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feat(data/dfinsupp): Port over the finsupp.lift_add_hom API (leanpr…
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These lemmas are mostly copied with minimal translation from `finsupp`.
A few proofs are taken from `direct_sum`.
The API of `direct_sum` is deliberately unchanged in this PR.
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eric-wieser authored and Tomas Skrivan committed Oct 31, 2020
1 parent 2d08f39 commit 8e87bdd
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Showing 2 changed files with 114 additions and 42 deletions.
46 changes: 4 additions & 42 deletions src/algebra/direct_sum.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ def mk (s : finset ι) : (Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i.1) →+ ⨁ i, β i :=

/-- `of i` is the natural inclusion map from `β i` to `⨁ i, β i`. -/
def of (i : ι) : β i →+ ⨁ i, β i :=
{ to_fun := dfinsupp.single i,
map_add' := λ _ _, dfinsupp.single_add,
map_zero' := dfinsupp.single_zero }
dfinsupp.single_add_hom β i

variables {β}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,52 +99,16 @@ variables (φ)
/-- `to_add_monoid φ` is the natural homomorphism from `⨁ i, β i` to `γ`
induced by a family `φ` of homomorphisms `β i → γ`. -/
def to_add_monoid : (⨁ i, β i) →+ γ :=
{ to_fun := (λ f,
quotient.lift_on f (λ x, ∑ i in x.2.to_finset, φ i (x.1 i)) $ λ x y H,
have H1 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ x.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_left _ _,
have H2 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ y.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_right _ _,
refine (finset.sum_subset H1 _).symm.trans ((finset.sum_congr rfl _).trans (finset.sum_subset H2 _)),
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left (mt (and.intro H1) H2), add_monoid_hom.map_zero] },
{ intros i H1, rw H i },
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw ← H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left (mt (λ H3, and.intro H3 H1) H2), add_monoid_hom.map_zero] }
map_add' := assume f g,
refine quotient.induction_on f (λ x, _),
refine quotient.induction_on g (λ y, _),
change ∑ i in _, _ = (∑ i in _, _) + (∑ i in _, _),
simp only, conv { to_lhs, congr, skip, funext, rw add_monoid_hom.map_add },
simp only [finset.sum_add_distrib],
congr' 1,
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inl },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left H2, add_monoid_hom.map_zero] } },
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inr },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left H2, add_monoid_hom.map_zero] } }
map_zero' := rfl
(dfinsupp.lift_add_hom φ)

@[simp] lemma to_add_monoid_of (i) (x : β i) : to_add_monoid φ (of β i x) = φ i x :=
(add_zero _).trans $ congr_arg (φ i) $ show (if H : i ∈ ({i} : finset _) then x else 0) = x,
from dif_pos $ finset.mem_singleton_self i
by simp [to_add_monoid, of]

variables (ψ : (⨁ i, β i) →+ γ)

theorem to_add_monoid.unique (f : ⨁ i, β i) :
ψ f = to_add_monoid (λ i, ψ.comp (of β i)) f :=
direct_sum.induction_on f
(by rw [add_monoid_hom.map_zero, add_monoid_hom.map_zero])
(λ i x, by rw [to_add_monoid_of, add_monoid_hom.comp_apply])
(λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [add_monoid_hom.map_add, add_monoid_hom.map_add, ihx, ihy])
by {congr, ext, simp [to_add_monoid, of]}

variables (β)
/-- `set_to_set β S T h` is the natural homomorphism `⨁ (i : S), β i → ⨁ (i : T), β i`,
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110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/data/dfinsupp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -343,6 +343,14 @@ begin
{ simp only [add_apply, single_eq_of_ne h, zero_add] }

variables (β)

/-- `dfinsupp.single` as an `add_monoid_hom`. -/
@[simps] def single_add_hom (i : ι) : β i →+ Π₀ i, β i :=
{ to_fun := single i, map_zero' := single_zero, map_add' := λ _ _, single_add }

variables {β}

lemma single_add_erase {i : ι} {f : Π₀ i, β i} : single i (f i) + f.erase i = f :=
ext $ λ i',
if h : i = i'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,6 +416,38 @@ have h4 : f + single i b = single i b + f,
{ simp [H] } },
eq.rec_on h4 $ ha i b f h1 h2 h3

@[simp] lemma add_closure_Union_range_single :
add_submonoid.closure (⋃ i : ι, set.range (single i : β i → (Π₀ i, β i))) = ⊤ :=
top_unique $ λ x hx, (begin
apply dfinsupp.induction x,
exact add_submonoid.zero_mem _,
exact λ a b f ha hb hf, add_submonoid.add_mem _
(add_submonoid.subset_closure $ set.mem_Union.2 ⟨a, set.mem_range_self _⟩) hf

/-- If two additive homomorphisms from `Π₀ i, β i` are equal on each `single a b`, then
they are equal. -/
lemma add_hom_ext {γ : Type w} [add_monoid γ] ⦃f g : (Π₀ i, β i) →+ γ⦄
(H : ∀ (i : ι) (y : β i), f (single i y) = g (single i y)) :
f = g :=
refine add_monoid_hom.eq_of_eq_on_mdense add_closure_Union_range_single (λ f hf, _),
simp only [set.mem_Union, set.mem_range] at hf,
rcases hf with ⟨x, y, rfl⟩,
apply H

/-- If two additive homomorphisms from `Π₀ i, β i` are equal on each `single a b`, then
they are equal.
We formulate this using equality of `add_monoid_hom`s so that `ext` tactic can apply a type-specific
extensionality lemma after this one. E.g., if the fiber `M` is `ℕ` or `ℤ`, then it suffices to
verify `f (single a 1) = g (single a 1)`. -/
@[ext] lemma add_hom_ext' {γ : Type w} [add_monoid γ] ⦃f g : (Π₀ i, β i) →+ γ⦄
(H : ∀ x, f.comp (single_add_hom β x) = g.comp (single_add_hom β x)) :
f = g :=
add_hom_ext $ λ x, add_monoid_hom.congr_fun (H x)

end add_monoid

@[simp] lemma mk_add [Π i, add_monoid (β i)] {s : finset ι} {x y : Π i : (↑s : set ι), β i} :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -730,6 +770,76 @@ calc ∏ i in (f + g).support, h i ((f + g) i) =
by simp [h_add, finset.prod_mul_distrib]
... = _ : by rw [f_eq, g_eq]

When summing over an `add_monoid_hom`, the decidability assumption is not needed, and the result is
also an `add_monoid_hom`.
def sum_add_hom [Π i, add_monoid (β i)] [add_comm_monoid γ] (φ : Π i, β i →+ γ) :
(Π₀ i, β i) →+ γ :=
{ to_fun := (λ f,
quotient.lift_on f (λ x, ∑ i in x.2.to_finset, φ i (x.1 i)) $ λ x y H,
have H1 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ x.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_left _ _,
have H2 : x.2.to_finset ∩ y.2.to_finset ⊆ y.2.to_finset, from finset.inter_subset_right _ _,
refine (finset.sum_subset H1 _).symm.trans
((finset.sum_congr rfl _).trans (finset.sum_subset H2 _)),
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left (mt (and.intro H1) H2), add_monoid_hom.map_zero] },
{ intros i H1, rw H i },
{ intros i H1 H2, rw finset.mem_inter at H2, rw ← H i,
simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset] at H1 H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left (mt (λ H3, and.intro H3 H1) H2), add_monoid_hom.map_zero] }
map_add' := assume f g,
refine quotient.induction_on f (λ x, _),
refine quotient.induction_on g (λ y, _),
change ∑ i in _, _ = (∑ i in _, _) + (∑ i in _, _),
simp only, conv { to_lhs, congr, skip, funext, rw add_monoid_hom.map_add },
simp only [finset.sum_add_distrib],
congr' 1,
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inl },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(x.3 i).resolve_left H2, add_monoid_hom.map_zero] } },
{ refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm,
{ intro i, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add], exact or.inr },
{ intros i H1 H2, simp only [multiset.mem_to_finset, multiset.mem_add] at H2,
rw [(y.3 i).resolve_left H2, add_monoid_hom.map_zero] } }
map_zero' := rfl }

@[simp] lemma sum_add_hom_single [Π i, add_monoid (β i)] [add_comm_monoid γ]
(φ : Π i, β i →+ γ) (i) (x : β i) : sum_add_hom φ (single i x) = φ i x :=
(add_zero _).trans $ congr_arg (φ i) $ show (if H : i ∈ ({i} : finset _) then x else 0) = x,
from dif_pos $ finset.mem_singleton_self i

/-- While we didn't need decidable instances to define it, we do to reduce it to a sum -/
lemma sum_add_hom_apply [Π i, add_monoid (β i)] [Π i (x : β i), decidable (x ≠ 0)]
[add_comm_monoid γ] (φ : Π i, β i →+ γ) (f : Π₀ i, β i) :
sum_add_hom φ f = f.sum (λ x, φ x) :=
refine quotient.induction_on f (λ x, _),
change ∑ i in _, _ = (∑ i in finset.filter _ _, _),
rw [finset.sum_filter, finset.sum_congr rfl],
intros i _,
dsimp only,
rw [( h), add_monoid_hom.map_zero],

/-- The `dfinsupp` version of `finsupp.lift_add_hom`,-/
def lift_add_hom [Π i, add_monoid (β i)] [add_comm_monoid γ] :
(Π i, β i →+ γ) ≃+ ((Π₀ i, β i) →+ γ) :=
{ to_fun := sum_add_hom,
inv_fun := λ F i, F.comp (single_add_hom β i),
left_inv := λ x, by { ext, simp },
right_inv := λ ψ, by { ext, simp },
map_add' := λ F G, by { ext, simp } }

lemma sum_sub_index [Π i, add_comm_group (β i)] [Π i (x : β i), decidable (x ≠ 0)]
[add_comm_group γ] {f g : Π₀ i, β i}
{h : Π i, β i → γ} (h_sub : ∀i b₁ b₂, h i (b₁ - b₂) = h i b₁ - h i b₂) :
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