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MVP List

lfs48 edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 1 revision

Euler, a mathematics themed Tumblr clone, is a blogging platform that allows users to post and share quotes, images, videos, and other media.

1. Hosting on Heroku (03/26/19)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (03/27/2019, 1.5 days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, and log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site.
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (liking, reblogging, etc)

3. Posts (03/30/2019, 3 days)

  • Logged in users can make new posts.
  • Posts can be text, image, quote, link, or chat
  • Logged in users can edit their posts.
  • Posts have hashtags.

4. Follows (04/01/2019, 2 days)

  • Users can follow other users.
  • Users can follow hashtags.
  • Users can view a list of the users/tags they are following.
  • Users can view a list of users that follow them.
  • Users can unfollow users/tags they are following.

5. Dashboard (04/03/2019, 2 days)

  • Users have a dashboard to display posts.
  • Dashboard displays user's own posts.
  • Dashboard displays posts from users/hashtags the user follows.
  • Dashboard displays 'trending' posts.

6. Likes (04/04/2019, 1 days)

  • Users can like posts.
  • Each post displays a list of notes, which lists each user that has liked the post.
  • Users can browse the posts they've previously liked.

7. Production README (04/05/2019, 0.5 days)


  • Reblogs
  • Video and audio posts
  • Post searching by author/content/hashtag
  • Comments