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A wrapper around Audio Toolbox's System Sound Services API.

LVGSwiftSystemSoundServices makes creating and playing system sounds easy. System sounds can be created in a single line of code using the provided SystemSound class:

let sound = try SystemSound(url: mySoundURL)

Sounds can then be played with the play() method:

LVGSwiftSystemSoundServices also defines a protocol, SystemSoundType, with default implementations for all of the System Sound Services functions. If you want all of the tools available through the System Sound Services API, you can conform your custom type to SystemSoundType by giving it a soundID property:

struct MySystemSound: SystemSoundType {
    var soundID: SystemSoundID

A variety of tools for creating and playing the sound are available, as discussed in detail below.

About System Sound Services:

Apple describes the System Sound Services this way:

You can use System Sound Services to play short (30 seconds or shorter) sounds. The interface does not provide level, positioning, looping, or timing control, and does not support simultaneous playback: You can play only one sound at a time. You can use System Sound Services to provide audible alerts. On some iOS devices, alerts can include vibration.

System sounds are useful mainly when you have a short sound, such as an alert sound, that you need to play in response to a user interaction. They can also be used to make an iOS device vibrate, or flash the screen on OS X.


LVGSwiftSystemSoundServices is made up of the following components:

  • SystemSoundType: A protocol with default extension methods for all of the functions defined in the System Sound Services API.
  • SystemSound: A class that makes it easy to create and play system sounds, and that includes a delegate protocol that can be used to perform actions after a sound has completed playing.
  • SystemSoundID: An extension to SystemSoundID that conforms it to the SystemSoundType protocol.
  • SystemSoundDelegate: A protocol with a single function requirement, didFinishPlaying(_:). This protocol is used to implement completion handling for the SystemSound class.
  • SystemSoundProperty: An enum that represents the system sound properties defined by System Sound Services. This enum is used in place of the property constants defined by the System Sound Services API.
  • SystemSoundError: An ErrorType enum that represents the various OSStatus error codes defined by System Sound Services. Traditional Swift error handling replaces the awkward OSStatus codes that are returned by System Sound Services functions.

Using SystemSound

The SystemSound class makes it easy to create and play system sounds. You initialize a SystemSound with the URL to the sound file that you want to play.

The SystemSound class has a delegate property that can be set to any object that conforms to the SystemSoundDelegate protocol. The SystemSoundDelegate protocol has only one required method, didFinishPlaying(_:), which is called when the sound is done playing.

The following short example shows how to configure a basic SystemSound as a view controller property:

class ViewController: UIViewController, SystemSoundDelegate {
  var mySound: SystemSound?
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    // soundURL is a valid NSURL to a sound file
    mySound = try? SystemSound(url: soundURL)            
    mySound?.delegate = self
  func didFinishPlaying(sound: SystemSound) {
    print("The sound has finished playing.")

Once the SystemSound has been associated with an URL, it can be played using mySound?.play(), or played as an alert using mySound?.playAsAlert(). The delegate's didFinishPlaying(_:) method will be called when the sound has finished playing. It is not necessary to set the delegate property if you don't need this functionality.

When using the SystemSound class you do not need to worry about disposing of the system sound when you are done with it. The system sound will be automatically disposed of when the SystemSound object is de-initialized.

Using SystemSoundID

SystemSoundID (which is just a typealias for UInt32) has been conformed to SystemSoundType. That means that any UInt32 value can be used as a system sound. All you have to do is initialize it with the URL of the sound file that you want to associate it with:

var mySound = try! SystemSoundID(url: soundURL)

Once initialized you can call any of the available SystemSoundType methods on it:

// Play the sound

// Play the sound as an alert

System sounds should be disposed of when you are through using them. The following code is an example of a view controller declaring a soundID property, initializing it in viewDidLoad() and disposing of it in it's deinit method:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
  var soundID: SystemSoundID?
  override func viewDidLoad() {
      // soundURL is a valid NSURL to a sound file
      soundID = try? SystemSoundID(url: soundURL)
  deinit {
    do {
      try soundID.dispose()
    } catch {

Note that if you use the SystemSound class instead of SystemSoundID, you do not need to dispose of the sound. It is automatically disposed of in SystemSound's deinit method.

Adding Completion Handlers

System sounds allow you to add a completion handler that will be called when the sound is finished playing. SystemSoundType has two methods for adding and removing completion handlers:

// Add a completion handler
public func addCompletion(
  inRunLoop: NSRunLoop? = nil,
  inRunLoopMode: String? = nil,
  inClientData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> = nil,
  inCompletionRoutine: AudioServicesSystemSoundCompletionProc) throws
// Remove a completion handler
public func removeCompletion()

If you use the built-in SystemSound class, there are no completion handlers. Instead, use the SystemSound's delegate property to assign a delegate to the system sound. The delegate's didFinishPlaying(_:) method will be called when the sound is finished playing.

Accessing the System Sound's Properties

Both the SystemSoundType protocol and the SystemSound class provide methods for getting and setting a system sound's properties:

// Get and set the kAudioServicesPropertyIsUISound property
public func isUISound() throws -> Bool
public func isUISound(value: Bool) throws

// Get and set the kAudioServicesPropertyCompletePlaybackIfAppDies property
public func completePlaybackIfAppDies() throws -> Bool
public func completePlaybackIfAppDies(value: Bool) throws

SystemSoundType has additional methods for getting the property size and determining whether the property is writable. See the documentation on the CocoaPods website for further information.


  • OS X 10.10 or later
  • iOS 8.0 or later


LVGSwiftSystemSoundServices is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "LVGSwiftSystemSoundServices"




LVGSwiftSystemSoundServices is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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