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FBFAX (Version 0.10395) - english



fbfax − Fax server functionality: induces automatic fax transmission of files, naming of received faxes and logging of all of them in a database
(manpage-Hilfe in deutsch verfügbar: ’man fbfax’ oder ’man -Lde fbfax’)


fbfax [-<shortopt>|--<longopt> [<supplement>]] ...







Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10395
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10395
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10395
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10395
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10393
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10392
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10391
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10391
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/autofax/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10385
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/autofax/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10383
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10361
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10360
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10359
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10358
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10357
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10351
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10350
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10350
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10350
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10349
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10349
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10348
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10346
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10345
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10345
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10344
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (1)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)



Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10344
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (1)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10343
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (900)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10343
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-msec, --maxsec <zahl>
: no of seconds for a fax (2)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10338
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10338
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10337
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10337
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10336
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10336
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10335
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10334
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10334
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10333
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10332
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10331
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10330
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10329
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10328
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10327
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10326
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-writec, --writeconf
: write configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10325
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10324
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10323
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10322
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-shdr, --showdirs
: show spool directories like /var/spool/fbfax/waiting (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10320
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10319
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)



Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)



Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)






Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10318
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10317
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10316
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10315
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)









Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)



Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)




Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10312
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


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Stelle 2
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz1678.SH FUNCTIONALITY
-2lines 0
columns 0








find /usr -maxdepth 1 -type d -name ’lib*’


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10311
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


















Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10306
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10306
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10305
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10305
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10305
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10305
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-scf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10305
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-cf, --showconf
: show the name of the configuration file (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10304
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-oi, --onlyin
: inserts faxes only (0)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10303
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10302
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10301
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10301
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10300
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10300
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10300
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10300
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10300
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10300
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10298
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10297
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10295
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10295
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10294
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10292
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10289
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10287
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10286
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10286
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose <zahl>
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute <zahl>
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10285
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose <zahl>
: screen output more verbose (0)
-mu, --mute <zahl>
: screen output completely mute (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /root/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10284
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10283
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10283
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10283
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10282
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10281
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10279
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10278
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10276
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10275
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>
: choses <path> as log directory, currently (’/var/log’)
-lf, --logfilename <string>
: log file <string> (in path ’/var/log’) will be used instead of (’fbfax.log’)
-l, --log <zahl>
: put detailed logs in file ’/var/log/fbfax.log’ (otherwise shorter) (0)
-cm, --cronminutes <string>
: every how many minutes shall fbfax be called in crontab (0=not at all), instead of (’0’)


Programm: /home/schade/fbfax/fbfax, V: 0.10274
Options which are not saved (current value in parentheses):
-st, --stop
: stop fbfax (0)
-n, --reccount <string>
: No. of listed entries = <no> instead of (’30’)
-fl, --file <string>
: file to be faxed (’’)
-to, --to <string>
: target fax number (’’)
-v, --verbose
: screen output more verbose (0)
-lfn, --logfilenew
: delete log file afore (0)
-cf, --conffile <string>
: uses configuration file <string> instead of (’’)
-h, --help
: Explanation of frequent options (3)
-lh, --longhelp
: Explanation of all options (3)
-vi, --vi
: edit/view configuration file , log file etc. (finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-vs, --vs
: edit/view source files in /home/schade/fbfax(finish with ’:qa’) (0)
-autoupd, --autoupdate <zahl>
: Update program automatically (1)
-ia, --interactive
: all parameters will be prompted (some of them not shown here) (0)
-noia, --nointeraction
: no questions, e.g. for a call from within cron (0)
-info, --version
: shows the program version (0)
Options to be saved in the configuration file: (preced. ’1’=don’t save, ’no’=contrary, e.g. ’-noocra’,’-1noocri’):
-wdr, --waitdir <path>
: files are waiting in <path> instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/waiting’)
-fdr, --faxeddir <path>
: Processed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/faxed’)
-ndr, --notfaxeddir <path>
: Failed faxes are collected here instead of (’/var/spool/fbfax/notfaxed’)
-usr, --usr <string>
: takes the user <string> for the fritzbox instead of (’libelle17’)
-pwd, --pwd <string>
: uses the password <string> for the fritz box
-host, --host <string>
: host address for the fritz box (’’)
-msn, --msn <string>
: MSN for faxing (’6150166’)
-sdrno, --senderno <string>
: sender no on fax (’081316150166’)
-sdr, --sender <string>
: sender name on fax (’G.Schade’)
-msq, --minsequence <string>
: comma-separated sequence of minutes of the send tries (’2,2,3,3,3,5,5,10,10,60,60,60,120,120,720,1440’)
-lg, --language <string>
: Language/Sprache/Lingue/Lingua [deutsch,englisch] (’e’)
-ldr, --logdir <path>