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feat : Abelian groups has enough injectives (#7157)
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jjaassoonn committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent 481b5fc commit fb84a08
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Showing 2 changed files with 287 additions and 5 deletions.
281 changes: 276 additions & 5 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Category/GroupCat/Injective.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,19 +4,29 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.GroupCat.EpiMono
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.EpiMono
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Injective
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.Injective
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Divisible
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.AddCircle
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Rat
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Isomorphisms

#align_import algebra.category.Group.injective from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"70fd9563a21e7b963887c9360bd29b2393e6225a"

# Injective objects in the category of abelian groups
In this file we prove that divisible groups are injective object in category of (additive) abelian
groups and that the category of abelian groups has enough injective objects.
## Main results
- `AddCommGroupCat.injective_of_divisible` : a divisible group is also an injective object.
- `AddCommGroupCat.enoughInjectives` : the category of abelian groups has enough injectives.
## Implementation notes
The details of the proof that the category of abelian groups has enough injectives is hidden
inside the namespace `AddCommGroup.enough_injectives_aux_proofs`. These are not marked `private`,
but are not supposed to be used directly.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,4 +162,265 @@ instance injective_of_divisible [DivisibleBy A ℤ] :
#align AddCommGroup.injective_of_divisible AddCommGroupCat.injective_of_divisible

instance injective_ratCircle : CategoryTheory.Injective <| of <| ULift.{u} <| AddCircle (1 : ℚ) :=
have : Fact ((0 : ℚ) < 1) := ⟨by norm_num⟩
@injective_of_divisible _ _ _

namespace enough_injectives_aux_proofs

variable (A_ : AddCommGroupCat.{u})

/-- the next term of `A`'s injective resolution is `∏_{A → ℚ/ℤ}, ℚ/ℤ`.-/
def next : AddCommGroupCat.{u} := of <|
(A_ ⟶ of <| ULift <| AddCircle (1 : ℚ)) → AddCircle (1 : ℚ)

instance : CategoryTheory.Injective <| next A_ :=
have : Fact ((0 : ℚ) < 1) := ⟨by norm_num⟩
injective_of_divisible _

/-- the next term of `A`'s injective resolution is `∏_{A → ℚ/ℤ}, ℚ/ℤ`.-/
@[simps] def toNext : A_ ⟶ next A_ where
toFun := fun a i => (i a).down
map_zero' := by simp only [map_zero, ULift.zero_down]; rfl
map_add' := by intros; simp only [map_add]; rfl

lemma toNext_inj_of_exists
(h : ∀ (a : A_), a ≠ 0
∃ (f : ModuleCat.of ℤ (ℤ ∙ a) ⟶ ModuleCat.of ℤ (ULift <| AddCircle (1 : ℚ))),
f ⟨a, Submodule.subset_span rfl⟩ ≠ 0) :
Function.Injective $ toNext A_ :=
(injective_iff_map_eq_zero _).2 fun a h0 => not_not.1 fun ha => by
obtain ⟨f, hf⟩ := h a ha
let g : ModuleCat.of ℤ (ℤ ∙ a) ⟶ ModuleCat.of ℤ A_ := Submodule.subtype _
have hg : Mono g
· rw [ModuleCat.mono_iff_injective]
apply Submodule.injective_subtype
have i1 : CategoryTheory.Injective <| of (ULift.{u} $ AddCircle (1 : ℚ))
· infer_instance
have i2 := @injective_as_module_of_injective_as_Ab (of (ULift $ AddCircle (1 : ℚ))) _ i1
rw [← FunLike.congr_fun (@Injective.comp_factorThru (ModuleCat ℤ) _ _ _ _ i2 f g hg)
⟨a, Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self a⟩] at hf
refine hf <| ULift.down_injective <| congr_fun h0
(@Injective.factorThru (ModuleCat ℤ) _ _ _ _ i2 f g hg).toAddMonoidHom

section aux_defs

variable {A_}
variable (a : A_)

lemma _root_.LinearMap.toSpanSingleton_ker :
LinearMap.ker (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a) = Ideal.span {(addOrderOf a : ℤ)} := by
ext1 x
rw [Ideal.mem_span_singleton, LinearMap.mem_ker, addOrderOf_dvd_iff_zsmul_eq_zero,

ℤ ⧸ ⟨ord(a)⟩ ≃ aℤ
@[simps!] noncomputable def ZModSpanAddOrderOfEquiv :
(ℤ ⧸ Ideal.span {(addOrderOf a : ℤ)}) ≃ₗ[ℤ] ℤ ∙ a :=
letI e1 : (ℤ ⧸ (LinearMap.ker <| LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a)) ≃ₗ[ℤ] (ℤ ∙ a) :=
(LinearMap.quotKerEquivRange <| LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a).trans
(LinearEquiv.ofEq _ _ <| Eq.symm <| LinearMap.span_singleton_eq_range ℤ A_ a)
letI e2 : (ℤ ⧸ Ideal.span {(addOrderOf a : ℤ)}) ≃ₗ[ℤ]
(ℤ ⧸ (LinearMap.ker <| LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a)) :=
Submodule.Quotient.equiv _ _ (LinearEquiv.refl (R := ℤ) (M := ℤ)) <| by
rw [LinearMap.toSpanSingleton_ker]
exact Submodule.map_id _
e2.trans e1

end aux_defs

/-- given `n : ℕ`, the map `m ↦ n / m`. -/
@[simps] noncomputable def divBy (n : ℕ) : ℤ →ₗ[ℤ] AddCircle (1 : ℚ) where
toFun m := _ <| (m : ℚ) * (n : ℚ)⁻¹
map_add' x y := by
change _ = _ (_ + _)
apply Quotient.sound'
rw [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_eq, ← add_mul]
dsimp only
rw [neg_add_eq_sub, ← sub_mul]
simpa only [Int.cast_add, sub_self, zero_mul] using (AddSubgroup.zmultiples 1).zero_mem
map_smul' x y := by
change _ = _ (_ • _)
apply Quotient.sound'
rw [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_eq]
dsimp only
rw [zsmul_eq_mul, ← mul_assoc, Int.cast_mul, neg_add_eq_sub, sub_self]
exact (AddSubgroup.zmultiples (1 : ℚ)).zero_mem

namespace infinite_order

variable {A_}
variable {a : A_} (infinite_order : ¬IsOfFinAddOrder a)

/-- the map sending `n • a` to `n/2` when `a` has infinite order-/
@[simps!] noncomputable def toRatCircle : (ℤ ∙ a) →ₗ[ℤ] AddCircle (1 : ℚ) :=
let e : (ℤ ⧸ Ideal.span {(addOrderOf a : ℤ)}) →ₗ[ℤ] AddCircle (1 : ℚ) :=
Submodule.liftQSpanSingleton _ (divBy 2) <| by
rw [← addOrderOf_eq_zero_iff] at infinite_order
simp only [infinite_order, CharP.cast_eq_zero, map_zero]
e ∘ₗ (ZModSpanAddOrderOfEquiv a).symm.toLinearMap

lemma toRatCircle_apply_self_eq_aux :
toRatCircle infinite_order ⟨LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a 1, by
rw [LinearMap.toSpanSingleton_apply, one_smul]; exact Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self a⟩ = _ (2 : ℚ)⁻¹ := by
rw [toRatCircle_apply]
erw [LinearMap.quotKerEquivRange_symm_apply_image (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a),
rw [← Submodule.Quotient.equiv_refl, Submodule.Quotient.equiv_symm,
convert Submodule.liftQSpanSingleton_apply _ _ _ _ using 1
· convert (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton_ker a).symm using 1
exact Submodule.map_id _

lemma toRatCircle_apply_self_eq :
toRatCircle infinite_order ⟨a, Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self a⟩ = _ (2 : ℚ)⁻¹ := by
rw [← toRatCircle_apply_self_eq_aux infinite_order]

lemma toRatCircle_apply_self_ne_zero :
toRatCircle infinite_order ⟨a, Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self a⟩ ≠ 0 := by
rw [toRatCircle_apply_self_eq infinite_order]
change _ ≠ _ (0 : ℚ)
intro r
erw ['_eq_mk'] at r
obtain ⟨_, ⟨z, rfl⟩, H⟩ := r
simp only [zsmul_eq_mul, mul_one] at H
rw [add_comm, add_eq_zero_iff_eq_neg] at H
have ineq0 : |(z : ℚ)| < 1
· rw [H, abs_neg, abs_inv, inv_lt_one_iff]; right; norm_num
norm_cast at ineq0
rw [Int.abs_lt_one_iff] at ineq0
subst ineq0
norm_num at H

end infinite_order

namespace finite_order

variable {A_}
variable {a : A_} (finite_order : IsOfFinAddOrder a)

lemma divBy_addOrderOf_addOrderOf : divBy (addOrderOf a) (addOrderOf a) = 0 := by
simp only [divBy_apply, Int.cast_ofNat, ne_eq, Nat.cast_eq_zero]
apply Quotient.sound'
rw [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_eq]
simp only [ne_eq, Nat.cast_eq_zero, add_zero, neg_mem_iff]
rw [mul_inv_cancel]
· exact AddSubgroup.mem_zmultiples 1
· rw [← addOrderOf_pos_iff] at finite_order

/-- the map sending `n • a` to `n / ord(a)` when `a` has finite order. -/
@[simps!] noncomputable def toRatCircle : (ℤ ∙ a) →ₗ[ℤ] AddCircle (1 : ℚ) :=
let e : (ℤ ⧸ Ideal.span {(addOrderOf a : ℤ)}) →ₗ[ℤ] AddCircle (1 : ℚ) :=
Submodule.liftQSpanSingleton _ (divBy <| addOrderOf a) <|
divBy_addOrderOf_addOrderOf finite_order
e ∘ₗ (ZModSpanAddOrderOfEquiv a).symm.toLinearMap

lemma toRatCircle_apply_self_eq_aux :
toRatCircle finite_order ⟨LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a 1, by
rw [LinearMap.toSpanSingleton_apply, one_smul]; exact Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self a⟩ = _ (addOrderOf a : ℚ)⁻¹ := by
rw [toRatCircle_apply]
erw [LinearMap.quotKerEquivRange_symm_apply_image (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton ℤ A_ a),
rw [← Submodule.Quotient.equiv_refl, Submodule.Quotient.equiv_symm,
convert Submodule.liftQSpanSingleton_apply _ _ _ _ using 1
simp only [LinearMap.toSpanSingleton_apply, Eq.ndrec, id_eq, eq_mpr_eq_cast, cast_eq,
LinearEquiv.refl_symm, LinearEquiv.refl_toLinearMap, LinearMap.id_coe, divBy_apply,
Int.cast_one, one_mul]
· convert (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton_ker a).symm using 1
exact Submodule.map_id _

lemma toRatCircle_apply_self_eq :
toRatCircle finite_order ⟨a, Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self a⟩ = _ (addOrderOf a : ℚ)⁻¹ := by
rw [← toRatCircle_apply_self_eq_aux finite_order]

lemma toRatCircle_apply_self_ne_zero (ne_zero : a ≠ 0) :
toRatCircle finite_order ⟨a, Submodule.mem_span_singleton_self a⟩ ≠ 0 := by
rw [toRatCircle_apply_self_eq finite_order]
change _ ≠ _ (0 : ℚ)
intro r
erw ['_eq_mk'] at r
obtain ⟨_, ⟨z, rfl⟩, H⟩ := r
simp only [zsmul_eq_mul, mul_one] at H
-- This proof is a bit stupid:
-- we want to show that `ord(a)⁻¹ + z = 0` if contradiction
-- this should be easy because `ord(a) ∈ ℤ` is invertible in `ℚ`,
-- so `ord(a) = 1`, so `a = 0`, contradiction,
-- but I don't know how to say this.
replace H : addOrderOf a = 1
· rw [← addOrderOf_pos_iff] at finite_order
have eq0 : (addOrderOf a : ℚ) = -(z : ℚ)⁻¹
· rw [add_eq_zero_iff_eq_neg, inv_eq_iff_eq_inv] at H
rw [H, inv_neg]
have eq1 : |(addOrderOf a : ℚ)| = |(z : ℚ)|⁻¹
· rw [eq0, abs_neg, abs_inv]
have ineq0 : 1 ≤ |(addOrderOf a : ℚ)|
· norm_num
rw [eq1, le_inv, inv_one] at ineq0
norm_cast at ineq0
rw [Int.abs_le_one_iff] at ineq0
pick_goal 2
· norm_num
pick_goal 2
· simp only [abs_pos, ne_eq, Int.cast_eq_zero]
rintro rfl
simp only [Int.cast_zero, add_zero, inv_eq_zero, Nat.cast_eq_zero] at H
linarith only [finite_order, H]
obtain (rfl|rfl|rfl) := ineq0
· simp only [Int.cast_zero, inv_zero, neg_zero, Nat.cast_eq_zero] at eq0
linarith only [eq0, finite_order]
· simp only [Nat.abs_cast, Int.cast_one, abs_one, inv_one, Nat.cast_eq_one,
AddMonoid.addOrderOf_eq_one_iff] at eq1
exact (ne_zero eq1).elim
· rw [Int.cast_neg, Int.cast_one, ← sub_eq_add_neg, sub_eq_zero] at H
simp only [inv_eq_one, Nat.cast_eq_one, AddMonoid.addOrderOf_eq_one_iff] at H
exact (ne_zero H).elim

rw [AddMonoid.addOrderOf_eq_one_iff] at H
exact ne_zero H

end finite_order

lemma toNext_inj : Function.Injective $ toNext A_ := by
apply toNext_inj_of_exists
intro a ne_zero
by_cases order : IsOfFinAddOrder a
· let F := finite_order.toRatCircle order
refine ⟨⟨⟨ULift.up, by intros; rfl⟩, by intros; rfl⟩ ∘ₗ F, ?_⟩
change _ ≠ ULift.up 0
intro r
rw [LinearMap.comp_apply] at r
exact finite_order.toRatCircle_apply_self_ne_zero order ne_zero <| ULift.up_injective r
· let F := infinite_order.toRatCircle order
refine ⟨⟨⟨ULift.up, by intros; rfl⟩, by intros; rfl⟩ ∘ₗ F, ?_⟩
change _ ≠ ULift.up 0
intro r
rw [LinearMap.comp_apply] at r
exact infinite_order.toRatCircle_apply_self_ne_zero order <| ULift.up_injective r

/-- An injective presentation of `A`: A -> ∏_{A ⟶ ℚ/ℤ}, ℚ/ℤ-/
@[simps] def presentation : CategoryTheory.InjectivePresentation A_ where
J := next A_
injective := inferInstance
f := toNext A_
mono := (AddCommGroupCat.mono_iff_injective _).mpr $ toNext_inj _

end enough_injectives_aux_proofs

instance enoughInjectives : CategoryTheory.EnoughInjectives (AddCommGroupCat.{u}) where
presentation A_ := ⟨enough_injectives_aux_proofs.presentation A_⟩

end AddCommGroupCat
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Divisible.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Jujian Zhang
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Pointwise
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.QuotientGroup
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Pi
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.ULift

#align_import group_theory.divisible from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"0a0ec35061ed9960bf0e7ffb0335f44447b58977"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,6 +162,16 @@ instance Prod.rootableBy : RootableBy (B × B') β where

end Prod

section ULift

instance ULift.instRootableBy [RootableBy A α] : RootableBy (ULift A) α where
root x a := ULift.up <| RootableBy.root x.down a
root_zero x := ULift.ext _ _ <| RootableBy.root_zero x.down
root_cancel _ h := ULift.ext _ _ <| RootableBy.root_cancel _ h

end ULift

end Monoid

namespace AddCommGroup
Expand Down

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