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Some simple reusable SEO tools for Symfony projects.



use Lens\Bundle\SeoBundle\Attribute\Meta;

class Index extends AbstractController
        'nl' => null,
        'en' => '/en',
    ], name: 'homepage')]
    #[Meta('nl', 'Hoi wereld!', keywords: ['lens', 'zmo', 'bundel'])]
    #[Meta('en', 'Hello world!', keywords: ['lens', 'seo', 'bundle'])]
    public function __invoke(): Response
        return $this->render('homepage.html.twig');

Using in twig

The Twig/MetaExtension adds a global variable lens_seo_meta (can be changed, see config) to the twig context that can then be used

<title>{{ title ?? lens_seo_meta.title ?? 'meta.title'|trans }}</title>

{% set title = lens_seo_meta.title ?? title ?? 'meta.title'|trans %}
{% set description = lens_seo_meta.description ?? description ?? 'meta.description'|trans %}

{% if lens_seo_meta is defined and lens_seo_meta is not empty %}
    <meta name="title" content="{{ title }}">
    <meta name="description" content="{{ description }}">
    {% if (keywords ?? lens_seo_meta.keywords)|length %}
        <meta name="keywords" content="{{ (keywords ?? lens_seo_meta.keywords)|join(', ') }}">
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Meta resolver

A meta resolver allows for full control over the meta tags, mainly useful for dynamic routes.

#[Route(name: 'faq')]
#[Meta(resolver: FaqResolver::class)]
public function __invoke(): Response
namespace App\Seo\Meta;

use Lens\Bundle\SeoBundle\Attribute\Meta;
use Lens\Bundle\SeoBundle\MetaResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class FaqResolver implements MetaResolverInterface
    public function resolveMeta(Request $request, Meta $meta): void
        // This works well if you have an entity value resolver, otherwise you
        // can use the value and use dependency injection to get the entity.
        $faq = $request->attributes->get('faq');

        $meta->title = $faq->metaTitle ?? $faq->question;
        $meta->description = $faq->metaDescription;


Attribute to add breadcrumbs

use Lens\Bundle\SeoBundle\Attribute\Breadcrumb;

class Index extends AbstractController
    #[Route(name: 'homepage_route_name')]
        'nl' => 'homepagina',
        'en' => 'homepage',
    public function __invoke(): Response
        return $this->render('homepage.html.twig');
class Faq extends AbstractController
    #[Route(name: 'faq_route_name')]
        'nl' => 'veel gestelde vragen',
        'en' => 'frequently asked questions',
    ], parent: 'homepage_route_name')]
    public function __invoke(): Response
        return $this->render('faq.html.twig');

Using in twig

The Twig/BreadcrumbExtension adds a global variable lens_seo_breadcrumbs (can be changed, see config) to the twig context that can then be used

{% if lens_seo_breadcrumbs is defined and lens_seo_breadcrumbs is not empty %}
    <ol class="breadcrumbs">
        {% for breadcrumb in lens_seo_breadcrumbs %}
            {% if loop.last %}
                <li class="breadcrumb-item active">{{ breadcrumb.title }}</li>
            {% else %}
                <li class="breadcrumb-item">
                    <a href="{{ path(breadcrumb.routeName, breadcrumb.routeParameters) }}">{{ breadcrumb.title }}</a>
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Breadcrumb resolver

A breadcrumb resolver allows for full control over the breadcrumbs when they have dynamic values.

#[Route(name: 'faq')]
#[Meta(resolver: FaqResolver::class)]
public function __invoke(): Response
namespace App\Seo\Meta;

use Lens\Bundle\SeoBundle\Attribute\Breadcrumb;
use Lens\Bundle\SeoBundle\BreadcrumbResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class FaqResolver implements BreadcrumbResolverInterface
    public function resolveMeta(Request $request, Breadcrumb $breadcrumb): void
        $faq = $request->attributes->get('faq');

        $breadcrumb->title = $faq->question ?? $request->attributes->get('uri');
        $breadcrumb->routeParameters['uri'] = $request->attributes->get('uri');
        $breadcrumb->routeParameters['_locale'] = $request->getLocale();

Structured Data

Provides classes to help with setting up structured data using spatie/schema-org.


use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
use Lens\Bundle\SeoBundle\StructuredData\StructuredDataBuilder;

class Index extends AbstractController
    #[Route(name: 'homepage')]
    public function __invoke(StructuredDataBuilder $structuredData): Response
        $url = rtrim($this->generateUrl('homepage_route_name', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), '/');

        $address = Schema::postalAddress()
            ->streetAddress('Energiestraat 5')

        return Schema::organization()
            ->name('LENS Verkeersleermiddelen')
        // Usually you would do the organization in a listener, so it works on all requests.

        return $this->render('homepage.html.twig');

You could also create a factory service for reusability like so:

class Organization implements StructuredDataInterface
    public function __construct(
        private UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator,
    ) {

    public function __invoke(array $context = []): \Spatie\SchemaOrg\Organization
        $url = rtrim($this->urlGenerator->generate('web_common_index', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), '/');

        $address = Schema::postalAddress()
            ->streetAddress('Energiestraat 5')

        return Schema::organization()
            ->name('LENS Verkeersleermiddelen')

Which in turn changes the controller to:

class Index extends AbstractController
    #[Route(name: 'homepage')]
    public function __invoke(StructuredDataBuilder $structuredData, Organization $organization): Response

        return $this->render('homepage.html.twig');

The invokable method will be called automatically (but it doesnt matter if you do).

Adding the structured data to the response

The Event/AppendStructuredDataToResponse listener will automatically append the structured data to the response just before the closing body tag if it exists. If for some reason you need a different use case you can use the StructuredDataBuilder service toArray/toScript functions to do your things.

Manually adding extra structured data

You can use the StructuredDataBuilder service to add extra structured data to the response from almost anywhere. For example exposing the service to twig you could simply do:

{% do lens_seo_structured_data.addFromArray({ foo: 'bar' }) %}


Below is the default available configuration options.

        json_encode_options: 320 # int bitmask, see unescaped slashes (64) & unescaped unicode (256)

            prefix: 'lens_seo_' # prefix for the global variable names listed below, null to disable

                enabled: true # enables the global variable
                name: 'meta' # name of the global variable
                enabled: true
                name: 'breadcrumbs'
                enabled: true
                name: 'structured_data'

Our current common example config:

            # removes all prefixes allows direct access to: meta, breadcrumbs and structuredData.
            prefix: ~

                # looks prettier when using e.g.: structuredData.addFromArray. We do not use snake
                # case anymore, and the other functions are already one word.
                name: 'structuredData'

            json_encode_options: 448 # Adds pretty print (128) in dev


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