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Minimal Example


This repository has a minimal example to reproduce the error of EPackage registry by Eclipse Epsilon operation.

Technical Requirements

  • Java Development Kit v8
  • Eclipse Neon. Include this Plugins:
    • Eclipse Epsilon 1.3
    • Eclipse Sirius 4
    • OCLTools
    • GMF
    • EEF
    • Acceleo


This repository has 4 projects, the most important is "EPackageRegistryExample" in which has the core assets to reproduce the error. The others projects are a complement to has a Sirius Editor.

In this order of ideas, "EPackeageRegistryExample" has a folder called "Core" that contents:

  • MetamodelSetterExampl.eol -> code to register EPackager by EOL script.
  • SiriusSpecsCorrectExample.xmi -> It's a specs model of Eclipse Siruis with a correct configuration of metamodels.
  • SiriusSpecsGenerated.xmi -> It's a specs model of Eclipse Siruis that will use has input of the EOL script, that has not a metamodels configuration.
  • SimpleOO.ecore -> It's a metamodel that will add as metamodel configuration in the Sirius specs.
  • DatasetForSiriusTest.xmi -> It's dynamic instance from SimpleOO.ecore. This will use to test the Sirius Editor with the metamodels configuration.
  • backup -> i't s a folder that contents backups of: a DatasetForSiriusTest.xmi and SiriusSpecsGenerated.xmi.

Process to Reproduce Error

Step 1: Import Projects.

  1. Import all projects in your Eclipse Instance.
  2. Open the Principal project "EPackageRegistryExample".
  3. Open the folder "Core".
  4. Register SimpleOO.ecore with right-click.

Image 1

Step 2: Check Ecore Estructure

  1. Open SimpleOO.ecore file.
  2. Check Ns URI configuration to have idea of the correct result.

Image 2

Step 3: Open SiriusSpecsGenerated.xmi

  1. With right-click, open the file "SiriusSpecsGenerated.xmi" with the Text Editor.
  2. Verify that has not any metamodel tag.

If the correct must see it like this: Image 3

Step 4: Open MetamodelSetterExample.eol

Image 4

  1. Open the file called "MetamodelSetterExample.eol".
  2. Consider the following:
    • This script calls a java native class called "EmfTool", this class allows to get EPackages registered on the EMF Registry.
    • In the line 7 and 10, we get two EPackage from the EMF Registry with the NsUri of each one.
    • In the line 16 and 17, we add the epackages as metamodels required for the Sirius specs.
  3. Close the file and pass to the next step.

Step 5: Configure EOL Program.

  1. Open the Runs Configuration of the Eclipse. Image 5

  2. With double-click, create a new configuration for a "EOL Program", set source configuration the file "MetamodelSetterExample.eol" and set the name with "MetamodelSetterExample". Image 6

  3. Open the models tab and add a new model with this configuration.

Image 8

  1. As result you will has this.

Image 7

Step 6: Run EOL Program

  1. Click on the buttom "run" and the console will print this: Image 9

Step 7: Compare the result.

  1. Check in the file "SiriusSpecsGenerated.xmi" with the text editor, and you will find this tags: Image 10

  2. Now, open the file "SiriusSpecsCorrectExample.xmi" and find the same tags.

Image 11

This is the problem, the URI are not the same. I guess because the second file ("SiriusSpecsCorrectExample.xmi") was configurated manually and in a second instance of Eclipse with the Sirius Editor as a plugin, therefore, it hasn't the same runtime and that make a reference with a different URI.

Step 8: Test Sirius Specs.

  1. In run configuration, create a Eclipse Application and run this as a second instance.
  2. In the second instance, create a Modeling Project called "Example". Image 12
  3. Copy the files SiriusSpecsCorrectExample.xmi, SiriusSpecsGenerated.xmi and DatasetForSiriusText.xmi.
    • Change the extension of SiriusSpecsCorrectExample.xmi to SiriusSpecsCorrectExample.odesign
    • Change the extension of SiriusSpecsGenerated.xmi to SiriusSpecsGenerated.odesign
    • Open the file SiriusSpecCorrectExample.xmi. Image 13

Valite the metamodel configuration as the image example.

  1. Open the file SiriusSpectGenerated.xmi, and validate metamodel configuration, and you will has this. Image 14


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