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@evocateur evocateur released this 14 Apr 00:15
· 2221 commits to main since this release

v2.0.0-rc.2 (2017-04-13)

Inching ever closer to 馃弫 v2.0.0!

Highlights: lerna exec learned some new tricks (thanks to execa), and multi-line commit messages on Windows should now work.

$ lerna exec echo \$LERNA_PACKAGE_NAME
# note the escaped $, so it evaluates in the subshell, not the current shell

Ever get tired of repeating yourself in all of the package deps with devDependencies on babel-cli or rimraf? Now, all you need to do is have them installed in the root, and the following replaces all that duplicate code:

$ lerna exec rimraf lib
$ lerna exec babel -- src -d lib

The -- is still useful for hiding args from lerna, but it isn't always necessary now.
In the example above, I had to hide the -d from lerna's arg parser, but positional arguments are just fine.
When in doubt, always append the command you want to run (e.g., babel src -d lib) after the --, after all other arguments to lerna exec.

馃殌 Enhancement

lerna --help is a bit cleaner now

Usage: lerna <command> [options]

  bootstrap                Link local packages together and install remaining package dependencies
  clean                    Remove the node_modules directory from all packages.
  diff <pkg>               Diff all packages or a single package since the last release.
  exec <command> [args..]  Run an arbitrary command in each package.
  import <pathToRepo>      Import the package in <pathToRepo> into packages/<directory-name> with commit history.
  init                     Create a new Lerna repo or upgrade an existing repo to the current version of Lerna.
  ls                       List all public packages
  publish                  Publish packages in the current project.
  run <script> [args..]    Run an npm script in each package that contains that script.
  updated                  Check which packages have changed since the last publish.

Global Options:
  --loglevel                       What level of logs to report.  [string] [default: "info"]
  --concurrency                    How many threads to use if lerna parallelises the tasks.  [number] [default: 4]
  --scope                          Restricts the scope to package names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --ignore                         Ignore packages with names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --include-filtered-dependencies  Include all transitive dependencies when running a command, regardless of --scope or --ignore.
  --registry                       Use the specified registry for all npm client operations.  [string]
  --sort                           Sort packages topologically (all dependencies before dependents)  [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help                       Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version                    Show version number  [boolean]

When a command fails, all logs are written to lerna-debug.log in the current working directory.

For more information, find our manual at

Targeted command help: lerna bootstrap --help

lerna bootstrap

Global Options:
  --loglevel                       What level of logs to report.  [string] [default: "info"]
  --concurrency                    How many threads to use if lerna parallelises the tasks.  [number] [default: 4]
  --scope                          Restricts the scope to package names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --ignore                         Ignore packages with names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --include-filtered-dependencies  Include all transitive dependencies when running a command, regardless of --scope or --ignore.
  --registry                       Use the specified registry for all npm client operations.  [string]
  --sort                           Sort packages topologically (all dependencies before dependents)  [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help                       Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version                    Show version number  [boolean]

  --hoist       Install external dependencies matching [glob] to the repo root  [string] [default: '**']
  --nohoist     Don't hoist external dependencies matching [glob] to the repo root  [string]
  --npm-client  Executable used to install dependencies (npm, yarn, pnpm, ...)  [string]

We've got plenty of room to grow our documentation, PRs welcome!

馃悰 Bug Fix

馃摑 Documentation

  • #748 Reference website in README. (@bcoe)
  • #751 Update and docs to better explain hoisting. (@kylecordes)

If you've ever had a question about hoisting, read @kylecordes's brilliant docs here!

馃彔 Internal

Committers: 5