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How to contribute to documentation

You can propose changes to the docs directly on Github (instructions below) or email your recommendations to

To propose changes directly, you'll need to create an account on github and open a pull request. This document assumes you are somewhat familiar with that process, and will not explain all the steps in detail. For full instructions on how to make a pull request, see Github's help section.

Documentation development

  1. Work from the develop branch.
  2. From the base directory, the documentation can be found in the docs/ subdirectory. Specific pages of the docs are each associated with a different .rst file, potentially in a subdirectory of docs/.
  3. The documentation is written in ReStructured Text format, so please see the primer!
  4. After making your changes, try to build the docs to review them. This process can take some time, as an instance of the server and a browser may need to be started. To build the docs:

    pip install -r requirements_sphinx.txt  # To install software for building docs
    cd docs
    make html
  5. You can view the docs in a browser by opening docs/_build/html/index.html.
  6. After you are satisfied with your changes push them to your fork of the ka-lite project, and then open a PR.


Screenshots are made automatically following the screenshots directives. They are stored in a folder docs/_static/, which is also sync'ed to Github (TODO: This is a temporary procedure).

To grab new screenshots, you have to have Firefox installed and run:

cd docs/
SPHINX_SS_USE_PVD=true make SPHINXOPTS="-D screenshots_create=1" html

You can also refer to docs/SCREENSHOT_USAGE.MD for more info about the screenshot RST directive.