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Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad EDA

This plugin was born from necessity of generating convenient BOM listing with ability to easily search for components and their placements on the pcb.

This is really useful when hand soldering your prototype and you have to find the 50 places where that 0.1uF cap should be or which of these SOP8 footprints are for the same micro.

This plugin utilizes Pcbnew python bindings to read pcb data and render silkscreen, footprint pads, texts and drawings. Most of the pcbnew features are supported but there are some rarely used things that will not be rendered. For example curve type segments in drawings are not supported.

So what does it do?

Demo is worth a thousand words.


KiCad's Pcbnew plugins can be placed in following places, depending on platform.

  • Windows

    • {KICAD_INSTALL_PATH}/share/kicad/scripting/plugins
    • %KICAD_PATH%/scripting/plugins
    • %APPDATA%/Roaming/kicad/scripting/plugins
  • Linux

    • ~/.kicad/scripting/plugins
    • ~/.kicad_plugins
  • MacOS

    • /Applications/kicad/Kicad/Contents/SharedSupport/scripting/plugins
    • ~/Library/Application Support/kicad/scripting/plugins

I recommend downloading latest release or cloning this repo in a directory of your choice and creating a symlink in one of KiCad's plugin directories to InteractiveHtmlBom folder. MacOS users can do it with ln -s <target> <link>, in windows cmd /c mklink /D <link> <target> does the job. If you don't want to bother with symlinks just copy InteractiveHtmlBom folder into one of plugin directories.

If you want this plugin to work in all KiCad versions you install, it's best to put it in user folder (%APPDATA% for Windows, ~/ for Linux/MacOS).

Some newer linux distributions have wxpython option in KiCad disabled because of wxPython/GTK3 mess. In that case you have to try to compile KiCad yourself with scripting enabled or you can use this plugin from command line.


You can use this plugin as installed Pcbnew Action Plugin or as a standalone script.

Installed plugin

Open Pcbnew. Draw your board, make sure it has edges drawn on Edge.Cuts layer.

Save the file and press the iBOM button on the top toolbar.

If the button is not on the toolbar Tools -> External Plugins... -> Generate Interactive HTML BOM also works.

In recent nightly builds you can choose to hide the plugin button in pcbnew preferences.

bom folder with generated html bom will be created where the board file is saved. Html bom page will be automatically opened in default browser.

Standalone script

On Linux and MacOS Simply run this in terminal:

python2 path/to/InteractiveHtmlBom/ path/to/board.kicad_pcb

On windows the trick is to use python that is bundled with KiCad so the command will look like this:

path/to/kicad/bin/python.exe .../ .../board.kicad_pcb

BOM mouse actions

You can pan the pcb drawings by dragging with left mouse button, zoom using mouse wheel and reset view by right click.

Left click on a component drawing will highlight corresponding component group, unless it is currently filtered out by filter or reference lookup fields. If there are multiple components under mouse cursor, subsequent clicks will cycle through possible interpretations.

BOM keyboard shortcuts

Html page supports keyboard shortcuts to perform most tasks:

  • ArrowUp / ArrowDown scroll through the bom table
  • Alt-R focuses reference lookup field
  • Alt-F focuses filter field
  • Alt-Z switches to bom only view
  • Alt-X switches to bom left, drawings right view
  • Alt-C switches to bom top, drawings bot view
  • Alt-V switches to front only view
  • Alt-B switches to front and back view
  • Alt-N switches to back only view
  • Alt-1 through Alt-9 toggle corresponding checkbox for highlighted bom row (if it exists)

Supported versions

KiCad 5.0 is the only fully supported version. Pcbnew python interface is not very stable and tends to have backwards incompatible changes. I will try to support future versions but generally you can expect my plugin to be tested only on the latest stable build.

Plugin is reported to work with KiCad 4 when used from command line but it can break any time. If you encounter issues file a bug report and I will try to fix them if possible but no promises.

Known issues

  • Description and Part columns are not supported/tested yet.

  • Custom shape pads and copper zone drawings in footprints are supported but you need patched version of KiCad python bindings. My patch was integrated in KiCad dev branch, if you install a recent nightly build custom pads and copper/silkscreen graphics will be rendered.

    You can also get prebuilt patched bindings for windows x64 KiCad 5.0 here.

    Overwrite corresponding files:

    • {KICAD_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/_pcbnew.kiface
    • {KICAD_INSTALL_PATH}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
    • {KICAD_INSTALL_PATH}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/_pcbnew.pyd
  • Design is complete and utter shite.

    Sorry about that, not my strong suite. You are welcome to improve it and send a PR.

How to report issues

General software bug reporting rules apply, make sure to describe in most clear terms the following:

  1. Platform and KiCad version used.
  2. What are the steps to reproduce the issue.
  3. What is the observed behavior.
  4. What is expected behavior.

In most cases I imagine issues will be of 2 types: 1) plugin crashes and nothing is created and 2) board or parts of it are not rendered correctly.

For the first case you should include stack trace in your bug report. You can get it by running plugin manually from scripting console.

  • Open pcbnew, go to Tools -> Scripting Console or click corresponding button.

  • Type following into the console:

    from InteractiveHtmlBom import plugin

    Copy full output into pastebin and add a link to it in your bug report. You can skip pastebin if output is small enough (20 lines or less).

For the second case best way to report it is by sharing your kicad_pcb file. Remove everything that is not relevant to the bug, leave only the part that is not rendering correctly. That will make it easier for me to debug and also you won't have to share what is possibly proprietary information.

Note: don't remove edge cut drawings. You can replace them with a simple box around problem area.

Browser support

Generated html page is tested in Chrome and Firefox. IE will not be supported, patches for other browsers are welcome.

Edge works but saving settings/checkboxes is currently broken because of

License and credits

Plugin code is licensed under MIT license, see LICENSE for more info.

Html page uses Split.js library (also distributed under MIT license) which is embedded into the page. is borrowed from KiBom plugin (MIT license).


Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad







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  • JavaScript 43.7%
  • Python 30.1%
  • CSS 18.8%
  • HTML 7.4%