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feat: port Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Regularity.Equitabilise (#2087)
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Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>
Co-authored-by: Komyyy <>
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3 people committed Feb 8, 2023
1 parent c8a4c63 commit fea8b0d
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Showing 2 changed files with 218 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SetFamily.Intersecting
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SetFamily.Kleitman
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SetFamily.LYM
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SetFamily.Shadow
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Regularity.Equitabilise
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.Young.SemistandardTableau
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.Young.YoungDiagram
import Mathlib.Control.Applicative
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217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/Regularity/Equitabilise.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies, Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies, Bhavik Mehta
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module combinatorics.simple_graph.regularity.equitabilise
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 4c19a16e4b705bf135cf9a80ac18fcc99c438514
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Order.Partition.Equipartition

# Equitabilising a partition
This file allows to blow partitions up into parts of controlled size. Given a partition `P` and
`a b m : ℕ`, we want to find a partition `Q` with `a` parts of size `m` and `b` parts of size
`m + 1` such that all parts of `P` are "as close as possible" to unions of parts of `Q`. By
"as close as possible", we mean that each part of `P` can be written as the union of some parts of
`Q` along with at most `m` other elements.
## Main declarations
* `Finpartition.equitabilise`: `P.equitabilise h` where `h : a * m + b * (m + 1)` is a partition
with `a` parts of size `m` and `b` parts of size `m + 1` which almost refines `P`.
* `Finpartition.exists_equipartition_card_eq`: We can find equipartitions of arbitrary size.

open Finset Nat

namespace Finpartition

variable {α : Type _} [DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} {m n a b : ℕ} {P : Finpartition s}

/-- Given a partition `P` of `s`, as well as a proof that `a * m + b * (m + 1) = s.card`, we can
find a new partition `Q` of `s` where each part has size `m` or `m + 1`, every part of `P` is the
union of parts of `Q` plus at most `m` extra elements, there are `b` parts of size `m + 1` and
(provided `m > 0`, because a partition does not have parts of size `0`) there are `a` parts of size
`m` and hence `a + b` parts in total. -/
theorem equitabilise_aux (hs : a * m + b * (m + 1) = s.card) :
∃ Q : Finpartition s,
(∀ x : Finset α, x ∈ → x.card = m ∨ x.card = m + 1) ∧
(∀ x, x ∈ → (x \ ( fun y => y ⊆ x).bunionᵢ id).card ≤ m) ∧
( fun i => card i = m + 1).card = b := by
-- Get rid of the easy case `m = 0`
obtain rfl | m_pos := m.eq_zero_or_pos
· refine' ⟨⊥, by simp, _, by simpa using hs.symm⟩
simp only [le_zero_iff, card_eq_zero, mem_bunionᵢ, exists_prop, mem_filter, id.def, and_assoc,
sdiff_eq_empty_iff_subset, subset_iff]
exact fun x hx a ha =>
⟨{a}, mem_map_of_mem _ (P.le hx ha), singleton_subset_iff.2 ha, mem_singleton_self _⟩
-- Prove the case `m > 0` by strong induction on `s`
induction' s using Finset.strongInduction with s ih generalizing a b
-- If `a = b = 0`, then `s = ∅` and we can partition into zero parts
by_cases hab : a = 0 ∧ b = 0
· simp only [hab.1, hab.2, add_zero, zero_mul, eq_comm, card_eq_zero, Finset.bot_eq_empty] at hs
subst hs
-- Porting note: to synthesize `Finpartition ∅`, `have` is required
have : P = Finpartition.empty _ := Unique.eq_default (α := Finpartition ⊥) P
exact ⟨Finpartition.empty _, by simp, by simp [this], by simp [hab.2]⟩
simp_rw [not_and_or, ← Ne.def, ← pos_iff_ne_zero] at hab
-- `n` will be the size of the smallest part
set n := if 0 < a then m else m + 1 with hn
-- Some easy facts about it
obtain ⟨hn₀, hn₁, hn₂, hn₃⟩ :
0 < n ∧ n ≤ m + 1 ∧ n ≤ a * m + b * (m + 1) ∧
ite (0 < a) (a - 1) a * m + ite (0 < a) b (b - 1) * (m + 1) = s.card - n :=
rw [hn, ← hs]
split_ifs with h <;> rw [tsub_mul, one_mul]
· refine' ⟨m_pos, le_succ _, le_add_right (le_mul_of_pos_left ‹0 < a›), _⟩
rw [tsub_add_eq_add_tsub (le_mul_of_pos_left h)]
· refine' ⟨succ_pos', le_rfl, le_add_left (le_mul_of_pos_left <| hab.resolve_left ‹¬0 < a›), _⟩
rw [← add_tsub_assoc_of_le (le_mul_of_pos_left <| hab.resolve_left ‹¬0 < a›)]
/- We will call the inductive hypothesis on a partition of `s \ t` for a carefully chosen `t ⊆ s`.
To decide which, however, we must distinguish the case where all parts of `P` have size `m` (in
which case we take `t` to be an arbitrary subset of `s` of size `n`) from the case where at
least one part `u` of `P` has size `m + 1` (in which case we take `t` to be an arbitrary subset
of `u` of size `n`). The rest of each branch is just tedious calculations to satisfy the
induction hypothesis. -/
by_cases ∀ u ∈, card u < m + 1
· obtain ⟨t, hts, htn⟩ := exists_smaller_set s n (hn₂.trans_eq hs)
have ht : t.Nonempty := by rwa [← card_pos, htn]
have hcard : ite (0 < a) (a - 1) a * m + ite (0 < a) b (b - 1) * (m + 1) = (s \ t).card := by
rw [card_sdiff ‹t ⊆ s›, htn, hn₃]
obtain ⟨R, hR₁, _, hR₃⟩ :=
@ih (s \ t) (sdiff_ssubset hts ‹t.Nonempty›) (if 0 < a then a - 1 else a)
(if 0 < a then b else b - 1) (P.avoid t) hcard
refine' ⟨R.extend ht.ne_empty sdiff_disjoint (sdiff_sup_cancel hts), _, _, _⟩
· simp only [extend_parts, mem_insert, forall_eq_or_imp, and_iff_left hR₁, htn, hn]
exact ite_eq_or_eq _ _ _
· exact fun x hx => (card_le_of_subset <| sdiff_subset _ _).trans (lt_succ_iff.1 <| h _ hx)
simp_rw [extend_parts, filter_insert, htn, hn, m.succ_ne_self.symm.ite_eq_right_iff]
split_ifs with ha
· rw [hR₃, if_pos ha]
rw [card_insert_of_not_mem, hR₃, if_neg ha, tsub_add_cancel_of_le]
· exact hab.resolve_left ha
· intro H; exact ht.ne_empty (le_sdiff_iff.1 <| R.le <| filter_subset _ _ H)
push_neg at h
obtain ⟨u, hu₁, hu₂⟩ := h
obtain ⟨t, htu, htn⟩ := exists_smaller_set _ _ (hn₁.trans hu₂)
have ht : t.Nonempty := by rwa [← card_pos, htn]
have hcard : ite (0 < a) (a - 1) a * m + ite (0 < a) b (b - 1) * (m + 1) = (s \ t).card := by
rw [card_sdiff (htu.trans <| P.le hu₁), htn, hn₃]
obtain ⟨R, hR₁, hR₂, hR₃⟩ :=
@ih (s \ t) (sdiff_ssubset (htu.trans <| P.le hu₁) ht) (if 0 < a then a - 1 else a)
(if 0 < a then b else b - 1) (P.avoid t) hcard
refine' ⟨R.extend ht.ne_empty sdiff_disjoint (sdiff_sup_cancel <| htu.trans <| P.le hu₁), _, _, _⟩
· simp only [mem_insert, forall_eq_or_imp, extend_parts, and_iff_left hR₁, htn, hn]
exact ite_eq_or_eq _ _ _
· conv in _ ∈ _ => rw [← insert_erase hu₁]
simp only [and_imp, mem_insert, forall_eq_or_imp, Ne.def, extend_parts]
refine' ⟨_, fun x hx => (card_le_of_subset _).trans <| hR₂ x _⟩
· simp only [filter_insert, if_pos htu, bunionᵢ_insert, mem_erase, id.def]
obtain rfl | hut := eq_or_ne u t
· rw [sdiff_eq_empty_iff_subset.2 (subset_union_left _ _)]
exact bot_le
(card_le_of_subset fun i => _).trans
(hR₂ (u \ t) <| P.mem_avoid.2 ⟨u, hu₁, fun i => hut <| i.antisymm htu, rfl⟩)
-- Porting note: `not_and` required because `∃ x ∈ s, p x` is defined diferently
simp only [not_exists, not_and, mem_bunionᵢ, and_imp, mem_union, mem_filter, mem_sdiff,
id.def, not_or]
exact fun hi₁ hi₂ hi₃ =>
⟨⟨hi₁, hi₂⟩, fun x hx hx' => hi₃ _ hx <| hx'.trans <| sdiff_subset _ _⟩
· apply sdiff_subset_sdiff Subset.rfl (bunionᵢ_subset_bunionᵢ_of_subset_left _ _)
exact filter_subset_filter _ (subset_insert _ _)
simp only [avoid, ofErase, mem_erase, mem_image, bot_eq_empty]
⟨(nonempty_of_mem_parts _ <| mem_of_mem_erase hx).ne_empty, _, mem_of_mem_erase hx,
(disjoint_of_subset_right htu <|
P.disjoint (mem_of_mem_erase hx) hu₁ <| ne_of_mem_erase hx).sdiff_eq_left⟩
simp only [extend_parts, filter_insert, htn, hn, m.succ_ne_self.symm.ite_eq_right_iff]
split_ifs with h
· rw [hR₃, if_pos h]
· rw [card_insert_of_not_mem, hR₃, if_neg h, Nat.sub_add_cancel (hab.resolve_left h)]
intro H; exact ht.ne_empty (le_sdiff_iff.1 <| R.le <| filter_subset _ _ H)
#align finpartition.equitabilise_aux Finpartition.equitabilise_aux

variable (h : a * m + b * (m + 1) = s.card)

/-- Given a partition `P` of `s`, as well as a proof that `a * m + b * (m + 1) = s.card`, build a
new partition `Q` of `s` where each part has size `m` or `m + 1`, every part of `P` is the union of
parts of `Q` plus at most `m` extra elements, there are `b` parts of size `m + 1` and (provided
`m > 0`, because a partition does not have parts of size `0`) there are `a` parts of size `m` and
hence `a + b` parts in total. -/
noncomputable def equitabilise : Finpartition s :=
(P.equitabilise_aux h).choose
#align finpartition.equitabilise Finpartition.equitabilise

variable {h}

theorem card_eq_of_mem_parts_equitabilise :
t ∈ (P.equitabilise h).parts → t.card = m ∨ t.card = m + 1 :=
(P.equitabilise_aux h).choose_spec.1 _
#align finpartition.card_eq_of_mem_parts_equitabilise Finpartition.card_eq_of_mem_parts_equitabilise

theorem equitabilise_isEquipartition : (P.equitabilise h).IsEquipartition :=
Set.equitableOn_iff_exists_eq_eq_add_one.2 ⟨m, fun _ => card_eq_of_mem_parts_equitabilise⟩
#align finpartition.equitabilise_is_equipartition Finpartition.equitabilise_isEquipartition

variable (P h)

theorem card_filter_equitabilise_big :
((P.equitabilise h).parts.filter fun u : Finset α => u.card = m + 1).card = b :=
(P.equitabilise_aux h).choose_spec.2.2
#align finpartition.card_filter_equitabilise_big Finpartition.card_filter_equitabilise_big

theorem card_filter_equitabilise_small (hm : m ≠ 0) :
((P.equitabilise h).parts.filter fun u : Finset α => u.card = m).card = a := by
refine' (mul_eq_mul_right_iff.1 <| (add_left_inj (b * (m + 1))).1 _).resolve_right hm
rw [h, ← (P.equitabilise h).sum_card_parts]
have hunion :
(P.equitabilise h).parts =
((P.equitabilise h).parts.filter fun u => u.card = m) ∪
(P.equitabilise h).parts.filter fun u => u.card = m + 1 := by
rw [← filter_or, filter_true_of_mem]
exact fun x => card_eq_of_mem_parts_equitabilise
nth_rw 2 [hunion]
rw [sum_union, sum_const_nat fun x hx => (mem_filter.1 hx).2,
sum_const_nat fun x hx => (mem_filter.1 hx).2, P.card_filter_equitabilise_big]
refine' disjoint_filter_filter' _ _ _
intro x ha hb i h
apply succ_ne_self m _
exact (hb i h).symm.trans (ha i h)
#align finpartition.card_filter_equitabilise_small Finpartition.card_filter_equitabilise_small

theorem card_parts_equitabilise (hm : m ≠ 0) : (P.equitabilise h).parts.card = a + b := by
rw [← filter_true_of_mem fun x => card_eq_of_mem_parts_equitabilise, filter_or, card_union_eq,
P.card_filter_equitabilise_small _ hm, P.card_filter_equitabilise_big]
-- Porting note: was `infer_instance`
exact disjoint_filter.2 fun x _ h₀ h₁ => Nat.succ_ne_self m <| h₁.symm.trans h₀
#align finpartition.card_parts_equitabilise Finpartition.card_parts_equitabilise

theorem card_parts_equitabilise_subset_le :
t ∈ → (t \ ((P.equitabilise h).parts.filter fun u => u ⊆ t).bunionᵢ id).card ≤ m :=
(Classical.choose_spec <| P.equitabilise_aux h).2.1 t
#align finpartition.card_parts_equitabilise_subset_le Finpartition.card_parts_equitabilise_subset_le

variable (s)

/-- We can find equipartitions of arbitrary size. -/
theorem exists_equipartition_card_eq (hn : n ≠ 0) (hs : n ≤ s.card) :
∃ P : Finpartition s, P.IsEquipartition ∧ = n := by
rw [← pos_iff_ne_zero] at hn
have : (n - s.card % n) * (s.card / n) + s.card % n * (s.card / n + 1) = s.card := by
rw [tsub_mul, mul_add, ← add_assoc,
tsub_add_cancel_of_le (Nat.mul_le_mul_right _ (mod_lt _ hn).le), mul_one, add_comm,
⟨(indiscrete (card_pos.1 <| hn.trans_le hs).ne_empty).equitabilise this,
equitabilise_isEquipartition, _⟩
rw [card_parts_equitabilise _ _ (Nat.div_pos hs hn).ne', tsub_add_cancel_of_le (mod_lt _ hn).le]
#align finpartition.exists_equipartition_card_eq Finpartition.exists_equipartition_card_eq

end Finpartition

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