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Robert Stern edited this page Sep 16, 2015 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the dockery wiki!

Development ideas

You could find the long term ideas on this wiki page!

Release notes


  • Add: add search for container diff
  • Add: commit container as image (initial version, with basic validations)
  • Add: Extend saved configuration scope with extra data. Version, etc...
  • Add: announce the chrome app change from packaged to hosted
  • Add: release notes to about/first run of new version
  • Add: Add bootstrapping page to the app during the startup
  • Add: login into the docker hub and/or insecure private repo(s)
  • Add: info about cors config pre/post 1.18
  • Fix: removed $promise and $removed properties from the pure json view in containerDetails


  • Add: link containers in Create
  • Add: show links in container details
  • Add: release notes to about
  • Fix: Create container on/off switch changed from radio to checkbox
  • Fix: CSS/colspan on Repository view
  • Fix: Xterm.js css wasn't imported


  • Add: image search/pull (from the public repo)
  • Add: copyright when released or published (xterm.js, json-formatter)
  • Add: version info
  • Add: remove button/entry to images list
  • Add: clear finished tasks
  • Fix: clicking on image in container list causes error (need to load all images into the rootscope)
  • Fix: scrolling in window not enabled as chrome app


  • Add: list active containers related to the image in image details
  • Fix: add http/https prefix selector to host URL


  • Add: tag list to the image details
  • Fix: show image name in the image details
  • Fix: use image ID in container list link, because the 'namespace/repo:tag' is forwarding to wrong place


  • Add: container details/volumes-from (get volume from other containers)
  • Add: privileged containers should show warning color in details or maybe in the lists too
  • Add: display privileged container on container details page
  • Add: mark privileged containers on container list page
  • Add: Show environment variables on container details page


  • Add: filter by table header fields in containers list
  • Add: filter by table header fields in images list


  • Add: sort by table header fields in containers list
  • Add: sort by table header fields in images list


  • Add: image deletion to the image list view
  • Add: create container: name format check


  • Add: create container page - basic
  • Fix: select all in containers can't be change (it' all or nothing)


  • Rescheduled


  • Add: rename container to container list view - Remote api version dependent feature
  • Add: release automatically in docker image format
  • Fix: display port assignments [exposed image without public, exposed with -P, exposed with -p, portless image with -P, portless image with -p]
  • Fix: image non-port exposure issue at: http://localhost:63342/dockery/app/imageDetails/imageDetails.js:23:63


  • Rescheduled


  • Add: containerdetails/volumes


  • Add: start/stop/pause/kill/etc.. button to container details view to manage a container
  • Add: group containers by their state [running, paused, stopped]
  • Fix: loading process always displayed on stopped containers
  • Fix: no previuously loaded top data shown for just stopped containers on the containersdetails page


  • Add: start/stop/pause/kill/etc.. button to container list view to manage containers
  • Fix: select all containers, not selected all containers properly.


  • Add: "Please wait..." view/anim for time consuming operations (container size, diff, ps, etc...)
  • Fix: default connection issue (two green buttons on hosts view)
  • Fix: image details view error with root images/no port exposed images because of a missing property


  • Add: container details diff view: refresh button
  • Fix: finish container details page TBD items
  • Fix: make containers/container details head smaller
  • Fix: Don't call top when container is stopped
  • not fixed: Don't cut down first character on displayed container name when the first char differ from '/' - replaced with Full name feature.


  • Add: TTY view to containers/container details/tty listing


  • Add: log view to containers/container details/diff listing


  • Add: go first, go last to containers/container details/diff listing
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