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[Merged by Bors] - feat: Better lemmas for transferring finite sums along equivalences #9237

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344 changes: 227 additions & 117 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/BigOperators/Basic.lean

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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/BigOperators/Finprod.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1240,14 +1240,10 @@ theorem finprod_mem_finset_product' [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (s : Finse
(f : α × β → M) :
(∏ᶠ (ab) (_ : ab ∈ s), f ab) =
∏ᶠ (a) (b) (_ : b ∈ (s.filter fun ab => Prod.fst ab = a).image Prod.snd), f (a, b) := by
have :
∀ a,
(∏ i : β in (s.filter fun ab => Prod.fst ab = a).image Prod.snd, f (a, i)) =
(Finset.filter (fun ab => Prod.fst ab = a) s).prod f := by
refine' fun a => Finset.prod_bij (fun b _ => (a, b)) _ _ _ _ <;> simp
suffices ∀ a' b, (a', b) ∈ s → a' = a → (a, b) ∈ s ∧ a' = a by simpa
rintro a' b hp rfl
exact ⟨hp, rfl⟩
have (a) :
∏ i in (s.filter fun ab => Prod.fst ab = a).image Prod.snd, f (a, i) =
(s.filter (Prod.fst · = a)).prod f := by
refine Finset.prod_nbij' (fun b ↦ (a, b)) Prod.snd ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ <;> aesop
rw [finprod_mem_finset_eq_prod]
simp_rw [finprod_mem_finset_eq_prod, this]
rw [finprod_eq_prod_of_mulSupport_subset _
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/BigOperators/Finsupp.lean
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Expand Up @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ lemma indicator_eq_sum_attach_single [AddCommMonoid M] {s : Finset α} (f : ∀

lemma indicator_eq_sum_single [AddCommMonoid M] (s : Finset α) (f : α → M) :
indicator s (fun x _ ↦ f x) = ∑ x in s, single x (f x) :=
(indicator_eq_sum_attach_single _).trans <| sum_attach (f := fun x ↦ single x (f x))
(indicator_eq_sum_attach_single _).trans <| sum_attach _ fun x ↦ single x (f x)

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
lemma prod_indicator_index_eq_prod_attach [Zero M] [CommMonoid N]
Expand All @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ lemma prod_indicator_index_eq_prod_attach [Zero M] [CommMonoid N]
lemma prod_indicator_index [Zero M] [CommMonoid N]
{s : Finset α} (f : α → M) {h : α → M → N} (h_zero : ∀ a ∈ s, h a 0 = 1) :
(indicator s (fun x _ ↦ f x)).prod h = ∏ x in s, h x (f x) :=
(prod_indicator_index_eq_prod_attach _ h_zero).trans <| prod_attach (f := fun x ↦ h x (f x))
(prod_indicator_index_eq_prod_attach _ h_zero).trans <| prod_attach _ fun x ↦ h x (f x)

lemma sum_cons [AddCommMonoid M] (n : ℕ) (σ : Fin n →₀ M) (i : M) :
(sum (cons i σ) fun _ e ↦ e) = i + sum σ (fun _ e ↦ e) := by
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6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/BigOperators/Intervals.lean
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Expand Up @@ -123,10 +123,8 @@ theorem sum_Ico_Ico_comm {M : Type*} [AddCommMonoid M] (a b : ℕ) (f : ℕ →
(∑ i in Finset.Ico a b, ∑ j in Finset.Ico i b, f i j) =
∑ j in Finset.Ico a b, ∑ i in Finset.Ico a (j + 1), f i j := by
rw [Finset.sum_sigma', Finset.sum_sigma']
Finset.sum_bij' (fun (x : Σ _ : ℕ, ℕ) _ => (⟨x.2, x.1⟩ : Σ _ : ℕ, ℕ)) _ (fun _ _ => rfl)
(fun (x : Σ _ : ℕ, ℕ) _ => (⟨x.2, x.1⟩ : Σ _ : ℕ, ℕ)) _ (by (rintro ⟨⟩ _; rfl))
(by (rintro ⟨⟩ _; rfl)) <;>
refine' sum_nbij' (fun x ↦ ⟨x.2, x.1⟩) (fun x ↦ ⟨x.2, x.1⟩) _ _ (fun _ _ ↦ rfl) (fun _ _ ↦ rfl)
(fun _ _ ↦ rfl) <;>
simp only [Finset.mem_Ico, Sigma.forall, Finset.mem_sigma] <;>
rintro a b ⟨⟨h₁, h₂⟩, ⟨h₃, h₄⟩⟩ <;>
refine' ⟨⟨_, _⟩, ⟨_, _⟩⟩ <;>
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21 changes: 8 additions & 13 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/BigOperators/Ring.lean
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Expand Up @@ -140,23 +140,18 @@ theorem prod_add [DecidableEq α] (f g : α → β) (s : Finset α) :
_ = ∑ t in s.powerset, (∏ a in t, f a) * ∏ a in s \ t, g a :=
(fun f _ => s.filter (fun a => ∀ h : a ∈ s, f a h))
(by simp)
(fun a _ => by
rw [prod_ite]
congr 1
exact prod_bij'
(fun a _ => a.1) (by simp) (by simp)
(fun a ha => ⟨a, (mem_filter.1 ha).1⟩) (fun a ha => by simp at ha; simp; tauto)
(by simp) (by simp)
exact prod_bij'
(fun a _ => a.1) (by simp) (by simp)
(fun a ha => ⟨a, (mem_sdiff.1 ha).1⟩) (fun a ha => by simp at ha; simp; tauto)
(by simp) (by simp))
(fun f _ ↦ s.filter fun a ↦ ∃ h : a ∈ s, f a h)
(fun t _ a _ => a ∈ t)
(by simp)
(by simp [Classical.em])
(by simp_rw [mem_filter, Function.funext_iff, eq_iff_iff, mem_pi, mem_insert]; tauto)
(by simp_rw [ext_iff, @mem_filter _ _ (id _), mem_powerset]; tauto)
(fun a _ ↦ by
simp only [prod_ite, filter_attach', prod_map, Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk,
Subtype.map_coe, id_eq, prod_attach, filter_congr_decidable]
congr 2 with x
simp only [mem_filter, mem_sdiff, not_and, not_exists, and_congr_right_iff]
#align finset.prod_add Finset.prod_add

/-- `∏ i, (f i + g i) = (∏ i, f i) + ∑ i, g i * (∏ j < i, f j + g j) * (∏ j > i, f j)`. -/
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Tropical/BigOperators.lean
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Expand Up @@ -142,5 +142,5 @@ theorem untrop_sum [ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder R] [Fintype S] (f : S → T
as it is simply not true on conditionally complete lattices! -/
theorem Finset.untrop_sum [ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder R] (s : Finset S)
(f : S → Tropical (WithTop R)) : untrop (∑ i in s, f i) = ⨅ i : s, untrop (f i) := by
simpa [← _root_.untrop_sum] using sum_attach.symm
simpa [← _root_.untrop_sum] using (sum_attach _ _).symm
#align finset.untrop_sum Finset.untrop_sum
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions Mathlib/AlgebraicTopology/AlternatingFaceMapComplex.lean
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Expand Up @@ -90,17 +90,8 @@ theorem d_squared (n : ℕ) : objD X (n + 1) ≫ objD X n = 0 := by
simp only [Finset.mem_univ, Finset.compl_filter, Finset.mem_filter, true_and_iff, Fin.val_succ,
Fin.coe_castLT] at hij ⊢
· -- identification of corresponding terms in both sums
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hij
simp only [zsmul_comp, comp_zsmul, smul_smul, ← neg_smul]
congr 1
· simp only [Fin.val_succ, pow_add, pow_one, mul_neg, neg_neg, mul_one]
apply mul_comm
· rw [CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.δ_comp_δ'']
simpa using hij
· -- φ : S → Sᶜ is injective
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ ⟨i', j'⟩ hij hij' h
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hij ⟨i', j'⟩ hij' h
rw []
exact ⟨by simpa using congr_arg Prod.snd h,
by simpa [Fin.castSucc_castLT] using congr_arg Fin.castSucc (congr_arg Prod.fst h)⟩
Expand All @@ -114,6 +105,15 @@ theorem d_squared (n : ℕ) : objD X (n + 1) ≫ objD X n = 0 := by
· simpa only [Finset.mem_univ, forall_true_left, Prod.forall, ge_iff_le, Finset.mem_filter,
Fin.coe_castSucc, Fin.coe_pred, true_and] using Nat.le_sub_one_of_lt hij'
· simp only [Fin.castLT_castSucc, Fin.succ_pred]
· -- identification of corresponding terms in both sums
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hij
simp only [zsmul_comp, comp_zsmul, smul_smul, ← neg_smul]
congr 1
· simp only [Fin.val_succ, pow_add, pow_one, mul_neg, neg_neg, mul_one]
apply mul_comm
· rw [CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.δ_comp_δ'']
simpa using hij
#align algebraic_topology.alternating_face_map_complex.d_squared AlgebraicTopology.AlternatingFaceMapComplex.d_squared

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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Analytic/Composition.lean
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Expand Up @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ def compPartialSumTargetSet (m M N : ℕ) : Set (Σ n, Composition n) :=

theorem compPartialSumTargetSet_image_compPartialSumSource (m M N : ℕ)
(i : Σ n, Composition n) (hi : i ∈ compPartialSumTargetSet m M N) :
∃ (j : _) (hj : j ∈ compPartialSumSource m M N), i = compChangeOfVariables m M N j hj := by
∃ (j : _) (hj : j ∈ compPartialSumSource m M N), compChangeOfVariables m M N j hj = i := by
rcases i with ⟨n, c⟩
refine' ⟨⟨c.length, c.blocksFun⟩, _, _⟩
· simp only [compPartialSumTargetSet, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hi
Expand All @@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ theorem compPartialSumTargetSet_image_compPartialSumSource (m M N : ℕ)
· dsimp [compChangeOfVariables]
rw [Composition.sigma_eq_iff_blocks_eq]
simp only [Composition.blocksFun, Composition.blocks, Subtype.coe_eta, List.get_map]
conv_lhs => rw [← List.ofFn_get c.blocks]
conv_rhs => rw [← List.ofFn_get c.blocks]
#align formal_multilinear_series.comp_partial_sum_target_subset_image_comp_partial_sum_source FormalMultilinearSeries.compPartialSumTargetSet_image_compPartialSumSource

/-- Target set in the change of variables to compute the composition of partial sums of formal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -665,11 +665,8 @@ theorem compChangeOfVariables_sum {α : Type*} [AddCommMonoid α] (m M N : ℕ)
map_ofFn, length_ofFn, true_and_iff, compChangeOfVariables]
intro j
simp only [Composition.blocksFun, (H.right _).right, List.get_ofFn]
-- 2 - show that the composition gives the `comp_along_composition` application
· rintro ⟨k, blocks_fun⟩ H
rw [h]
-- 3 - show that the map is injective
· rintro ⟨k, blocks_fun⟩ ⟨k', blocks_fun'⟩ H H' heq
-- 2 - show that the map is injective
· rintro ⟨k, blocks_fun⟩ H ⟨k', blocks_fun'⟩ H' heq
obtain rfl : k = k' := by
have := (compChangeOfVariables_length m M N H).symm
rwa [heq, compChangeOfVariables_length] at this
Expand All @@ -682,10 +679,13 @@ theorem compChangeOfVariables_sum {α : Type*} [AddCommMonoid α] (m M N : ℕ)
apply Composition.blocksFun_congr <;>
first | rw [heq] | rfl
_ = blocks_fun' i := compChangeOfVariables_blocksFun m M N H' i
-- 4 - show that the map is surjective
-- 3 - show that the map is surjective
· intro i hi
apply compPartialSumTargetSet_image_compPartialSumSource m M N i
simpa [compPartialSumTarget] using hi
-- 4 - show that the composition gives the `comp_along_composition` application
· rintro ⟨k, blocks_fun⟩ H
rw [h]
#align formal_multilinear_series.comp_change_of_variables_sum FormalMultilinearSeries.compChangeOfVariables_sum

/-- The auxiliary set corresponding to the composition of partial sums asymptotically contains
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41 changes: 12 additions & 29 deletions Mathlib/Combinatorics/Configuration.lean
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ Together, these four statements say that any two of the following properties imp

open BigOperators
open Finset
open scoped BigOperators

namespace Configuration

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,17 +235,11 @@ theorem HasLines.card_le [HasLines P L] [Fintype P] [Fintype L] :
∑ p, lineCount L p = ∑ l, pointCount P l := sum_lineCount_eq_sum_pointCount P L
_ ≤ ∑ l, lineCount L (f l) :=
(Finset.sum_le_sum fun l _ => HasLines.pointCount_le_lineCount (hf₂ l))
_ = ∑ p in Finset.univ.image f, lineCount L p :=
(Finset.sum_bij (fun l _ => f l) (fun l hl => Finset.mem_image_of_mem f hl)
(fun l _ => rfl) (fun l₁ l₂ hl₁ hl₂ hl₃ => hf₁ hl₃) fun p => by
rw [Finset.mem_image]
exact fun ⟨a, ⟨h, h'⟩⟩ => ⟨a, ⟨h, h'.symm⟩⟩)
_ = ∑ p in ⟨f, hf₁⟩, lineCount L p := by rw [sum_map]; dsimp
_ < ∑ p, lineCount L p := by
obtain ⟨p, hp⟩ := (mt (Fintype.card_le_of_surjective f) hc₂)
Finset.sum_lt_sum_of_subset (Finset.univ.image f).subset_univ (Finset.mem_univ p) _ _
fun p _ _ => zero_le (lineCount L p)
· simpa only [Finset.mem_image, exists_prop, Finset.mem_univ, true_and_iff]
refine sum_lt_sum_of_subset (subset_univ _) (mem_univ p) ?_ ?_ fun p _ _ ↦ zero_le _
· simpa only [Finset.mem_map, exists_prop, Finset.mem_univ, true_and_iff]
· rw [lineCount, Nat.card_eq_fintype_card, Fintype.card_pos_iff]
obtain ⟨l, _⟩ := @exists_line P L _ _ p
Expand All @@ -267,16 +262,8 @@ theorem HasLines.exists_bijective_of_card_eq [HasLines P L] [Fintype P] [Fintype
obtain ⟨f, hf1, hf2⟩ := Nondegenerate.exists_injective_of_card_le (ge_of_eq h)
have hf3 := (Fintype.bijective_iff_injective_and_card f).mpr ⟨hf1, h.symm⟩
⟨f, hf3, fun l =>
(Finset.sum_eq_sum_iff_of_le fun l _ => HasLines.pointCount_le_lineCount (hf2 l)).mp
((sum_lineCount_eq_sum_pointCount P L).symm.trans
(Finset.sum_bij (fun l _ => f l) (fun l _ => Finset.mem_univ (f l))
(fun l _ => refl (lineCount L (f l))) (fun l₁ l₂ hl₁ hl₂ hl => hf1 hl) fun p hp =>
l (Finset.mem_univ l)⟩
obtain ⟨l, rfl⟩ := hf3.2 p
exact ⟨l, Finset.mem_univ l, rfl⟩
exact ⟨f, hf3, fun l ↦ (sum_eq_sum_iff_of_le fun l _ ↦ pointCount_le_lineCount (hf2 l)).1
((hf3.sum_comp _).trans (sum_lineCount_eq_sum_pointCount P L)).symm _ $ mem_univ _⟩
#align configuration.has_lines.exists_bijective_of_card_eq Configuration.HasLines.exists_bijective_of_card_eq

theorem HasLines.lineCount_eq_pointCount [HasLines P L] [Fintype P] [Fintype L]
Expand All @@ -290,15 +277,11 @@ theorem HasLines.lineCount_eq_pointCount [HasLines P L] [Fintype P] [Fintype L]
simp_rw [Finset.sum_const, Finset.card_univ, hPL, sum_lineCount_eq_sum_pointCount]
have step2 : ∑ i in s, lineCount L i.1 = ∑ i in s, pointCount P i.2 := by
rw [s.sum_finset_product Finset.univ fun p => Set.toFinset { l | p ∈ l }]
rw [s.sum_finset_product_right Finset.univ fun l => Set.toFinset { p | p ∈ l }]
(Finset.sum_bij (fun l _ => f l) (fun l _ => Finset.mem_univ (f l)) (fun l hl => _)
(fun _ _ _ _ h => hf1.1 h) fun p _ => _).symm
· simp_rw [Finset.sum_const, Set.toFinset_card, ← Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]
change pointCount P l • pointCount P l = lineCount L (f l) • lineCount L (f l)
rw [hf2]
· obtain ⟨l, hl⟩ := hf1.2 p
exact ⟨l, Finset.mem_univ l, hl.symm⟩
rw [s.sum_finset_product_right Finset.univ fun l => Set.toFinset { p | p ∈ l }, eq_comm]
refine sum_bijective _ hf1 (by simp) fun l _ ↦ ?_
simp_rw [hf2, sum_const, Set.toFinset_card, ← Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]
change pointCount P l • _ = lineCount L (f l) • _
rw [hf2]
all_goals simp_rw [Finset.mem_univ, true_and_iff, Set.mem_toFinset]; exact fun p => Iff.rfl
have step3 : ∑ i in sᶜ, lineCount L i.1 = ∑ i in sᶜ, pointCount P i.2 := by
rwa [← s.sum_add_sum_compl, ← s.sum_add_sum_compl, step2, add_left_cancel_iff] at step1
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48 changes: 9 additions & 39 deletions Mathlib/Data/Complex/Exponential.lean
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Expand Up @@ -187,31 +187,12 @@ theorem sum_range_diag_flip {α : Type*} [AddCommMonoid α] (n : ℕ) (f : ℕ
(∑ m in range n, ∑ k in range (m + 1), f k (m - k)) =
∑ m in range n, ∑ k in range (n - m), f m k := by
rw [sum_sigma', sum_sigma']
sum_bij (fun a _ => ⟨a.2, a.1 - a.2⟩)
(fun a ha =>
have h₁ : a.1 < n := mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).1
have h₂ : a.2 < Nat.succ a.1 := mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).2
⟨mem_range.2 (lt_of_lt_of_le h₂ h₁),
mem_range.2 ((tsub_lt_tsub_iff_right (Nat.le_of_lt_succ h₂)).2 h₁)⟩)
(fun _ _ => rfl)
(fun ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ⟨b₁, b₂⟩ ha hb h =>
have ha : a₁ < n ∧ a₂ ≤ a₁ :=
⟨mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).1, Nat.le_of_lt_succ (mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).2)⟩
have hb : b₁ < n ∧ b₂ ≤ b₁ :=
⟨mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 hb).1, Nat.le_of_lt_succ (mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 hb).2)⟩
have h : a₂ = b₂ ∧ _ := by simpa using h
have h' : a₁ = b₁ - b₂ + a₂ := (tsub_eq_iff_eq_add_of_le ha.2).1 (eq_of_heq h.2) ⟨tsub_add_cancel_of_le hb.2 ▸ h'.symm ▸ h.1 ▸ rfl, heq_of_eq h.1⟩)
fun ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ha =>
have ha : a₁ < n ∧ a₂ < n - a₁ :=
⟨mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).1, mem_range.1 (mem_sigma.1 ha).2⟩
⟨⟨a₂ + a₁, a₁⟩,
⟨mem_range.2 (lt_tsub_iff_right.1 ha.2),
mem_range.2 (Nat.lt_succ_of_le (Nat.le_add_left _ _))⟩, ⟨rfl, heq_of_eq (add_tsub_cancel_right _ _).symm⟩⟩⟩
refine sum_nbij' (fun a ↦ ⟨a.2, a.1 - a.2⟩) (fun a ↦ ⟨a.1 + a.2, a.1⟩) ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ <;>
simp (config := { contextual := true }) only [mem_sigma, mem_range, lt_tsub_iff_left,
Nat.lt_succ_iff, le_add_iff_nonneg_right, zero_le, and_true, and_imp, imp_self, implies_true,
Sigma.forall, forall_const, add_tsub_cancel_of_le,,
add_tsub_cancel_left, heq_eq_eq]
· exact fun a b han hba ↦ lt_of_le_of_lt hba han
#align sum_range_diag_flip sum_range_diag_flip

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1602,20 +1583,9 @@ theorem sum_div_factorial_le {α : Type*} [LinearOrderedField α] (n j : ℕ) (h
(1 / m.factorial : α)) ≤ n.succ / (n.factorial * n) :=
(∑ m in filter (fun k => n ≤ k) (range j), (1 / m.factorial : α)) =
∑ m in range (j - n), (1 / ((m + n).factorial : α)) :=
sum_bij (fun m _ => m - n)
(fun m hm =>
mem_range.2 <|
(tsub_lt_tsub_iff_right (by simp at hm; tauto)).2 (by simp at hm; tauto))
(fun m hm => by rw [tsub_add_cancel_of_le]; simp at *; tauto)
(fun a₁ a₂ ha₁ ha₂ h => by
rwa [tsub_eq_iff_eq_add_of_le, tsub_add_eq_add_tsub, eq_comm, tsub_eq_iff_eq_add_of_le,
add_left_inj, eq_comm] at h <;>
simp at * <;> aesop)
fun b hb =>
⟨b + n,
mem_filter.2 ⟨mem_range.2 <| (mem_range.1 hb), Nat.le_add_left _ _⟩,
by dsimp; rw [add_tsub_cancel_right]⟩
∑ m in range (j - n), (1 / ((m + n).factorial : α)) := by
refine sum_nbij' (· - n) (· + n) ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ <;>
simp (config := { contextual := true }) [lt_tsub_iff_right, tsub_add_cancel_of_le]
_ ≤ ∑ m in range (j - n), ((n.factorial : α) * (n.succ : α) ^ m)⁻¹ := by
simp_rw [one_div]
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Data/DFinsupp/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2151,9 +2151,8 @@ theorem sum_single [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (β i)] [∀ (i) (x : β i), Decidable
theorem prod_subtypeDomain_index [∀ i, Zero (β i)] [∀ (i) (x : β i), Decidable (x ≠ 0)]
[CommMonoid γ] {v : Π₀ i, β i} {p : ι → Prop} [DecidablePred p] {h : ∀ i, β i → γ}
(hp : ∀ x ∈, p x) : ((v.subtypeDomain p).prod fun i b => h i b) = h :=
Finset.prod_bij (fun p _ => p) (by simp) (by simp) (fun ⟨a₀, ha₀⟩ ⟨a₁, ha₁⟩ => by simp)
fun i hi => ⟨⟨i, hp i hi⟩, by simpa using hi, rfl⟩
(hp : ∀ x ∈, p x) : (v.subtypeDomain p).prod (fun i b => h i b) = h := by
refine Finset.prod_bij (fun p _ ↦ p) ?_ ?_ ?_ ?_ <;> aesop
#align dfinsupp.prod_subtype_domain_index DFinsupp.prod_subtypeDomain_index
#align dfinsupp.sum_subtype_domain_index DFinsupp.sum_subtypeDomain_index

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Data/Finset/Card.lean
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Expand Up @@ -399,14 +399,14 @@ theorem surj_on_of_inj_on_of_card_le {t : Finset β} (f : ∀ a ∈ s, β) (hf :
#align finset.surj_on_of_inj_on_of_card_le Finset.surj_on_of_inj_on_of_card_le

theorem inj_on_of_surj_on_of_card_le {t : Finset β} (f : ∀ a ∈ s, β) (hf : ∀ a ha, f a ha ∈ t)
(hsurj : ∀ b ∈ t, ∃ a ha, b = f a ha) (hst : s.card ≤ t.card) ⦃a₁ a₂⦄ (ha₁ : a₁ ∈ s)
(hsurj : ∀ b ∈ t, ∃ a ha, f a ha = b) (hst : s.card ≤ t.card) ⦃a₁⦄ (ha₁ : a₁ ∈ s) ⦃a₂⦄
(ha₂ : a₂ ∈ s) (ha₁a₂ : f a₁ ha₁ = f a₂ ha₂) : a₁ = a₂ :=
haveI : Inhabited { x // x ∈ s } := ⟨⟨a₁, ha₁⟩⟩
let f' : { x // x ∈ s } → { x // x ∈ t } := fun x => ⟨f x.1 x.2, hf x.1 x.2⟩
let g : { x // x ∈ t } → { x // x ∈ s } :=
@surjInv _ _ f' fun x =>
let ⟨y, hy₁, hy₂⟩ := hsurj x.1 x.2
⟨⟨y, hy₁⟩, Subtype.eq hy₂.symm
⟨⟨y, hy₁⟩, Subtype.eq hy₂⟩
have hg : Injective g := injective_surjInv _
have hsg : Surjective g := fun x =>
let ⟨y, hy⟩ :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Data/Finset/LocallyFinite.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ theorem prod_prod_Ioi_mul_eq_prod_prod_off_diag [Fintype ι] [LinearOrder ι]
simp_rw [← Ioi_disjUnion_Iio, prod_disjUnion, prod_mul_distrib]
congr 1
rw [prod_sigma', prod_sigma']
refine' prod_bij' (fun i _ => ⟨i.2, i.1⟩) _ _ (fun i _ => ⟨i.2, i.1⟩) _ _ _ <;> simp
refine' prod_nbij' (fun i ⟨i.2, i.1⟩) (fun i ⟨i.2, i.1⟩) _ _ _ _ _ <;> simp
#align finset.prod_prod_Ioi_mul_eq_prod_prod_off_diag Finset.prod_prod_Ioi_mul_eq_prod_prod_off_diag
#align finset.sum_sum_Ioi_add_eq_sum_sum_off_diag Finset.sum_sum_Ioi_add_eq_sum_sum_off_diag

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