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Custom style, widgets, and utilities for cross-platform PySide6 applications.


This project should be considered experimental and subject to breaking changes until a 1.0.0 release.


To use pyside-app-core as a library in your own projects install the wheel distribution from PyPi

$ pip install pyside-app-core

Local Development


hatch env create

Run example application

You must run the examples from the repository root directory.

hatch run examples:toolbar_app

Run tests

Hatch can run tests across multiple versions of python.

hatch test -a -p

Generate resources files

Resource files MUST be generated at least once in the project using this library for icons to function.

When installed this library provides a cli tool pyside-app-core-compile-rcc that aids in generating a resources.rcc file.

# from repo with this lib installed
pyside-app-core-compile-rcc a/target/directory