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Streamlining your streaming needs.

Background and Overview

Ever want to watch a TV Show but you don't know where you can stream it? Streamlined lets you search a TV show by name to see which streaming service can be used to view the show of your choice.

Functionality & MVP

  • User Authentication
    • Users are able to login/logout/signup
  • Search
    • Users can search for shows by name to see what websites stream them
  • User Queue
    • Logged in users can add shows to their queue
    • The queue will recommend a streaming service based on the shows in the user's queue
    • Calculates amount of money needed to watch all shows in queue
  • User Reviews
    • Users can rate shows and provide a review
  • Recommended Shows
    • Shows a list of recommended shows when viewing the show page for a TV Show

Technologies and Technical Challenges

  • Backend
    • MongoDB
    • Express
    • NodeJS
    • Entertainment Data Hub API
  • Frontend
    • React
    • Redux

Technical Challenges Learning how to use the Entertainement Data Hub API to query its database and retrieve information about users' search parameters. Desigining an algorithm to determine shows to recommend to a user based on their recent searches.

Group Members and Work Breakdown

Group Members:
Isak Leon, Ivan Wang, Andrew Yoo, Joshua Park

  • Day 1

    • Ivan/Andrew - setting up backend skeleton for User and Show Models, basic user auth functionality
    • Isak/Joshua - React/Redux frontend skeleton for User Auth, styling for splash/user auth forms
  • Day 2

    • All - continue finishing anything from Day 1 that wasn't competed
    • Isak/Ivan - configure database queries using EDH API, prepare to implement search
    • Andrew/Joshua - integrate User Auth between backend and frontend, begin user queue functionality
  • Day 3

    • Isak/Andrew - impliment user queue and search components in React/Redux, styling
    • Ivan/Joshua - set up reviews/ratings skeletons, requests in backend
    • All - meet to discuss progress, how to proceed on Day 4/5
  • Day 4

    • Implement reviews/ratings in React/Redux
    • Style reviews, ratings, show pages
    • Start building requests for recommended shows in backend, skeleton in frontend
    • Clean up any bugs/styling
  • Day 5

    • Finish recommended shows functionality
    • Style recommended shows component
    • Finish debugging/styling


Search engine for Movie/TV Show streaming providers.






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