
rwa [Option.eq_none_iff_forall_not_mem]
· rw [← Option.mem_def, hf, ← hg, h, Option.mem_def]
simp [*, funext_iff]
@[ext] theorem ext {f g : α ≃. β} (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g :=
FunLike.ext f g h
#align pequiv.ext PEquiv.ext

theorem ext_iff {f g : α ≃. β} : f = g ↔ ∀ x, f x = g x :=
fun h _ => by rw [h], ext⟩
#align pequiv.ext_iff PEquiv.ext_iff

/-- The identity map as a partial equivalence. -/
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51 changes: 25 additions & 26 deletions Mathlib/Order/InitialSeg.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,8 +66,16 @@ namespace InitialSeg
instance : Coe (r ≼i s) (r ↪r s) :=

instance : CoeFun (r ≼i s) fun _ => α → β :=
fun f x => (f : r ↪r s) x⟩
instance : EmbeddingLike (r ≼i s) α β :=
{ coe := fun f => f.toFun
coe_injective' := by
rintro ⟨f, hf⟩ ⟨g, hg⟩ h
congr with x
exact congr_fun h x,
injective' := fun f => f.inj' }

@[ext] lemma ext {f g : r ≼i s} (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g :=
FunLike.ext f g h

theorem coe_coe_fn (f : r ≼i s) : ((f : r ↪r s) : α → β) = f :=
Expand All @@ -78,11 +86,14 @@ theorem init' (f : r ≼i s) {a : α} {b : β} : s b (f a) → ∃ a', f a' = b
f.init _ _
#align initial_seg.init' InitialSeg.init'

theorem map_rel_iff (f : r ≼i s) : s (f a) (f b) ↔ r a b :=

theorem init_iff (f : r ≼i s) {a : α} {b : β} : s b (f a) ↔ ∃ a', f a' = b ∧ r a' a :=
fun h =>
let ⟨a', e⟩ := f.init' h
⟨a', e, (f : r ↪r s).map_rel_iff.1 (by dsimp only at e; rw [e]; exact h)⟩,
fun ⟨a', e, h⟩ => e ▸ (f : r ↪r s).map_rel_iff.2 h⟩
fun h => by
rcases f.init' h with ⟨a', rfl⟩
exact ⟨a', rfl, f.map_rel_iff.1 h⟩,
fun ⟨a', e, h⟩ => e ▸ f.map_rel_iff.2 h⟩
#align initial_seg.init_iff InitialSeg.init_iff

/-- An order isomorphism is an initial segment -/
Expand All @@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ instance (r : α → α → Prop) : Inhabited (r ≼i r) :=
protected def trans (f : r ≼i s) (g : s ≼i t) : r ≼i t :=
⟨f.1.trans g.1, fun a c h => by
simp at h⊢
rcases g.2 _ _ h with ⟨b, rfl⟩; have h := g.1.map_rel_iff.1 h
rcases g.2 _ _ h with ⟨b, rfl⟩; have h := g.map_rel_iff.1 h
rcases f.2 _ _ h with ⟨a', rfl⟩; exact ⟨a', rfl⟩⟩
#align initial_seg.trans InitialSeg.trans

Expand All @@ -122,23 +133,11 @@ theorem unique_of_trichotomous_of_irrefl [IsTrichotomous β s] [IsIrrefl β s] :
WellFounded r → Subsingleton (r ≼i s)
| ⟨h⟩ =>
fun f g => by
suffices (f : α → β) = g by
cases f
cases g
exact RelEmbedding.coe_fn_injective this
funext a
have := h a
induction' this with a _ IH
refine' extensional_of_trichotomous_of_irrefl s fun x => ⟨fun h => _, fun h => _⟩
· rcases f.init_iff.1 h with ⟨y, rfl, h'⟩
dsimp only
rw [IH _ h']
exact (g : r ↪r s).map_rel_iff.2 h'
· rcases g.init_iff.1 h with ⟨y, rfl, h'⟩
dsimp only
rw [← IH _ h']
exact (f : r ↪r s).map_rel_iff.2 h'⟩
ext a
induction' h a with a _ IH
refine extensional_of_trichotomous_of_irrefl s fun x => ?_
simp only [f.init_iff, g.init_iff]
exact exists_congr fun y => and_congr_left fun h => IH _ h ▸ Iff.rfl⟩
#align initial_seg.unique_of_trichotomous_of_irrefl InitialSeg.unique_of_trichotomous_of_irrefl

instance [IsWellOrder β s] : Subsingleton (r ≼i s) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ instance (r : α → α → Prop) [IsWellOrder α r] : IsEmpty (r ≺i r) :=
def ltLe (f : r ≺i s) (g : s ≼i t) : r ≺i t :=
⟨@RelEmbedding.trans _ _ _ r s t f g, g, fun a => by
simp only [g.init_iff, PrincipalSeg.down, exists_and_left.symm, exists_swap,
RelEmbedding.trans_apply, exists_eq_right']⟩
RelEmbedding.trans_apply, exists_eq_right', InitialSeg.coe_coe_fn]⟩
#align principal_seg.lt_le PrincipalSeg.ltLe

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +352,7 @@ theorem equivLT_top (f : r ≃r s) (g : s ≺i t) : (equivLT f g).top = :=
instance [IsWellOrder β s] : Subsingleton (r ≺i s) :=
fun f g => by
have ef : (f : α → β) = g := by
show ((f : r ≼i s) : α → β) = g
show ((f : r ≼i s) : α → β) = (g : r ≼i s)
rw [@Subsingleton.elim _ _ (f : r ≼i s) g]
have et : = := by
refine' extensional_of_trichotomous_of_irrefl s fun x => _
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