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[Merged by Bors] - feat: variable? command for automatically adding typeclass dependencies #3162

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -2697,6 +2697,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.TryThis
import Mathlib.Tactic.TypeCheck
import Mathlib.Tactic.UnsetOption
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
import Mathlib.Tactic.Variable
import Mathlib.Tactic.WLOG
import Mathlib.Tactic.Widget.CommDiag
import Mathlib.Tactic.Zify
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic.lean
Expand Up @@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.TryThis
import Mathlib.Tactic.TypeCheck
import Mathlib.Tactic.UnsetOption
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
import Mathlib.Tactic.Variable
import Mathlib.Tactic.WLOG
import Mathlib.Tactic.Widget.CommDiag
import Mathlib.Tactic.Zify
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301 changes: 301 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/Variable.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Lean
import Std.Tactic.TryThis

# The `variable?` command

This defines a command like `variable` that automatically adds all missing typeclass
arguments. For example, `variable? [Module R M]` is the same as
`variable [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M]`, though if any of these three instance
arguments can be inferred from previous variables then they will be omitted.

An inherent limitation with this command is that variables are recorded in the scope as
*syntax*. This means that `variable?` needs to pretty print the expressions we get
from typeclass synthesis errors, and these might fail to round trip.

namespace Mathlib.Command.Variable
open Lean Elab Command Parser.Term Meta

initialize registerTraceClass `variable?

register_option variable?.maxSteps : Nat :=
{ defValue := 15
group := "variable?"
descr :=
"The maximum number of instance arguments `variable?` will try to insert before giving up" }

register_option variable?.checkRedundant : Bool :=
{ defValue := true
group := "variable?"
descr := "Warn if instance arguments can be inferred from preceding ones" }

/-- Get the type out of a bracketed binder. -/
def bracketedBinderType : Syntax → Option Term
| `(bracketedBinderF|($_* $[: $ty?]? $(_annot?)?)) => ty?
| `(bracketedBinderF|{$_* $[: $ty?]?}) => ty?
| `(bracketedBinderF|⦃$_* $[: $ty?]?⦄) => ty?
| `(bracketedBinderF|[$[$_ :]? $ty]) => some ty
| _ => none

/-- The `variable?` command has the same syntax as `variable`, but it will auto-insert
missing instance arguments wherever they are needed.
It does not add variables that can already be deduced from others in the current context.
By default the command checks that variables aren't implied by earlier ones, but it does *not*
check that earlier variables aren't implied by later ones.
Unlike `variable`, the `variable?` command does not support changing variable binder types.

The `variable?` command will give a suggestion to replace itself with a command of the form
`variable? ...binders... => ...binders...`. The binders after the `=>` are the completed
list of binders. When this `=>` clause is present, the command verifies that the expanded
binders match the post-`=>` binders. The purpose of this is to help keep code that uses
`variable?` resilient against changes to the typeclass hierarchy, at least in the sense
that this additional information can be used to debug issues that might arise.
One can also replace `variable? ...binders... =>` with `variable`.

The core algorithm is to try elaborating binders one at a time, and whenever there is a
typeclass instance inference failure, it synthesizes binder syntax for it and adds it to
the list of binders and tries again, recursively. There are no guarantees that this
process gives the "correct" list of binders.

Structures tagged with the `variable_alias` attribute can serve as aliases for a collection
of typeclasses. For example, given
structure VectorSpace (k V : Type _) [Field k] [AddCommGroup V] [Module k V]
kmill marked this conversation as resolved.
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then `variable? [VectorSpace k V]` is
equivalent to `variable {k V : Type _} [Field k] [AddCommGroup V] [Module k V]`, assuming
that there are no pre-existing instances on `k` and `V`.
Note that this is not a simple replacement: it only adds instances not inferrable
from others in the current scope.

A word of warning: the core algorithm depends on pretty printing, so if terms that appear
in binders do not round trip, this algorithm can fail. That said, it has some support
for quantified binders such as `[∀ i, F i]`. -/
syntax (name := «variable?»)
"variable?" (ppSpace bracketedBinder)* (" =>" (ppSpace bracketedBinder)*)? : command

Attribute to record aliases for the `variable?` command. Aliases are structures that have no
fields, and additional typeclasses are recorded as *arguments* to the structure.

structure VectorSpace (k V : Type _)
[Field k] [AddCommGroup V] [Module k V]
Then `variable? [VectorSpace k V]` ensures that these three typeclasses are present in
the current scope. Notice that it's looking at the arguments to the `VectorSpace` type
constructor. You should not have any fields in `variable_alias` structures.

Notice that `VectorSpace` is not a class; the `variable?` command allows non-classes with the
`variable_alias` attribute to use instance binders.
initialize variableAliasAttr : TagAttribute ←
registerTagAttribute `variable_alias "Attribute to record aliases for the `variable?` command."

/-- Find a synthetic typeclass metavariable with no expr metavariables in its type. -/
def pendingActionableSynthMVar (binder : TSyntax ``bracketedBinder) :
TermElabM (Option MVarId) := do
let pendingMVars := (← get).pendingMVars
if pendingMVars.isEmpty then
return none
for mvarId in pendingMVars.reverse do
let some decl ← Term.getSyntheticMVarDecl? mvarId | continue
match decl.kind with
| .typeClass =>
let ty ← instantiateMVars (← mvarId.getType)
if !ty.hasExprMVar then
return mvarId
| _ => pure ()
throwErrorAt binder "Can not satisfy requirements for {binder} due to metavariables."

/-- Try elaborating `ty`. Returns `none` if it doesn't need any additional typeclasses,
or it returns a new binder that needs to come first. Does not add info unless it throws
an exception. -/
partial def getSubproblem
(binder : TSyntax ``bracketedBinder) (ty : Term) :
TermElabM (Option (MessageData × TSyntax ``bracketedBinder)) := do
let res : Term.TermElabResult (Option (MessageData × TSyntax ``bracketedBinder)) ←
Term.observing do
withTheReader Term.Context (fun ctx => {ctx with ignoreTCFailures := true}) do
Term.withAutoBoundImplicit do
_ ← Term.elabType ty
Term.synthesizeSyntheticMVars (mayPostpone := true) (ignoreStuckTC := true)
let fvarIds := (← getLCtx).getFVarIds
if let some mvarId ← pendingActionableSynthMVar binder then
trace[«variable?»] "Actionable mvar:{mvarId}"
-- TODO alter goal based on configuration, for example Semiring -> CommRing.
-- 1. Find the new fvars that this instance problem depends on:
let fvarIds' := (← mvarId.getDecl).lctx.getFVarIds.filter
(fun fvar => !(fvarIds.contains fvar))
-- 2. Abstract the instance problem with respect to these fvars
let goal ← mvarId.withContext do instantiateMVars <|
(← mkForallFVars (usedOnly := true) (fvarIds'.map .fvar) (← mvarId.getType))
-- Note: pretty printing is not guaranteed to round-trip, but it's what we can do.
let ty' ← PrettyPrinter.delab goal
let binder' ← withRef binder `(bracketedBinderF| [$ty'])
return some (← addMessageContext m!"{mvarId}", binder')
return none
match res with
| .ok v _ => return v
| .error .. => Term.applyResult res

/-- Tries elaborating binders, inserting new binders whenever typeclass inference fails.
`i` is the index of the next binder that needs to be checked.

The `toOmit` array keeps track of which binders should be removed at the end,
in particular the `variable_alias` binders and any redundant binders. -/
partial def completeBinders' (maxSteps : Nat) (gas : Nat)
(checkRedundant : Bool)
(binders : TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder)
(toOmit : Array Bool) (i : Nat) :
TermElabM (TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder × Array Bool) := do
if 0 < gas && i < binders.size then
let binder := binders[i]!
"Have {(← getLCtx).getFVarIds.size} fvars and {(← getLocalInstances).size} local instances{
""}. Looking at{indentD binder}"
let sub? ← getSubproblem binder (bracketedBinderType binder).get!
if let some (goalMsg, binder') := sub? then
trace[«variable?»] m!"new subproblem:{indentD binder'}"
if binders.any (stop := i) (· == binder') then
let binders' := binders.extract 0 i
throwErrorAt binder
"Binder{indentD binder}\nwas not able to satisfy one of its dependencies using {
""}the pre-existing binder{indentD binder'}\n\n{
""}This might be due to differences in implicit arguments, which are not represented {
""}in binders since they are generated by pretty printing unsatisfied dependencies.\n\n{
""}Current variable command:{indentD (← `(command| variable $binders'*))}\n\n{
""}Local context for the unsatisfied dependency:{goalMsg}"
let binders := binders.insertAt! i binder'
completeBinders' maxSteps (gas - 1) checkRedundant binders toOmit i
let lctx ← getLCtx
let linst ← getLocalInstances
withOptions (fun opts => Term.checkBinderAnnotations.set opts false) <| -- for variable_alias
Term.withAutoBoundImplicit <|
Term.elabBinders #[binder] fun bindersElab => do
let types : Array Expr ← bindersElab.mapM (inferType ·)
trace[«variable?»] m!"elaborated binder types array = {types}"
Term.synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing -- checkpoint for withAutoBoundImplicit
Term.withoutAutoBoundImplicit do
let (binders, toOmit) := ← do
match binder with
| `(bracketedBinderF|[$[$ident? :]? $ty]) =>
-- Check if it's an alias
let type ← instantiateMVars (← inferType bindersElab.back)
if ← isVariableAlias type then
if ident?.isSome then
throwErrorAt binder "`variable_alias` binders can't have an explicit name"
-- Switch to implicit so that `elabBinders` succeeds.
-- We keep it around so that it gets infotrees
let binder' ← withRef binder `(bracketedBinderF|{_ : $ty})
return (binders.set! i binder', toOmit.push true)
-- Check that this wasn't already an instance
let res ← try withLCtx lctx linst <| trySynthInstance type catch _ => pure .none
if let .some _ := res then
if checkRedundant then
let mvar ← mkFreshExprMVarAt lctx linst type
logWarningAt binder
m!"Instance argument can be inferred from earlier arguments.\n{mvar.mvarId!}"
return (binders, toOmit.push true)
return (binders, toOmit.push false)
| _ => return (binders, toOmit.push false)
completeBinders' maxSteps gas checkRedundant binders toOmit (i + 1)
if gas == 0 && i < binders.size then
let binders' := binders.extract 0 i
logErrorAt binders[i]! m!"Maximum recursion depth for variables! reached. This might be a {
""}bug, or you can try adjusting `set_option variable?.maxSteps {maxSteps}`{
""}\n\nCurrent variable command:{indentD (← `(command| variable $binders'*))}"
return (binders, toOmit)
isVariableAlias (type : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
forallTelescope type fun _ type => do
if let .const name _ := type.getAppFn then
if variableAliasAttr.hasTag (← getEnv) name then
return true
return false

def completeBinders (maxSteps : Nat) (checkRedundant : Bool)
(binders : TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder) :
TermElabM (TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder × Array Bool) :=
completeBinders' maxSteps maxSteps checkRedundant binders #[] 0

/-- Strip off whitespace and comments. -/
def cleanBinders (binders : TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder) :
TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder := do
let mut binders' := #[]
for binder in binders do
binders' := binders'.push <| ⟨binder.raw.unsetTrailing⟩
return binders'

@[command_elab «variable?», inherit_doc «variable?»]
def elabVariables : CommandElab := fun stx =>
match stx with
| `(variable? $binders* $[=> $expectedBinders?*]?) => do
let checkRedundant := variable?.checkRedundant.get (← getOptions)
process stx checkRedundant binders expectedBinders?
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
extendScope (binders : TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder) : CommandElabM Unit := do
for binder in binders do
let varUIds ← getBracketedBinderIds binder |>.mapM
(withFreshMacroScope ∘ MonadQuotation.addMacroScope)
modifyScope fun scope =>
{ scope with varDecls := scope.varDecls.push binder, varUIds := scope.varUIds ++ varUIds }
process (stx : Syntax) (checkRedundant : Bool)
(binders : TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder)
(expectedBinders? : Option <| TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder) : CommandElabM Unit := do
let binders := cleanBinders binders
let maxSteps := variable?.maxSteps.get (← getOptions)
trace[«variable?»] "variable?.maxSteps = {maxSteps}"
for binder in binders do
if (bracketedBinderType binder).isNone then
throwErrorAt binder "variable? cannot update pre-existing variables"
let (binders', suggest) ← runTermElabM fun _ => do
let (binders, toOmit) ← completeBinders maxSteps checkRedundant binders
/- Elaborate the binders again, which also adds the infotrees.
This also makes sure the list works with auto-bound implicits at the front. -/
Term.withAutoBoundImplicit <| Term.elabBinders binders fun _ => pure ()
-- Filter out omitted binders
let binders' : TSyntaxArray ``bracketedBinder :=
( toOmit).filterMap fun (b, omit) => if omit then none else some b
if let some expectedBinders := expectedBinders? then
trace[«variable?»] "checking expected binders"
/- We re-elaborate the biders to record expressions that represent the whole resulting
local contexts (auto-bound implicits make it so we can't just use the argument to the
function for `Term.elabBinders`). -/
let ctx1 ← Term.withAutoBoundImplicit <| Term.elabBinders binders' fun _ => do
mkForallFVars (← getLCtx).getFVars (.sort .zero)
let ctx2 ← Term.withAutoBoundImplicit <| Term.elabBinders expectedBinders fun _ => do
mkForallFVars (← getLCtx).getFVars (.sort .zero)
trace[«variable?»] "new context: {ctx1}"
trace[«variable?»] "expected context: {ctx2}"
if ← isDefEq ctx1 ctx2 then
return (binders', false)
logWarning "Calculated binders do not match the expected binders given after `=>`."
return (binders', true)
return (binders', true)
extendScope binders'
let varComm ← `(command| variable? $binders* => $binders'*)
trace[«variable?»] "derived{indentD varComm}"
if suggest then
liftTermElabM <| Std.Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion stx (origSpan? := stx) varComm

/-- Hint for the unused variables linter. Copies the one for `variable`. -/
def ignorevariable? : Lean.Linter.IgnoreFunction := fun _ stack _ =>
stack.matches [`null, none, `null, `Mathlib.Command.variable?]