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Materials Microscopic Image Segmentation

This is a PyTorch implementation of training and evaluation of U-Net deep learning model for semantic segmentation of materials microscopic images. The U-Net model proves to be able to achieve good performance for various materials image datasets. Some highlights of the implementation are

  • Consistent format for semantic segmentation dataset
  • Hyperparameter configuration
  • Data augmentation visualization


Environment Configuration

The PyTorch and other necessary packages can be installed with pip. To do so, run
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Arrangement

The dataset folder need to be arranged in the following form:

        a.tif (or a.png, a.jpg)

The labels folder contains labels in numpy array form with data type np.int8. The shape of the array should be two dimension: (width, height) and each entry in the array gives the class of the pixel. Users can use image reading tools such as pillow or matplotlib to load image into a numpy array and use to save it in .npy form. This process is to make sure that labels take the same format for different dataset considering the diverse original file format of labels. Note that the name of the label numpy file is the same as the name of the image (a.tif, a.npy). The images in labels_colored folder show the labels in image format and are used only for visualization.

The files inside splits folder are used to split the dataset into train, validation and test set for model development. There are two format of split files:

  • .csv: Contains name and split columns. The split column specifies the data split index the image belongs. This split format is especially designed for cross-validation. See ./data/uhcs/splits/split_cv.csv for an example.
  • .text: Contains a list of image names in the dataset split. See ./data/uhcs/splits/train16A.txt for an example.


We use yaml files to store configurations for datasets and model development. A default.yaml file specifying the default configuration should be created under ./configs/DATASET for a new segmentation dataset. As an example, the contents of ./configs/uhcs/default.yaml are

# dataset basics
dataset: uhcs                               # dataset name
img_folder: images                          # folder containing the images
label_folder: labels                        # folder containing the labels
n_classes: 4                                # number of classes                                

# train, validation and test split
  type: CSVSplit                            # type of dataset split (CSVSplit, TextSplit)
  test_type: CSVSplit                       # type of test split (CSVSplit, TextSplit, validation, folder)
  split_file: split_cv.csv                  # name of split file
  split_col_name: split                     # split column name of the csv split file
  val_split_num: 1                          # split index for validation set (csv split only)
  test_split_num: 0                         # split index for test set (csv split only)
  train_reverse: True                       # if training set contains the remaining images
  val_splits: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]            # validation split indices for k-fold cross-validation
  test_splits: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]           # test split indices for k-fold cross-validation

# data information
train_size: [224, 224]                      # size of cropped training images
eval_size: [484, 645]                       # size of evaluation images
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]                 # mean value in data normalization (ImageNet mean here)
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]                  # standard deviation in data normalization (ImageNet std here)

# data augmentation
augmentations:                              # each line is a (operation: parameters) pair in the Albumentation package
  Flip: {p: 0.5}
  ShiftScaleRotate: {shift_limit: 0, scale_limit: [0,1], rotate_limit: 45, p: 0.8}
  RandomBrightnessContrast: {brightness_limit: 0.2, contrast_limit: 0.3, p: 0.8}

# training
n_epochs: 150                               # number of epochs
train_repeat: 8                             # number of times to repeat training set per epoch
loss_type: CE                               # type of loss function (CE, Dice, Jaccard)
ignore_index: -1                            # index to ignore in labels for computing loss
batch_size: 4                               # size of training batches
  type: AdamW                               # type of optimizer (AdamW, Adam, SGD)
  encoder_lr: 5.e-5                         # learning rate for U-Net encoder
  decoder_lr: 5.e-4                         # learning rate for U-Net decoder
  weight_decay: 1.e-2                       # weight decay (L2 penalty)
  type: MultiStepLR                         # type of learning rate Scheduler (MultiStepLR, CAWR, CyclicLR, OneCycleLR)
  params: {milestones: [100], gamma: 0.3}   # parameters of the learning rate Scheduler
metric: mIoU                                # validation metric to optimize for model selection (mIoU, IoU_i)

To run experiments with customized configurations, create a CONFIG.yaml file specifying the different configuration parameters. For example, example_textsplit.yaml and example_testfolder.yaml under ./configs/uhcs give two other common scenarios for dataset splits.

To train a model, run with the following argument:
python --dataset DATASET --config CONFIG.yaml --gpu_id GPU_ID --seed SEED

  • dataset: name of the dataset (default: uhcs)
  • config: configuration file (default: default.yaml)
  • gpu_id: which GPU to run the script, cpu will be used if GPU is unavailable (default: 0)
  • seed: random seed to reproduce experiments (default: 42)

During training, the model with the best metric score on validation set will be saved in ./checkpoints/DATASET/CONFIG/model.pth.


To evaluation the model trained by CONFIG.yaml on validation and test set, run with the following argument:
python --dataset DATASET --config CONFIG.yaml --gpu_id GPU_ID --mode MODE

  • mode: val or test specifying validation or test

Evaluation will save the predictions in ./checkpoints/DATASET/CONFIG/predictions.

Colab Support

To train and evaluate models using GPU resources on Google Colab, please go to the notebook colab.ipynb.

Related Papers

DeCost, B., Lei, B., Francis, T., & Holm, E. (2019). High Throughput Quantitative Metallography for Complex Microstructures Using Deep Learning: A Case Study in Ultrahigh Carbon Steel. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(1), 21-29. arxiv:

Durmaz, A.R., Müller, M., Lei, B. et al. A deep learning approach for complex microstructure inference. Nat Commun 12, 6272 (2021). arxiv:


PyTorch implementation of deep learning models on materials microscopic image datasets








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