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Ralph is a CLI tool that automates security incident response for AWS resources.

It's the tool you use when this happens: Ralph


Ralph loads and executes a collection of pre-defined runbook to automate incident response.

EC2 Runbooks

  1. Removing IAM Instance Profile - Detaches the current IAM Instance Profile of an instance.

  2. Enable Termination Protection - Enables termination protection for an instance. This gives an extra step to prevent accidental termination of an instance.

  3. Set Shutdown Behavior to Stop - Sets shutdown behavior to stop guarantees that the shutting down the instance will not result to termination of the instance.

  4. Taking EBS Snapshot and Export - Creates latest EBS snapshot from volumes of an instance and possibly send it to a quarantine AWS account. See Setup section below on how to configure env variables for this runbook.


To install Ralph using NPM, run:

$ npm i @lendi/ralph
/usr/local/bin/ralph -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@lendi/ralph/lib/index.js
+ @lendi/ralph@1.0.3
added 125 packages from 126 contributors in 7.843s



  • Setup your AWS credentials (~/.aws/credentials) by following this guide.

  • Add AWS_REGION in your environment variables. Here's an example with AWS_REGION set to "ap-southeast-2":

$ export AWS_REGION="ap-southeast-2"
  • Required environment variables. Some runbooks require you to define certain env variables.

EBS Snapshot export runbook:

export QUARANTINE_AWS_REGION="ap-southeast-1"
export QUARANTINE_AWS_ACCOUNTS="0000,0001,0002"
  • QUARANTINE_AWS_REGION - the region used for the quarantine AWS
    account. If not defined, this will use the AWS REGION of the current AWS account.

  • QUARANTINE_AWS_ACCOUNTS - list of quarantine AWS account whom to share the snapshots to. If not defined, the current AWS account will be treated as the quarantine AWS account.

  • TRANSFER_ALL_SNAPSHOTS - decides whether to copy and share just the latest snapshot or all of them.


execute command

  • Runs each of the runbooks on selected AWS instance
  • Loads the list of instances available for lock down.
$ ralph execute
? Which instance do you want to lock down?
  i-00000000000000001 (kafka-instance)
❯ i-00000000000000004 (vulnerable-instance)
  i-00000000000000005 (machine-learning-instance)
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
? Which instance do you want to lock down? i-00000000000000004(vulnerable-instance)

This will disassociate the following Iam Instance Profiles: ['arn:aws:iam::000000000000:instance-profile/SampleIamInstanceProfile']
for i-00000000000000004","v":1}
"msg":"setShutdownBehaviorToTerminate: The attribute instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior
will be changed from 'terminate' to 'stop' for i-00000000000000004.","v":1}
"msg":"enableTerminationProtection: The attribute disableApiTermination will be changed
from false to true for i-00000000000000004.","v":1}
? Do you want to proceed with the changes? Yes

{"level":30,"time":1574209377228,"pid":20037,"hostname":"","msg":"Disassociated IAM
Instance Profile for i-00000000000000004.","v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1574209377413,"pid":20037,"hostname":"","msg":"Changed shutdown
behavior to stop for i-00000000000000004.","v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1574209377547,"pid":20037,"hostname":"","msg":"Changed termination
protection to true for i-00000000000000004.","v":1}

Upcoming Features

  • Retrieving EBS snapshots and exporting to separate AWS account for quarantine.

  • Security Groups / VPC Lockdown

  • Retrieving EC2 Memory Acquisition and export options

  • Use more user-friendly logger